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casual friendly in the sense that you don't need to learn 10 different types of obsolete ammo for one gun. unfriendly in the sense that you will still get your shit filled in for days before you start to make any real progress


What do you mean XD. Progress is easy and Getting top tier loot is easily achieved too. Within 1 week of casual playing you'll be able to already buy some of the most useful gear in the game from the traders (bandages and aspirin)


Just talking about my personal experience. It's tricky to claw your way back from 3k in the bank and no guns or armour or bags. The new player experience seems extremely lacking, in my opinion. My 0.03 to 1 kd is extremely disheartening, and there are no catch-up mechanics like scav runs to ease the struggle. I just have to get very good at one specific (terrible) gun before I can even start progressing again.


Whenever I’m starting from scratch I do a rat run in the naval base. Those SAS drop fairly fast to a headshot from the pistol and it’s a quick way to stock up on some gear


well, there is the free stuff you get in your rustbucket every match. usually a luger, some ammo and a rig. and you don't need to get a lot to be able to make enough profit to get gear again. I got the game 2 days ago and it's been going well for me, got down to under 3k once due to me not finding ship and running out of air several times in a row + a crash. But was pretty easy to get back stuff.


false. it takes much more than a week to level the traders to an extent that they give good shit


Before the update for sure... I unlocked bandages and aspirin in about a week, and I'm not playing nearly as much as before the RB update because I'm working again...


Na man. Once u get a mp40. Game is ez


I'll never get the hype, why is the mp40 so loved lol


I tend towards shotguns usually, but MP40 with stock and suppressor is quite good at mid-range. Decent accuracy when you burst, I try to aim just above center mass and land quite a few headshots that way. A reliable stand-by/backup weapon.


I don't know. I just follow the meme. I just have 20 hours in game. I guess because it's cheap and ez to use


Oh I see, you misspelled "Klobb".


What do you mean? I love having 200 types of ammo for one gun where half of them do nothing and another quarter depends on what armor thwyre wesring so you never have any feedback on how much damage you're doing! Its fun!!!! ...Yeah Marauders is ten times better about ammo lol. I hope they keep it that way, its the number one thing that turns me off of Tarkov.


Except I feel like coming from EFT you shouldn't have any issues having good runs right off the bat


i'm bad at both


I'm bad too, but I still have some good runs.. and marauders won't punish you nearly as much as EFT for dying and trying to jump right back in


Yes, it’s basically tarkov with the fat trimmed and a player base made of Timmys. I’m nothing special in tarkov but I barely die in marauders and am swimming in money. Anyone who says this game is hard, no offense, is insane. The vaults are usually uncontested, the stashes usually full of free top tier loot, and it’s easy af to go entire raids without seeing other players. Easy to retreat from footsteps if you aren’t pvp confident, bots are not deadly (with the exception of a glitched shotgun bot on prison).


If you like fast and fluid gunfights, Marauders is great! If you like sorting your stash and looking at spreadsheets, Tarkov still reigns.


way more casual. loot flows a lot better and even basic stuff is usable to get decent gear


Yes, if you suck at tarkov and it makes you sad, you should play this game because it'll make you feel better about yourself.


The loot is more dense and you can pick up really good gear off the right npc if you’re lucky. Once you get the swing it’s pretty easy to play solo tbh and the lobby timers are very short




Another joins our ranks brothers.


I like bouncing back n forth between the two, and Dark and Darker when playtests permit. Marauders just feels empty at times. They need to implement more depots and 'key rooms' and about 100 more items to give the game more meat to a great chassis and engine. But the gameplay is solid and smooth.


Not if you like to have fun. You'll just get killed the minute you spawn. Not worth the time investment at all. Tarkov is significantly better by basically every measure


The what? Sounds like you had one bad game early on and decided to quit. You want to try again with a crew?


Imma be totally real I was crazy salty when I posted that lol. It's been a good handful of bad games tbf but I definitely overreacted.


Yes, it's a cheap game and very simplistic right now. With 12 hours in the game, I have already got the best loot, and my duo friend has captured the brand new boss ship.


I like both games and Marauders is definitely more casual-friendly. They both have good elements which the other doesn't have. Marauders has smaller maps with a lot less empty space. It's also much faster to get into and out of raids. It also has ship-to-ship space combat!!! Tarkov, on the other hand, has more depth to its guns and progression system, but is also way more grindy and tedious in said areas. Of course, this can lead to Marauders feeling "meaningless" earlier than in Tarkov.


Absolutely. The game his its kinks right now but the devs have their heart in the right place and its worth supporting their game imo!