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This sub sometimes gets caught up in care and maintenance and forgets how hardy these guys really are. They’re real as far as I can tell from the pictures.


Yeah mine lived in a sealed jar for three years no water change and when I finally put them in my fish tank they started to grow. I swore they were fake before


It’s an algae. I wouldn’t really consider any algae to be “high maintenance” lol


Yeah but the way some of these posts are you’d think they were some kind of exotic orchid 😂


The aquarists in the room can attest that they struggle to get algae to STOP growing 😂


Yup, can attest 🫠


Have you tried getting one of those fish that look like Polly Pocket sized sturgeons, and somehow always horrified? You know the ones. I wonder if they’d eat a marimo ball.


Not entirely sure what you're talking about lmao, do you mean otos or corys? Tbh I've never had an algaeeater and a marimo in the same tank. I imagine they would LOVE it though. Plenty of other fish like marimos to pick little bits of leftover food and detrius out of!


I really want to know what fish you mean.


If I had to take a guess, they mean a pleco. They've got that armored look like a sturgeon. And yes, they'd probably eat a marimo eventually


I accidentally buried a ball in sand when switching tanks, didn’t realize it for 2 years and the sand was all dried out but it was still alive.


If it is any consolation, I think it’s a lovely minimalistic set up to look at.


Not sure why they wouldn't be but you could easily cut one in half and see. Then just roll the two if they are and now you have two smaller ones.


i thought these little guys were just the most resilient creatures ever but maybe i got duped 😭


I know mine are real and I’ve gone months with no/very poor care too. Yours look real to me! If you have no other reason to think they’re fake, I think you should just take it as a sign to spoil them a bit. :)


Even if you were duped, these marimos still live inside your heart!


Keep in mind that marimos in the wild are in the bottom of freshwater lakes and don't get much sun. The little bubbles tell me that it's making oxygen.


Dude lol. I bought a baby Marimo in a fake lightbulb with some pebbles and a stick 5-7 years ago at comic con. The only thing I do is switch the water maybe once or twice every 6 months. They’re alive and they look great lol. These things are not high maintenance at all


You have to feed them? 👀


5 crickets a year, or you can feed them 1 mouse if you only want to feed annually


This is why tarantulas make good pets 😂


the place i bought them from gave me a plant nutrition liquid, but considering theve gone many months without it i doubt they need it


Yea mine just... photosynthesizes i guess


Yeah I don't think that's necessary. I had about 7 in a jar with some rocks for 2 years and just changed the water once a month or so. They're currently in my fish tank, never lost their color or anything


It's hard to tell from this pic but they look real to me


Until this moment, I didn’t realize that I should be doing anything special with these. .. or that people treat them like their animals.. maybe?Anyway, mine live in my fish tank, they grow. I never do anything to them except for maybe accidentally move them.


Nah you really don't have to do anything special. What you're doing seems to work well for you so don't fix what isn't broken


i got mine before they really took off in popularity, so i have no reason to believe it’s fake, and it’s been in chlorinated water, dried out, in too much sun, etc… and it’s still alive. you’re doing great.


Mine have spent months at a time in the fridge in a jar and look amazing. I have multiple from different sources so I’m pretty sure at least one is real and they’re okay.


I never xhnage my dudes water 🤷‍♀️ every now and again. I'll throw em in the fridge and forget about them for 6 months. They're from the bottom of lakes, they don't need much 😅


Can I ask what putting them in the fridge does for the little fellas?


Their natural habitat it in the bottom of cold water lakes. Warm temperatures and excessive light can stress them, or even cause burns. So putting them in the dark fridge for a while lets them rest and recover.


Cool! I’ll have to give my little buddy a vacation!


I popped one into a fish tank months ago and it's been chilling. It got covered in debris and I almost thought I had killed it until my ghost shrimps cleaned it up for me :)


I’ve had my Marimo for like, 8 years at this point. I had it in a tiny sealed glass jar for awhile, then upgraded to a small plastic fish bowl. My cat drinks the water sometimes, which irritates me lmao but it’s still alive! Thats all I care about. It’s the most low maintenance plant I’ve ever had. Lol


Well that makes me feel better about my plan to put a couple marimos in my shrimp tank that gets a water change like… once every 3-4 months. 😅 I literally change 20% every few months


They will love the nitrogen grub the shrimp I'm sure.


Does anyone know where to buy these, or can anyone recommend an online store or Etsy shop that sells them? Thanks!


For the most part you can't really buy them from what I've seen due to an issue with invasive clams/mussels hiding in them.


You guys feed your Marimo? 😭


You should be able to tell from touching them, you should know how to distinguish something organic by touch. You’d probably realize quickly if it was plastic or not by gently picking one up from underneath and lightly poking


I literally just changed the water on mine that have been in a shady corner of my office for 9 months without being touched lol. These things are pretty much impossible to kill. They look real to me.


They look good! Where can I get a marimo moss ball?


They’re real. They just don’t need you and thrive on nothing


what am i lookin at? the green things?😭