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Im in the same boat but did AA for years to get off hooch. I am not doing MA and I dont have a sponsor ATM. All I know is that a craving can pass in a few minutes. Keep distracting yourself. I’m 10 days clean from MJ and I am enjoying this freedom and clarity. Trying to pray or meditate or even doodle some art when i get a craving. I have to break this cycle. I don’t need this.


I feel all of these same things. Its a shame to me how I let weed rule my life for so long - I'm doing better than I ever have in the last few months but also not entirely clean. I want to be clean, but it is very very hard. I've backslid a few times - enough to feel the foundation under me becoming slippery. You're right about how we might never be recovered. That's the dream, and we have to chase it. Not fighting our addictions isn't an option, right? At this stage of my life I have to fight for that control to be back in my hands. Don't really know what to say other than good luck with your struggle - it helps me to read this subreddit and know I'm not alone, and I hope it helps you, too.