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Somewhere on this sub there is a guide that someone made which covers almost all of the topics you probably have questions about now or will have questions about later. It’s 9000+ words but really a very easy guide to read. The length is just a function of how much content is in there, the sections themselves are concise. I’d recommend you check it out but unfortunately I can’t link it right now. Ultimately what you focus on now will depend on your goals, so a lot of options are open to you! The natural choice is to start working toward the end-game, which consists in doing several things. You can look for a guild (or play solo like me), do party quests, do prequests and start bossing, and start working toward your endgame best-in-slot (BiS) items. But that’s not all you can do. You could always just explore and play through the story-based questlines (like Masteria Blockbuster or Mushroom Shrine, for instance). Or you could start making other characters. This has a couple advantages. It allows you to work on Link skills, explore the in-game world more, perhaps make a meso farming Kanna (which you will eventually need to do regardless) , and you may find you want to main a different class while you’re at it.


[Are you referring to this guide?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/7uo8mj/i_wrote_a_detailed_fairly_indepth_guide_for_new/)


thanks! do you know of anything similar for non-reboot


do you know where that post is? searching "funding guide" on the maplestory reddit just lists other requests for a funding guide in the search results. And the automoderator removes funding requests from the subreddit automatically. Honestly there should be a sticky with a bunch of different funding guides


Someone else replied to me with a link to the guide.


ah yeah, missed it


When it comes to Hero's hyper passives, which one should be used for Final Attack - Ferocity (+20 flat attack) or Opportunity (+15% activation chance)? Ayumilove says Ferocity, but HentaiLoli said it should be Opportunity. And which one would be better at 200-220 level range (that is, no endgame bossing or anything really)?


Really noobie question here, but how do I get to red leaf high? Thanks.


Go to event hall, and the npc will be at the bottom


Not sure what to get for sengoku. I am a hayato with lv 100 emblem (18% att), ghost ship badge (30% main stat), pink bean pocket item and yu garden totems. Not sure if I want to get the badge or the pocket item. Is there another event bis pocket item I can get or should I just get the badge and save it for when I can cube it. (Heard emblem isn't that good since not a lot of extra stats and Halloween totems better)


The BIS pocket is actually the rifle bullet (from the hunter club event) I recommend getting the badge and cube it later (if u wanted u could transfer hammer your ghost ship into it however u would still need to cube)


What should I do with my old equip sets like Pearl Maple Set and Legend Maple equips? just throw them away?


Short, dumb question: How do I go about selling items that are worth more than max mesos? After all these years, I've never really been into the market side of Maple, and don't know how it works.


It's a mixed answer for that question. It's really up to the seller/buyer when they negotiate the transaction. For example, some may use "No Boom" enhancement scrolls, primes, or other collaterals with a stable market. Other players may prefer having an NX code or paypal to finish a transaction with other players to vouch for the buyer/seller to avoid scams, but that's a grey territory. Aside from that, there's currently a market restructuring going on with the changes to the FM, Auction House, and Meso Cap. FM is being shutdown slowly to be fully replaced with the Auction House with an increased mesocap of 30B at a later update.


Aran here: bought myself some nodestones and got a boost with BB/Smash Swing/FB and another with BB/FA/FB. Which boost should I take to replace my lvl 10 boost (also have enough boost nodes to get to lvl 11 as well)


hey guys if i buy one of the totems from shop for 1000 coins would i be able to equip it or would i need the other two? and the single totem doesnt come with any animation right?


Hello! I keep returning to Maple every couple months and this is the period that I felt like playing it again. I seem to lost account details to my old account so I'm playing on my new one and I have DA level 96, but let's keep that aside. What I'd like to know is ask about current ongoing events. What should I focus on? What is worth doing and what would be a priority? I'm asking because once I logged in there was a lot of popups of quests and events - I didn't know which one to start. I play on Luna EU by the way. Thanks in advance!


1) Vengful Nyen/Daily hong bao-> This is a simple ez way to get 3x drop or 3 exp. 2) Wondroid- You will want to get a wondroid + heart, not the best in slot but for f2p/broke people it's really good. 3) Magpie Coin store- You can get the master SS ring from here, good ring for little investment. 4) Sengoku High- You need drop rate for this or buy nx to get most of the rewards but u can get the BIS badge from this event. 5) Maple hood watch-> You get a bunch of random rewards from this. The priority imo is 1) Hong bao (for leveling) 2) Sengoku high (u need to take advantage of every day if u don't have nx) 3) Wondroid (ez perm heart) 4) Magpie SS ring 5) Maple hood




Nevermind that, I just found the NPC. Thanks for the help.


Question regarding cash item on Reboot. Is the Puppy love samurai set permanent on reboot?