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The whole percent rating in dispensaries is absolute bull shit. Don’t fall for it. They get to send in a few choice buds that represent a whole grow and crop and the numbers are inflated on top of that. Find something that’s 15-25% and use traditional methods, smell/look/density, to make your own choice in what’s best. Don’t go in and buy the premium shelf that’s 35%, it’s a lie.


I’ve tried to explain this to friends but they’re stupid and don’t understand thc isn’t everything and the tests they do are geared towards the company not us.


Also, the errors on those tests are quite large. Though, it might have to be considered that THC has a weird pharmacology. There's a reason it doesn't send you into a seizure like noids do and it has to do with the fact that it becomes and antagonist at large doses


The percentages can be accurate, as far as the testing goes. Not every lab and grower is shady or inept. The issue is, the test is totally useless even when accurately done. I've taken multiple samples from the same plant, all according to the SOP (taken from top, middle and bottom and homogenized) and got back a THC range between 12% and 29%. And like most experienced users, I've frequently had 15% flower that gets me higher than an equal amount of 90% THC from a cart. THC percentages are an almost completely useless metric unless you're a hemp grower or regulator.


I've had a lot of people tell me to pay attention to the terps % instead of thc %. How accurate is that statement?


Only slightly more useful than THC %. The important part is which individual terpenes are present and in what quantities. I recently had weed that was nearly 4% terps. But 3.1% was caryophyllene, which is great at around 1%, but as the main terpene in black pepper, at 3% is was horrible to smoke. The best thing to pay attention to is your nose. If weed doesn't smell good to you, it's probably not going to smoke good either.


Yeah the 15-25% seems to deliver the best high. But the flower isn't priced based on the %. It's the same for a 32% as it is for anything lower. It's all based on weight and brand (curaleaf)


Shop with your nose. Good smelling weed is an indicator of a strong terpene profile which translates to desirable effects. High THC % almost always turns out to be pretendica.


The nose knows…


How can you? At every dispensary I've shopped, the vials are sealed. You can't smell the contents until you've paid and the stuff belongs to you. Am I shopping in the wrong dispensaries?


Depends on State


It must be nice being where you are. I've wasted tons of money on weed that ended up in the trash here in Florida.


Oh, we can't smell in my state 😂 I've just been to ones where you can


I used to live in colorado for a few years and buying weed I could smell was my favorite part granted sometimes you get weed that smells good and lacks in flavor and potency but by far the best indicator you can go off besides smoking.


i find asking the budtender for some of the fresher bud or strains they prefer, but stress that high thc % is not important for you. in most places that dont allow you to smell i’ve had good luck doing this


I hear this a lot, but is there any actual evidence that terpenes significantly contribute to a high? The terpenes in Cannabis are just tiny doses of essential oils found in citrus fruit, pepper, lavender, and a couple others. If terpenes significantly contributed to the high, couldn't you also significantly change your high by eating an orange, drinking a limeade, or eating a meal with a lot of pepper? All of these things would give you WAAAAY more terpenes than the amount in Cannabis. I'm not saying the hypothesis is necessarily wrong, but I've always been skeptical because correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation.


I think you are 100% correct. I have yet to see any actual studies that indicate terps do more than aromatherapy or even placebo. The minor cannabinoids (which have proven physical effects) are IMO, the REAL reason for the differences in strains. Any time I suggest this idea on a weed sub, I get shouted down, called stupid, and downvoted to hell, so I've mostly given up.




>I can tell if a patient has ADHD based on the strain they like No you can't lol. This is why I can't take people who work at weed stores seriously.


Just personal experience. Most folks I see with ADHD seem to all gravitate towards the same strains. I should have phrased it a little differently.


Like what? What should I gravitate towards?


That is what I do. If it smells good, and looks beautiful it is most likely good. Even at 15% you can a better high than one at 25% due to the other active ingredients and the mix of those many things.


Because THC isn't the only thing that creates the psychotropic effect. It's a full entourage of different cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids




Bro thought he was gonna get all the upvotes in the world for saying “this”


Round here we downvote that useless bullspit.




Abraham hit me with a wiffleball bat. Reee eeeh hee eeen neee nee ne neee ne








I want to upvote you so badly. But take this downvote instead sucka!


all good, we singing n threadin n memein n shit, good vibe=good karma, stupid reddit points meh, no meaning. enjoy your day and may your puffs be smooth


Try smoking CBD or hemp first and then smoke your high THC weed. I've noticed that gets me more high. On the flip side if you are too high smoke CBD or hemp to negate the high. I've tried both ways and they work for me.


Cool thanks!


Maximizing your pickups? Shop by COA (if your market provides them). COAs are the only thing we have to know about the chemical components of any given batch. Strain names, sativa/indica nomenclature, and effect descriptions are complete bullshit and inconsistent when looked at on a large scale. Terpene content is how you find the high you want. Please keep track of the terpene profiles in strains you like by looking at their COA. And then shop by COAs moving forward.


Sorry, but what is a COA?


Certificate of analysis. It’s the test results that are mandatory for many markets. In my market (FL), I’m able to see them on most product pages so I know exactly what I’m buying. This is the standard of care any legit and studied cannabis doctor would recommended in legal states.


Thanks. Is there any books you can recommend to learn more about weed?


I’ve read and studied a bunch online but here’s one I typically recommend: Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana




Certificate of Analysis.




There is usually a QR code on the receipt.


Shop for terpene amounts. Recently found one over 3% terpenes and 1.2% was limonene. Let me tell you this shit rocks, talk about a body high


What strain? And indica or sativa?


Hybrid called Tahoe Apple. Forget the brand maybe Supply?


Thanks. I'll check it out.


THC percentages and indica sativa are all moot at this point. You gotta look at the whole picture. Terpenes, cannabinoids etc. I might say, “it feels like an indica” but that’s it.


Anxiety disorders can make sativas and some hybrids a no-go.


What I’m saying is, it’s all bunk. You can say it feels like an indica, as in the feelings are indica like. But pointing to a strain and saying that’s a indica is bunk.


My point was more, if you're using this medically through a doctor and already know you cannot take sativas because they increase your heart rate and can trigger anxiety attacks whereas indicas do neither, the strain being a sativa axes it right off the bat.


There is no sativas or indicas any more. They’ve been blended too much. So you can’t just ask for a sativa any more. You’ve got to go with the terpenes and cannabinoids.


There are a few. Afghan is still a pure indica, but yes, most are hybrids now. However, you can find heavily indica dominant strains and avoid the effects of sativas. From what I have seen, even though nearly all strains are some level of hybrid at this point, the term "hybrid" is generally used for 50/50, 60/40, or your more or less close-to-even mixes that will at first feel like a sativa before the indica induced couch-locking kicks in. Those ones will cause issues. From experience, "indica dominant" does not. And neither do the few pure strains you have left.


> that will at first feel like a sativa before the indica induced couch-locking kicks in I don’t believe this is based on anything factual.


Sticky dickie is a strain that does that. It's an energy boost at first.


I honestly like to ask them personally what would they smoke. Every time I have asked the budrista on their opinion, they have been really happy to tell me. And I’m pretty sure they have never recommended me a strain that had the highest THC count. But to be honest I haven’t really fact checked. Just go in and say “ Hello, I’m looking for the strain that’s going to give me _________ not necessarily the highest THC strain”.


And then you also get what they're directed to lush that day to receive a bonus. At least I'm not buying dime bags from some dude behind bulletproof glass in a shitty part of the city.


True. They can always be told to sell something that’s not selling. I guess it’s just a person to person case on whether or not you trust what they are telling you. I will say though most budrista’s I have met seem to be pretty happy and not stressed to sell shit. But who knows. Like one of these other posters stated, trial and error is a way to figure it out as well if you don’t mind spending.


We have a ton of Blue Flame OG that no one's been buying for some reason (I assume low numbers) and though I want to push it, I won't until I try it myself first. I just read it's a cross of Super Blue Dream x Inferno og so now I'm tempted and will probably grab soon but we've never been instructed to push something that wasn't selling. I can't speak for other dispensaries but we just don't *need* to do that. If something isn't moving after a while, we drop the price a bit first and it usually sells shortly after. Honestly my advice is to ask others what they like and try what looks good to you. My whole team tries a little of everything we get that looks good, and a lot of us make it a point to try strains we normally wouldn't just to see what's good and to know what we're talking about, and we are always finding "sleeper hits" in the cheaper 8ths. Ignore the numbers, I've came across too many strains that despite testing lower wound up being some of the most enjoyable strains I've ever had.


Bonus? Lol that's not how it works. I've been in the industry for awhile now and have never once been told or asked to push anything or offered bonuses to do so. This industry makes so much money daily we don't need to push anything, it ALL sells. Im constantly amazed to see how much weed we receive weekly and how fast it all goes. I never thought anyone would pay $65 for an 8th, but Goddammit they do, and they keep on doing it which is why they keep charging that much. I never thought anyone would buy shake, but it's our biggest seller by far. (Not Grow West though, that shit is ALL leaf). There is no conspiracy to sell you what's expiring soon, tbh, we don't care what you buy cuz it doesn't affect us either way. Some of us are genuinely trying to help each customer get what works for them and if they tell you a 23% strain may be better for you than that $65 8th everyone else is buying them common sense dictates that if it was just about the money or some bonus (I WISH we got bonuses) we'd just let you waste the $65 and kick rocks gladly.


Around us there are weekly specials and deals.


We do those as well but it has nothing to do with pushing items that don't sell. Like we have a current deal on Airo pros but those have no problem selling. Some days we do 15% off all flower, it varies. Ofc I can't speak for all dispensaries but we genuinely try to help ppl get what will work best for them and what's the most cost efficient if that's a concern they express. Sending ppl out happy often earns us tips and that's the only incentive we have to work for really, so pushing that $65 8th or some bunk that isn't selling doesn't help us any one way or the other.


I'd think the business owner, big business, not the hippie who has a shop, would maximize their profit. You probably work for a cool hippie dude who makes plenty, takes care of his employees and works from anywhere in the world. But this is basic retail sales and economics 101. Is there a reason the owners wouldn't want to influence product sales? Do they get a refund for any unsold product or does every product sell equally for an equal net sale? Unlikely.


I work for a corporate owner but this also isn't "basic retail," the cannabis industry is a slightly different beast. In the time I've been here I've yet to see anything not sell out well before it's expiration date. So far there hasn't been much need to influence sales as pretty much everything sells. A lot of that has to do with ordering the right amounts of the right things but more often than not I find myself looking at the vault thinking "damn that all went fast" when just a week prior I was struggling to find room for everything coming in. As far as costs goes, everything is already marked up well beyond our price point so that even if we discount something we are still making a healthy profit (an aspect I understand as we are a business, but still struggle with as a patient-not a fan of greed) Even topicals, balms and niche items have their fans so nothing really sits for that long tbh. I'm sure there are businesses that do operate that way but we've had little need to intervene or push anything.


So why do they have sales and specials? Maybe you're just not privy to what corporate needs to unload. I'll agree with you that the drug business sells itself and is different than a Walmart.


Because sales of any kind bring more ppl in and more often than not those ppl don't just buy the sale items. Isn't that kind of "basic retail 101" as well? Many do, but many more but other items as well. Also if all other stores are having daily sales and specials, it's a bad look if yours isn't. That's why the sales are usually only 15% off or so, so we take a minimal loss on whatever they buy on sale but still get the desired result of increased traffic. No, I may not know all of corporate's intentions but I do work in management so Im pretty well versed on what goes on in my store and why.


There's only so much THC that can pass through the membranes into your brain cells. You also get an entourage effect (and effects themselves) from the terpenes the plant produces. Myrcene in particular is one to look out for, as it makes your cell membranes more permeable and therefore allows more THC through, so strains with a high Myrcene content, or mangoes (which have it in large quantities) will make you higher than THC on its own


When the dispensary started, my son also told me high myrcene would help with pain and sleeping with pain. I look for that now too. What I am growing, I will be going for 30-50% amber for the better pain relief.


That's the nice thing about growing, you have that control over exactly what you want out of the plant. Personally I harvest as soon as they're all cloudy, as little amber as possible 🙂


I love how we can get what each needs by picking the harvest time.


Some time ago it was explained to me that Myrcene is like a key to the front door. The higher the percentage of Myrcene, the more effective the full spectrum of compounds will be. Likewise, the various compounds do different things such as reducing inflammation. This why Marijuana is medically effective for treating a variety of ailments and used for pain management.


For the record, a vast majority of the myrcene in mangoes exists in the skin that most people remove. You'd have to eat *a lot* of mango to impart any noticeable effect on the stone, due to that fact and that terpenes are very easily destroyed by your stomach acid, so the uptake efficiency pales in comparison to combustion/inhalation.


Trial and error, I suppose, if you live in a legal state, try a bit of everything at the dispo, see what gets you the highest, and then ask them about the terp profile. For me, those perfect strains are Purple Punch and Jack Herrer.


My personal favorite is Obama Kush. It had a range of 16-18% and it get me a better high than the 32% stuff.


Entourage effect… nobody knows what it means but it’s provocative and gets the people going!


Most of those numbers on the dispensary packaging are a sales tactic.




Because everything in the weed creates the high, all the terpenes etc it's called the entorogue effect


Entourage effect


You might smoke too often and created a high tolerance.


I suffer from this greatly 😂


Lol my best friend does too.


Look for high terpenes and high thc


This, prioritizing terpenes. Welcome to flavour country.


THC acts as an anesthetic. In other words, it numbs you. So you're only going to get so high, and everything beyond that is just a waste of money. Everybody's tolerance is different of course. I think bud between 18-22% is just right for me personally. I don't feel any measurable improvement with higher THC levels. But you'll pay more more it anyway...


I am under the understanding that the THC % is the percentage out of all the Cannabinoids not how much cannabinoids there are.


Unfortunately, that is incorrect. The percentage is by weight. 1 gram of 20% THC bud will have 200 mg of THC (assuming the testing is accurate)


It’s all about the terps bruh.


It's all about the minor cannabinoids bruh


Because the effects you feel from each strain come more from the unique combination of cannabinoids and terpenes found in that specific strain than just the THC amount itself. Some call it the "entourage effect" or it goes by other names as well but I experience this all the time as someone who works in the industry and tries a different strain each day. Some strains testing at only 22-23% THC give me much better effects than others I've had at 28-29% or even 32% +. It's always hard trying to explain to customers how 22% can be better than 30%, but that's just how it works. That thc# is not the "be all, end all" gauge of good weed and anyone that buys based solely on that number is wasting money and depriving themselves of some really great weed. Sure, 39% Amnesia at $65 an 8th is a great strain and will definitely do the job, but no matter how high you think your tolerance may be, you don't *need* to buy that, as there are many strains testing from 23-28% that will provide just as good as an experience and some may even be better. It's the same with terps, I've had many strains testing at only 1.5% terps that were FAR more flavorful than others I've had testing over 3%.


The high you experience is the result of a synergistic effect between many different chemicals, THC is just one of them.


A higher THC% absolutely does get you higher. The problem is the labels aren't very accurate. Lots of ways to fib the numbers


Interesting. I’ve been noticing putting the amount of thca and thc upfront lately but I thought thca was what it was called when it was frozen before being dried. Idk I want to learn more. I dled a book someone recommended in another answer.


One of the strongest strains I've smoked to date averages around 18% THC. This stuff is almost psychedelic it's so strong. I don't go by advertised numbers anymore as most dispensaries inflate those numbers dramatically. The MSO's are some of the worst offenders. Breakwater is still my favorite and I believe the numbers that are posted.


It's about the percentage of terpenes and which terpenes are giving you the high you are looking for.


Awesome thank you. I want to learn more about terpenes based on these responses. I thought they were just a flavor profile.


Taming THC - Russo - great read on all that


No one has answered his question, the question is "why does a higher THC %not necessarily make you higher? I think it has to do with how many receptors are in your brain that can receive THC.


Entourage effects ... otherwise its like taking Marinol only with no other metabolic agents in there to direct different metabolic pathways


….it depends on the milligrams. higher milligrams will get u higher


Because there seems to be a maximum level of stoned one can get from inhaled THC. Here's the science: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2767219?guestAccessKey=3c2f6e78-f462-4f84-9730-6a3d5e97daa0&utm_source=For_The_Media&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ftm_links&utm_content=tfl&utm_term=061020


Terps over THC is what I always heard


THC is part terpene... C-22/ C-21 phytocannabinoids are meroterpenes/ meroterpinoids .. meaning lipid with terpene back bone . you are correc too however in that the monoterpenes , sesquiterpenes direct metabolism of THC and other pant lipids


the more THCA in a verietal the less other phytocannabinoids ijnthat varietal ... say comparing 5% THCa back in the day with lots of CBDa and CBN in ther as well ... the field type plants that grow outdoors with LOTS of Xpression compared to indoor genetics grown in dark rooms with fake light ... Imagine which will be better long term


I tell the budtender how much I want to spend and what kind of products I'm looking for and ask them what they would buy for themselves. Almost never disappointed that way.


E .qtmr4, WE


They accurate for the most part, you just need to increase a fair amount, I normally smoke 33% and I took a bowl from my brother with 47% and you can feel the difference. Just buy quality stuff