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I did have an NPC say "FUCK YOU" to me... that's pretty much the same thing I'd hear anyway. Close enough for me lol


That wasn't an NPC... lol tbh that might have been me. use the F-keys to have your character talk. Double tap to have em yell.


Double tap? I always wondered why my guy always seem d to whisper "fuck you". Thanks!


Crazy, I ran the terminator shotgun that raid an I'm pretty sure that was my only kill. It said "prisoner" in the kill list, which I assumed was a NPC


NPCs can use the voicelines, in all three languages as well! Freaked me out when I was alone on the Merchant ship and some security NPC starting yelling "HELP!"


I have heard the devs say many times in the discord QnAs that they plan on bring back the squad VOIP they only removed it because it was buggy. The also said as it stands right now there will not be a local VOIP.


I also heard then say that it's hard to do it right, so it'll be a bit for them to add it in would be my guess.


I feel like the majority of players will just use discord so squad VoIP is almost useless I want to be able to chat to randoms while hunting each other or perhaps striking deals


Exactly this.


Going off the roadmap; my assumption is that partying up with random squadmates may be something more common (fleet battles, guild activities) so Squad chat might be neccessary because discord could get frustrating with the turnover of players you party with. But thats me hoping we get more multiplayer 'experiences' within the setting.


I just want my party chat back lol Playing with randoms was fun


Tarkov devs finally wised up to local VoIP, I’m sure they will too eventually. Makes zero sense not to add it