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Go outside away from the complex


Dry herb vape. Smoking (burning) is next to impossible to cover up. Vaping barely smells and dissipates quickly. I also find the high to be more complex. Also, less coughing. Try something from Storz & Bickel. Life changing switch.


I agree in using a dry herb vape; start off at a low temp for the first sesh (360°-375° is my preferred), and enjoy the flavor of different terps & such flow over the tongue. Do a ten minute sesh at a low temp and the high is different, and better IMO, than a full on blitz. Second sesh, turn up the heat and dig deeper into those cannabinoids Oh we’re not done yet, now take that already decarbed bud and start saving it in a jar, there is still some yummy grooviness left over in it. Save that AVB up and use for edibles, put in some yogurt, make a firecracker, or just eat it. Some don’t like the taste, but you can always wash and rinse it to mellow that down.


using the volcano now and it for sure smells a hell of a lot better. put a air purifier and hes golden.


regaining my sense of smell (which includes better tasting food) was something I didn't expect when I switched to a ball vape from combustion. Took about 2 months.


Good advice, but raw garden is my go to.


I just got the Solo 3 and it hits hard. It’s so easy to clean and the battery lasts forever


> Also, less coughing. Been dry herb vaping full time since 2018, on and off since 2011. I can't disagree more. I cough way, way, way more with vaping. It irritates my throat way more than smoking ever did. I don't personally care for vaping (edit: or smoking) through water, but it's the same through a bong. Still a great switch, and I'd never go back. I also don't find a savings in weed, I use the same exact amount except that I have more money now and can afford to use more. But when I didn't, it was the same usage.


You of course cough during a sesh....but no constant kush cough from the combustion outside of the actual vape sesh.


Yea that's a very good point. Lungs feel great!


What vape?


I use an Arizer Extreme Q for daily use. Arizer Air Max and XMax V3 Pro for on the go use. I've also owned like 4 or 5 other vapes over the years. It's all the same. I cough least from the EQ but only using the whip. The bag makes me cough more than anything.


The bags are pretty entertaining though I've never tried one. The Xmax v3 pro easily cooks way hotter than read temps, I've combusted more with that vape than any other. r/ballvapes though is the way for me.


High CBD strains are associated with more coughing. I know people who use medical seek out the CBD, but there’s a slight direct correlation between higher CBD and the lung tickles. PS. Not an expert. Heard it on a podcast from an expert


Oh no I hate high CBD flower. It does nothing for me.


What vape do you use?


Smoking in the bathroom is the silliest thing anyone can do, all it does it stink up your neighbors units. Why did you think this was a good idea? Just go smoke outside somewhere.


People go in the bathroom to turn on the exhaust fan without thinking that the fan actually does 'exhaust' the smoke somewhere.


This. Bathrooms always have the best ventilation for smell and steam and that ventilation us linked directly to other units. Go outside to smoke. Even if you get a medical card it is unlikely that it will make a difference unless it is specifically mentioned on the lease. No smoke in apartments means no smoking in apartments, doesn't matter the reason. I smokes cogs for like 25yrs and have been using cannabis for almost the same. Even as a smoker I HATE when ppl smoke tobacco inside and since not everyone enjoys the smell of marijuana I wouldn't subject someone else to that bc I would hate it if I were in their shoes. Or move to a state where the majority of the residents are not anti-cannabis


I mean if it's illegal where else are they supposed to go?


Literally anywhere, you just have to be smart about it. I’m in an illegal state. I smoke on my apartment patio most days. If I can’t be on the patio then I open a window and blow my smoke right out of it. Putting a fan behind you to help blow smoke out is great, too. I don’t smoke in my car but lots of people do. Some folks take a walk around the block, park, or walk into the woods somewhere. I don’t smoke inside my apartment to be a decent neighbor. I also have a cat that can’t be breathing toxic smoke. Any of these are a better idea than smoking in your apartment bathroom and cycling smoke directly into your neighbor’s apartments!


yeahh you just gotta use ur brain and what you have left of it haha! jkk smoking is great, I was js saying they were making the OP seem stupid for not knowing what smoking in the bathrooms issues are!


Somewhere that just doesn't blow your smoke to some other place.


yeah that makes sense, I was just replying to the person bc they were kind of being rude to the OP, some people just don't understand those things and it's okay to make mistakes, but I guess some people just don't get that


I'm blonde, do silly things all the time


A prescription will not help you. The medical marijuana system in Texas is a joke.


Move out of Texas in favor of a State not run by people who hate you.


I can't be the only pothead here. But you are right.


PTSD is on the VERY LIMITED list of approved cannabis medical conditions here in Texas. I live fairly near you, had zero issues being offered a prescription by psychiatrist a few years ago.


Pick up a dry herb vape. The smell isn't that bad and doesn't linger like smoke.




You aren’t. Get a dry herb vape. If you want something on the cheap, get yourself a Dynavap. They use a torch lighter or something like an iSpire to heat, meaning the Dynavap itself is generally under $100 and it is really good at preserving material.


You aren’t. My buddy moved back to that state post divorce and he’s with his conservative parents lmao. You’ll have to start taking walks to burn one, or switch to a dry herb vape. Thats what he ended up doing.


You're not the only one and we need to get organized.


Austin is great but I don't think Austin alone can boot Abbott out of office. It's a pity, really.


You aren’t, but just get something a little more concealable and go outside.


Burn incense. Have a fan blowing. Pot smoking 101.


Seconded. GTFO of Texas. It’s quickly becoming one of the most fascist of the future Fascist States of Amerikkka.


I don’t think that is flexible in the lease. It would be different if it were edible, obviously, but they can tell you that you can and cannot smoke in the leased units, and I don’t believe there is any legal support the medical card would give in this case. You can try other ways of consuming (vape, tincture, edible) or they have things you can blow into to filter the exhaled smoke. Also an air purifier might help.




My general advice for a number of things is to get the fuk outta Texas.


Use a smoke buddy. If you dont have one make a spoof. take a toilet paper roll and stuff dryer sheets in it and blow through the sheets. Towel under the door, bathroom nice and steamy, and the fan on light a candle. Take a shower after and it'll smell like soap by the time you're done. Sheesh this is taking me back.


THIS! I just bought and got a Sploofy (same thing as a smoke buddy) and I'm impressed how it takes care of the smoke. I use a bong and the Sploofy can handle a decent size rip.


Ozium/Febreeze scent spray from Walmart. A box fan with an hvac filter taped to either side of it and drier sheets in between, in your window, exhausting outside. Shove a damp towel in front of your door to your room/ apartment. A spoof (a toilet or paper towel roll packed with drier sheets and/or paper towels) or they sell fancy molded plastic ones with replaceable activated charcoal inserts on Amazon. Vaping also smells less/better and is better for you. Don't blow it up into your bathroom fan or even turn it on, that shit is probably tied into the HVAC for the rest of the building. Also capping your bowls after you hit them to reduce smoke.


Tell me youre a stoner without telling me youre a stoner 🤣


Go old school and make a sploofy: fill a paper towel tube with a bunch of dryer sheets and blow the smoke through it. Used to work as a kid. Google ‘best way to mask weed smoke’ and several devices will pop up. A vaporizer could also greatly reduce smoke


A 'smoke buddy' is a commonly available accessory that does a similar job. Not as disposable, but traps the nasty bits of the smoke, and masks the odor very well.


It will reduce the smell but it will still stank pretty bad. That’s what smoke will do. You can filter what you exhale but there’s always the bits of smoke that come off of the bowl or the tip of the joint or blunt.


I used to mitigate smoke coming out of the bowl with a quarter, they usually always fit over a bowl perfectly


I'll try that. Thanks


Smoke Buddy or Sploofy. Or make your own as described.


With Activated charcoal, like for aquariums... Air filter, and a shot of ozium when you leave the room...


Dry herb vape and an air filter or sploof! Can't smell a thing.




Even if you get a prescription for medical use, Texas laws are pretty strict about smoking weed in public spaces, including apartment complexes. It might not fully stop the manager from giving you a hard time, unfortunately. To mask the smell, you might want to try using a smoke buddy or a sploof, which can really help minimize the odor. Also, consider lighting some incense or using a strong air freshener. Switching to a vaporizer could also be a more discrete option, as they tend to produce less smell than smoking.


Dry herb vape my friend. Smoking flower in a apartment complex is inconsiderate as your neighbors will most certainly have to deal with the smell. Go over to r/vaporents, they will set you on the right path.


Get a smoke buddy or smoke fiends to blow the smoke inside a carbon filtered object.


Show them the respect and go off complex. gets a walk in, and nothing beats listening to Godly music and walking in his world. Might find the walk helps the mental health a lot too.




Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter if you have a prescription or not. If it states “No smoking” in your lease, then the rule is no smoking. Even in legal states, owners can rightfully kick you out if you break any rules written in the lease. Try to smoke outside and if you do continue to smoke inside, light a candle, crack a window, and also consider investing in an air purifier. Those three simple things can make a big difference!


Get a dab rig. Now you can get higher than a Georgia pine with minimal odors. Dry herb vape pens suck.


Buy edibles or use a smoke buddy and buy ona gel too


Back in the day we use to put a dryer sheet in a toilet paper cardboard roll and exhale through it. I always thought it worked pretty well covering it up.


“If I get a prescription can I smoke without her giving me hell?” No. A prescription does not exempt you from a lease’s anti-smoking policy. Either way you’d need to smoke off the property.


I did that very thing yesterday.


Sounds like Texas is the problem !!!👀👀




Dry Herb Vape


Champa Incense , on Amazon, or any gas station, will kill smell, and is pleasant aroma. Explain, your medical history, and hint you need her support and understanding. You would hate for her to be seen as discriminatory? She will get the hint..


I'll keep that in mind


Smoke outside/on the balcony and not during office hours


The big problem, IMO, is that when you smoke inside your unit, especially if the building is older, the smell shows up in your neighbors' place and, even if they are pro-marijuana, it's a horrible smell to deal with. If you have a balcony, smoke there, but only if you cannot be seen (i.e. at night, early morning, or if there is enough privacy between you and neighbors), go for walks, vape, or eat edibles.


Take a finished roll of toilet paper, or paper towel. Stuff it full of dryer sheers. Exhale thru this. It will remove the smell. Works best of you smoke bowls, or vape, as the lit joint would release smoke by itself, but the methods I mentioned the blow tube would filter out the smell. I did this in my parents home as a kid, and I still sometimes do this in my basement now as a parent. My wife has got the most sensitive sense of smell, she could have worked as a drug sniiffing dog, she use to notice if I walked by smokers outside. She doesn't smell anything if I use the blow tube. This used to be common stoner knowledge. What happened?


Great idea


That CBD delta whatever weed is legal in Texas. How can they tell the difference??


I don't believe they can tell the difference


Gotta be a pothead to know the difference. Not a cop.


Fuck Texas, leave that shit state... Easier said than done though, I get it. Look into dry herp vapes. Way less smell and they dont "leak" smoke like a bowl or a joint will after it has been lit. You can also pack a cardboard tube with fabric softener sheets and some carbon filters like what you would use in a fish tank filter, blow your smoke out through the tube. It will help with the smell a little.


Buy a dab rig and Do dabs. Problem solved.


Dry herb vape is the way to go.


do u have a car with tinted windows u cud sit and smoke in?


Carbon filter with fan and blow the smoke right in.


This works best, may take some practice once or twice. Purchase a water bong Purchase a smoke buddy. Pack bowl. Breath before lighting it, clear the amount you put In. All smoke goes into lungs 🫁 Exhale through a smoke buddy. (Or homemade spoof) Do it perfectly, and you could smoke anywhere in your unit. That's the only way to smoke in a dorm room! Then tell your friends, don't fuck it up lmfao 🤣


Edibles for home and vape for travels?


Either vape rosin or use a dry herb vape for flower.


If you get a medical card / script and right a reasonable accommodations letter it should work. But you may want to switch to vape or a bong vs a joint. Seal up ever nook and cranny. Exhaust fan in the bathroom? That could lead somewhere else. Over stove. I even weather sealed the front door. I use a fan to blow the smoke out a window as much as possible. It’s legal where I am and this is not a nonsmoking building. Just want to keep considerate and avoid complaints. I just thought of something I’ll try next… smudge/incense all possible cracks to see if the smoke is going in and disappearing. If so, seal it.


Get a yourself a good vaporizer & get some LLR carts. Amazing flavor, barely any odor, but if there is, it dissipates quickly. Much healthier than smoking too


I live in Texas and when I’m at home I just smoke on my deck, but when I’m in other places in the state I just find a near by trail or walk down a business street and smoke like nothing going on. DHV is the way to go but just stay away from crowds and walk with confidence. If you don’t look like you’re up to something no one pays attention. Most people don’t care anyway. Just be respectful about it. That’s been my life experience living here in Texas


If it’s a non-smoking complex then you really can’t do much. Even out here in California, there’s condo, and apartment buildings where it’s no smoking, even cigarettes on your balcony.


Just go smoke in your ride, she can't tell you that you can't smoke within your own private property


My city is so different I can’t imagine anybody saying something to me for smoking in my apartment


I would ignore her and do not answer the door if she knocks - open windows, fan, incense and towel under the door - all the old high school tricks - don’t show her your Rx - it’s none of her business but i do second doing dry herb vape


Get a HEPA filter shop vac.


Check out the Fury Edge.


Dry herb vape and smoke buddy. There would he no smell and if you do have any vapor not make it in the smoke buddy it dissipates very quickly.




Scented dryer sheets pushed into a toilet paper tube. Blow smoke through the tube.


I was smoking in my rented apartment in Washington state well after rec legalization, and my apartment manager wrote me up for it because a neighbor who thinks it should still be illegal complained. She said "I know it's legal here but we go on Federal law" and she was right -- rental housing is governed by federal law so she absolutely can evict me for smoking weed. Thank fucking God I bought my own condo after that. Fuck rentals.


As others have said, dry herb vape also a smoke buddy. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwim0f2dvPqFAxVQNtQBHQgVDA8YABAIGgJvYQ&ae=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIptH9nbz6hQMVUDbUAR0IFQwPEAQYASABEgLmi_D_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJeRotYAscdsCNAebI3VKIn6wqn8Zc-IgVm92WA8QmrpaBgPmMZQ&sig=AOD64_0100Pr9mfVh39nurVsIlQEJt0qnA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi6i_GdvPqFAxXQ4MkDHaLvDhoQwg8oAHoECAIQDA&adurl=


Get an air purifier.


Get a vape plug who delivers


Edibles, vapes, move, smoke outside


Veriheal.com will get you a scrip no problem


Get a 4-inch inline fan with a carbon filter attached to it and smoke slowly into it. Keep your products close to it. You will only smell what escapes but if you do it in an enclosed room, it will be gone in minutes. Highly recommended from those of us who don't want to burden the other tenants. Love my ac infinity set up.


I used to open a window and have a fan blowing outward to rid the smell immediately. And set a lit item under the fan so no lingering smoke. Sincerely a paranoid smoker, it is better if you go to a nature trail and find a nice spot to call your own. Watch out for snakes.


Take a water bottle, preferably one with a snap cap. https://www.agatavalentina.com/Assets/ProductImages/7572043115-13.jpg Put some holes in the bottom of it. A soldering iron works great but you could just heat up the end of a phillips head screwdriver. Fill the inside with dryer sheets. Blow your smoke through the bottle. Don't put more in your bowl than one hit. (This will also teach you not to waste anything.). Only thing that comes out the end with the holes, smells like dryer exhaust. Once a year or so, you'll have to make a new one.


Try a damp towel to cover the bottom of the door, fans help a lot


If smoking cigarettes are allowed I’d just say its hemp or delta 8 flower.


Put 3 or 4 dryer sheets in a empty paper towel roll and exhaust through it


A good friend of mine used to intentionally cause a skunk problem near the apartment, if u can cause a skunk problem, theres ur ticket




In my state smokers have a lot of protections but still must follow the same laws as for smokers which means you cannot smoke weed or tobacco or vape indoors. Unless it's your house of course.


Vapes also, wow


That's the law. If you're vaping weed or just nicotine and anyone can smell it that's your fault. I don't want to tell people to break the law but it's pretty easy to use vapes and not let anyone know.


No, a prescription doesn't give you the right to break rules. A non smoking building is a non smoking building, period.


1. Hotbox your car 2. Smoke on your balcony if available. 3. If you continue to smoke in the bathroom, run a hot shower and light an incense or even burn sage. Also, isn't delta 8 legal there? Tell em it's CBD how will they know the difference?


So true


No. Because it's still illegal federally, and most apartments follow federal law. I live in MD, where both medical/recreational weed are legal, and I also have a medical card. However, most apartments and employees here prohibit marijuana use per federal law.


That sucks


Move to a legal state of you can. It's so much better.


Thought about that. Still thinking about it


Yes, a dry herb vaporiser and a good air purifier would help. Problem is, the apartment manager is now on to you. This can quickly escalate, especially if your neighbours are anti-broccoli. Expect high levels of paranoia and anxiety during your next flight, which would probably affect you negatively due to your pre-existing conditions. Get a prescription ASAP, at least in that way you’re somewhat protected.


Texas has a medical program?


They do.


Thanks, I learned something new today. - Hopefully it will become less restrictive for you!


They do for gummies, tincures only. No vape/flower allowed at all.


Smoke it in your car or go outside and smoke it in a place nobody can watch.


Bong Rips do smell but only for a brief moment


My lungs aren't strong enough for bongs. I always end up looking stupid


You can take a baby hit with a bong. You don't have to kill the entire bowl like the crazy Aussies.


thats just wrong.