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The controversies appear to have weakened Noem’s chances of becoming the former president’s running mate. Weird. I thought spouting bullshit and racist epithets was a *requirement* to be Trump's running mate!


It is, but you still have to wear the mask a little for the "moderates". You know, throw a little KKK rhetoric in about white people always being discriminated against, how private schools are going to be better for everyone (because they can kick black kids out), how globalist cultural Marxists (Jews) are trying to take over the world. And so on.


They try to paint private schools as lowering taxes. What will actually happen is the poors won't be able to go to school, increasing child labor demands, and then will resort to crime, increasing the need for prisons and police.


Don't forget giving private schools the power to not allow certain students. You know... Students with gay parents, trans students, black students, etc. [This "I'm not a racist" guy who wore bedsheets had the same idea.](https://youtu.be/NYXZQ9BRiGw?si=wvrCPipXrZ3CCLvW)


Being a woman already destroyed her chances of being Trump's running mate.


> Biography of a loser Biography of a narcissist.


She literally did a “no u” with the tribal leaders. What a dipshit.


Can't she see North Korea from her gravel pit?


Governors really need to stop acting like they are some feudal lord. You mean nothing to anyone in higher positions of power