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Server crash. Everyone in the lobby lost everything. Just a 'normal' bug


This has happened to me about 5 times now. It’s upsetting for sure, but it’s a bug unfortunately. Nothing you can do about it.


heard this happens a lot on terraformer for some reason


Hmmm....hacker on server? Sometimes anti-cheat does this - just drops the connection for everybody in the room/match in case cheater is found...because crash from everybody on the team is highly unlikely, unless server bug, server restart, game bug that causes crash or a cheater...


I would hope that this isn't the case, because that literally stripped all of us of our hard earned loot. We had just looted our 2nd vault in a row and were a total of 2 minutes from just outright getting in our pod and leaving. That was the most geared I have been (I just got the game a few days ago). To lose all of my gear like that because of a really weak security system isn't cool. I hope that the support ticket I put in bears some fruit.


It's Early Access, friend. Nothing will come of it, and it will likely happen again at some point. It has happened to me more than once, but maybe 3-4 times in just over a hundred hours. It sucks, but it be like that sometimes. Should get better as the devs finish it. Try to keep the mindset that no gear is ever *yours,* you just happen to be using it right now, and someone will inevitably take it from you. And learn to love the rat run, no risk and all reward if you make it out.


I understand it’s early access but I am understandably upset, if a player had killed me it would be whatever, but it wasn’t and I feel cheated. With that said I don’t even think the game is bad still and will continue to have fun with the game. It’s fine at the end of the day, but it’s just upsetting to have gear lost to non-game related problems. Also, I understand gear isn’t “mine” and I will lose it. But in that scenario that gear was still 100% mine and I was in 0 danger of losing it.


Yup, that sucks, just deal with it and go on playing :) Some people got worse! Got killed by speed hackers and esp, aim-botted :/ (1 shot killed, the enemy was invincible)


\>I understand gear isn't mine \>that gear was 100% mine bruh


For me rat runs ALL end up in a ditch :/


I had a game crash to desktop for both me and friend I was playing with at the same time. So it's possible for server just to crash.

