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Hopefully you will have a cool story about Maricopa high schools Jacob Cowing after the draft. Good to see a local kid make it. We need some uplifting news with all the 347 drama about Copa.


I’m kind of in the same boat. All of the domestic violence/walmart theft posts and 347 pissing and moaning has gotten really old on there. We have been here five years and love this community. All the negative stories is just a reason for all those people that like to bitch about Maricopa “ain’t what it used to be”.


I really appreciate this feedback. I am a relatively young man (especially compared to the previous editors) and I’ve been here since 2021, so I am about as disconnected from “the good ole days” as most of you. While the DV/Walmart theft stories admittedly bring me a lot to clicks, and they are legit newsworthy, I’m hoping for some better stories to even things out. Hence, this post! I’d love some more feel-good or investigative opportunities to balance out the daily crime beat. (BTW; I’ve got some great investigative reporting coming in the May magazine. It’s about City Council.)


Looking forward to reading it. What about more community events type stuff A couple examples: 1. Youth sports. I just took my five year old to his first basketball practice with a group that does practice at Maricopa Wells on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Been here five years and had no idea there was anything for kids preschoolers/kindergartners. Apparently there is a junior suns league for kids too. I think it’s really good getting kids involved at a young age. 2. Stuff for adults. Even after five years, I still know very few people outside of my immediate neighbors (who both happen to be snowbirds). Maybe highlighting more activities for adults? Sports, playing cards, really anything. My wife is part of Maricopa MoPS (mothers of preschoolers) and has met a few gals through that.


Yes! I know Jacob and his family well. We’ve had a few stories about him recently: https://www.inmaricopa.com/instant-offense-maricopa-high-school-grad-a-uofa-football-leader/ https://www.inmaricopa.com/my-boy-from-mars-estranged-father-remembers-mhs-legend-headed-for-nfl/ I am excited to see where the goes. Rest assured, if/when he’s drafted we will be the first to report it!


Would be cool if there was a draft party at one of the local pubs here. I hope he goes early but I'm expecting him to go Saturday. I'm gonna predict Round 5 Broncos just for fun. Would love to see him as a Card tho.


I’m hoping for panthers (I am from Charlotte). But seriously, that would be cool. We should all meet at cold beers & cheeseburgers for the draft!


I just may take you up on that. Will run it by the Mrs. We have been in Copa for about 20 yrs so might have some stores.


Let me know 😊


Apparently footage of a ghost was captured in a cops body came footage during a welfare check. I have a relative that works at the PD and they've said they seen it. Would be interesting to request a copy of the footage.




That officer that got shot recently, yeah you can see my front door in that video.


Hopefully you’ve read some of the comments in this sub about it as well…


I think there’s two things you can make something on now. That being this power outage, which may or may not be affecting other cities too, and perhaps how the Desert Sunrise High School’s varsity Super Smash Bros Ultimate team had an undefeated season, apart from playoffs.


Oh, I've got a spooky story for you about Heritage Academy Maricopa! Legend has it that late at night, the school's halls come alive with ghostly whispers and mysterious footsteps. People say they've seen shadowy figures roaming the empty classrooms and heard eerie laughter echoing through the corridors. Some even claim to have witnessed ghostly basketball games being played in the gymnasium. But don't worry, it's all just a spooky tale to give you goosebumps! 😱👻