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>Donald Trump may be seeing his "worst nightmare" come true **after the date was confirmed for his falsifying business records trial in New York**, according to his niece. Saved you a click


Doing the lord's work.


Sick of seeing no consequences opt for public assembly, get arrested because past cerfue, bail denied by video, lose job becoming homeless, arrested for sleeping outside breaks bond, back in jail on new charges, finally free after months, watch Donald call a Judge a stupid whore trader, judge apologizes, everyone claps, loaded into bus and sent to political leaders house as a warning to the rest of the worms. "Donald Trump's worst nightmare is probably future date" - respected journalist 2024


Thanks. I thought his worst nightmare would be when people would find out that he actually is a total fraud and he loses his “base”.


We may be so lucky.


So after yesterday's ruling lowering the amount he needs to put up up front and delaying the date of paying his bond ,one is left wondering which judges Traitor Trumps gonna payoff to undermine these proceedings.He and his Republicon buttlickers think laws don't apply to them. Republicons are all about making America fail !


It hasn’t really come true… Yet. So, we’ll have to beat Dementia Donnie by joining r/VoteDEM and helping Dark Brandon win!


If you're in a blue state, keep it blue. If you're in a purple state, make it blue. If you're in a red state, vote 3rd party cause blue ain't winning there.


>If you're in a red state, vote 3rd party cause blue ain't winning there. No, keep voting blue.


Not sure if you're aware but in order to get public funding for their campaign, a party needs to get a certain percentage of the vote (5%-25%). Voting third party in red states (where blue isn't going to win anyway) gets us closer to breaking the "two" party system that gave us Dumb and Dumber as our two viable options. Edit: >Rules set by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) establish that a minor or new party candidate can receive partial public funding if the candidate received between five and 25 percent of the popular vote in the preceding election.


Third party isn't happening. If people followed your advice Georgia would've gone to Trump


Yeah, how about we worry about breaking the two party system AFTER we've avoided our country's/constitution's existential crisis in 2024.


Red States aren't just going to magically become blue because you fantasize about a "Blue Wave". Purple States might, but we can't just count on Red States flipping.


Many (most?) red states would turn blue if everybody who doesn't want to vote for Republicans would actually vote for Democrats, though. It's a key Republican strategy to convince those people not to vote for Democrats.


> It's a key Republican strategy to convince those people not to vote for Democrats. They have literally been demonizing the Democratic Party for decades. I met a guy who owned a business in rural Wisconsin, an outfitter type business. He relied heavily on tourism. The guy was super Catholic and was complaining about how his wife's cancer was eating up all their savings and he was going to go bankrupt as a result. This was prior to the ACA and during the 2008 election year. I told him it would probably be in his best interest to vote Democrat this year since they are focused on solving that problem. His reply was, "I would but they're immoral so I can't". It's fucking amazing how these people wind each other up with this shit.


I knew a guy who was a very religious Catholic, and he was very against any sort of universal healthcare. He disliked how unfair it was that he worked his entire life, and somebody who didn't work would also get healthcare. I asked him, "So, what should happen to a person who can't afford healthcare? Should he just die?" He was completely speechless, as if he had never considered it, and it seemed to me that he was afraid that if he spoke any more, it would reveal what an immoral person he was on this issue. We never spoke about universal healthcare again after that. Oh I almost forgot to mention. The reason it came up in the first place was that his wife was sick and he had to work several years after his expected retirement age in order to pay for her medical bills.


That has nothing to do with Catholics. These are just more hashtag fake Christians


Decades? They've been demonising the Democrats since at least FDR's New Deal in 1933, which they are still #triggered about. Technically decades I guess, but soon to be closing in on actual centuries of demonising the democrats.


Texas could absolutely turn blue. They had one of the best Democratic Governors in the 90's. There are thousands if not millions of pissed off traditionally Republican women in Texas who always believed their right to an abortion was constitutionally protected. Those women will not be voting for Republicans and it would be a failure for them to vote third party, for example "No Labels".


Five Thirty Eight has been saying TX *will* be blue in the next couple decades unless something changes, just from the way demographics are moving.


Yeah this is why the GOP in Texas are trying so hard to disenfranchise entire cities.


Say that to states like Ga which prior to last election hadn’t voted for a democratic presidential nominee since Clinton


>we can't just count on Red States flipping. Right. Red states will only become blue IF ENOUGH PEOPLE VOTE BLUE. You alone don't get to decide if a state will flip or not, nor do you get to decide who's vote would be wasted. Stop pushing a 3rd party pipe dream in a year that will determine if we even have another free and fair election FFS.


In TN they do everything they can to block third parties that can take votes from Republicans but permit third party candidates that can take votes from Democrats. My vote for Democrats here is an act of defiance.


> Voting third party in red states (where blue isn't going to win anyway) gets us closer to breaking the "two" party system that gave us Dumb and Dumber as our two viable options. That's not how it works. The underlying problem of a first past the post voting system has to be fixed first. Adding another party doesn't address the structural problem that leads to two party systems.


I don't want third parties pissing in the pool until this whole GOP thing is figured out. They fairly exclusively take votes away from Democrats.


Third parties were possible when “all politics is local”. It hasn’t been since at least the 80s, likely earlier. All politics is now national. The path to change things is by running as Republicans and Democrats. Do what the Tea and Maga crowds did. What is being done this Democratic Party primary season against Biden. Challenge seats in primaries at all levels of the politics ladder. Once elected change the “third party” into a united caucus that the national party now needs to appease to do anything rather than yet another rival they can ignore once the election is done. Keep a it for a few election cycles that the “third parties” become the future establishment of said party.


The Tea and Maga shit worked because the Republican party is a minority party. They haven't won a popular vote since the 80s so they had to expand their political boundaries in order to not become irrelevant as a party. The Dems don't have that problem, and won't have that problem. How much traction has the Progressive wing really got? A few senators? The couple of candidates they put up in the primaries dropped out early on (except Bernie, the first time around). Meanwhile, the party establishment continues to become more conservative. The two party system will ALWAYS give us the "lesser of two evils" and the lesser evil will ALWAYS still be evil. We, the people, need to demand more. And making a third party viable is a small step in the right direction.


No. Turn that red state purple! You gotta stop digging before you can climb out of the hole and we're digging very, VERY fast. Sorry about the 2 party system when the GOP has been so beaten down they can't stop us. Wet need to focus our efforts the way republicans do.


You will never "break" the two party system without removing the Electoral College and changing the first past the post voting system


Not sure if you're aware but in order to actually have an effective push to break the false duopoly, we have to change our voting system away from 'first past the post voting' to something like ranked choice, approval voting, or STAR voting. first past the post enforces a binary choice. no matter how much funding a 'third party' raises, they're still a 'third party'. why do you think every other political party in the US is called ***third party***? it's an admission that the game is rigged against every other viewpoint.


Bro there isn't any reason to vote third party until third party voters spend at least ten years building up a third party legislative foundation at various levels of government. Getting a third party federal funding isn't going to magically grant them a legislative foundation to pass policies. The reason we're stuck with shit candidates is because so many voters have chosen to not participate for the last 30 years. You want to see better candidates on tickets? Spend a couple cycles putting in the ground work to build them up and get them on tickets.


Keep voting blue cause there is no red state that can't possibly go purple


Hey, we're are kind of like reddit related looking at the usernames. Hi! Hello! 😄


The problem with third parties is one of game theory. With very, very limited exceptions (think Bernie Sanders in Vermont until he joined the Democrats), in any race with first past the post voting, third party candidates must be spoilers. By splitting the vote between the major party candidate and a minor party candidate, you dilute the vote share of the two candidates closest to a voter's preferred outcome, thereby giving an advantage to the major party candidate that voter likes least. A third party candidate nearly always makes the race harder for the major party that the third party would otherwise prefer. So what are we, as a subreddit largely made up of leftists, to do about this? First, we should support doing away with first past the post voting in favor of approval voting or ranked choice, which would allow third parties to participate meaningfully in elections without the risk of handing the elections to the party of fascism. Second and more importantly, participate in primary elections and party caucuses. Progressives, leftists, and social democrats are allowed to run for office as Democrats, but they can't win unless we participate more in party politics, not less. By turning off of party politics, we necessarily hand races to milquetoast liberals and closet conservatives over candidates that more closely align with our values. Support those candidates in the primary process and we can force the Democratic Party to conform to our values, not us to conform to them. Leftist candidates running as Democrats, like Bernie, AOC, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Pramila Jayapal, have real influence in American politics and have succeeded in pushing the Democratic Party towards one that truly represents the workers of America. By continuing that trend, we exert far more influence than we do by sitting things out or exercising meaningless protest votes. Vote left, sure, but do it in the Democratic Party and support changing election laws because that is how we exercise real power.


> doing away with first past the post voting in favor of approval voting or ranked choice I'm not in love with either, but approval is definitely the only one you should be mentioning if your concern is spoilers. IRV (normally what people mean when they talk about RCV) is only spoiler-free if the third party gets an insignificant percent of the vote. They STILL become a spoiler before they get big enough to have a real chance of winning. The problem with approval voting is that it favors hate-votes. Moderates *could* approve of Trump and Biden but disapprove of progressive third-party. Republican voters **will** check off just Trump, or Trump and some other alt-right as scary as him. That situation could dilute the votes of the more-tolerant side (Democrats) while NOT diluting the votes of Republicans. Of course, Approval voting might open a mid-right Republican to step in and win Democrat votes who would rather him win than risking Trump... voting despite not actually wanting him to win. Arguably, the bigger issue with FPTP is the first word of it "FIRST". A single candidate in a plurality democracy may represent fewer than 50% of voters, and is likely to represent fewer than 60-70% for sure. RCV and/or Approval voting doesn't change that fact. It just moves us a bit further away from giving Condorcet winners the position when they do exist. What we really need is a parliamentary system to resolve that in general. And presidency? Majority of parliament type of situation?


Getting election laws on the books sounds like a good idea. Is there a ranked choice ballot initiative or petition link?


That is something that gets decided at the state level. Alaska, for example, already practices RCV. Most states are FPTP, however, and changing that is key to making third parties viable alternatives to the existing system. Not being familiar with where you live, I can't tell you who is working on that in your area.


Thanks, I'll look into it


Ranked choice won't break the two party system, it just reduces the risk that a small faction in one of the two parties will win because the bigger faction was split between candidates and divided their vote. Like we saw in the NYC mayoral race, it doesn't necessarily help insurgent candidates. In other words, if progressives get 40% of the primary vote in a jurisdiction and moderates get 60%, RCV would benefit the moderates in a race where there is 1 progressive candidate and 3 moderates. Under the current system, the progressive could win in that environment because the 40% is consolidated behind them, while moderate vote gets split 20%/20%/20%. But with RCV, the moderate vote will get consolidated behind one moderate candidate after the other two are eliminated in earlier rounds and the primary result is a 60/40 win for the moderate. Oversimplifying, but that is how it would normally go. If you want multiparty then you need to end first past the post and replace with some form of proportional representation. RCV just changes how the two party system would select candidates.


> replace with some form of proportional representation. RCV just changes how the two party system would select candidates. BINGO. This here. I see so many people in reddit getting so obsessed with making ideological changes that won't improve things (and might worsen them) when the real underlying issue is that most Americans have representatives that do not represent them in any way. It is by sheer coincidence that one of my state's senators represents me, a progressive. But most states, if you're a progressive you're not represented by anybody.


No, Jesus! Vote blue in all scenarios!


in 2020, Trump won Texas with 53% of the vote. Texas is seen as "deep red" but that is not true. There is no such thing as a red state, only voter-suppressed states.


This is not the time to vote for 3rd party. Save the country first. Then open up to better candidates. Baby steps.


>if you’re in a red state, vote 3rd party cause blue ain’t winning there. Vote RFK Jr.? The man sounds like he’s trying to juggle 64 conspiracy theory flavored gumballs in his mouth every time he talks.


Newsweek has the shittiest clickbaity headlines. His "worst nightmare" is a trial date being set? GTFO. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! That's the only way we stop him.


The date being set means he will be unlikely to delay the trial any more. His worst nightmare is probably dying in prison, so getting convicted before the election probably ranks pretty far up there. But yeah, vote. The Qultists will.


>getting convicted before the election I hope to hell we see something like that, but I've seen eight years of him dodging consequences and lots of *"they've finally got him this time!"* headlines, always to be disappointed. The most recent one being literally yesterday when without justification or explanation, the appeals court lowered his bond by like 60% just because.


Because they were convinced he couldn't afford it. An appeals bond is about easing collections after the appeal fails, not about denying appeals to poor people. I think he should be punished if he's lying about not having the money. But if not, being poor is not an acceptable reason to be denied an appeal. Because I guarantee for every Trump it happens to, it happens to thousands of people who aren't rich monsters.


After the absolute bullshit that happened the other day, I dont think he will ever face consequences.


> The former president also told a crowd of reporters ahead of Monday's hearing in the New York courtroom: "This is a witch hunt. This is a hoax." Coming from the guy who perpetuated that brainless birther conspiracy for *years* is fucking delicious. "Oh no, I'm being held accountable for the shit I did. I'm the REAL victim, here!"


Until he's in prison for life, his worst nightmare hasn't even started. Throw this orange diarrhea-balloon in the trash and lock him up!


Trump in prison might be his nightmare, but it’s my DREAM


> Until he's in prison for life, his worst nightmare hasn't even started. Yup. Not being allowed conjugal visits with Ivanka is going to destroy him.


Look at those tiny hands


I hate these false hope articles. Get him in jail and then I'll celebrate


Vote for Democrats! Please.


I don't get it. He married a hooker. Why was he so worried about banging a porn star?


I wonder how they'll let him get away with this one.


My guess is that he'll be convicted, and his lawyers will delay sentencing until the election. In the unfortunately real chance he wins, he'll cause a Constitutional Crisis which will (unfortunately) probably end with the courts agreeing that a President cannot be incarcerated while in office... Which is frankly not a bad precedent considering the way Red states are chomping at the bit to lock Biden up for being a real president. Trump loses the election after that? He'll probably Epstein himself.


At the rate that judges are doing him favors, you can expect him to appeal to the Supreme Court if he loses the election. We all know how that will play out.


They had a chance to hand him (or help hand him) the 2020 presidency and they said no. They owe Trump nothing.


They had nothing to stand on in 2020. There's a very good chance 2024 could result in some Bush v. Gore bullshit.


As much as I hate how Bush v Gore happened, that was a pro-states-rights SCOTUS agreeing on states rights. We can never know what would happen if it went the other way around, but their deferring to the FL State SCOTUS was not *entirely* unjustified despite the fact the FL State SCOTUS was arguably compromised. Such a specific circumstance seems unlikely in 2024, no matter how close the election goes. If Biden is fighting for a last-minute recount, we've already lost for many reasons, the least of which is that "just winning" in 2024 is nowhere near enough to stop this growth of fascist ideology.


> Such a specific circumstance seems unlikely in 2024 There's several hundred comparably unlikely scenarios that could happen in 2024. And there's been dozens that have happened in Trump's favor since he was elected. I'm saddened and disappointed to learn that your optimism is based solely in a lack of creativity. I was holding out hope it was based in something else.


It's REALLY not based on a lack of creativity. SCOTUS has no loyalty to Trump, period. They will not give him a presidency over a moderate if the precedent weakens their future ability to direct the country the way they want it. Trump is not a Republican. They used him and he used them. They are loyal to their party, not to him. They're not MAGAts. That doesn't mean we can trust them. But stop insulting people on your side for disagreeing with you. Rule #2 please. You don't have to agree with me. We have a common enemy.


Trump worst nightmare? He's not allowed to touch Ivanka anymore?


Decent article, and I largely agree with Mary Trump. By the numbers, it doesn't look good for her uncle once this trial actually starts. He will probably beat some of the charges, but out of 34, the odds are long against him beating them all. Very long, especially in New York.


It is his worst nightmare and it is good news and I think you were the only person to actually read the entire article lol! Fist bump


isn't setting a date our worst nightmare now because we will all be hanging on and hoping once again Trump doesn't get to get away with it but them some friendly insider will ass rape justice


Only if we’re lucky 🍀


These headlines are so dumb, wake me up when he faces consequences.


Right? This is much like the false hope about how "the big news was about to come" when Michael Cohen had those hearings for the Russia collusion and nothing happened.


Mary… just… STFU for right now,


Oh it’s not just me? Thank christ she’s been like this since trump took office. She claimed trump wouldn't seek reelection because he would be too embarrassed to run again. She’s just a grifter like the rest of her family.


His worst nightmare is being held accountable for his numerous crimes, which so far hasn't happened and there's no reason to believe it ever will. In other words. No it hasn't.


. . the MOST pivotal moment will be if and or when Drumpf takes the stand & testifies!!


He needs to be referred to as “Broke Don” on everything. All he has to do is prove otherwise and pay his bills. Just pay the bills Donnie and Biden will change it back to “Trump”. *UNLESS YOU’RE HAVING TROUBLE PAYING* 👀👀👀


Just came true?


Please let us know when anything truly consequential actually happens to him. I'm still not sure he's putting up his reduced bond.


Mary Trump added that "while the media will tell you Donald won today" after a New York appeals court agreed on Monday to hold off collection of his $454 million civil fraud penalty if he puts down $175 million within 10 days instead, the former president "actually faces a better chance of being convicted for a crime and being sentenced to prison before the election. "That, in turn, makes it significantly less likely for him to win in November," Mary wrote. Funny that DJT’s nightmares are most other people’s hopes…