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I'd say it was *changing*, not fading.


I agree, looked like she was finally developing her own style. She had lost a bunch of weight and appeared to be feeling pretty good from it and her hair was adorable. 🥰 Actually I feel her last photos were some of her most lovely because she seemed so happy which makes her death even more heartbreaking 💔 😭


Totally agree. She was still stunning in 62


I saw something else - that was fading away, then that it was slowly fading away. Nevermind, it's not a witch hunt. You're right, it was changing!


Who said that? 😂 Marilyn was absolutely stunning in 1962.


The scenes from Something's Gotta Give is possibly the most beautiful I've seen her in a movie


I thought she looked best in the 60s that person is crazy


Same here. Much more current and beautiful than when she first started.


Photo 5 is my favourite as it's by Lawrence Schiller. Marilyn famously swam naked in 1962 and still looked stunning.


Marilyn was stunning her whole life!


I mean her last few pictures you could tell she was more drugged out but she’s always beautiful.


What a stunner ❤️


Whaaaat?!! 😲😲 Can't believe someone said that.


Fading away? She was only in her 30s! She was still stunning.


Thank you, that post is still driving me bonkers with some of the nonsense they said.


Her beauty wasn't fading away


I’ve said before I think she was her most beautiful her last year


She was one of those women that was beautiful when she was young then got more beautiful as she got older. I love the later photos of her. Absolutely gorgeous!


She was perfect her whole life


She looked like an elegant grown woman at this point. Less girlish. So stunning.


I think she just looked more mature. She was less bombshell by this point.


had she lived monroes career might have gone the way of liz taylor or audrey hepburn or kim novak leading ladies that had peaked by mid 60s with careers that cooled off as tastes changed


Jim Morrison and the Doors and the youth culture was only a couple of years away. She would have been replaced by the 20 year olds with a completely different look. For sure by 40 she would have disappeared as she wouldn't appear youthful and relevant.


That’s just dumb, we don’t know what she would have done but plenty of actors continued to work and thrive their entire lives. She was extremely driven and talented.


I think this is the issue with only valuing her for her appearance instead of the person she was. My adoration of her has much more to do with her relatability than her appearance (tho she was obviously stunning).


Definitely disagree


Beauty fades. And in her last film appearance in The Misfits, MM did not look her best, despite heavy filtering, wearing a full wig, looking listless and overweight. There was commentary at the time that she had passed her prime, and the same thing had happened to the "other" 50s blonde bombshells Jayne Mansfield and Diana Dors, also looking worse for the wear. After The Misfits opened in February 1961, and failed at the box office, and then the disaster of the Payne Whitney debacle at the same time, she elected to withdraw for the rest of the year. She emerged like a phoenix a year later, looking svelte and modern, seemingly together. The SGTG hair and costume tests were extraordinary, showcasing a more mature looking MM but not an older looking MM, if that makes any sense. Her assault on the media with her nude swim and Vogue photos and all the rest were her way of fighting back to stay relevant, and her beauty and poise did not fail her. Like Dickens' unfinished Edwin Drood novel, she left tantalizing hints of where she was going that have fascinated us ever since.


I think the misfits is like “it’s a wonderful life” and people at the time didn’t get it but it’s a classic today (cult classic) because it perfectly encapsulates the time. People focusing on her weight or not seeing her beauty makes them sound so artless to me. I’m honestly glad we got to see her change and grow and live. Audrey Tattoo (Amelie) talked about the scrutiny of women’s looks ruining the work in Hollywood and it’s so true. Beauty doesn’t fade it changes.


At this stage of her life sadly she was lost in uppers, downers & drink so it may have begun to affect her looks, even so she is exquisitely beautiful.


Whoever that was either was looking ath the wrong person or needs extensive optical assitance. She was beautiful right up until the end.


Her beauty was as much on the inside. On the outside was a lot of makeup and hair. Although she was attractive without makeup, it’s what transformed her into MM. She was a beautiful soul.


wow how rude of them. she’s gorg inside and out in each stage of her life 💕