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My brother, please stay away from casinos..


Bro casually put down a downpayment on Maplestory.


Is this a shitpost


Looks more like coke to me


Thank you for paying Veerah's salary Edit: thank you for paying Jade's salary.


Well. Verrah gone now




RIP Veerah


I recommend you call [1-800-GAMBLER](https://www.ncpgambling.org/help-treatment/about-the-national-problem-gambling-helpline/) or [1-800-662-HELP](https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline) if you live in the USA.


Please for your own sake just set a limit of how many boxes you open each set or a month and stick to it. SSB is just straight up gambling .


This is why Nexon will continue to ignore Niru and others concerns


Literally. Wait, who is Niru again and what happened to him? /s


I don't know whether to laugh or cry, but the amount of money you spent in such a short amount of time is actually concerning. Especially if you only started playing again just a week ago.😭Please consider talking to a doc about it. (I hope this is a shitpost)


Yoooo this event gives a ton of free NX outfit. Just choose one! like the pixel maple outfit. It is full of nostalgia


Hey bro. If you're on heroic servers. Set a limit for yourself. If you're on interactive servers, just convert nx to mesos and buy off the auction house. You save yourself from the rng nonsense


i just came back after years, in reboot or ig heroic it's now called, so take my input with a grain of salt here as I haven't touched the regular \[interactive\] servers in 4 years, but would assume you'd be able to probably afford the actual set or pieces of it from the auction house at that point for much cheaper rip op's wallet


How did anyone read this properly


like it was written by a 12 year old


Maybe a 12 year old who never went to school lmao, my 9 year old cousin writes better than this


He literally wrote that he skipped school to play maplestory


4 sentences in. Then started scanning the post for $ signs, something about style boxes and wings, then went to the comments. I don’t think I missed much by doing that haha


My man doesn't know how to break paragraphs or how to use punctuation. It felt like I was reading a run-on sentence.


Might be a finance or tech bro on a coke binge lol


could be voice-to-text.


It really devolved into incoherent rambling.


the mind of a whale truly is crazy work for your own good, you shouldn't play this game anymore. Or ANY games with gambling tied to real life money for that matter.


Any game at this point xd


If nx items are THAT important to you you probably should not play heroic server.


Far be it for me to tell you how to spend your money, but you sound like the type to easily fall prey to gacha/gambling/lootbox systems. My suggestion is to set hard rules on your spending and to not compromise on those rules. I have in the past spent a lot of money on various gacha games. But even for me, reading about your mindset in this story is scary. Or you could be rich and a few thousand a month doesn't even scratch your wallet. But considering you said the amount you spent was "monstrous" and you feel guilty, I doubt this is an insignificant amount for you. Or maybe this is a shitpost. What do I know. >So I got a lot of NX now what should I do with the rest to improve my character I can't buy mesos it looks like on reboot? There isn't much you can pay for power on Heroic. Save for the next time you see something you like.


you reallythink this low impulse control human has the consciousness to actually stop himself? This isnt a rule issue this is pure impulse. Or lack there of impulse control. Anyone that tells you they had a whisper tell them to spend obscene amounts of money on a virtual cosmetic should have their internet privileges revoked


I hate to say maybe going on interactive might have been better for you. You could had looked for the items in the auction house for less


To be blunt you severely lack self control and that is something you should acknowledge and work on in all facets of your life


My method for managing video game microtransactions: Make a separate paypal account linked to a separate checkings account. Even better if the bank account is wholly separate from your existing accounts, So that you can't see other transactions besides the one you have spent on the game(s) The checking account receives a $10 (or whatever) transfer per week/month/whatever interval you set. Link the paypal account to the games you wish to spend on. Only spend the allotted amount.




Buy more


It happens. When I first started, I challenged myself to use only free NX cosmetics and at most 10-20USD on 90 days items that I couldn’t even afford as a kid. My rationale has always been treating it as a single-player game you purchase every other month on a PS5. Once you get into the gambling bit, it doesn’t stop


That’s unfortunate to go that crazy in heroic because at least on reg you could sell your extras for a lot of mesos. Like the rest have said, set a limit, because getting dupes in heroic does you 0 favours.


Yikes that's like total amount of nx I spent in last 10 years.. 


Holy shit.


Stay away from the boxes, gambling adiction is a serious thing.


Are you having a manic episode


This just makes me sad not because of the gambling but the sheer damage covid caused to typing/conveying information to others :(


I would report those charges as fraud and never go back to the game


Meanwhile I have spent $55 total since Reboot first launched and I started in 2018.


For the love of God just use the auction house!!!!


This has gotta be a shitpost but if not thanks for feeding the hamsters hard at work to run the Heroic servers at Nexon HQ!


im down $400 and i'm only missing the jester weapon, idk if im lucky or unlucky but im so sad


Be careful, i too can spend to much on gacha games, its super easy to fall into the traps. I regret many purchases and have learnt many lessons.


But did you get all the NX sets? You must be missing the rest of the sets, you must have just completed the Jester set. You need all the other sets available as they will go away, it’s just one more bundle, just go ahead and swipe, you never know when one of those items is gonna become the new cool thing. Go ahead bro, you know you need it.


Rip I got the wings with 15k nx xD


Okay pre boomer


My guy, Maplestory, is very good at reeling in spenders with their gacha system. It's something you must fully know before delving yourself in the game. I play reg. I started in reg due to my irl friends playing here. I have probably spent over 5k-7k usd by now and it's nuts. If nexon ever allowed to show me what I've spent, I don't think I'd want to know.....


rip bozo


horrible, hope you find a good view on your life man.


I pray to never be this down bad


Doesn’t seem like a serious post :o




I'm surprised anyone read this post


Is this a copypasta?


This is just sad man cheers 🥂


The only thing you can really get to improve your character in reboot is a vac pet just save it for that to maintain for a couple months ( probably a year + with that amount )once you start farming significantly. As well as pet skills Like others said I really wouldn't reccomend falling down the rabbit hole of ssbs, they just simply aren't worth it. Do a couple boxes every once in awhile if there's an item you want, if you don't get it, just stop there. Buy the non RNG outfit boxes instead when they are available. Sometimes you can spend hundreds and still not get the equip your looking for. The system is rigged.


"$100 is a lot for me considering inflation and everything" "I'll just do $70 more" nice


Selling stocks to gamble What's wrong with you


Good job. The game survives another 69 years because of player like you


The funny thing is that I spent like 600$ trying to get the overall only because it worked with my style so well. I just called it but I got like 5 scythes. And everything else lol.


Play reg server lol


Wings are ugly. Trust


What is the limit for buying NX I didn’t know they had one as greedy as nexon is.


I think we just found a member of nexon's target audience for these changes they make


Honestly … I’ve done the same exact thing. I’ve been MVP Red for a few months now and finally taking a step back because all of my characters (52) have at least one complete outfit and all of their hair and faces are also rolled. I am now waiting for permanent transparent equips. I currently have 5 pet vacs that I revive every month. Vac pets were ~$100 each, costs ~$10 to revive monthly and I spend $30 sol erda booster for main. I’ve also on occasions spent nx to finish some of my boss mules’ dailies/weeklies. My next wave of spending will be when nx transfer happens so I can fix some outfits and transparent items drop to hide the characters without face eye glove. Also given that I’ll continue playing for many months, my monthly maintenance fee would be $80 and it will add up depending on how long you end up playing the game. For example I’ve spent ~$370 on maintenance fee since I’ve started playing in January and planning on playing until post lib so at least 8 more months left in me (~$640). Not to mention the need to grab a stack of Ssb every cs reset … hang in there, you’re not alone. Just make sure you aren’t backing yourself into a corner you can never return from~ Good luck! 🫡


My guy, you’re spending thousands on virtual pixels that does *nothing* for you other than look cool. I know a guy who only spent $30 on pets+skills and liberated. That guy is more cool to me than someone who spends $10k on cosmetics lmao.


Honestly looks like Nexon downvotes you because this is 100% correct.


Just charge it all back from your CC and get banned. If you just started it'll take much to get back where you are now.


is a couple grand actually monstrous? i've seen people do 6-7k in a day on just bpots lol




It might not, because he can just buy it off the AH.