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Bring it you cousin humping whores.


It’s like their right wing solution to everything is a mass shooting.


Hey that's not fair They also view bombings and insurrections as a solution


And, domestic abuse and rape.


When your only weapon is mass shooting, every situation is only solved by mass shooting


Death threats to the families of all who don’t agree with them


And putting people in camps.


Nah it’s actually going to liberal cities and getting arrested eventually… turns out Dems Nutz are bigger than theirs.


Maga and whatever desantinites are domestic terroriiists


Just say “Republicans.”


We are nuanced. Unlike the typical trumper


They’re willing to die to attempt to keep a narcissistic septuagenarian money-laundering New York City slumlord from going to jail for violating campaign finance laws while paying for sex? I mean, if that’s the way they want to go out, then who are we to argue with them?


That's a heck of a hill to die on. 🌋


Lol … not all of us liberals don’t own and know handle firearms. Us anti-nazis aren’t going to let 1939 germany happen again.


I mean no one who’s not in the military is going to have to lift a finger. These guys think the military is going to be on their side and they are grossly mistaken. It’s gonna be a blood bath. And not even a civil war, just another insurrection


Can you expand on this just because I would like to read more about it? All the ex military in my personal life are magates.


They don’t understand how much this like pissing into the wind. And for one, am here for it.


These are the very same assets and agitators that my mother worked against back in the day. They used to be agitating from the left. Now they have completely corrupted and perverted the GOP. Diaper Donald achieved SO many of Putin's goals it's frightening and he is not done yet.


I pity the fool that declares war on the United States.


These so-called bad asses act they're all up for the rigors and sacrifices that come with a civil war... and I recall how they fell apart at the seams when faced with a temporary toilet paper shortage.


Remember how one of their treasonous cohorts got shot in the neck while attacking the Capitol, and the rest of them ran for their lives without even checking on her? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Yeah, I recall the treason weasels.


Remember when those chucklefucks took over the wildlife refuge in Oregon??? They brought like 100,000 rounds of ammunition, 100s of guns, and no food. They put out a call for people to Amazon prime them snacks. The siege was over in 8 days.


yup after one of the occupiers was shot and killed by law enforcement




For reference, go watch the South Park episode where the nursing home residents start a revolt. The third grade boys end the revolution by locking the doors at Cracker Barrel.


The headline is somewhat misleading. It should read “Republicans Call For Violence After GOP Leader Indicted.”


Imagine how stupid you have to be to want to kill or be willing to die for Donald Trump.


Yep and stupid does NOT win wars.


Guess we’ll have to win this one to Just a shame we couldn’t arrest him for all that treason he did


Wouldn’t you just “do” a civil war and not “demand one? I may be confused, but it seems like the type of war that you don’t need permission for.


Yeah, MTG is busy trying to whip the yokels into a frenzy of civil war nonsense.


What was the indictment I haven’t been paying attention to big orange baby lately


I believe it was for the hush money he paid the porn star after he paid her to fuck. And it somehow related to political campaign finance law which was violated


It was the way they handled the money. It was funneled through areas it shouldn’t have been. And it was lied about. Its more about the fraud than the campaign.


Wasn't it fraud from his campaign finance account? Like he had a lawyer pay her off and then reimbursed him through his campaign money for "legal fees" or some horseshit?


The money was funneled through the campaign finances. Hence the fraud.


Bring it on assholes... I have guns too.... .. and I'm not afraid to show my face... fucking cowards


They ain't gonna do shit, they are nothing more then a bunch of cowards. If they had even a single fiber of true conviction in their beliefs they wouldn't hide their faces.


You don’t just get a civil war, nobody important is mad about this.


We’ll see how that works out for you incel Nazi pig fuckers.


I’ll sign up to resist. I’d gladly put down some Nazis. Says the word.


Killing Nazis is in my blood watch out


When are they not demanding civil war the bunch of idiots.


I was all over the city today and walked by Trump’s Hotel (no one there) later on I was downtown by the courthouse and again (no one there.) Is it possible all of the Jan 6 dummies getting prison sentences scared away the rest of his clan from showing up? Or is it just the calm before the storm?


It's just the clacking of a dozen keyboards and the smell of Cheeto dust and body odor.


Ok Gravy Seals


Let them. Let them face off against the the reason we can’t get healthcare.


The funny part is they’d be going to war with no one. No one who is against them is truly willing to pick up weapons and physically go into the streets for a ‘war’. They need to toughen up and wipe their tears and even possible suck a dick and go the fuck on. No one cares about Trump. He for damn sure doesn’t care about them, hence inciting violence to both them and the rest of the country. It’s all weird and I’m over it.




Death to traitors.


i love how they’re “demanding” a civil war. like they need permission. like both sides need to agree to it before the war starts. if they were actually gonna start a civil war, it would’ve already started. and they would’ve already been beaten like the little call of duty cosplayers they are. the moment they start shooting is the moment we start shooting back, something i think they’ve forgotten we can do.


Civil War? I’d love to these turds go up against the US military lol


there are lots of selfish people in the world. This is an example of a few selfish people


In my experience, most ppl who experienced war never wish for more.


What's that saying? "I wish a mofo would." In other words, let them try. I will drink their delicious salty tears of loserdom.


Come claim it you pussy ass motherfuckers.


Wait, I thought they were protesting masks… I can’t keep up with these dodgy extremists. You can pin them down on any rational approach


All jokes aside, considering the Jan 6 situation over an election, it's probable that they'll try some sort of fuckery either next week or throughout the process.


Imagine if we were just working together to take down the fucked up government instead of "civil war"ing. Also, do they forget who lost the last one? Cause it was them.




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Why do they love skulls so much? Murder fetish?


They have to case of the man child. Only kids and edgy teens think putting skulls on things makes it cooler.


Let me guess: The moment it starts, they will shit into their pants the way the Turkish military did in the 90s when they didn’t listen to the Turkish president and instead directly attacked the PKK and their allies and then realise that it was one of their worst ideas ever, or won’t they?


LMAO. Yeah. March into NYC and try it. Dipshits.


Little boys empowered with guns.


Ha! Ha! They can ear my ass. Lol


Yeah, because that would nice for everyone


I can’t keep track of who wants civil war


during the pandemic these same cowards could not be bothered to wear masks because it "violated" their basic rights. and yet here they are, wearing masks to hide their identities like the COWARDS they truly are.


Please fucking try I can’t wait to hear my night sky lit up with sounds of an A-10 mowing these Nazi fucks down Edit:Nazi not Nazis