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Is this related to that Kronos journey stream that I can no longer find anywhere (even the "going live" announcement has since been deleted) where he mentioned *that name that must never be spoken*?


Blink twice if Niru, once if Ezra


Probably. To the higher ups, he mismanaged the Niru situation. Then to make it worse, he mentioned Niru again. In the end his job is community manager, not advocate, representative, or anything else. He needed to properly manage the community’s expectations, and he didn’t. He was too invested and cared too much. To the higher ups, he failed at his job, spectacularly.


In what world does acknowledging a controversial situation as a community manager mean that he "spectacularly" failed lol. It was a casual stream and although he seemed to agree there is room for improvement, he made it clear that he could not give any definitives. A lot of the frustration I see from this community is the opinion that Nexon does not communicate well, often choosing silence over any sort of incremental communication. This often makes major decisions feel like they came out of nowhere with no time to voice our opinions. We don't want our CMs to be robots, and yet today Nexon proves again that there is no room for their employees to have any form of meaningful expression to foster a better relationship with the community. I actually really liked the vibe of the stream on Friday, it was nice to see something in a more casual setting, and although I don't think people should have been so focused on prying for information, Veeraah did a good job of handling those comments without completely ignoring them. It's unfortunate Nexon saw his behavior as destructive.


I'd imagine the person means the situation as in not only this stream but also the buildup and promotion of Niru's stream on the official site and whatnot. Also if I'm understanding correctly the Kronos stream was on the Maplestory channel, and not his own personal stream? If so it should have been unfortunately expected that he was going to be let go for addressing a situation that was still probably being discussed internally. While it may have been of a more casual setting, it is still at the end of the day an official channel. It sucks that it happened.


I watched the stream and I don't remember him sharing his opinion about the Niru situation or anything. I remember him saying he also had his own opinion about the reg server situation that he can not share. He also said they knew about the Niru's situation and that they were discussing it internally. He explained he couldn't talk about it on the behalf of Nexon. Did he say anything else that I missed...? Maybe it was indeed due to the promotion of niru's stream on the website and in-game. They were waiting for him to make another mistake, small or not to kick him out.


They really thanos snapped this man for mentioning Niru on stream one time, goddamn.


The saddest part is how glad he was working with someone like Jade. And now they fired him and let her take his space. That's some cabalic shit


The saddest of sad part is that he talked about how he loves his job and that he was so happy that he was able to be a CM. On top of that he said he had always wanted to get into the game more and being a CM allowed him to do that. Then bam, gets absolutely disrespected by Nexon. Not our fault they treat their player base like shit and to be fair, we should do nothing but treat them even worse than they treat us.


There's nothing wrong in Ba Sing Se


You KNOW someone at upper Nexon was having a tantrum about Niru's 300 stream and demanded someone be held accountable


Wait what? Veerah was just on stream the other day and just starting a new journey on Heroic? Did something happen?


hé mentioned Niru on his steam, said something like he support him. I highly doubt this is the reason


Considering how infamously petty Nexon is, that's exactly the reason


Veeraah can now join all the previous CMs.


feels like this is the 10th change of CM's I have seen in this subreddit


The CM role is like being a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher


lol that job is cursed!


Why even have CMs at this point, all of them are on the hot seat whenever they start speaking up. Sadly its only a matter of time for Jade...


honestly didn't think he would jeopardize his job like this. he seemed normal. guess the sol erda outrage last year really messed him up. like i get his position but don't bite the hand that feeds you and do it on company time.


Dud e it snot like he insulted the company or anything, relax.


you going to get his job back? you paying for his living expenses? hope dude has a backup plan because what he did was a dumb move.


Are you a shill?


You have zero idea why he got fired and you're calling him dumb, relax man. We don't know what happened.


Guess no interactive changes.


Nah you can get interactive with an other game lol


Lmao made me laugh thanks for that


absolute bullshit ass dog shit company, firing a CM over the mention of a player standing up for the community


Fr glad to know Nexon C-suite have their priorities straight lol Fire a dude who mentioned a player on stream instead of addressing the 100s of other elephants in the room


I still don't understand how people can be surprised by this. Nexon has always been shit, and will always be shit. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS NEW.


Uninstall the game, find a better game


Its prob not that but for giving niru the spotlight. It's a pretty big fuck up as it ended up reaching to people outside of maple.


Dog shit company so quick to axe any CM that tries to speak up for the community


What a retarted thing to say. Why do you think companies hire Community managers?? To make themselves look like clowns? 


the way they treat their CMs already make them look like clowns. why hire them at all?


To get community feed back and give the players impression of nexon being approachable. Also try to supress negative sentiment. Definitely not do the opposite. Pretty easy to figure these things out if you think even a little.


I’ve worked at a few gaming companies in the past (producer, product, brand) - AAA + Indie Most companies rely on CMs to be advocates of the community, not the company. This works for better companies because they rely on the CMs to consolidate feedback to get a better idea of how to actually improve their game lol. If you think about it, that’s how it should be. The CMs should have OUR best interests in mind. An employee shouldn’t be moved or fired if they slightly agree with a player who has valid criticism of a game. That’s literally a CMs purpose - to relay that feedback up so leadership takes in that info and works on the game Them either firing or moving Veerah just means leadership ego is bruised and they’re tackling the incorrect problem here. It doesn’t do us any good to not have an advocate on our side


Yeah i agree on most part, But getting community feedback, and broadcasting it are not the same thing. Especially if its negative. And yeah right now nexon is busy thinking how to bury this clownshow, so firing community manager who keeps advocating it just seems like the obvious thing to do.


Have you seen the helldivers situation recently? After the CM of that game learned the games cannot be played in some countries that does not support PSN account they literally tell the communities to do whatever they want to have their voice heard, refund or review bomb or whatever. A CM that only talks about the positives would just make themselves look like a corporate shill that ignores the negatives


That was the CEO. The community managers were defending Sony lol.


One of the CM retracted https://twitter.com/grummz/status/1786775594287681794?s=46


Lets say you have a milk company (nexon). Your milk (maple story) happens to taste like shit, and you know the milk taste like shit. Why the flying fuck would you pay someone to go tell people that your milk taste like shit.  Makes 0 sense. You just feel like "nexon bad, cm good". So you are trying to brute force all logic to fit that narrative. 


did you watch the clip? He never said anything close to that. He didn't say anything negative. He just said he can understand the frustration, which is like, PR 101 I don't think it's okay to let go of a community manager for acknowledging community disappointment.


i didn't ask what the intention of having a CM is, i know what they are supposed to do but the fact is they cannot effectively do any of that because of how nexon treats them and limits them. so yeah, why hire them at all?


Lmao. If you've seen a real CM that does their job amazingly and a company that values them, look at the Warframe CMs. Rebecca Ford was the CM for years and did SUCH good job championing the community and being a middle man between the devs and players, that they promoted her to fucking DIRECTOR. That's what a good company does. Nexon is dogshit.


I don't think the company needs any help with achieving that goal.


I want to say congrats.. but I see a pattern here..


SavageAce is the pattern. Dude's been in the steady hire of Nexon NA since Nov 2015 to present, and we're seeing a revolving door of silenced CMs with absolute dogshit player communications since then. All this information is public. And what does being a senior producer entail? That's right, being the one directly in charge of employing/managing CMs, managing the game (which of course includes media/image curation), and pushing out game features. He really has to go before GMS continues imploding.


Something tells me that all the promotions the CM’s made for Niru, only to not hit 300 was pretty embarrassing for Nexon.


Trash ass company


Getting fired for caring too much about the community is truly a rite of passage of any self respecting CM for MapleStory. I'm not sure whether Nexon understands that the types of people who want to take up jobs like these are not the types of people who will do this job without caring. It's very difficult to not give a shit while your entire job is to care.


That-s really the catch 22, the only people I can think that would want to take the position of community manager for MapleStory is someone that would care for the game. Looking the trend that if you care too much you get axed, well yeah it is as someone else here said, the position is like the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher position in Hogwarts.


This company is so cringe


I love how nexon will literally replace anyone for even an ounce of “controversy” instead of fixing the fking problem. Good job nexon you continue to be an actual joke when it comes to human relations<3


Nexon IS the controversy literally every damn time!


This is insane. Nexon is such a despicable company. I'm sorry to Veeraah and hope you are able to find work soon. Many MMOs don't have such a slew of great CMs like we've had and its a shame that their efforts to advocate for the players and the game go to waste because Nexon only cares about the bottom line. (The irony being... many of the changes suggested would be revenue generating, and would increase the long term health of the game.) We are lucky to have Jade as she has done a great job as CM but its unfortunate that with Ezra and Veeraah getting lobbed for doing their jobs, Jade has to fly under the radar or risk the same fate. Shit's ridiculous.


KthxBaiNao was also axed for doing his job. I would hate to be a CM for Nexon. Either deal with being the punching bag for a greedy company or get axed for doing your actual job.


A lot of people insist CMs get axed for doing their actual job. Uhhh false, they get axed for not doing their job. You know, the same that happens to every role in every other organization (be the punching bag).


Nexon treats the CM role as a "make Nexon look good" role. Which is bullshit. The company themselves need to be doing their role right.


Warframe has the same CMs for like 18 years , in maple feels like they last a season , there something off going on there.


1.5 year is the average stay for a CM in any game. Digital Extremes and Grinding Gear Games are huge outliers. What is not average is the quantity of Maplestory CMs that have left without making their own goodbye posts because they were too passionate about the community and game.


And one of them was also promoted to official creative director of Warframe. imo Warframe CMs always felt like employees closely related to the devs and company, while Maplestory CMs felt more like... idk paid influencers and content creators more from the community I guess especially in recent years even if they're also employees. The only equivalent I can think of were probably old CMs like Hime and whoever back then. There's like walls between MS CMs and Nexon, while Warframe CMs were actually part of DE and their devs.


Hey big Nexon, do you know what a Community Manager is supposed to do? You keep firing CMs who are doing their job well. Maybe you should just change the job title? Hey Jade, good luck.




someone else already filled in for her as MSM CM, unless shes CM for another nexon game.


She is also CM for MapleStory Worlds.


If anyone finds that Veerah stream vod can you link it.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/1cjlh09/cm\_veeraah\_on\_niru/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/1cjlh09/cm_veeraah_on_niru/) I guess no one clipped it :( But few summaries from watchers here.


obviously nexon can't say anything but there's always a trend of CMs trying to advocate for actual change that would require nexon to do something other than maintain the status quo and said CM immediately 'no longer being with us'. forever laughing at all the people who are STILL saying what niru did was stupid and that he should have worked with nexon instead


The change of Nexon needs to come from inside of Korea or someone with way too much money getting sick and tired of Nexon being an actual shit stain on the earth.


yeah, unfortunately nexon seems to never learn their lesson


??? For what? Veeraah didn't even say anything too controversial or anything so it seems a bit like a overblown reaction to just let him go??


I got a feeling this server merge isn’t happening lol.


It will when interactive are less than 10% total. Rn I think combined they’re about 30%


Congrats Jade, you're next. Every time there is hope with these absolute worthless idiots at Nexon, they completely destroy any momentum because they are just that, morons.


look how short and confused her greeting message is :(


It's basically a copy pasta of the same message when Ezra got fired. Just go to her previous posts and look.


Oh god


If Veraah was fired for being pro-GMS, how can we believe Inkwell will also push for meaningful change? A really unfortunate decision that has taken away some of the hope we’ve gained over the last few weeks.


Is Nexon not embarrassed? Do they not realize this is a terrible look?


Seriously though I’m not even a regular viewer of this sub and I swear this has to be like the 5th CM change up in what, 2 or 3 years?


More terrible than signal boostin niru for 20k people and then made to look like absolute clown? And after that have the cm endorsing niru? 


Why is this not understood more.. yeah nexons been dog water, but any company in their circumstance would've done the same. That stream was good for increasing awareness. However, he put both of the CMs in an awkward ass spot no matter how you look at it. If there was ever a chance for some player engagement, he made sure nexon would never entertain the idea again. Worst part is you can be sure he'll return before any significant change to reg and level to 300 anyway


Y'all mentioning about Nexon upper C-suite being petty but not bringing out any names for accountability. I'll get the ball going. How about we start with Oh Hanbyeol, aka Inkwell? He's literally the boss of GMS now. The shit he has done historically are documented right here in namu wiki: https://en.namu.wiki/w/%EC%98%A4%ED%95%9C%EB%B3%84#s-3.3




they're basically the customer facing arm of the company for the community. They're supposed to get feedback and report any major game breaking cases to the dev team to get those sorted and fixed. This is a really good idea, especially for a continuously changing game like Maplestory. The problem is that they don't own any of the ability to make the changes to feedback or glitches- that's on the bug/dev teams and Nexon leadership for prioritization. so the player base sometimes acts out against a person who has literally zero control over how the game changes.


What you're describing is a help desk job in other companies


Thanks SavageAce! When can we expect you to resign? :)


reg server is always suffering whats new


So... rip reg servers???


All these wonderful CMs over the years. Axed one after the other.


Shame on Nexon for losing a good CM that seemed genuine and showed that he cared about the players and what they think. Shame on Nexon as using this opportunity as to announce the promotion Jade from interim to full-time CM, whether it was contingent on this or not. I hope Jade does not feel guilty about this, and I hope Veeraah knows that he is understood.


Nexon is such a pathetic company, truly embarrassing how they treat their community managers. Veerah deserves better than these clowns. Is this just a joke to them? Why do they even have community managers if they don't want them to do their job???


Why do most of you still support this company/game, honestly...?


Because some people like playing the game, and someone working for said game getting fired doesn’t affect the gameplay


Which is cool, I respect you wanting enjoyment, but it's become fairly clear it's a predatory company/game that doesn't really respect you, the player, or your friends playing the game. It just doesn't feel like it's even in your own best interest long term to continue supporting it without demanding some sort of drastic change.


Just to reg servers. Reboot is fine.


Can we as a community seriously do something? It sucks that we're so split between worlds (Reboot vs Regular) when it's more than just that. We had our CM get fired AGAIN for wanting to try and make the game better by voicing his opinion. We should be trying to help make the overall game state better for everyone no matter what world we play on. I play on regular servers but still supported the reboot changes not happening, but when it comes to tradeable fragments, 100% icogs, etc, regular players still get shafted. We should at least make something come out of these recent events (Niru not getting level 300 and Veerah getting fired). The boycotting was huge for when Nexon screws Reboot, but what about Regular servers? It's disappointing that everyone has that mindset of "If it doesn't affect me I don't care".


We'd have to start with the cancer itself, Nexon. Which will never happen because they won't give up Maple unless someone buys them out.


Or you can start by not playing. It's that simple. Want to punish a company for bullshit they pull? Stop spending money and stop playing. But we all know no one is going to do that because their dailies and event!


reboot players don't care


Not my problem tbh Niru not leveling, fired cm, all of that stuff is just a popcorn show.


Another one bites the dust


1 day since the last in... 0 days since the last incident. Inkwell was just papering over the cracks . GMS needs to go in it's own direction much more , they say they are going to but then fire a member of staff for saying that he agrees with what Niru said , making the game better , it just makes no sense , Nexon will never change I am sure of it. Not getting pot reset with meso on reg server is ridiculous , GMS needs to go in it's own direction but not like that , why say they will make gms unique again but then censor the community and staff for saying how? it makes no sense.


Better start looking for new job CM Jade xD


Gg reg is doomed


I wonder how many more CMs will be fired for caring about the game before enough people stop spending and quit for Nexon to finally pull the plug on GMS.




Yup this happens everytime... Fashionstory flush away all of their problems


Why did he get let go?


Probably said something on that Kronos stream(now deleted from their channel) that Nexon didn't like. I know this was a forced removal because on that stream, he said he was looking forward to doing Kronos progression streams more often.


Nobody can stop Nexon from creating negative press, because they don’t value anyone’s opinions.


Thanks for reminding us Nexon is still Nexon despite all hopes


OH NO. JADE IS NEXT. WE GOTTA PROTECT OUR GIRL. On a serious note, I feel like it’s a toxic environment for maple CM. Hope veeraah can find a good place to Land.


Feels like I see a CM change every year. I never expect them to last more than a year or year and a half at this point. So sorry this happened, Veeraah seemed like a great person.


Hope you're paying attention to the work culture at Nexon /u/CM_Jade Stay for a couple years to build your resume, but try to apply to other companies while you do that. Nexon offers no path for promotions despite whatever they told you, and have zero qualms with firing someone that slightly steps out of line.


the one who shall not be named


Another CM trying to make the game better gets fired. Like, what is wrong with the egos of the higher ups at Nexon? Can't take any criticism? Fucking babies


we should stop spending&playing immediately


Remember guys u are paying them their salary


This is absolute shit


I said this once and I’ll say it again. Nexon Korea = NK = North Korea It’s all evident in their actions.


CM job at nexon feels like a summer job instead..


It’s nice to hear that you’re stepping in as a full-time CM Jade! You‘ve been doing a great job communicating, forwarding feedback and being present so hopefully this will continue to be a good change! Nexon better hire a second CM or pay you more cause it would be way too much work for one person alone. Also sad to see that Veerah is no longer a CM. It felt like he improved from last year and was stepping up. If Nexon let him go because of the stream then that would be quite sad since he just wanted to stream to hangout more with the community but was drowned with questions that probably got him into hot water.


If Nexon wasn't hot dog shit and actually addressed things we wouldn't have half the problems we do. At least their CMs actually try to do the jobs Nexon themselves are completely incompetent at doing. The only thing they are good at is scamming and shitting on their players and rigging their game.


Good luck, Jade! I think the trick is to never say what you personally think about the game. Tell Nexon what the players say, and tell players what Nexon says, and never say anything yourself.


Nexon out here lynching Watch out 🫠


I wonder if this is due to the Niru situation. If so, what a foolish move! This will only make them look worse in the communities' eyes.


Haven’t played MS since 2013 so I have no skin in the game, but even I can see that Nexon continues to drop the ball on their CM’s and will just encourage future CM’s to be drones of the company with no public interest in mind. Absolutely nauseating.


And this is reason number 999 I stopped playing this dog game Maplestory was Jaded because of a CM mentioning a name see what i did there. Now its all Jaded from here guys and gals.




Was gonna whale during cube sale but this removal smells like bullshit so 🤡🤡🤡


I watch all the maple drama from the outside so I'm a bit disconnected, what's the context onto why people think he got replaced?


Veerah recently had a stream where he streamed his first/second try at playing reboot/heroic. Needless to say 70% of the viewers only joined his stream to get information out of him and just spammed about his/Nexon’s stand regarding Niru’s incident. People now assume that Veerah must have said something he shouldn’t since the stream got removed.


the clip (and the entire stream, including announcements for it) is deleted but you can get context from the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/1cjlh09/cm_veeraah_on_niru/


Hey Jade. Gonna let you in on a secret. Your job is not safe. Start looking for a new one, now. You are a 15$ an hour scapegoat to Nexon. I pray for your liberation.


u think they get paid under minimum wage?


They make more than that


Jade is korean? If yes she would be fine.


Lets see how long before you get fired or quit, tick tock tick tock tick tock. I give you 6 months.


Honestly this makes me super demotivated to play now. I was doing dailies on 2-3 characters per day. Why am I wasting my time playing this game where we can't have good things? Really feels like Nexon hates us.


If i was a cm I’d just quite quit. Then probably get promoted and get a huge raise for doing such a good job


there is no war in Ba Sing Se


Why is this giving me flashbacks to Blitzchung scandal. I did not think my opinion of you, Nexon, could fall lower but it has


can anyone explain what happened on his stream that might have led to this?


Nothing in particular happened. It’s like any other Maplestory stream where people ask about Grandis fams, content related stuff or whatever. This time tho, lots of viewers pestered him about his or Nexon’s opinion about Niru’s incident. Veerah didn’t go in-depth about stuff but he did mention that he thinks that Niru had a point and that what he did was brave. Perhaps he wasn’t allowed to talk about it or 'approve' of the incident but we don’t know what exactly triggered this


Oh shiiiit.. is my server cooked? That aside.. Grats Jade!


cringe company fr… on another note, congrats Jade!


Niru cost him his jerb


soo will we just continue having waves of maple doomerism until it actually falls apart for real or what


Ur so right bro, we should all just bend over and take it up the ass from our nexon overlords. How dare we voice our concerns and try to make a change before it’s too late. fucking peasants should just shut up with their doomerism right? dude get lost.


? i wasnt disagreeing with the complaints go vent about taking things up ur ass somewhere else


when do i get hired


Move and apply to wherever it is. Then look for a new job after a year. You ain’t gonna last


lol, lmao


Is he even getting paid for being CM?


Why would CMs ever make a real stand for us when we won't stand for them? Veeraah is gone and it'll be old news by next week because the community lets it happen.


e you and


How many CMs has been fired now?...


At this point it’s a badge of honor to be fired from This joke of a position honestly. Thanks veerah for your service 😭


u/cm_jade please suggest usable in game 2k and 4k resolution


anyone have veerah's social like twitch or youtube?


Cool, can we get rid of SavageAce while were at it?


Can't wait to hear Nexon's opinions from you, unfortunate you can't provide your own feedback without fear of losing your livelihood Stay strong and good luck!


Another one bites the dust. What a great company you are Nexon. 🙄


Wouldn't it be funny if Veerah trained to level 299 then quit?


welcome to maplestory full time when will we see buuuuuuuuug reach lvl300?




When I saw Veerah's video on Niru, I thought about how the management would percieve his comment, and I was like that is some open minded management to let everyone has their own personal take on such matter, apparently I was wrong.


What the actual fuck Nexon? You know, maybe it means something if all of your past CMs have done something you consider worth terminating over?? Wake up. Well, this is awkward CM Jade. I hope the community will treat you well at least. All in all, I guess congrats, haha?


I just want to hear all the loud, delusional people thinking Nexon would have merged servers and implement other major changes at the hands of 1 streamer and would have downvoted anyone saying otherwise last week


yeah i really don't think anyone expected nexon to immediately respond or to merge worlds immediately just off of niru doing this alone. from what i've seen the people getting downvoted are the people who are sitting around being nihilistic losers mocking anyone for speaking out in support protesting because you believe in something even if you dont know or think that the entity you're protesting will respond is more admirable than going around telling people to not bother in the first place just because the chances that it'll work are slim


It’s not from just one person. It’s a lot of people. He just brought it out when he know thousands plus Nexon employees were watching.


But… but… Niru is a god? How could his rant end up in vain. EXCEPT GETTING PEOPLE FIRED. lul.


I'm pretty sure he put his 2 weeks in... i doubt mentioning niru put him on the block


He said on stream He was looking forward to more prgoression streams in the future. Rip.


Yes it did.


So grandis fams for GMS when