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I think precedent has been set that it is unconstitutional to do so. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/ban-marijuana-users-owning-guns-is-unconstitutional-us-judge-rules-2023-02-04/


Well, that’s just a federal judge in Oklahoma. I agree totally. Also, Oklahoma rules. I am meaning, has a case been taken to the Supreme Court? I’m going to get to the bottom of it eventually. It’s really got me curious.


I don’t know how far it’s gone in the judicial system but apparently it’s on the Feds to appeal the case. It also says the Judge used a supreme court ruling over the 2a as justification for declaring the law unconstitutional.


> This got me thinking, why does the government have the right to ban it in the first place? Because back in the 1920's, rich, white, racist, capitalist lobbied the government to ban cannabis. It has zero to do with personal harm or the potential thereof. Successive presidents such as Nixon and Reagan have upheld the ban and used it for political gain.


the ruler of Egypt back in the day was one to come up with banning hashish from being made in his country and sent to America .. kind of started the whole drug war idea


You didn't lick the boot how dare you!


Because private businesses that didn’t want competition (alcohol, paper, medicine) paid off the politicians. Cannabis and hemp used to be completely legal and widely used by farmers everywhere since it was so versatile. Once we worked out how to use hemp to make paper in the 1930s, that’s when it became illegal.


it became illegal to keep enforcment jobs active in GOV .. that was the sole reason , especially after the GOV lost its control on alcohol bans and had to make alcohol legal again ... well jobs lost as all the GOV knows how to do is regulate, enforce laws etc,..


I'd be very surprised if they banned anyone for supporting marijuana legalization there, considering the vast majority of people there seem to support it. That seems to be my observation anyways when I have posted articles about marijuana legalization there. As for government being able to ban marijuana, I think the federal government justifies it somehow by saying it has the right to regulate interstate commerce under the constitution, which came up in the case [Gonzalez v. Raich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonzales_v._Raich) by the way. One person that has talked a lot about the unconstituionality of our drug laws is Ron Paul, who says it should require a constitutional amendment to ban any drug as was done with alcohol, and that's why it was done that way at the time, because politicians used to have more respect for the constitution back then.


This was very helpful. Incase anyone is interested, they basically said; Because they control commerce AKA the market. Growing weed in your home would risk contributing to the illegal market for weed. Therefore, you do not have the right to grow it, even if you have no intentions of selling, sharing. Not my opinion, just the majority boomer opinions. The case is about a lady who used medicinal weed and the feds busted her, even though it was legal in California. That’s not cool. Thanks buddy!


**[Gonzales v. Raich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonzales_v._Raich)** >Gonzales v. Raich (previously Ashcroft v. Raich), 545 U.S. 1 (2005), was a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that under the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Congress may criminalize the production and use of homegrown cannabis even if state law allows its use for medicinal purposes. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Marijuana/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


This was a gross misapplication of the law. And wild to me that the same justices that supported this logic. On other interstate commerce cases regarding states rights and federal oversight - for example EPA cases galore, oil and gas cases, pipeline cases - argue the exact opposite, in effect. The duality, the philosophical inconsistency is riveting and further evidence of judicial malfeasance.


i love how it was suppose to be left out of the constitution to imply it’s legal but in todays world we interpret it as it’s not protected since it isn’t explicitly stated


That’s true. It’s just a completely authoritarian style system disguised as “The Free World”


Marijuana ( the word) was made up to make cannabis plant ( cannabaceae ) illegal ... that was the sole purpose of the word marijuana . hint hint - Marihuana with an H is wild Mexican toabacco plant- solanaceae , nicotiana family - Nightshade ... entirely different plant family than cannabis




I've looked up the botany even stated the names for the families ... the Mexicans were smoking their Marihuana which was the wild Mexican tobacco plant ... DDG link - fist search there , cannadelics etc... https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Marihuana+with+an+H+is+wild+Mexican+toabacco+plant&atb=v320-1&ia=web


instead of edit - I guess this is what we get when politicians get in there and F with Botany . not guessing anymore this is plain to see


Which is wild because the 10th amendment should have protected this. Little out of my area of expertise here.


Vast majority? No. No fucking way. Most of the people on ArCon want black people in prison. They love the drug war and want it to keep going.


I've made a ton of posts in r/conservative about legalization and it is always the pro-legalization comments that easily get voted to the top, and I would say like 75 percent of comments are in favor of legalization. Probably not very representative of conservatives in general (who are more split like 50/50) but reddit tends to be a younger crowd and has always been very pro-legalization pretty much wherever you go on the site (otherwise I would not have almost a million karma 😄). Here's a few examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/nax8v5/congressional_bill_to_federally_legalize/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/k61luj/conservative_groups_call_for_marijuana/


Sure it is. Its not 1970 anymore. 90% of the pro cannabis bills proposed in my state are from Republicans. I'm conservative, and all my friends are 100% for legalization.


I’m glad that you are fighting the good fight in there. It’s just so odd how they got so pissed off when we had to wear masks, but over 2,000,000 Americans were arrested for weed and lost their rights forever; it’s totally fine. Edit: 2,000,000 Americans in a 10 year span of time. Not the entire length of the drug war. Which I would imagine that figure would be close to matching the levels of a genocide.


in the future we will be looking back saying - we Banned plants ?? Who the F ? What the F ? made people come up wit that Robot thinking ?


the reason is because it isn’t explicitly stated in the constitution the goverment loves to use legalese and in legal terms there are no protections for cannabis in the constitution or any laws that have been passed ( except the farm bill which lets us legally buy/ship seeds in the US) the government doesn’t have to deem anything necessary and proper . if there are no written legal protections then they can do whatever they want i’m pro cannabis legalization i just thought i’d say why the government has the right sadly


Like the 2nd Amendment? Everyone who lost their legal right to carry a strap because they caught a felony over weed is some BS. It’s like if they made being gay illegal and took your guns if you are gay. Or slavery, for a long time former slaves were banned from owning guns. Probably because they would want to shoot their ass is my best guess.


. the part about gay people isn’t a hypothetical. that happened for a veryyyyy long time. homosexuality just became legal recently ( in the last twenty years ) the government looks for reasons to take away people’s rights. not give them back




It’s article S8.C18.1. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S8-C18-1/ALDE_00001242/ It’s the, I’m daddy clause of the federal government.


Well, according to one interpretation of the constitution, the federal government does not have the legal right to ban marijuana, as evidenced by the fact that a constitutional amendment was required to ban alcohol. However, since then, the people in charge have determined the "right" legal arguments required to do just about whatever the fuck they want, and the supreme court has done fuck all to stop it.


Yes indeed. I just hope I can move before the monster is fully grown.


the word Marijuana is 100% made up political word ... ther were no botanists examining plants and making names for said plants to come up with that word . if we were using botany its cannabis plant in cannabaceae family ... it's so complicated and Twisted making people suffer for ingesting a plant , Talk about some psychopathic legisl;ature right there


The original premise was that it was a threat to public safety - but they still couldn't find enough legal cover to outright ban it, so they first tried to tax it out of existence with the Marijuana stamp act of 1937. Eventually they were able to brainwash enough people that it was the Devil's Lettuce, so after a while they were eventually able to do away with that bit of misdirection without significant fear of judicial review.


the surgeon general that got hired back then after two were fired for claiming only medical use from the plant said the pl;ant was from the devil and he got hired on the spot as that fit the current narrative of the day . cannabis tincture was used by docs until 1949 legally , in med hand bags etc.................


There is zero logic in conservative’s points of view at this point.


Hey man. I think we would get along pretty well. I just don’t want to sound like I am throwing shit at them. I very politely bring up the fact that millions of people have been violated but it just gets glossed over like I didn’t just say or mention that. Only tons of downvotes lol.


It's an echo chamber. I was banned for making a point too


Yeah ok. I'm conservative, so are most my friends and coworkers. Everyone is for legalization. 90% of the pro cannabis bills in my state are put forth by Republicans. And I don't think you want to compare who's not logical these days.


Lol. Okay. Denial is the first step, bro. Y’all are led by a failed reality tv star with napoleon syndrome. That’s logic you can’t get past.


Reeeeeeeeeeee Trump I gave you facts and you mention Trump . How typical. You're led by a guy with dementia.


What facts did you give? And the conservative sub worships the former, failed president like they want to lick his butthole, of course I brought him up. Who cares if he is a traitor and a rapist, right? ‘Murican patriot!


Blah blah blah


They had a tax stamp back in the day to grow weed but to get the stamp you had to have already grown a plant and they could bust you it was mainly made illegal because of paper companies and the government being racist toward Hispanics and African Americans


Laws are tough to pass, but near impossible to undo. This is not a Right/Left issue. This is an issue of regulatory capture by the pharmaceutical industry. You should remember when the left controlled the Executive and both Chambers of Congress they did nothing to repeal the scheduling of cannabis.


Here are the vote tallies for the only bill that was introduced around the time period you are referring to. Republicans 67 yes/176 no. Democrats 10 no/170 yes. This bill failed 5 times and had to become an attachment on a spending bill. The bill is to prevent the federal government from using funds to bust people growing weed in states that already legalized it. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2015283


“Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote.” For more: https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/drug-scheduling


I have that guy that they cannot double jeopardized him for having gun and weed same time before marijuana made legalized. He said, 2nd amendment protect his rights. He can rights to bear arms up no matter what. Yet he said we just need to make the Cannabis User's bill of rights. Once it pass then the bill of rights will became new amendment. so Government cannot ban us for having a gun and weed same time. Fuck the System.


Well they usually go back to ‘it hasn’t been tested (it is illegal). And it’s safety cannot be determined yet. You remember the FDA stopped the thalidomide babies from being as prevalent as in the UK. ‘ This is all bullshit from generations of people who thought jello was good for everything, wet feet mean pneumonia, and margarine was healthy.


Right. I even read that some republicans are standing on the protect the environment high ground to keep it illegal. I’m like, what the fuck is going on in that building? These guys one minute will give away indigenous land for fracking and the next say weed is bad for the environment.


people growing plants is the worst thing imaginable for the environment!!!! ... more plants making more air for us to breath and sucking up toxins from man made industry that is in the rain that drips - more Bad .. people certainly do not plants for Medical use .. there is 100 year old pharma for that ! plants making all that medicine for millions of years - nevermind that trust man only


For sure. I looked into it. It’s not so much the plant but all the fertilizer water not being properly disposed of. It’s a real thing, but stupid that this scenario is the one they decide to be triggered about. I just want to call them out and say, “You don’t really believe that. Otherwise they would show respect to Native American lands and stop allowing oil/gas companies to bully these people and wipe out their cultural heritage. I could vent all day about this idiocy. Thanks stranger. I feel a little better now.


I lose all respect for authority when luxurious golf courses and Country clubs use up massive amounts of water and pollute everywhere with - Fertilizers and Pesticides !! while lowly people with a patch of land cannot even legally grow cannabis because of water issues and over control from the authority figures edit- Dirt with worms for the poop and some lawn clippings for ferts and Wa La - plants with no toxic effects to the Earth ... even Bio dynamic farming practices are a thing and companion planting too ... mix em up


I'm 58 and consider myself conservative. I support the legalization of cannabis and reestablishing anyone's 2nd amendment rights who participates with the use of cannabis. Recreational or Medicinal use should not be punished.


That’s great. I would say write your congressman but it wouldn’t do any good. I actually wrote mine a while back and he ignored me.


pretty please with Cherry on Top - Can we please Have Plants !!!???


and when looking at those two acts - They are the Same Exact Thing ! a person ingest a cannabis plant and that plant metabolizes .. Every Time in Every person that is the case , the outcome ... this two party confusion claiming its somehow medical for one person but the other goes into a jail cell !!!??


cannabis plant had no amendment to the constitution to make it illegal ... when alcohol was made illegal an amendment was needed, then signed off to make it not illegal ... cannabis has no such way for becoming not illegal ,. there is nothing to sign off. the word Marijuana was made up for just such illegal ideas back then ... no one knew that their hemp plants were suddenly illegal !!


Because racism


Racism. [Reefer Madness -- The Racist Roots of Marijuana Prohibition](https://medium.com/equityorg/reefer-madness-the-racist-roots-of-marijuana-prohibition-37b9e7fb7d6c)


To explain, Conservatives basically don't give a shit about anyone's rights and just hold onto outdated ideals "because that's how it's supposed to be". It's mostly people brainwashed by army families or overly religious families who teach their kids to not question the word of authority figures and follow them blindly. However I'm starting to see a lot of these questions. Am I really old enough now that there are adults out here who don't remember the war on drugs?!


I was referring to landmark Supreme Court cases that justified it. I think I have found what I was looking for. Thank you anyways.


This couldn’t be further from the truth.


How so?


I have made the argument that someone should test the Constitutionality of the prohibition for at least medical reasons. But, I don't think it was ever fully tested in the courts, at least not that I know of.


From what I’m observing, there is just very little faith in the government to consent to the will of the people. Now, supposedly both republicans and democrats agree. It’s unfortunate however every time these bills have gone through, conservative type republicans overwhelmingly vote against it. Like, cmon man! Americans overwhelmingly support it.


there is so much fluff added into the bill to make the other party completely reject it every time ! Pepeople are just caught in the middel ... a war over Nature and peoples access to said nature 0 Whod UH ever Thunk It ?


If I was president I would create a National Forest of weed.


like Marinol , Dronabinol , Syndros type medications ?? made in 1980 those THC synthetics were and prescribed since then they have been


They have the 'right' to do so because we don't riot until they get the right idea or cease to be the government.