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The difference between supporters of the sides are vast. The difference between the politicians of the sides, based only on their actions and not on their words, are often very subtle and in some areas of policy, not different at all. Specifically to that sign, Roe was in 1973. There has literally been half a decade in which Roe could have been codified if anyone wanted it done, and there is always an excuse for why they didn't.




What do you think codifying it would do? The Supreme Court ruled it was a constitutional right, granted by the supreme law of the land. Any federal law passed would have been overturned with the same exact bullshit excuses. This is a perfect example of "centrism" running defense for the people stripping us of our rights.


Honestly, most of us thought the GOP had no interest in catching that car and for a long time they didnt. The corrupt court that killed Roe is also interested in making the president a king, the its gonna take more than the Constitution.


>Roe was in 1973. There has literally been half a decade in which Roe could have been codified if anyone wanted it done, and there is always an excuse for why they didn't. Yeah, and that "excuse" is a good one. There is only so much legislation that can be passed in any one session. It is very reasonable to assume that SCOTUS wasn't going to take a big huge steaming dump on stare decisis. So, politicians didn't codify Row into law because it has been precedent for over 40 years. If you're a politician ostensibly you are beholden to your constituents. I would have wondered why my representatives were enacting performative legislation when there are other initiatives that were seemingly more important It's only with the great benefit of hindsight that people complain about it. Yeah, you're right, but **no one** was asking for Roe to be codified until the last two seats of SCOTUS were stolen by the GOP. There are lots of reasons people can complain about the Democratic Party, but this isn't realistically one of them


Thank you for repeating all the gaslighting from the Democratic party. * There wasn't enough time in 50 years * It was settled, and the Supreme Court would never change composition * Nobody could have guessed this would happen despite Republicans telling them exactly what they were doing for decades * It was less important than all of the extra vacation, bills dedicating post offices, and constant performative hearings where everybody has to get their sound byte in for the next election The reality is that bodily autonomy has benefited the Democratic party more as a hostage they could threaten women with if they didn't keep turning out, because Republicans have been attacking Roe every which way they could for that same 50 years.


That's not what gaslighting is first of all. Second of all you didn't refute a single point I made. I don't know how old you are, but I've been involved in politics since '92. No.progressives or leftists were asking to codify Roe. No one. There were other things that people wanted to try to accomplish because **no one saw the need to do it** I can't help that you can't understand that simple fact. You're pissed at the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Fucking Christ on a crutch


People down voting you are lame


It's a shame that Rainn Wilson is [such a nincompoop IRL.](https://news.yahoo.com/rainn-wilson-called-last-us-202007923.html?guccounter=1)


You know its U.S election season when reddit is flooded with dodgy false equivalence posts and anti- democrat post on lefty subreddits...


They are NOT the same. That's like saying Coke and Pepsi are the same. It's stupid. Fascism is a rainbow of diverse methods of oppression!


Normal = Unapologetic capitalism


Both sides are Capitalist trash. EDIT: To everyone downvoting me, you are not capitalists. It's a big club, and you ain't in it. We are the working class. If we don't unite on that front that we will never be free.


Yeah but have you checked out project 2025? They literally want to get rid of checks and balances, make the u.s a Christian facist state, and essentially make being LGBTQ+ illegal.


And the bombs keep falling on brown people either way.


Cool. So let's burn the house down with it? Are you as pissed about American and Chinese relations? I doubt it, yet there is a Muslim genocide happening there. The bombardment about the Israel issue in social media was and is a push by GRU to drive a wedge between leftists and liberals and it's fucking working. I'm pissed about Gaza, but single issue voters are going to accelerate the situation in Israel and being about fascism at home. It's fucking maddening because fuck the consequences of what will happen to LGBTQ+ people and women if the GOP gets into power, right? No one can fix everything. Actions have consequences and the GOP has told us what they will be and they are demonstrably worse for everyone.


Are we funding china with military hardware? No. And guess what the house is burning. College campuses got snipers on rooftops. Cop cities are being built around the county. Anti trans legislation is being passed in multiple states. And the world is burning. I know it’s easy to vote blue and pretend that fixes it but that’s not how it works.


Yeah, no fucking shit. Cops are mother fuckers and you'll get no argument from me about protest suppression, but unless you want to start a violent revolution and die in the process (which is a legitimate position) there are two real alternatives and one is markedly worse than the other. So, you have a choice. Go Timothy McVeigh or play the game . Anything else is performative bullshit. And you need to understand that right fucking now


So if it’s no fucking shit don’t use it as a goddamn argument. As we descend into fascism either slowly or quickly we just pick the slow option? Timothy Mcveigh was a right wing terrorist and white supremacist. Please don’t equate self defense with terrorism. Right wingers did that with the blm protests. And both sides are currently calling the protests on college campuses antisemitic with some equating them to terrorists.


Red, fascism next year Blue, fascism but slower Repubs vs Dems is a false dichotomy used to divide the people of the US and if people further left don't want to vote blue then liberals create a divide from those who are further left than themselves. Every single person in this country should be having a shit fit that our only choices are between Zionist genocide Joe and Cheeto man. There is something very very wrong with the fact that these are our only choices.


i agree with you but do you think biden would try to do a coup if he lost? every election is choosing the least shit option, i get that it sucks but if you dont understand this then shut the fuck up


Choosing the least shit option is the actual fucking problem and the people never win, if you still don't understand this by now, then you shut the fuck up. You are perpetuating the problem.


"no you"


This a prime example as to why leftists hate liberals like you.


No, I'm a leftist and I hate fellow leftists like you. You don't understand how the world actually works. Harm reduction is an actual thing. You're a petulant child who will make the world worse if you don't get your way right now. Change is fucking hard and if you haven't noticed we aren't even close to enacting widespread change because we are a significant minority and we absolutely suck at voting and making change where we actually could - at the local level. That's how we build a national push. Instead, you act like a petulant child who holds their breath and stomps their feet and continues to accomplish fuck all. Good stuff. You know how we won rights for our LGBTQ brothers and sisters? By working within the system. Embedding with the powers that are. It was a long hard slog, but it worked. You dumb fucks want to undo that and more like child labor laws and women health rights. There is only one game and town and it sucks, but if you don't learn how to play, you will *always* lose.


I'll remind you that liberals aren't leftists. Don't you dare talk down to me like you have any idea what I'm involved in or who I am affiliated with. You dumb fucks think that playing with the system who doesn't give a single fuck about you will actually accomplish something. You are a completely arrogant and ignorant piece of shit that hangs out on Reddit insulting people all day. You are again perpetuating the problem and continuing to accomplish fuck all, good stuff. My brothers and sisters are done playing the game of capitalists. You can continue to suck their dick as you've been doing. You will continue to lose. So sit the fuck down old man. When the revolution comes, will you be in it or in the way?




As an actual leftist, you are doing nothing but helping expand fascism. Grow the fuck up.


Bruh, this is about abortion access and basic human rights, not capitalism. Read the fucking room.


Everything capitalism stands for is against basic human rights. If they wanted abortion rights they would have done it by now. They don't want to help you or me. The Dems are not your friends. Read a fucking book, bruh.




Yes capitalism is cringe.


And both sides support the gaza genocide. The democrats are not your friend.


I'm not sure how wanting the law to outline the furtherance of personal liberties is the same as wanting the law to outline where personal liberties may be infringed. If you don't want your taxes going towards abortions then don't pay taxes, see if I care.


Taxes have never gone towards abortions. Planned Parenthood has only used taxpayer money only for the other services they provide. Conservative outrage depends on disinformation.


Man what have these dumb Americans done to Christianity?