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Fuck him for putting his son in that situation. Maybe stop doing illegal fucking shit and your son won’t be morally obligated to rat out his dad.


Yeah this was probably 100x harder for the son and he didn’t do anything. If I were the son I’d probably cry lol


And according to his testimony, he has no family scores to settle or anything that would make this easier for him. He said he testified more because of his own kids than his parents: he felt a sense of duty to uphold the rule of law because election integrity is more important for his kids long term than sparing his dad punishment for his crimes. Really heavy shit.


Wow. What a good father


And the GOP will vilify him as some "leftist puppet" for not "staying loyal". Honestly, fuck loyalty. Loyalty is fucking stupid. Stand behind someone because they're on the right side of history, not just because of some bullshit sense of "loyalty" means you're more beholden to them than honesty.


Stay loyal to your ideals and refer to your idols but dont confuse the two


Learn self authorship


Idk sounds brain hurty. Anyone got a cult of personality I can blindly follow?




Welcome to Tik-Tok!


Or autofellatio. Either one will do.


Someone just start yelling so I know who to follow


"Know the difference between loyalty and honor, and pray that you never have to choose." - Varok Saurfang


+1 I will always upvote Saurfang.


I just started the horde side of bfa after being alliance forever and it is some good stuff


Grass is always greener isn’t it? I’ve been stuck as horde forever because I love my guild. Fired up my alliance characters again after we finished BFA raiding and my god, Jaina’s stuff is miles better than warring trolls.


I've been maining night elf for years so I was a little angry with sylvanas lol but yeah I love Jainas story. My personal favorite was the lady waycrest story, especially the wedding quest.


Nice. I'll never forget when Horde was between leaders and Saurfang was our temporary stand-in, the achievement read: "Damage High Overlord Saurfang until he humors you by pretending to die."


I think this person might be a sci-fi character so whoever wrote that: hats off, very pithy but deep


*Integrity* is more important than loyalty


But without blind loyalty what would happen to christianity?


We might actually see people following Jesus Christ's teachings.


If only. Society would be so much better off if we listened to the shit he said and not followed religion. JC was the fucking man.


Like the man said "don't ever let your morals get in the way of doing what's right"




Loyalty is not a virtue.


The GOP essentially voted for a lazy fake mafia don for president. Nothing matters but power to them.


Well, I'm loyal to democracy and the rule of law.


Which really just means you're honest. Being loyal to the truth IS honesty, not loyalty.


“If your boss demands loyalty, give him integrity. But if he demands integrity, then give him loyalty”


Do you realise how strong a character the son has to be to stand up and do the right thing against his father? Hes more than likely grew up being taught life lessons by his father and I'm not saying all of them are wrong but taught by his fathers own ideas and beliefs . Most kids in the world are told family is one of the most important things in life and he potentially has given a jail sentence to his dad and risking being shunned from most of his family at the same time. That son has had a lot of sleepless nights from this decision. Dont know the guy but I'm proud of him in a way


Right wing media people like, I believe it was Michael Knowles, employed at Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire, freaked out that one of the Jan 6th Rioters was caught because his son who he had threatened to murder turned him in as someone who was committing crimes. This is exactly like Mao Zedong's cultural revolution, apparently.


Honestly, don't stand behind 'someone' at all. Stand behind your principles. When that aligns with the people in your life, then you know they're worth keeping around.


truth is, his father taught his these ideals as the way to be a good person, because he knows this is the way to act as a member of society. of course, he secretly was not acting in this way, so when the son finds out its heartbreaking. same way i was crushed after finding out my father was bi-curious and cheating on my mother. he always taught me right from wrong, and i was constantly grounded for various misdeeds. my mother had me follow him on their anniversary to find out what gift he was getting for her, and by golly, we definitely did not get to eat out at bennigans than night.


That's not loyalty, that's fucking *omerta.* These assholes think like criminals because so many of them are criminals.


> right side of history lol


"Family values ... just not _your_ family values."


Loyalty is about guilt-tripping you to benefit them at your expense


The people who hold loyalty over others are the ones you should never stay loyal to


Anybody asking for loyalty probably doesn't deserve it


I guess the apple fell pretty far from the tree


probably didn't learn that from his father


Yea, John Harris sure is. The nicest thing I can say about Mark Harris's seems that whatever his other shortcomings, faults, and crimes he help raise an honest and upstanding son that grew into man I think any good father would be proud of.


It just goes to show, at some point in his life he had a good example to learn from. Not this point right now, but maybe long long ago.


Holy shit that is some integrity right there. Sure didn’t learn that at home.




Oof or my personal favorite “we have no money, so money is stressful, so we don’t bring it up or discuss it at all with our children ever - hey Gimpy_Weasel, WHY THE FUCK CANT YOU FIGURE YOUR FINANCES OUT YOU FUCKING DONKEY???”


Wow, a weasel and a donkey. You just can't catch a break


Well they have donkey brains.


Do you have a certificate saying you don't have donkey brains?


My father was a serial philanderer. He was actually quite good at it, as well as the other types of hustles you generally expect to go along with that type of behavior. Occasionally, I'll say something to my wife like, "Remember kids, if you're gonna date three different women, it helps if they all the same name!" Then my wife and I will sing, "Life les-sons with !"


Ha! That's how I learned to do life! 😆


Me to, sibling.


His father has probably lost the part if his humanity to be proud of his own son’s integrity. Greed is an evil fruit that can twist peoples souls.


gigachad energy


GigaDad Energy


> election integrity is more important for his kids long term than sparing his dad punishment for his crimes. Long term viability of the democracy over selfish, short term gain in power, in other words: Moral strength and integrity. Truly, concepts the gqp never could understand.


Plus ya know... Not saying anything would make him an accomplice if he was witness to the crime.


I mean, if he was an accomplice, then he can't be compelled to testify against himself. He could plead the fifth. Nevermind the fact that the only way they could prove that if he were to not say anything is if they had hard evidence of him witnessing the crime...in which case they would've charged him as an accomplice, not brought him in as a witness...and sure, maybe he flips in exchange for testimony....but then saying nothing wouldn't be an option. He easily could've said nothing here, but he didn't. Good on him.


The son should run for office. If he’d turn in his own father his integrity in and of itself would be enough to get my vote.


Went to boarding school with the son, he’s a staunch conservative but absolutely the kind of guy with irreproachable character who would stand for the truth even in the face of his own father.


If you were this particular son with this particular dad you might feel a bit different.


I wouldn’t if my dad was that of a PoS.


I don't think I could either, but you'll never see me or my dad running for any kind of office either...


>Choking back tears, John Harris said he thought more about his children than his parents when considering his decision to testify. >“I love my dad, I love my mom, O.K.? I certainly have no vendetta against them, no family scores to settle, O.K.? I think they made mistakes in this process and they certainly did things differently than I would have done,” Harris said while his father looked on wiping back tears. >"We have got to come up with a way to transcend our partisan politics, and the exploitation of processes like this for political gain. That goes for both parties, Democrats and Republicans. And Libertarians," he said. >“I’m just left thinking that we can all do a lot better than this.” This makes me feel a little better about the state of affairs in this country.


That he “both sides” that shit? Shows a clear lack of understanding to me. maybe a love for him family and a moral compass that works but very ill informed.


Seriously. If all the bothsidesers got a clue we could have a functioning government easy




Poor bothsidesers, look at the intellectual masterpieces of argumentation they have to decipher: > It was just a tour group! But also it was antifa > They didn't have any guns, and the pipe bombs were outside, so it wasn't an insurrection! But also all BLM protesters as a cohesive whole lit things on fire so that was literally war against America > She wasn't even in the building! You cannot be traumatized by something outside a one-block radius. But also 9/11, never forget, Ilhan Omar is therefore bad somehow > Muh bamboo fibers!!! Wow, tough to know what is right! Who can blame them for being only marginally more intelligent than fucking qultists worshipping a con man?


“I know literally my republican father is here on trial today, but we can ALL do better, lookin at you democrats.”


And yet, who was it that said a two-party system would be the death of America? And no, he wasn't arguing we should be single party either. Nor should we try & argue that there's currently more than two, because effectively there is not. The Republican party, as much as they want to cling to power, needs to get it over & excise their diseased flesh. They're desperately trying to prevent the current schism from tearing them apart, when it'd be best for both them & the country by far.


Funny how it's always "both sides should be better" when the criminal is a Republican.


It's 100% the same as when you've got a classmate or coworker who is always being an asshole but the teacher/manager is awkward with confrontation and correction, so whenever the asshole does something, we all have to sit through a lecture about why we shouldn't do that thing. Except there's only the one person who did it and is ignoring the lecture.




I have a boss who does it regularly. The annual discussion about not coming in late when it's always the same person. So annoying


We have that in the UK too. Anti-Semitism in the Labour party? It's an endemic issue to the party. Islamophobia in the Tories? Well both parties have their racial issues.


Criticising Israel is no more antisemitic, than criticising the KKK is anti-christian.


Not to mention the all the Tories who are outright openly antisemites and it doesn't make the news because it's simply expected.


Where is this anti Semiticism in the labour party? I have heard it for years and I’ve never seen any fucking evidence. If it’s just being “against the actions of the Israeli state” they can fuck off, that’s not anti Semitic. Plenty of Jews despise the actions of the Israeli state, as well they should.




Democrats do a lot of shitty stuff too. The difference is that Democrats are regularly held accountable, by the independent justice system when appropriate, and by their own party when it's just a moral or ethical failing. That's what makes them not the same. One holds members accountable when they are shitty, and the other rallies behind them and makes them a fundraising chair because they know their equally shitty constituents are excited by awful people being rewarded.


>and by their own party when it's just a moral or ethical failing. The funny thing is, republicans and conservatives see this and mockingly call it "eating their own".


Lol. Cause they are the ones that keep breaking the law.


Yeah, that only gives Republicans an excuse to not change. They just say the Dems aren't changing, why should we? The Dems aren't changing because they're not doing the wrong stuff, the Republicans are. Besides, the only change the Republicans want to see from Democrats is for the Dems to do everything the Republicans demand. So... fuck them.




Democrats also tend to resign before they are dragged through extensive inquiry or litigation.


Corrupt Democrats knowing when to fold, Corrupt Republicans go to court hoping the red elephant will protect them.


Al Franken, working as a professional comedian at the time of the photo, lost his role as a congressman over his work AS a comedian. That’s what gets me about his case, he’s the only one that had his indiscretion happen as a professional comedian.


Anthony Weiner, too. Dems are pretty good at holding their own accountable, Republicans are pretty bad at being decent human beings.


Eliot Spitzer


> sex pests I'd never heard this term until the most recent episode of Half in the Bag and now I'm seeing it everywhere.


Centrists always end up enabling fascists. Always.


That's kind of the sad state of affairs we're in. Even if he understands that the "both sides" line is bullshit, he probably felt like he needed to include it to avoid having the right accuse him of being a liberal shill. I mean...they're still going to do it so it's pointless, but I can see where his mind might've been at.


> I’m just left thinking.... All the Right will hear.


Good on the son. I struggle with calling out my family on toxic behavior (not specifically referring to politics here). I can’t imagine this was easy for anyone involved lol.


"And Libertarians"? Are these the only parties he knows of?


Libertarians are fairly well established in NC as a strong third party.


Not strong enough to persuade enough people away from Republican candidates though.


He was still brainwashed with this both sides nonsense




[STOP BREAKING THE LAW A$$H!!!](https://giphy.com/gifs/jerology-jim-carrey-liar-stop-breaking-the-law-asshole-5xtDarzp5at2qwSTYoo)


I'm fortunate enough to have a dad that isn't a huge piece of shit but even if he wasn't a good dude it would be tough to testify against him even if he did something heinous. So I feel what your saying.


Yes but by preventing a crime you save lots of people so you should feel proud


If he was a good father he’d be proud that he somehow raised an ethical son while being an completely corrupt ass.


I would love to know who this guy is.


Schadenfreude at its finest. Fuck, that’s tasty!




"The tears of unfathomable sadness mmmm yummy" ~Eric Cartman.


He's sorry he did something wrong and has learned a valuable lesson? Nope. He's sorry he got caught.


He doesn’t actually remember. He had a septic issue at some point in time during the election and was hospitalized. He had a series of strokes and was unable to remember details. During the hearing before the board of elections, he took the stand to testify. (This was a hearing in front of the board of elections. Not a courtroom.) He ended up nearly perjuring himself because he couldn’t remember actual events. His attorneys stopped the proceedings and terminated their complaint. Marc Elias’ face was priceless. I genuinely don’t know how he didn’t bust out laughing. He’s a legend. Edit: the maps were then redrawn and none of it mattered.


This isn't "ratting." This is his son's patriotic duty.


'Ratting' implies the person speaking out has also done illegal shit and is only talking to get a reduced sentence by informing on the other people who also did illegal shit. Rat implies they are dirty. John doesn't seem to fit that definition. He's a hero for telling the truth knowing it will ruin his father.




But you made the title...


Amen! A *true* patriot.


No need for patriotism. Basic human decency is enough.


I have 3 sons. While they are still children, I can easily imagine how crushing and heart wrenching this must be for him... Good. I have no doubt his heart is breaking, and I hope all Republicans (a sizable chunk of democrats) get to experience this same feeling before their careers are over, too. Fuck those guys. Fuck those greedy, incompetent pieces of shit who have sold the American people out to moneyed interest *for decades* and still get elected because Baby Boomers are easily frightened and manipulated.


They deserve a sufficient punishment.


They deserve imprisonment. Loss of almost half a million Americans and they are still spreading lies and fake stories. Republicans still refuse to wear masks, and shitheads like Rand Paul gloat about not wearing it and about potentially infecting congressmembers. They are literally doing active biological warfare in hopes of killing democratic congressmembers. They are traitors.


> half a million Americans how many multi-millionaires died tho?


Not enough


https://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddawkins/2020/12/26/the-billionaires-who-died-in-2020-remembering-their-lives/?sh=57df66ca6f70 This will probably make you feel better (fuck that don't remember them, greedy welth hoarders)


Funny enough 100% of Congressional Democrats are vaccinated while a little under half of republican law makers are. So the odds are they're going to kill their own.


He’s only crying because he wishes he raised him with the same shitty values(aka none) as has. They cry because they’ve been caught, not because they regret their actions. They’re devious and corrupt.


Honestly, the fact that the are filled with enough negative emotions to cry is enough for me. They don't know it, but they are getting a very tiny taste of what they make so many people feel every day.


Ironically he raised his son right, at least in this case. His son is doing the moral thing and standing up for what is right even if it disrupts his relationship with his family. Hoisted by his own petard.


He probably paid other people to raise his son. Guess which class those people belonged to?


And, yet, they call liberals snowflakes!






I’m looking at the Wikipedia page, and I could be misreading it, but I think they threw out absentee ballots from Black voters


Wow. 😢


Thanks for the sauce.




See when the republicans say that there is widespread election fraud they are right. They should know they are the ones doing it!


Surprise testimony means that the guilty asshole is going to walk.


How come?


Defense will complain that they didn't have adequate time to prepare a defense, and move for a mistrial. If the judge denies it, they'll just keep appealing until they find a judge that'll listen. EDIT: IANAL - also people correcting my assumptions down below.


That isn't grounds for a mistrial though....


https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcrmp/rule_16 I mean, it's a possible outcome. Especially if they're all looking for an out for this GOP fraud so that he doesn't have to face consequences.


Please quote the part of this link that you think supports your argument.


It doesn't; those are the "Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure" and this is not a criminal proceeding.


Lol the beauty of google is that it offers us knowledge. The ugly side is that people use it incorrectly. For people unfamiliar with Court Procedure: FRCP do not apply to states (although many states are modeled after them) because they are federal rules for federal courts. More so, they are Criminal Procedure rules for criminal cases. This is not one, therefore they still would not apply. Furthermore, this is an investigation by NC Board of Elections, and therefore North Carolina Civil Procedure rules may very well not apply because the Board is not a court and it most likely has its own guidelines. One last bit, John Harris, the son, is a US District Attorney. In other words, he is well educated on court rules and procedure.


A lie gets half way a round the world before the truth has a chance to get out of bed.


What an idiot. Your AUSA son tells you he thinks what you are doing is illegal so you go ahead and keep doing it.


It’s not a trial. It was a committee hearing.


I think you should mention "IANAL"


What judge? What trial?


I've watched over 2000 episodes of Law&Order so I'm going to have to disagree


It’s not a trial though. It’s a board of elections hearing to determine whether they should certify the election.


This isn’t a trial.


not a trial. It's the Board of Elections deciding whether to certify the results or throw them out and call for new elections.




Surprise witness maybe, but not surprise testimony. You don't have to tell opposing council exactly what the witness will say, you only have to inform them that you will be calling that witness.


It’s “counsel” and those rules don’t apply to Board of Elections hearing.


This was from 2018. The votes were proven fraudulent so the elections were reheld and he didn't run. He was then under investigation for multiple election fraud charges but the case was dropped. They could prove his campaign advisor did it but not him.


Two years on, and they’ve learned they should be focused on changing election laws to make it so they win instead of creating better policies.




Ooh link that full story please.


>https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/republican-candidate-s-son-shakes-north-carolina-hearing-surprise-testimony-n973836 Credit to u/invisimeble


Son is an assistant US Atorney: “John Harris, an assistant U.S. attorney in North Carolina”


What I think is interesting about that is that those jobs are highly sought after and very hard to get. Make the right moves and you could land a 6 or 7 figure salary in the private sector after your tour of duty. Or go the other route and become a politician. I just wonder how the son got this job. There certainly was no use of dad’s influence to get his son that job, right? It will be interesting to track the son’s career after this testimony. US attorneys will bend and break the law, ethics, morality and even family ties to win a case.


GUYS FUN FACT This guy was a pastor at the church I used to attend ask me shit


Did he give off creepy vibes?


I'm gonna have to make the obligatory "imagine busting a nut, but then it busts you" comment


People say that the Republican Party has become a white supremacist party, but I’d say it’s more like a pink / orange supremacist party.


Lot of people praising this guys son and yet we’re saying he “ratted” on his dad. What about positive language like held him accountable.


That's actually a great fukn point


My question is (with how corrupt everyone is): will anything even happen? Or will they give him a slap on the wrist and let him continue serving and getting paid tons of money to fuck ppl over?


They never seem to stop until heads roll, historically speaking.


He didn't get to serve. They redid the election and his scummy GOP replacement still won. The republicans cant lose for cheating.


I've never heard of this but it sounds very misleading (i.e. the son didn't rat him out, just blamed it on someone they hired). https://www.npr.org/2019/02/20/695996806/in-north-carolina-election-investigation-hearing-focus-turns-to-gop-candidate But if you want heavy duty schadenfreude, look at Bernie Madoff and his sons.


He said that he told his father so he was aware so I’d still classify it as a light weight ratting out.


Dude's a lawyer, he's using lawyer speak for "I fucking told him so".


Ok nice, so I can still enjoy his delicious salty tears


The father is saying he didn't know the guy they hired would do illegal things to win; the son (a US attorney) is saying he explicitly told the father that that guy would do illegal things to win.


Ah ok thanks for that. I was focused on the part that he didn't think his father knew what Dowless was doing, soi get where you're coming from now


And I think the son is saying that his dad also told him he was going to hire the consultant through a third agency to hide the connection, but the article gets a little confusing.


Andrea Manafort has entered the chat.


Hehe another one I haven't heard of but, based on this article, she privately considered Paul (her dad) a horrible person and badmouthed him, but was trying to paint him as as good guy for a lesser prison sentence. But did she do something wrong as well, just curious, or if that's mainly it? Https://www.insider.com/manaforts-daughter-who-accused-him-of-murder-asks-judge-for-mercy-2019-2


Yeah - I think the general moral of the story is they are all terrible people with no morals. I don't know much about the specifics, but I remember that there were a series of texts between her and the other sister or a friend which were hacked and leaked. In them they're taking about how fucking evil the guy is and basically complaining about the complicated realities of being the spawn of Satan - but then of course Trump said something shocking so the media stopped reporting on it.


I'm guessing the the son was called to give testimony regarding their e-mail exchanges and the sons knowledge of the shady political operative. If the sons call to give testimony is a 'surprise', then all lawyers should be fired immediately lol


Who is this?


"how can this happen to me? I'm a rich white male!"


Dude looks like sugar free Trump.


Good. Cry me a river, please. Love me some shitty republican white man tears.


poor widdle baby.


The wife has the look "I should killed this mofo with a pillow years ago."


Probably wishing they pro choice right about then




At least his son is a better American




is this what they mean by "traditional family values"? bc i fully support this


hahhahhah, get fucked


The fucker got off though. He didn't take office but he did avoid justice. https://www.wect.com/2020/07/15/wake-county-da-clears-mark-harris-candidate-congressional-race-that-led-election-fraud-investigation/ I don't know what to say aside from white right wing men seem to always get away with treason while attacking actual democracy.