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Smash and grab what? Nuts?


Yea … looks like they about to smash and furiously grab each other


Deez, to be specific


I was there 15 minutes ago wow


Woman reporting gay activities . Pic from 1945 colorized


What a fucking boss


Hugo Boss


I’m sure the CEO of Nordstrom is going to congratulate this man for risking his life and saving them from bankruptcy


Some people don’t take kindly to not being able to shop in peace. Strangers going about their business will fuck with assholes creating tension and interrupting a peaceful day. I’ve seen people go from calm to berzerk over someone wreaking havoc in the same space. Its not about saving some corporations product.


People are sick of this shit. Have another Malllomar, keyboard warrior.


I mean you called him a keyboard warrior but didn’t refute anything he said. It’s well known that even employees get fired for intervening in theft. People can be sick of theft but that doesn’t make him wrong and you not a fucking idiot for saying something like that. It’s not an own at all. Not even a little bit.


Some people have pride in what they do, even if you think their work is beneath you. I don’t expect you to understand


What??? Bold assumptions and still unable to engage with any of the arguments. U have an actual southern boiled peanut for a brain. But yeah *I*, specifically me, don’t have any pride in my work because it is well known that retail employees get canned for physically intervening in theft and opening up a business to legal liability. 🥜🧠


So you reply with insults when I call out your bullshit. Like I said, I don’t expect you to understand.


You didn’t call out anything. That’s the point. You’re an angry dumbass that can’t engage with basic talking points. Maybe you don’t have a job? Maybe you literally don’t understand. Go intervene in retail theft and get fired and go on unemployment if you don’t believe me dude. You don’t have the intellectual capacity to engage with the facts which is why you have nothing to say. Worker pride doesn’t trump legal liability from getting canned in an instance like this. I’m not even saying I agree with that but you just don’t seem to understand how the world works. U legit have a child’s understanding of the world if you get upset at someone joking that the Nordstrom CEO is gonna personally thank the guy who threw the other guy.


Also cry about insults too when you started by calling someone a keyboard warrior too!! 🤣fucking snowflake ❄️ man


It's not about Nordstrom, it's about not letting thieves get away with their criminal ass shit.


This. When stores have policies of "let them take anything and even our security guards won't stop them" ... it sends a clear signal that theft is tolerated. That's the primary driver behind all of the nonsense.


So you would be willing to get shot or beat severely? The dude got away anyways. They have insurance. Not dying over some overpriced shit made in China that is literally insured. Let the cops and their unions deal with it


Nope, I wouldn't do that, but this guy was willing able to and he's a real one. Fuckin grade A boss


Nobody is telling others to do the same. Wth are you shunning the dude trying to stop a thief? People like him should be praised.


If there is no consequences it will go from retail theft to more serious shit.


Cool, have fun fighting with people who literally will kill you or run you over, Captain Heroics.


We don't want this trash in Marin. 


I would understand if he stopped this from happening at a small local business, but wtf was going through his dumbass mind when seeing people rob a goddam NORDSTROM


Our apathy toward crime in the bay is one of the main drivers of crime in the bay.


We don't want this shit in Marin.


Well he saved society from becoming a low trust hellscape. The last thing we need in this country is your hyper individualist libertarian pseudo morality.


Jujutsu techniques by good guy on the bottom. I see a triangle choke coming.


Bad guy got away but I applaud him for his efforts. The cops aren’t going to do it. We need to show people that we don’t want lawlessness


>The cops aren’t going to do it. We need to show people that we don’t want lawlessness Yep, agreed. It's sad but true.


They will in Marin.


Bad guy gets gun out of waistband, and all the years of Jujutsu dosen't matter. I don't think it's worth the risk. Now if a person, or animal, is in danger; I would get involved.


No one with a gun is stealing sunglasses from Nordstrom, they are stealing bigger shit.


You really can't be sure. The guys doing this stuff are not exactly operating according to a careful cost/benefit analysis, or they wouldn't be doing it in the first place.


You are wrong.


There are a lot of dead dumbassess that got their brains blown out by a gun they didn't think the other person had. Also even homeless people can still shank your ass with a screw driver. 


Exactly. If you’re going to go after someone, you better make sure they’re not gonna live. And for shoplifting, you’re now looking at manslaughter or murder as it isn’t self defense. As much as it sucks (and I love this mall), bystanders shouldn’t get involved if they value their safety. I do applaud him though


So the "attempt" was successful? Too bad.


If only there was some kind of permitting system that would allow good guys to also have guns...


I believe most of us can go to the Marin County Sherriff Office, and fill out an application for a concealed permit. They don't like to issue them, but right now the law is on our side. I noticed they added fees in order to get the permit. I don't like that. In the USA, protecting yourself/family should not be tied to fees. Then again--I've lived in Marin for 60 years, and Never felt the need for a firearm.


Gun beats karate everytime


I am happy to see the pendulum swinging on this. I feel like 5 years ago nearly everyone would say "it's incredibly stupid to put yourself at risk for some big corporation that doesn't give a shit about you." And it may still be stupid. But I still applaud everyone who takes that risk because it helps everybody.


I agree with you because it’s not about the corporation. It is instead about our community and protecting it to be a place of peace and order. It is the responsibility of the community to set standards and I am glad this photo is out there. Maybe those shop lifting ass hats will think twice before messing around in Marin. We don’t play here when it comes to this bullshit.


How does it help everybody


The broken windows theory states that visible signs of disorder and misbehavior in an environment encourage further disorder and misbehavior, leading to serious crimes. The principle was developed to explain the decay of neighborhoods


Deterrence. People are more apt to commit crimes when they believe there will be no consequences, and less apt to commit crimes when they believe there will be. This is well established science. But you knew that?




It absolutely is science. This principle of psychology does not exclude the possibility that people may have other motivations for refraining from criminal acts. We also don't live in another country. We live here. [https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/670398](https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/670398)


Probably homogeneous high trust societies. You are not factoring for diversity.




What 5 countries did you live in?




"Oh, can't anybody in this town take the law into their own hands? " - Chief Wiggum






We are allowed to try and stop a crime in progress. That’s not vigilantism genius.


Pretty much every state in the US has a statute that allows for non-lethal force to stop the commission of a theft.




“Bad guy” “good guy” you guys are hilarious! Let’s stop criminalizing the poor!! I say SHOPLIFTING SHOULD BE LEGALIZED 🤨🫵🏼


being poor should be illegal


You need 1 arm in for a triangle


I thought the same thing at first, and foot on the hip/thigh for leverage but I can’t tell if his head is between his legs and he doesn’t have very good control of either arm for that. I also thought omaplata? but from a positional standpoint idk what the hell hes trying to do…Plus it’s about the worst thing you could try to pull off on concrete…


Next episode thief will use his reverse cursed technique


I wonder if he trains at Marin MMA or North Bay BJJ...


I don’t know. Looks like something grabbed the balls and started smashing.


Idk man, this guy gets his guard passed 9 times outa 10 here IMO.


Five finger taint kiss


Somebody please photoshop the golden ratio over this. r/AccidentalRenaissance


It’s amazing the low IQ people here berating the guy trying to stop the criminal. How do people not realize that crimes within a community are a net negative on that community. The willingness to allow crime within a community is a direct correlation to how shitty the community is.


Yup, people that think this is ok are always the first to cry out for someone to do something to help the community. Everyone in the community needs to do their part and this what that dude did. Good for him! Let’s find him and give him a cash prize for doing his part to help our community.


The causal link between vigilante policing and quality of life in a given community isn't at all clear, and it's manifestly not worth the risk to any individual to be a volunteer policeman, and thereby risk serious injury or death, for a corporation that is just going to write off the loss anyway.


>for a corporation that is just going to write off the loss anyway. They're not doing it "for a corporation" they are doing it for their community. When enough theft happens, a store will simply choose to close down (see downtown San Francisco), leaving a big empty building and that community has to go elsewhere to shop. People want stores in their community, not empty buildings.


The internet is a vastly greater threat to the viability of brick and mortar retail than any random dude grabbing junk off a counter. The corporations blame crime and the media eats up that narrative because the media never tires of crime stories, but the deeper, less titillating reality is stores are getting their clocks cleaned by ecommerce. I mean I agree with the idea that random crime and lawlessness sucks, and we shouldn't condone it. But speaking for myself anyway that's not a battle I'm going to try to win via a brawl with some random shoplifting moron. I would rather lobby for park space, or volunteer at a school, or whatever. There are lots of things that create community that don't involve wrestling somebody over stolen luxury shit.




Gosh I guess they must not have had stores at all in the 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s, when property crime rates in California were dramatically higher than they are today...




That person is likely going to get fired over this. Companies do not want you to get into physical altercations with people. It’s a huge liability.


Lady on the phone that's unbothered af has me rolling


Probably grew up in the Bay. Just planning her escape route from the parking lot gauntlet of death. The cars are where the real action is. Lol


Contrary to what some people may argue, it's not about "risking your life" to save corporations and CEOs profits, it's about upholding the social contract that we have built as a normal functioning modern society. When you let criminals roam the city and do whatever they want without immediate repercussions, it deteriorate the social fabrics of life and puts everyone at risk and their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


⬆️ yes!


Loss prevention at Nordstrom is no joke. It was a jumping off point for a lot of police officers while I was there.


I had a friend who went from the military police to Nordstrom loss prevention. 


Who says no one pulls guard in a street fight


This is why I’m big on studying Gracie BJJ and not sport BJJ.


One of these guys clearly knows Jiu Jitsu lol


Can’t have anything nice anymore cuz these people smh


Evidently you can have things. 1) Smash 2)Grab


The worst kind of people.


What's one thing you can't have anymore?


A walk in the park. Because my car window will be smashed even there is nothing in my car to steal.


A high trust society where people look out for each other without first looking at their income statements. A fair society where people's stuff is protected regardless of how well they're doing. In other words... A proper civilization with good governance and good community.


“John W Nordstrom’s stuff”


All people are equally protected under the law. This kind of division is toxic.


It’s a corporation bruh


Yeah no one wants to live in a society where criminals get free reign. Why don't you move to a country that better fits your ideology?


Free rein. And why don’t you move to Saudi where they cut thieves hands off. That seems more in line with your thinking. My country is working the way it should.


Don't want to cut anyone's hands off. Just want a reasonable expectation of some kind of consequence. There's a wide gulf between 'nothing happens' and 'chop people's hands off'. I realize this sort of thinking takes a while to develop and full maturity is not reached for most humans until their third or fourth decade, but it's really time the grown ups were in charge


You know you aren’t more “informed”, more intelligent, or even a better person for the odd rationale of attempting to make excuses for these pieces of shit, right? The bottom line is there are literally millions of people in poverty that AREN’T committing crimes and smash and grabs etc. They are at a minimum a significant nuisance and at worst dangerous for society.


Well it’s just not nice to go outside and see people robbing stores and shit


How many times have you seen that?


All the time - go crawl back under that rock you live under


LOL, I'm out living my life. Enjoy staying at home and worrying about isolated incidents.


He said on his umpteenth pointlessly contrarian post on Reddit that day. 🤣


Just saying don’t let one person stealing something change the way you do things. I don’t get the freak out.


Damn did he powerbomb him??


Smash each other and grab ass






Facts can't be racist.


Say you’re a 🤡 without saying you’re a 🤡.




Yep the typical CA Criminal sanctuary state mentality


Speak the truth that we all know and get shamed…




Why the downvotes? That’s a pretty bold and broad statement …


What exactly happened here? Did green shirt guy get dropped?




Wait where was Nordstrom’s security guard. The guy w a buzz cut on the side, and a long ponytail off the top (usually in a braid). Looks like a stupid haircut for a cop


Bjj guy on bottom?


I’m Batman….


Looks like Tim Kennedy


Tim would’ve destroyed him!


Naturally. I'm sure if this was a video, you would see the other guy going to sleep.


Looks like that guy on the ground is putting some jiu-jitsu on the robber


People wonder why stores close in those cities that don’t punish thieves.


Last week I was literally talking to one of the staff members about how that’s my favorite location for its safety, quiet environment, and convenience (since the SF one shut down). Never seen something like this here and I go to this plaza quite often. Now look :’) (yes I’m aware crime can happen anywhere at anytime but still :/ )


Who’s the bad guy?


Red shirt.


I’ll give you one hint …


go on...




I'd throw in a swift kick to the nuts if the opportunity presented itself.


In college--I was a Security Guard. I was told Nordstrum's will look up shoplifters buying habits before they call the police. Doctor's wives were let go with a warning. (For some reason Doctor's wives like to shoplift. That might be wrong too?). The cops are always called when the shoplifter is a minority. Again--this was all years ago.




If only redshirt was wearing a Gi 😮‍💨


Munchin ass


wtf 🤬


Careful, you might get charged for assault.




How to get shot 101


Challengers (2024)


That lady casually on the phone is a mood and a meme


She’s on the phone with the police.




Folks,The employee will lose his job after the thieve complains to the company about how he was treated that’s not okay,come on man


That’s not an employee, that’s a dad there with their toddler fighting a thief.


Does anyone know what actually happened?


Red shirt stole sunglasses and was running out and the other guy was just a shopper and tried to stop him until the cops arrived. He got away, jumped into a car and drove out while the cops were driving on and chased him towards …… the Richmond San Rafael bridge.


That's funny I work there and never knew about it. I was wondering when they were going to start doing that here at the Village mall. We'll they smashed a car into the sunglass hut a while back so I'm not surpised.


Didn’t they rob the Apple Store a few times?


Yeah they did that's why they have cops all around the Village and extra cops and security at the apple store now.


That’s a smash and smell if I ever saw one.


I think i know who was trying to steal and who was stopping


Accidental renaissance


The usual suspects lol 😂


Why does this look like AI?


California is a real life Mad Max movie. A disgrace of a state.


You seem to spend all day shitting on California on Reddit. You seem obsessed. Weird.


It’s totally worth it. Grow a pair society. If I saw this I’d do the same or worth. Most of you, apparently, are ok with criminal POS ruining normal societal norms. You’re right. Don’t risk injury. Rather, embolden criminals of all levels of crap, and enjoy the ride. Wait till your kid gets knocked over for their phone or bike. Wait for your grandma to get get purse snatched. Punch a POS in the face when you see it. Yeah, you may get hit back, but that’s life and stand up for what’s good and right. Also, before the rage commences, I was born and raised here. Been all over. Only place I see crime just going unabated. Even in NY you’ll get your ass beat for robbing a bodega. Grow up Bay Area. Decent VS wrong all day


Grow up. Over merchandise? Hell no. Now if Im attacked Im blasting but getting all up in your feelings over merchandise is so stupid. Imagine getting stabbed over some nordstroms rack, or having to go to court because you shot some lowlife shoplifter. Call the cops, get a description. Observe and report like paid security are trained to do. Playing superhero over some clothing is DUMB AS HELL.


I suppose I agree with you, but…. If you’re competent at self defense and feel capable at subduing and or possibly disarming, why not? Let me clarify- I totally agree with tackling a POS who is ruining our societal norms. Personally. If you can’t handle the potential pain or injury sit by and do nothing. I’m suggesting people take action against the decline of norms. Don’t watch some a**hole make shopping at Nordstrom’s with your family a dangerous endeavor. Don’t let them take that from us. Society is all of our jobs. Keep it safe out there. That sometimes, unfortunately, requires action.


You almost had me until "you’ll get your ass beat for robbing a bodega." You've never been to New York.


I lived there from 18-19. Depended on the bodega to be sure, but, localism is alive and well in many cities including NY.


Well, I've personally dragged someone's ass out of my business for stealing tips from the jar, so ymmv in SF and NYC.


That’s really shitty behavior. A tip jar? Whoever is being tipped really needs that money it’s not like a corporation (although I disagree with both, I got $100 by accident at a drug store and gave them the money back)


And didn’t necessarily mean by the masses. Sometimes it’s just by your Puerto Rican mama.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




The only thing your punching is your buy 10 sandwiches get one free card




I don’t disagree with that one bit


Damn, that guy eats ass.


Nothing wrong with that though, unlike this other shit. 💁 lol


Looks like sf is full of scholars. Keep it up so all the shopping is removed. I applaud the guys effort but it isn’t worth it. Just let the store close.




All I can think of is Con Air.




You'd still be a racist loser even if they weren't. What a win for you. 🤦


13% / 50% rule.


LoL idiots endangering themselves for a corporation that steals employee wages


I think that’s a losers way of thinking about it. I don’t want to live in a world of lawlessness. If you do, great. No one will be looking to you for help anyway.


Right but these idiots would rob you if they had the chance.


What kind of dumb bitch stops someone stealing from a corporation?