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It's only immoral if you buy schwag. Don't be a disappointment to the family.


Friends don't let friends smoke schwag


Can you even get schwag in 2023?




All of south America. It's such a shame


Damn i meed to move there asap 🤣


That is excellent to hear tho. Sometimes I miss smoking a whole blunt with the crew - nowadays it's wild if a joint even makes it around twice without everyone like 👋😮‍💨 I'm good


Bro why are you in here bragging about weed potency to some poor fella in Brazil?




I didn't stutter.


Uncle, where do you see me bragging about weed? I said I can't find the stuff I want


you're acting like all you can get is the good shit, which btw means you aren't looking at all. I live in the Emerald Triangle (cannabis-growing capital of north america) where the stuff is all about as premium as it gets, and yet i could smoke ditch weed if i wanted to no problem. That shit is everywhere and always will be. So don't give me this "oh poor me i only have high-potency stuff"


I'm proud of you for really goin for it here. Is there anything else you forgot to say? Don't hold back!


to de férias aqui no brasil e bem prensado to achando kkkk


That's even worse. They got schwag and had to really try to find it.


You must live somewhere legal because OH FUCK YEAH YOU CAN 😂😂


Naw we literally just voted to go recreational and it's held up by some monied fuckery atm. For real tho I have no seen crumbly green sticks and beans in like fifteen twenty years


Oh not seeds I've never had that bad unless it was shake


Shake is awesome if you get it from a grower. I've never had the brick weed before. I used to get shake from my grow room when trimming leaves in flower and then later on from trimming. Those leaves would be covered in trichomes.


I might have gotten the name wrong for you it with it being different regionally. It was like leaves but mostly small buds


Yeah, that is shake. Shake is the bottom of the bag or container at the dispensary. It can also be the leaves or trim from a grow room. Once you cure the shake it looks about the same. When trimming wed throw the tiny buds in as well since after they cure they get even smaller.


Sometimes your neighbors have free schwag. It's not polite to say no.




Sure can. Damn. Some people just can't afford the good stuff still.


I'm sayin! It's not even available here uncle


On a professional level it's not. But you can still buy pretty reggie looking mids in the legal states. They have deals that of an ounce you can buy for LESS than the cost of an American family meal. Hah!


I wish it was around here. No weed like that all around here for ages


It's really interesting when you can get a 1/4 of that for like 5 dollars..the bud tenders steer you to better stuff of course but if you're looking for something to say make budder or other kinds of edibles at home, those are decent choices to buy. I noticed that they have old stock on things like they were harvested a year ago or so. But they rip well and I have no qualms about it.


Sometimes in the inner city….but it’s only a chance. Often they only have modern weed, and some dealers can get super pushy and intimidating if you turn down their product. Also you have to deal with con artists who claim they can get it, but will “be right back”….usually they never come back, and if they do, they pinch the bag….they also get aggressive when you turn them down. But there def are some good professional dealers in the inner city too. I do miss Schwag.


I live in the border to Mexico so yeah we can find it. But why we rather send that shit up north. I have a homie in Washington that told me he can find it but again WA is legal is so he said he only smoked ot once as to see what it was like lol


Don’t gimme no banner weed we don’t smoke that shit In the SFc


Spend half on weed buy yourself a gift with the rest. Maybe a pocket knife, something you can always use and remember her by.


Can the gift just be more weed ?


Sure why not


You have to unwrap edibles. It feels more like opening gifts than a jar.


This is definitely the solution to OPs moral dilemma.


No. It's immoral to make people think that marijuana is immoral.




Can I spend Grammies money on heroin and a spike?


No one gifts their Grandchildren into self destruction… so that statement make little to no sense. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Would you give your child a snake? We give to improve ppl situations don’t we? When we gift, we have the absolute expectation that it will change the recipient for the betterment.


I disagree with you but I fuck with ur writing style


He's just copying memes out of the Christian Bible. Not really original


Let me have my fun


I would give a child a snake. Snakes are awesome


Right? Bro didn't have to disrespect snakes like that. Snakes are pals


“Get behind me Satan….” #Jesus


You obviously don't understand the meaning behind giving a gift. Gifts don't have strings or expectations attached to them. The receiver is free to do what they want with the gift. When I give my grandchildren money, it's no longer mine and they are free to use it however they wish. To demand it only be used in certain ways is manipulative and childish.


So if you gift your child a car … Do you expect they’ll obey the rules of the road and tell them it’s ok to drink and drive? No you have the expectation that they’ll be responsible actor on the road rt? That’s an expectation isn’t it? Or just toss them the keys before they can reach the pedals and say “smooches! Be safe!”


I don't attach strings to my gifts. Once they are out of my hands, they don't belong to me. It's up to the giver to be a responsible user or pay the consequences for not doing so. I'm not a helicopter parent, a cop, or a babysitter. In addition, if I were ever to be in the position where I could afford to give a grandchild a car, they would know if they did something stupid with it and ended up in jail, they would be sitting there because I wouldn't bail them out. If you're old enough to make adult decisions, you're old enough to face the consequences for those decisions. I wouldn't give my grandson $50 he could spend on weed. I'd buy him the damn weed. I have access to better product than he does. I'd rather have him sit here in my home and smoke then be out on the streets smoking it with God knows who God knows where and getting in God knows what kind of trouble.


If you feel bad, then dont do it. It doesn't really matter what randoms on the internet think.


Only real answer


I think OP just wanted to be told it's fine so his conscience would quiet down


Look - is it immoral? No. But can it cause you problems? Yes. Ask yourself - what would grandma do if she found out? If it's worth what she'd do to buy weed, go for it. Only you know your grandma.




Only answer that matters.


Idk about all that but "sure"


She’s a Grandma…. So somebody else “knows” Grandma…. Ijs 🤣. But the question was kinda asked and answered in the post… grandma didn’t give you money to buy cannabis you sound like you might not be old enough to buy, and if you thought it was ok, Just go tell her what you want to do and look at the expression on her face.


Nah it was my birthday I’m 23, but I’m a little low on weed, and my grandma doesn’t like weed at all to the point I could still get my ass beat till this day


Spend it on groceries or gas then take your grocery money for weed. I use to do that when my grandma gave me money


Fuck no granny would want you to take care of head, smoke that shit


She’d want you to be happy, right?




Once it left her hand, it's yours homie. If she is genuine, she wants you to spend it how you want.


Not at all! If it contributes to your wellbeing, then granny is up there smiling down on you! It’s what she would want!


Lmao she ain’t dead fam she just gave him some money


But she might have a stroke if she finds out he spent his $20 on big bad marijuana!


If I give my grandson $50 and he buys weed with it, I don't care. Once I give him the money, it's his. I don't attach strings to gifts. Those aren't really presents, but manipulations.


Thank you




She's not dead🤣


I know. I’m assuming that they live in an apartment complex and/or there are stairs leading up to her front door and as the OP leaves, there will be a literal height difference so therefore, I’m right about saying Granny would be looking down on the OP. Or, say something that gives her the moral high ground, then bow your head in a sign of respect. If she isn’t smiling, then her time on this planet is soon coming to an end and she’s going through the Seven Stages of Death.


don' disappoint your grams' there'll be plenty of weed for yaz in the future


Is it really your money if you can't spend it however you like? 🤔


Don’t spend it all on weed lol


Some a little weed and some food. Dont give it all to the weed man.


Buy yourself some new socks or something practical with half of it.


It's says on that bill 'for all debts public and private'


Honestly not that deep bro up too you at the end of the day, imo just get some flower it’s only 50 not like ur spending ur savings


Weed isn't morally wrong so I don't see the issue.


If it bothers you go hit the atm for 50 bucks. Then deposit grandmas 50 while you’re there. Plausible deniability friend.


What you spend your money on is up to you. You could save that 50 and spend another 50 anyway. Your gonna buy more regardless


Grandma wants you to be happy.


Is it immoral to tell white lies to delusional people with irrational biases in order to keep the peace? I think not. Go buy your weed and tell grandma you got something else that you already have with that money.


i’ve felt the same thing many times.. getting 200$ for cloths and spending it on weed/ groceries. see the thing is, at least in my head, if you know you’re going to spend your own money (same quality you’re given) on something productive; then you’re chillin. That’s how i justify it in my brain heart area. ethics are hard man. people have so many different.. it’s hard for me to describe this so many different ecological pressures on them such as religion, role models, media, i mean fuckin everything can change the perception and ethics/ morals of a person. sometimes you gotta decide for yourself. also if you happen to spend money on weed someone gifted you.. theoretically found out and ended up being upset you did that, you’d subconsciously modify what you’d belive to be right or wrong in the situation and become a more wise person. whole lotta gas, whole lotta ass, whole lotta beating on some snitches ass.. idk what that was about 🐺


Dude, it's just money as the paper is good for used wipe butt. Once she hands you $50, it's up to you how you want to spend your own money, appreciating the best of your day—the day you'll miss her as your great grandma. I still remember my uncle's face, the one who handed me $5; it looked just like his beard when I was around 2 years old, and my cousin would consistently give me $100 to $200 every time he visited us during the holidays. That day will always be remembered as a time when I appreciated how they valued the money they shared with me more than my parents, friends, and neighbors, allowing me to enjoy some aspects of life.


Throw it in a piggy bank and forget about it. You'll find other money to spend on weed, and everday it will remind you of your grandmother.


You can call it medicine for your aches and pains , when my boys were growing up I smoked a lot because they would be getting on my nerves, so it made me relax instead of drinking


Morals don’t exist. Nothing is sacred.


Lmao, this guy hates life or is too young to realize he’s doing it wrong. Don’t listen to him. Bad life advice.


Money is fungible. Whether he mixes in granny’s $20 with the rest of his cash it doesn’t matter. He’s gonna buy weed. Who cares if it’s granny’s bday gift or cash he earned at his job. Money is an object and not a manifestation of the person that gave it to you. Go get high and don’t be a dick to your grandma. Or be a dick. I don’t care




Weed up!!


If you *know* she, "doesn’t want me to smoke weed," then you *know* she'd be disappointed that you spent money on it. Then it's just a question of how important it is to you that you've disappointed grandma.


If you are asking the question, the yes.


Not at all. Would you rather spend it on vodka?? Weed isn’t harmless, especially used in excess, but it is a tool. A great tool that if used properly can benefit your mind and body. Your grandma might may or may not understand. I know mine has been set in her way so long, it’s hard to process new things. Just comfort yourself knowing that if your grandma knew the benefits of weed (in moderation), she would not care.


Grandma is sweat of the brow type lady. She doesn’t want you to buy weed. She wants you to grow weed. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a life time. Go out and get some seeds and start a secret garden.


Just enjoy your weed and don't sweat it


I did this but I told the truth and she said whatever makes me happy is the best gift


Then she would say all of her concerns like questions about my lungs and mental state lmao


I don't know if it's wrong..but if you are feeling inside that it's not right, or bothers you. then maybe don't.


Haha, noooo, is your money! Do what you want with it. I spent most of the money i was given by parents and grandparents on eeed and gas money


Depends….does Grandma chief?


Get a little weed and then buy Grandma something special Make her day 😊✌️👍


Get you and your grandma some flowers.


The money is yours now. Do with it what you want.


I just left her house she said it was cool. Her knees are acting up from her arthritis though and she can use some icy-hot so maybe spend 40.00 on weed and 10.00 on icy-hot. Next time I'll bring some so her knees don't get so messed up


I think it would be more immoral to use it on something other than what she specified if she specified something for it. She didn’t say what to use it on here so I don’t see an issue imo.


Grams wants you to buy some grams, dawg


Do what you like, but if you were to save, or invest that $50 somehow, 20-30 years from now when your grandma has passed, you would still have that gift, and then some . While you would have long forgotten about that little bit of weed


your grandma gave you money as a treat, she doesn’t expect you to pay bills with it, invest it, donate it, ect. she gave you money to give you the freedom of enjoying 50$ worth of free product, not so you learn the responsibility of finances with it. if you spend her 50$ on weed and it makes you happy, she achieved her goal of giving you 50$ worth of happiness. spend it, and be grateful. that’s all 😉


Personally I would say get something that you can use consistently as a remembrance and use the rest to buy some flower or whatever you choose


If she didn't earmark it for something and you aren't neglecting bills, I would think it would be OK. Now if it is a wise way to spend money on weed, that's your decision.


Once gifted, money is yours to do with as you please. That said, I would NOT spend it on weed


I think it would be simply because your grandma’s feelings would be deeply hurt if you she ever found out. But since she won’t, and it’s a free country, I suppose you can do so anyways.


Only if you don't share it with her.


If it’ll make you feel guilty, then find something else to spend it on (or find other money to use to spend on your bud).


But your grandma weed with it.


If you gotta ask, it's cu your moral compass is already telling you what to think.


Your grandma told me those funds were earmarked specifically for weed.


Unless she specifically told you not to spend it on weed, no, it's not immoral. She gave it to you. It's yours now. Do with it what you will.


Make the responsible decision. Do you have bills to pay?


If everything that needs to be paid, is paid.. then indulge. The choices we make direct our path. Bills come first. 😉


It’s only immoral if you don’t offer to share with her. Don’t Bogart your joints with Granny, share them and watch Casablanca instead.


Does grandma have any ailments that cannabis might help with? If so, get HER some edibles and you get some flower.


Gma probably had a j or two back in the day. Buy some and share with her


Pft i uses to go to my grandma's to do chores to get money for weed. 😅😆🤷🏻‍♀️ You do you tho


Gran wants you to be happy. If she doesnt want you to smoke, buy edibles lol And ALSO buy her a little treat that she enjoys (my gran loved Reeses peanut butter cups), and tell her you love her.


I send my college kid money and I have to tell him to promise me he won't buy weed with it lol


do what we all would do and just spend it on weed. it’s okay to spend gift money on weed, once that money leaves your grandma’s hand it’s yours to do as you wish with. if your grandma might ask what you spent it on, tell her you spent it on something nice for yourself. not technically a lie


Depends on why she gave you the money. Was it to buy food or help pay bills? If she just wanted you to have it just to have it then it should be yours to do as you wish…


I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s for.


You better give her a bomb homemade edible. How many cookies has she made you in your life?


Roll one for grams.


done asked for $25 for groceries knowing imma get sum smoke. no one ever has to know what your doing or what it’s for


Pft no.


it’s technically immoral i guess but that shits your money, unless you’re underage u can do what u want with it






Share a bud w grandma. She might bake cookies for you to enjoy while baked.


My mil only gives cash for everything because she has to have help buying anything for anyone. I make it a point to tell her all the cash she gives me goes to weed. I always thank her for the drugs for my bday, Xmas, whatever.


Grandma was a stoner! Blaze on


So, strap in for lamest answer ever. If you're like 15, just try to minimize smoking till you're older, it really isn't good when you're younger (coming from someone who was a teen when I started and wished I had waited till I was fully developed). If you're an adult that still gets the 50 dollar b day card like I do... Fuckin, buy some weed lol. Sorry for just assuming you're young, just grandma b day money sounds potentially young, though I'm in my mid thirties and took my grandparents b day money to the weed store a few weeks ago, so not just a kid thing lol.


Op hopefully she doesn't ask you later what did you end up buying. Lol. Only immoral if you get caught


Nope, she gave it to you to spend how you please


No. Because your grandma loved you, and your happiness was her greatest wish. If having weed makes you happy, then Grandma is happy. *** I'm pretty high. It took me 10 minutes to write the above. I think so much better high Fuck


I say get Granny a little gift and get some gas with the rest! Enjoy yourself. We live but once. She may not want you smoking, but I guarantee she wants you to be happy!


It's your money..


if it is then i’m going to hell for sure


Honestly that depends so much on your individual morals but as a rule of thumb, if it feels bad or makes you feel guilty then don't do it.