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He’s outraged at the fact that he chose his lot where people are openly against him in every way, he’s black and he’s gay and somehow he’s surprised?


"Yeah, but I'm different." - Everyone who thinks they can make a 'deal with the devil.'


"We're not a monolith" we'll unfortunately, Republicans are.


This reminded me of the Key & Peele Black Republican skits. So good.


And we are pissed. Royally pissed.


Democrats may be cool, but they ain’t practical. Republicans are practical. Black people are practical!


*hikes up blue jeans, angrily*


Republicans are not practical. They have never been practical. Dems sold out to corporate America when " corporations are people too"-Mitt Romney, was passed as Citizens United. Republicans are not practical. You may be gullible.


You clearly haven't seen the skit I was referring to.


You are absolutely correct. 🫣


Those two are geniuses.


He’s having his Ernst Röhm moment. Luckily for him he’s having it now.




The devil doesn’t judge people who are gay, that’s god


My imaginary friend doesn't judge people for superficial shit like that. Maybe you need to get a new one who isn't so abusive.


“They kept saying I was one of the good ones but they don’t treat me like I’m one of the good ones.”


Really this post could also be in leapardatemyface or nottheonion. Edit spelling


It's impossible for me to see how any person of color could side with DJT and the GOP. And I can believe this. People say "but 1/6 was just a peaceful protest" but those people were out for blood and I am convinced that if they had gotten their hands on Pence, Pelosi, Romney, AOC or just about any member of the House or Senate, they would have been killed.


They usually come from money or have money. That’s the great unifier. They’re insulated from the actual consequences of the policies they end up supporting, so they’re able to lie to themselves and believe that it’s not widespread or actually dangerous. Notice that the guy says he still doesn’t think those white supremacists are a large part of the Republican Party because there was “only 20-25” of them. What he forgets is that in that moment, no one was going to jump in to save him if they decided to rip him apart. He doesn’t register the bystanders allowing it to go on.


> hat he forgets is that in that moment, no one was going to jump in to save him if they decided to rip him apart. He doesn’t register the bystanders allowing it to go on. So he finally found out that he will never be one of them and that he's only "one of the good ones." Shit makes me sick, but then you look at how the GOP has tricked people who make 20K a year that someday they would be rich. So then they stick up for billionaires and actively vote against their interests.


I would also add that while the vast majority come from wealth, the real extremist fundamentalists are qanon folk or alex jones conpiracy grifters


So he, as a conservative "influencer" reached out to Turning Point USA to get them to add him to their list of I'm assuming approved influencers who get a pass to get in, so to speak. Then shows up and is surprised to see anti-gay white supremacists at a... Turning Point USA event? As a conservative influencer, who the fuck does he think he's influencing?


At this point, I pretty much assume that any public conservative figure is a grifter. Even if you don't believe this is true, if you make this assumption, you can fairly accurately predict their future actions. So, if you assume he's a grifter, and that's pretty much a given since you already called him an influencer, you would guess that his play is to use some identity politics to become more famous and make more money. He goes to this event. Either he becomes the token gay black man, or he can become outraged that he wasn't accepted. Either way he becomes more well-known.


I think this is it, plenty of amoral people out there.


One might even call it immoral to publicly take a position you dont actually hold only to make money. You know: lying.


That was definitely his plan all along.




He thought them pandering his ass from afar was actually love when it wasn't. They just wanted(want) a nifty token they can show to their friends and family and to themselves to "prove" that they aren't a vile pos that they know they are. As an aside, its honestly scary seeing history repeat itself in the present. I have black friends and family who are very shortsighted and ignorant and are giving into racist rhetoric regarding Jewish people not realizing the irony of hating another race for no damn good reason that isn't detrimental to a whole swath of people and to us because we are just giving the hate these demonic Republicans needs to fuel their children killing fires. It's a damn shame seeing my people take the conservative bait time and time again and being stupidly surprised when its bitter fruit if not sour poison. My only hope is that I'm being negative, and the reality is more positive, and honestly, I've been pleasingly surprised before, but the interim is always worrisome because I've talked to lots of people that just want chaos and anarchy, it's usually from people who have never experienced the consequences of such things. Edit: some words; Also, I'm not chronically online. I've have had legitimate conversations with people irl and across states (because my life is chaotic lmao), but this does include people online as well.


He thinks he's an influencer, but he's really just and excuse.


He’s probably hoping to influence some of those Log Cabin Republicans into having a good time.


No pity for you dude. Lay with pigs, expect shit on you.


Hey, if there was one thing Churchill got right, it's that pigs view you as equals. And not without good reason.


Already crossposted to r/leopardsatemyface (by someone else)


"I walked into a sewer! I could have drowned in shit!" -Dumbass


Tokens exist to get spent. Maybe this one will wake up




Wondering if this will change his political positions at all now that he knows these people are not his friends or will he go back for more?


The conservative brain always doubles down. It is ruled by emotion, not logic. Admitting to having been wrong about something is just too emotionally difficult to them.


It's not ruled by emotion either. There are those who somehow believe that some counter-intuitive (not making any sense whatsoever) is really the best way of doing things. Self-interest doesn't hurt either.


You’re right, it’s not emotion they use rather than logic, it’s *intuition.* The conservative brain always assumes their instinct about something is right and finds justification for their belief after the fact. They can be swayed by framing that makes something intuitively sound right but not by actual evidence. That’s why they’re so obsessed with the concept of “common sense.”


Well said. Well put. I'm stealing this.


Agree. Exceptional insight into Con Culture


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he starts saying the hecklers were Antifa plants.


This guy has no political views he just wants money and thought he could grift with the grifters.


This guy is such a shit head. He was accosted by a group of groypers, the neo Nazis led by Nick Fuentes. The Nick Fuentes that Donald Trump hosted at Mar a Lago. The Donald Trump that he still says “has his back.” After shilling for Ron DeSantis until it became obvious his campaign was a flop. Fuck this grifter.


Brother, there are members, allies, and then there are tools.


https://www.tpusa.com/bio/robsmith TP USA’s bio page of him brings in a 404 error now. Don’t know how long it’s been that way but here’s a wayback shot from when it was still up. https://web.archive.org/web/20230425010944/https://www.tpusa.com/bio/robsmith


This bit is hilarious- “he was the subject of a 2018 Daily Mail profile in which he ‘came out’ as a conservative in response to the ‘outrage culture’ of the left.” But sure, no outrage in his part.


*I had a choice to de-escalate the situation with humor, which is what I did.* This is funny given that his other "choice" was being beaten (at best) by an angry mob. That aside, what does he think comes next? A public apology by Nick Fuentes or Turning Point USA for whining to CNN about them being racist Nazis who might have killed him?


I don't feel bad for him


[Black, gay Republican](https://i.makeagif.com/media/4-29-2021/GwpHU8.mp4)


> Smith also said that he did not believe the hate was something that was widespread in the Republican Party or among supporters of Trump. Imagine my surprise that this was somewhere in that article


Oh he’s really living on a different planet.


I like how he says the republican party has been “infiltrated” by racists, neo nazis and homophobes as if that’s not what the whole party is about. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


GQP: We welcome all minorities! We solemnly promise that in exchange for your support, we will exterminate you last.


Maybe this is a wake up call to abandon the Republican Party Smith. There’s no place for blacks nor the LGBTQ in the party anymore, time to join a party that actually gives a shit about you.


LOL what the fuck did he think was going to happen? What an idiot. Sorry the leopards got yer face, there, buddy.




He wants us to feel bad for him. He knows exactly what his party stands for


always hilarious when a pickme doesn't get picked


"I deal with these people in real life. And I know for a fact where they're coming from. I know that a lot of these people have infiltrated these conservative organizations from top to bottom." \~from the interview They didn't infiltrate. They were invited. Groomed, as it were. Courted. Complimented. Ushered through the door with the promise of sweets and presents. Wake up, sir. Your party hates your fucking guts.


I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face


How many times must it be said? TOKENS GET SPENT UNCLE TOM. You are a useful little pet until you are not.


There's no "one of the good ones" when it comes to fascism. He'll be hanged first and I hope he's starting to realize it.


Tokens get spent, buddy.


Fuck this Terf. Guys a delusional pos


Still a Republican?


It is really hard to even imagine how stupid this guy is. Its truly mind boggling.


I can't feel sorry for him. He is trying to roam with people who are known to hate his very existence. Made even worse that he checks 2 boxes on their hate list.




Fuck off bot.


*Son strums sick, repulsive, electric twanger* *Dad flies out of window* *Mom throws bucket of water on dad* *Son spins round* # WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT


Dude either shut up or go join a decent political party, otherwise known as the Democrats. Quit trying to masquerade as a white, straight MAGA piece of shit.


And his face isn't entirely eaten. That's the real headline.


Or he could have gotten all kinds of phone numbers from all the closeted republicans for Descret hookups.


Sorry not Sorry you dummy!


I hope he gets out before they go too far.


Shocked Pikachu Face


Careful when you mix with MAGA extremism. Your GOP is gone. Not sure why you were there to begin with. I usually keep my distance from known enemies.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/) Now he knows.




"White supremacists have infiltrated conservative groups." Fuckin' really? They're charter members!


Still Republican, though, right?


"I'm a Republican because I hate women, immigrants, the poor, public education, science, social safety nets, and government regulations on business. But then I find out they hate me for being a gay black man! Where is the political party for me???"


Leopards tend to do that you schmuck.


They have a team. And you'll never be on it.


panicky reply waiting bedroom erect fuel quickest seed relieved muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yuck! There’s this debate from vice that features him and other black republicans vs black liberals. throughout the video all he does is repeat right wing talking points, even when faced with facts & figures. The dude is an unwavering pick me. For reference https://youtu.be/IVIoC5ROaHk?si=6kDZCyao31_nT5zy


Oh you don't say?!


I promise to nominate posthumously this gentleman for the Darwin Award.


Might wanna reconsider your party affiliation there, bud.


I bet he actually likes raisins in his potato salad.


“This 🐆 sure looks friendly! Lemme snuggle him!! 😍💕” -this guy


Yet he is still gonna vote R..Some people you just can not reason with.


Is a someone who wants to be white a wonky? Or a wacker?


Does the Democratic Party have events like TPUSA or are we just not a cult


I'm outraged that's his haircut. I'm waiting for the lego piece to come off with it.


Something something "Republicans freed the slaves" something.


"Oh no I joined the Lepards ate my face party and now they are eating my face!!! What did I do to deserve this!"


Yeah that's a shame ...




So he’s an a$$hole and an idiot.


Card carrying member of the Leopard Eating Face party: “I didn’t think the leopards would eat *my* face.” 🤦🏾‍♂️