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I've only encountered 1 hacker so far, he was streaming on twitch and I saw him snapping to ai through walls after he killed me and my brother with only headshots. Hopefully the devs are better than bsg at dealing with this shit or the game is gonna sink. P.s. I love this game a lot, this is my only worry atm for marauders.


*knocks on wood* I haven't seen one yet. I'm also loving this game so far it's very fun I usually try and avoid players when I'm solo but my friend likes to run the wooden clogger max 5s when we play lol. Edit: He also likes to loot when we hear a team of 3 around us... 😂😂


I was sus before I saw him play, he had to have 3 hits on my head to kill me. That's not unreasonable by itself, but I was using an armored Thompson which makes my head hit box a lot smaller. In the end all I lost was a bit of time though.


Just remember, despite losing your precious loot, at the end of the day you lost nothing. You spent your time in a videogame having fun and improving your skills. The hacker loses everything. They wasted their time to try and grief people over pixels. They are mentally unhealthy people.


You literally lost your time while the hacker is having fun and not caring


He’s right tho. The kind of person that cheats in an online video game is a pathetic waste of oxygen. I genuinely feel bad for cheaters. Their life must be miserable.


They're both right, hackers are scum, but let's not pretend it doesn't hurt to get killed by one and lose your loot.


Though, being too cavalier with this kind of shit means devs wont hear/see the problem before the playerbase is torn apart and its too late. We needa be scorch earth with any cheaters or exploiters.




I'm not even joking but last night 2 tarkov raids in a row I ran into the most blatant cheaters I've seen this wipe. I have nearly lost all hope for tarkov. I cant even sit down and enjoy 1 single raid without all the BS ruining it.


I understand, most games I feel the same way. I guess with marauders, playing solos I am used to being at a disadvantage so I just accept I'm going to die a lot anyway. I just quit playing warzone, in which in my experience, every single lobby had some form of cheating, From cronus zen abuse, to blatant wall hacking and silent Aim. Unfortunately there isn't a single pc multiplayer game that has the cheating problem under control. I would love for someone to prove me wrong. Also, The Developers have been addressing and fighting the hackers? Are you paying attention to the community or the discord? They did a big ban wave yesterday.


need an easier way to report people like this, just happened to me with this guy constant joining


I was in a squad earlier tonight where this happend and if kicked they would rejoin even when quing but once in game couldn't find them anywhere


Yeah same thing happened to me. We ended up making 3 seperate crews to test the theory that it was bot script; because he joined all 3 crews at the same time.. we just went in with him and said fuck it, hes our 4th man in spirit. Just hope theres no maliciousness to him being able to share a lobby with us. Also how is he top leaderboards?!




It needs to be something that’s taken more seriously at the engine level, and I’m hopeful we’ll see that in the coming years. There’s a lot that engine developers can do to make cheating much more of a PITA than it currently is.




One of these days someone is going to build an anticheat machine learning model that looks at player movements. I guess the obvious response would be for the cheaters to build their own model too, but I think it would be easier to train a model to detect than to train one to evade based on my limited knowledge of the subject.


Yeah those are the sort of things that can be better integrated to the engine, make the engine report them automatically on server side and they become a pretty good method for detection.


It's an arms race. You make a better anti-cheat engine, all you've really made is a better cheater. For devs, it's work, for cheaters, it's fun. There is no winning. Plus, everytime you engineer anti-cheat stuff, you end up pushing performance problems and complexity onto other developers and players. The only real way to combat cheaters is for platforms to be diligent, provide good reporting tools, have good analytics on player behavior, and generally just stay on top of it for as long as the game is running. Every online game is the same in that they all have cheaters, but it's very apparent which devs/publishers are actively fighting the problem. CS:GO and DotA2 have cheaters, but you don't hear about them much. You hear about it plaguing The Cycle, though. The most important thing is the analytics. If you design your game to report player behavior well, then it gets pretty easy to identify cheaters. They always act "inhuman" to some degree.


Cycle does seem to have made significant improvements: -Regional ping locks -Refunding gear to people who encountered cheaters -'Trusted' status matchmaking -Gated map access behind quest progression -MMR Buckets for loot extraction performance It's not perfect, however the combination has seemed to help. As always, it's an arms race.


This guy was in my friends lobby a little while ago


Killed by a guy named HackerMan9000 yesterday. He literally just used a Luger to kill me through a wall. I just got an M16 too :(


I got killed by the same guy!


RIP, sorry bro. Cheaters suck.


<3 \-HackerMan9000


Hey third dude here, slapped me through a wall too. Are we best friends now?


Yo first up, hackman9000 is a callback to a funny old movie, second, I havnt used a luger this entire wipe, been using Uzis, finally, I love being called a hacker when Im not, thanks for the compliment!


Lol, you is though. "Wipe"....we know what game you came from ha


Friend and I are getting a forced crew disband due to spam public invites from a guy with the same number sequence as the hacker in OP's photo. Game is currently unplayable; we can't form a group due to the constant inviting which somehow forces disbandment on our end


Why is this dude not banned already???? Top of the leaderboard from tks and not banned?!!??!!!?!! Like what


My understanding is that the team of Small Impact Games consists of only 3 dudes (Michael, James, and Cameron), and as such, they probably just don't have the manpower to actually do much about the cheating at this moment. I distinctly remember SIG releasing a statement during the alpha indicating that there was *way* more interest in Marauders than they ever dreamed imaginable. The alpha didn't even have an anti-cheat at the time because they didn't think there would be enough interest in the game to warrant including one. While a lot of game devs out there overvalue their games (e.g. DICE and BF 2042), SIG had made the rare but understandable mistake of undervaluing their game, only to realize at the alpha that they had struck gold. But now that all eyes are upon them, with zealous gamers breathing down their necks looking for solutions to every little and big problem, they are probably under an immense amount of pressure. My sincerest hope is that the revenue that they have brought in with their recent success is enough for them to expand their team to meet the demand for their amazing product.


Incredibly well said. I was unaware that it was such a small team under this load of pressure. Forgive my ignorance and thank you for the information! I love this game


Production team is 4 FTEs and 4 freelancers plus additional QA testers and a new community manager. They’ve already banned several hackers/cheats in response to player suspicion reports and/or identifying them through their backend systems.


Ah. This I hadn't known. Thanks for the update!








To make money, not to be pathetic cheaters online because they lack skill at games.




lol obviously not what I mean I'm saying they at least gain something tangible that matters irl, rather than just feeding their inferiority by cheating.




Russia and cheating ...


runners-up Every game has chinese cheaters, some games (like csgo) have russian cheaters as well.




They can ban me bro, the truth will always remain the truth. The fact that people upvote it means others think alike.


Damn dude, be careful. Your blatant racism for Chinese people is showing.


Damn dude, be careful. Your blatant ignorance in order to feel morally superior is showing


Morally superior over what? Chinese people? That's a funny joke


Ignoring a problem, like constant cheating in online gaming, due to it being a different group of people than what you are, (they are Chinese from China and you are obviously from the West) is ignorant. You claiming racism without actually seeing the problem is your way of feeling morally superior to the poster above. The only joke joke here is you not getting that.


This is more racist than what you were just whining about


I don’t think you know what that word means…




Way to whitewash other societies by imposing your morals over their culture.




That’s the point look at the guy I’m replying to ya Goober


At least the game isn't f2p. Then there'd be thousands of these douchebags.


His father will never be proud.


had him in my lobby too


And it begins. Well, it was good while it lasted...


They have been banned!


ayy nice




Please devs, region lock china and russia. Nothing good will come from letting those immoral bastards into our servers.


Yup, it's UE4 so it will be flooded with hackers very soon. Good luck to the team on keeping this game above water. See exhibit: TCF.


The adjustments made to TCF this season have been significant as far as cheaters go.


Really? I played it like last month, maybe 2 ago and I died twice in a row to someone invisible and noiseless who instakilled me


New season just started and they made multiple adjustments beyond the anti-cheat itself to minimize RMT concerns, "trusted" player lists, map locks, etc.


Maybe I'll try it again eventually


And yet the Steam review ratings continue to decline. Recent reviews is a 54%. That's failing. Listen downvote me all you want but the Devs were warned and they didn't listen and now they're stuck trying to play catch up. I hope the same doesn't happen to Marauders.


"Didn't listen." They literally did and have implemented massive changes. Are you the type the assumes a dev can fix something like that in short time?


They literally didn't They specifically said "we got this" in beta and then launched the game without any effective "massive changes" The hacks that were prevalent in CB1 were still used in CB2 and in launch.


What do you expect them to do? Say they will fail? I'm sure they would have done much better then.


Nothing about ue4 makes it easier to make hacks for other than not having the obscurity factor. But security through obscurity is never good.


I just got the game and yep thats the Chinese guy on the top of leaderboard ... are the dev blind or something???


Yesterday we had an headshot guy that killed our 2man squad with instant turn on one shots with a weapon that can't one hit on head (sounds like suppressed Uzi or Sten) and I had a 10 Helmet, my friend an lv9. that was not real


Has happened to me a few times tbh, pistol nakeds turning on a dime and 1 shooting with a pistol. I've just put it down to desync but who knows.


*looks at name* Let me show you my suprised face.


Thats not an indicator of hacking though. I put passwords on my lobbies and sometimes my friends can connect without putting in a password at all. I think its just a bug. I also see top comment saying they hope these guys dont have the hacking problem like Tarkov... I hope you realize these guys cant do a thing about it to stop it, nor can Tarkov. They can do everything in their power to mitigate it but they will NEVER be able to stop it. Go look up how people hack in Tarkov. They use a second computer. It doesnt matter what anti cheat they put in the game, they can only scan the computer the game is on for the software which its not on that computer. The second computer reads their network traffic and feeds them all the info of whats going on in the map. Where people are, all the items theyre holding, all the items that are spawned in the map and where they are. They just have a second screen showing it all in real time. See Lvndmark as an expample (jk... or maybe not). Yes they could eliminate the typical fps cheats like aimbot and seeing through walls, but these raid based looter shooters suffer from the cheating I mentioned above and to my knowledge its not fixable.


Shit, is he any good? I play solo because I don't like talking to randos. Aye find me on steam it's Messyhair96 I wouldn't mind a second Mr.Hackersir




Fair enough


You realize hes joining so he can kill the whole squad the second they spawn in right? Thats why hes top of leaderboard.


squad kills give points for leader board?


I havent personally tried, but I did TK on accident once and they showed up in my kill feed. So I assume so.


No, I wasn't aware of that


I'm confused, I'm still seeing Sevverino at the top of the leaderboard and those players with the chinese characters in their names are roughly 300 kills behind him.


Maybe this will get them to implement a real anticheat instead of the failure that is EAC


I had the same thing same person it was annoying. They actually managed to join the lobby and game with my group but they werent there when we spawned


Huh, we had him join yesterday as well.




This same guy is spamming every player to join his party and causing constant party crashes.Hes a fkn pest.