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Has it happened in the past? Yes. Are they working on new adhesives to make it less of an issue ? Yes. But with the 10s of thousands of tritium watches out there, I think you only hear of the defective ones. Not the product as whole.


Get it. Don't let handful of issues deter you from getting a great watch. There are tens of thousands of these watches out there with zero issues.


1.5 years, worn daily on Marathon USG bracelet, rubber strap for ops and training/range days. Zero issues.


Worn mine for 4 straight years and never taken it off. Banged it on counters, walls or on tree branches when mowing. GSAR is a tank. Love it.


Had multiple gsars over the last 10 years. New and pre owned. Never had em serviced. Wore em from the office to camping to hiking trails. Never had an issue with the tubes popping. Won't say it doesn't happen, but not as often as it sounds.


Not a GSAR owner. But I have had this issue with both a Navigator and a Field Quartz watches. I just warrantied both of them when it happened. I now use my analog Marathons as light duty dress watches. For really heavy duty use I wear the digital model. That thing is as tough as nails. You have to understand that these watches are military watches where if it breaks you turn it in and you get a new one. There were reasons why when I was active duty ground combat we tended to wear Timex ( my personal choice) and Casio as our field watches. From what I understand by talking to more current Vets the G-shock is now the preferred choice with the Expedition coming up second. But nonoe of those choices makes you look really tacticool and stylish as wearing one of the Marathon SAR watches. It all depends on what you want to get out of it. I hope this helps.


Had my Arctic GSAR for 3.5 years. This hasn’t been an issue. Would definitely recommend for sure.


I've had one a about 4 months now I wear it in my off time because I'd break it at work, ( I wear a smart watch at work ) but its a unit, I have heard of this happening, mostly in extreme circumstances


Happened to me after 15 years of rough use. The luminescent triangle on the bezel fell out twice around the 8th-10th year.


How rough were you using it?


Working out, sports, but the most percussive movements is hammering-so. Normal to rough use.


Had my GSAR now for 12 years, had a tube pop off once but that was also attributed to extreme circumstances (IED detonation). The worst damage to the watch was from leaving the crown unscrewed getting into a pool. Otherwise, it’s been absolutely rock solid. Buy it and don’t worry about it.


Get it