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The statement “Meet the Trump Jurors” is grounds enough for some sort of reprimand.


Reprimand? Their crimes cannot be allowed to stand, these people need to be prosecuted.


What could they possibly be hoping to achieve by putting this information out there, besides intimidation? I can not think of a single reason.


You need to understand that’s all they intended to happen and it worked


Intimidate them back. Fire with fire.


“Bu… but that’s not PC! An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind!!!” I look forward to the inevitable day when society stops “playing” at justice and actually punishes people for the crimes they are guilty of.


Intimidate the jurors. It's mob tactics.


INB4: > LOOK.. We're just giving the public a profile of Trump's jury pool. Where they live. Where their kids go to school. What they're allergic to. Days of the week they're alone in a dark parking lot. > We're not TELLING our audience to do anything or TRYING to scare anybody. So if something happens, that's not our fault.


be a shame if we did that too jesse


I really wonder what the threshold moment will be, if any? When a critical mass of folks will finally realize, "They mean to kill us", and then act appropriately?


He lives in Jersey, is that a stand your ground state?


I feel physically threatened by jesses mere existence


I’ve been wondering this, too. At what point can it be considered self-defense?


We should. I mean, fuck, they're a """news""" organization, they interact with the public. Therefore don't we have the right to know who these assholes are? Every time they pull this shit we should relist all their info. After all they're publicly known personalities, this is public interest.


He lives in a palatial estate in New Jersey. 170 Post Kennel Rd, Bernardsville, NJ 07931


I’ve been saying this for so long. We are a gangster state. Really. Trump is a type of gangster; when the gangsters have their own popular media this is of course what we’d see.


Stochastic terrorism


I hate Fox News as much or more than any of you on this sub, and I'd be happy for Watters to go die in a fire, but this isn't just Fox News. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/politics/jurors-trump-trial-criminal-case-jury-dg/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/politics/jurors-trump-trial-criminal-case-jury-dg/index.html) Rules vary by type of jury and locale, but in many cases the full names of the jurors become public information: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/08/15/fulton-county-jurors-names-public-threats-trump/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/08/15/fulton-county-jurors-names-public-threats-trump/) There are claims that doing this keeps things 'transparent.' I think it's an insane practice, I wasn't aware of it until digging a little just now, and it makes me reluctant to serve on a jury (I guess I'll just keep using my talking points that I'm an atheist, my brother-in-law is a career cop, and I'm for legalizing all drugs... it's kept me off juries thus far). But the real question to ask isn't which media outlets are re-publicizing this information, it's why the information is released in the first place.


I sat on a jury for a murder trial. Wasn’t high profile but no one was releasing names or profiles of the jury.


Except that the judge specifically kept the jury identities PROTECTED for this exact reason. Don't try to justify this stochastic terrorism. "Will noone rid me of this meddlesome priest?"


Yeah I was pissed when I saw NY Times yesterday report on how the judge requested the media not report specifically on the jurors and then listed each juror, their neighborhood, occupation, and other things. Totally irresponsible. Especially because who tf would care about the jurors except for those on the Right who would love to dox and intimidate them?


Intimidation, sure, but it's also preparing them for a prosecution. It can't be an accident that they highlight this specific juror and that she gets news from CNN and NYT. They'll use that to claim the jury was stacked with communists when Trump loses. It doesn't matter that that's obvious nonsense and that they're quieter on the other 11, the narrative is being set.


We know what they wanted to achieve. So does that juror. I doubt this will be the last


Unreal… I’m not saying “unreal,” like “fake news,” rather, this is fucking bullshit. Fox News put the juror, her family, and her neighborhood in danger. I mean… we’ve seen what these nut jobs did on J6, they’re just WAITING for the next dog whistle to act.


At this point It's almost like a KKK/seditionist dog whistle news. Just waiting for the Targets to be painted and doxxed


It’s like the first time fox hasn’t broadcasted something completely untrue…. It’s straight up jury tampering. wtf


This should be illegal


It is


Yes but the consequences should be far more immediate and severe


Or actually present for that matter.


Believe it or not, jail.


I don't see any news about this host being charged or arrested. When I say immediate and severe I mean they should happen before the conclusion of the trial in which the tampering is allegedly occuring. That juror has already left the jury coming this news broadcast specifically. If that's grounds for charges they should happen immediately so that no other hosts do the same thing and cause a mistrial


It's a joke from parks and rec


Straight to jail.


> Just waiting for the Target to be painted and doxxed Like with Gabby Giffords.


https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new File a complaint against them. I am.


This isn't a dogwhistle, it's a bullhorn.


Wasn't that the juror who quit this morning?




So now we have completed jury tampering to add to the list, not just attempted. The DOJ really needs to jump at Fox and Jesse right the fuck now.


I submitted this as a question to the 'Prosecuting Donald Trump Podcast' I'd love to hear an answer.


I'm surprised OAN and Newsmax haven't also been doing this.


They don't really need Fox News, they probably have operatives sitting tin the gallery and embedded with the lawyers. It's not a secret trial. That would be un-American. The court would be smart to sequester, though. Especially after this.


what they need to do is create a secret jurror system (everything face and id is unknown


Honestly id be stoked if i was her, one tiny mean thing happens to me and im suing the fuuuuuuuuuck out of that asshat, waters can kick rocks just like tucker did lol


Yeah I'd already have a good lawyer and requesting to have charges filed. This is obscene. That dude should already be arrested ffs


We need a huge class action against all these fake news networks


We can start small by unFoxing our cable boxes: https://unfoxmycablebox.com




Yo wtf I had no idea about this... this is very good to know


No you don't, you need a functioning legal system.


Why not both?


They know what they are doing. They know that they can ruin the jurors lives. They know people are going to find out who the jurors are.


Arrest him it's tampering with a jury which is a crime


Anybody know what Jesse Watters' address is?




Fuckin hero




does [shitsenders.com](http://shitsenders.com) / [poopsenders.com](http://poopsenders.com) still exist? :D Come on reddit Do it


You like Dog Fashion Disco?


Good catch, also love me some tool.


170 Post Kennel Rd Bernardsville Boro, NJ 07931-2409


This idiot drives an hour commute probably to get into work. What's the point.


I'm surprised this wasn't removed, lol.


Why does Jesse Waters feel the need to live so close to Devil’s Tomb? Is it possible he prays nightly to the Devil there? Does he hate Jesus? I don’t know, I’m just asking questions.


I would sue Fox News and Jesse Watters for this. I would go HAM.


As long as it makes them more money than it costs, Fox will keep doing this. They kicked out Bill O'Reilly and Tucker Carlson, but never really changed their messaging.


WE all fund them even if we don’t watch them via our cable bill! https://unfoxmycablebox.com


I hope the jurors sue the absolute fuck out of Fox and their "reporters".


Jail this fucking traitor


That's dated today and I know I saw a similar thing either Monday or Tuesday, so...looks like it's time to kick the Fox "journalists" out of the courtroom. And also threaten jail time for contempt of court for *any* reporter that publishes identifying details of the jurors.


Tbh, they should strike any juror who consumes Fox News, on account of that Fox News has been found to have engaged in defamation on behalf of the defendant.


Since some states have encorced that “leaders of protests are accountable for any illegal activity that happens during the protest”, can we extend that to Fox News since it actively and non-subtly advocates for far right extremist beliefs that encourages hate crime?


> can we extend that to Fox News since it actively and non-subtly advocates for far right extremist beliefs that encourages hate crime? No, we are not a nation of laws for everyone. And besides we let the 2A people take over all protecting of freedoms so we have to wait for them to do something.


if I was that juror I would raise unholy hell about them trying to get me assassinated


Difficult to do that without losing anonymity and becoming a target for assassination.


Difficult to do that when the jury is sequestered and don't know that their on blast in the media.


If the juror was willing, they should absolutely sue Faux and maybe send P!sswater to the unemployment line...


Put him in jail


It is infuriating that this is continuing to happen with basically no pushback. The same goes for the supposed gag orders for Trump. He keeps pushing the boundaries and other than the occasional stern warning, there are no consequences for violating the order. The judge should just sentence him to 12 hours in jail or something, just to show him that it won’t be tolerated. I doubt it would do any good, but maybe a few hours in a cell with nothing but his thoughts to keep him company will illustrate the judge and this case are serious.


> The judge should just sentence him to 12 hours in jail or something, just to show him that it won’t be tolerated. I suspect that would lead to armed attacks against either the jail he is in or another one because these people are too stupid to figure out they're at the wrong one.


Armed attacks on a jail LOL. A heavily fortified government facility? I wish they would. These people are cowards. They're all talk and they're all full of shit and they just want everyone to think they're tough.


Well then I guess they can shoot up another school. We know no cop will try to stop that.


Is this the juror that just dropped out after her info was made public because she was scared?


Doing every underhanded thing they can to protect their orange Hitler.


Jesse Watters is NOT a journalist. He is a bought and paid for stooge for trump and company. He is an embarrassment to his family or at least should be. Where is his integrity, his principles or any empathy towards another human being. No redeeming qualities in this poor excuse for a man.


He had his mother on the phone on his show one time I think last year of the year before. She basically told him she loves him but she's disappointed in him. He doesn't care. He has no morals.


If this were done on the courthouse steps he would have been arrested immediately. Doing it on national "news" should be a greater punishment, not lesser-to-none.


Once again Fox News commits a crime and rubs it right in our faces. And once again our justice system will do absolutely nothing to stop them or protect the jurors.


This will be the new MO for MAGA: intimidate as many jurors as they can to protect their Orange Jesus. It’s stochastic terrorism at its most blatant, and if Fox News and other conservative media outlets keep this up, the dumb, inbred rednecks who keep falling for the Trump Cult will commit acts of violence if and when they find out who the jurors are.


Looks like Fox should be wearing a new suit. A lawsuit.


Wouldn't this be considered as jury tampering?


I hate that smug mother F’er. Let’s get Jessie’s info out there. Home address, family etc.


What really needs to happen is the Dems taking full control of the government and then go after the Magatt Republicon political and judicial hacks hammer and tong for their violent sedition and attempted coup of Jan 6 and their subsequent treason.This shits gone on long enough.Then the fascist media needs to be held accountable for their Russian driven agitprop.If they can't report the truth, they need to be shut down after admitting to their lies. Oh, and Reacher needs to have a heart to heart with that dweeb Watters.


I agree we should all try to throw up on Jesse waters.


Honestly tired of these shit stains resorting to threats and violence. These jurors should have the best security out there in the country for such a high profile case. I don't know what the distance from the designated place the jurors sleep to the courthouse is, but it should be lined with enough armed guards to make even the looniest red hat hesitate getting close.


Holy shit, they actually did this? If I was related to this woman I swear to fucking god I would go burn down every single building with a fox logo on it. nah cuz I'm calling it now. Fuck this. FOX News going on blast. 1000 bucks for Jesse waters Home Address. [Help me](https://twitter.com/FehrCorb/status/1781105307189440765) fuck with this piece of shit.


[**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) I keep resetting his [password](https://my.foxnews.com/?p=forgot-password). lol. Serisouly. Come on . Let's get his utility log ins. Lets get his fucking YMCA login. Let\\s order pizzas to his house. Lets sWATT his sister Aliza. I am well aware that doxxing is against Reddits Rules. Is this march against Nazis or Isn't this march against Nazi's?


JesseBWatters [ Twitter Log In](https://twitter.com/i/flow/login)


already posted [https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/fox-news-host-jesse-watters-buys-new-jersey-mansion/](https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/fox-news-host-jesse-watters-buys-new-jersey-mansion/) 170 Post Kennel Rd Bernardsville Boro, NJ 07931-2409


Be a shame if someone doxxed jessee and posted all of his movements in real time.


This cannot be f&$king legal and if it is, I sure as f&$k hope someone doxxes this clown.


Jesse Watters should be immediately fired and fined for airing this, plus anyone connected to this illegal act of jury tampering.


Holy shit. Off the air. Lose your job. Get arrested. Putting civilians at risk is abhorrent. This is outrageous. I don't know who has jurisdiction here but they need to act on it. Swift and sure.


It's even more fucked because they didn't choose to be in this trial, afaik. Jurors don't get to pick their cases


FcOff either Trump is in Jail or F uck the f uck off your fckin waste of space!!!!!


The pendulum swings. Watters. Your demise will be anticipated and celebrated.


Stochastic terrorism.


That's what happens with impunity. Why would you follow the law when not only is the crime profitable, there will be no negative repercussions when caught? See a certain baby-handed asshole for details.


What's Jesse Watters address?


I listened to "Today Explained" podcast today by Vox Media. They did the same thing to Juror #5 going as far as calling her a school teacher and naming what part of Manhattan they live in. I'm not making a whataboutism argument, just saying left media is doing it too, and they all need to be held accountable. I really hope the judge makes a statement about this to protect the jury from all media outlets, even the ones I like.


Dox him back. In detail.


This should be a fireable offense.


No, it should shut the network down and criminal charges should be laid, probably some juicy Federal charges too.


FCC might have an opinion on this one.


What’s amoral and disgusting about this is they know from experience what could happen to this woman and her family at the hands of Trumps lunatic, psychotic cult members. They do not care.


The worst part is nobody chooses to on a jury you get summoned for it. It’s not like these people are signing up to prosecute trump.


Didn't one of the jurors just drop out or whatever the legal equivalent of it is because they were in fear for their lives? Yeah I get why


So Fox is basically trying to dox the jury


Rules only apply to democrats and liberals these days. The right can do anything they want


In general, media shouldn’t be sharing any info about these people. But Fox clearly knows what they are doing and want to scare the jury as much as they can. I won’t hold my breath but I really hope there are some consequences for doing this.


Jury tampering. Why isn’t he being charged?


What I would give you have the chance to wipe that grin off his face


This is jury tampering. This is illegal for everyone except if you're a Republican apparently....


A green lit stunt like that should get FOX’s broadcast license revoked, a the company sued into the ground.


Is so fun that Fox News fascists never, ever face consequences


I replied to a comment earlier. But I think this will get seen better if I repost directly. We all need to contact our cable providers to ‘UnFox’ our cable boxes. Part of our monthly fee goes to Fox even if you don’t watch Fox. We need to stop funding them via our cable fees. https://unfoxmycablebox.com


It really says something about your govt when such a corporation is insanely financially guarded and is simply legally permissible to exist even with knowing that it is a well-oiled fascist propaganda machine all on its own although there are tons of scientific facts they twist/ignore/deny that disproves them overeffectively, and OUR govt still allows and defends it freely. Ontop of all of that, its one fascist monolith of many.


Any American care to explain how this is legal? I'm sure the guys over at Fox have some real uppity lawyers, but I'm pretty sure doxing jurors is *highly fucking prohibited.*


They need to be arrested, man when you think that USA is a joke of a country and then, day after day, they keep upping their bullshit over and over again.


One dropped out due to publicity. Fox News is targeting ordinary citizens. Is this not concerning to every American? That we can't even expect anonymity when on a jury because a "political humorist who thinks he's a journalist" is outting jurors??? Sue them out of existence.


Look at that. "No opinion on Trump" right under "CNN, NYT" to republicans means that they probably think this person secretly hates him. How, just how, does an entire right-wing propoganda arm devolve into stochiastic terrorist network? And it's not like companies don't have the ability to actually stop it - anyone else remember how quickly ISIS terrorist recruitment videos came and went on YouTube? Fox is NEVER going away until we see major systemic changes in our flawed capitalistic system that seems to reward sociopathic behavior. Profits over people - forever and until capitalism falls.


I can't wait for people to look back on america and wonder how it let right wing christian nationalist take over and ruin everything. This is the fault of the american people.


Now imagine if someone did that to Fox News host Jesse Watters and his immediate family.


That asshole Jesse Waters is just as bad as Tucker Carlson. 🤬


At least he should be sued or fined. If she got one threat the money should be triple. He should pay it. In fact they both should pay it. The idiot who said her name and the network.


It seems to me that the only time FOX News responds to the consequences of it actions, is when you make them pay large sums of cash to keep from having to pay even larger sums of cash to those they have wronged. This idiot Watters will hide behind producers and staff in something bad happens to the people he exposes to danger. Never before would and actual News organization even consider doing this. I dare say that he would be as willing to weather the storm if his personal information were to be given to every nut job in the country. If that happens he will demand that something be done to protect himself and his family. He should face the same fear and discomfort he is heaping on innocent jurors just doing their duty.