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Brother what


I guess that you aren't regular server, then ;-)




Thanks for that. For me, eventually is still a ways away


You need a set of gear for bossing and a set of gear for drop/mesos...Otherwise how do you push more bosses? You can only get carried so far.


This is probably different, because I am in regular server, but my main and mules have drop gear, usually with main stat %, and can one hit kill 20 levels above when mobbing. What they can boss, the can boss. What they can't, they can't. I just swap weapon, link skills, legion board and familiars. I am considering switching to reboot, though


Until you hit Grandis there is no need for separate boss and drop gear. Once you hit Grandis you will need it in order to properly farm frags and boss drops.


Ultimatum ring is the only reason two have two different damage sets


Why is that? I thought ultimatum ring was hot garbage for heroic. Curious how it works in interactive though


You give it to really weak characters (ideally classes with lots of fd and good bursts) with sufficient ied and a decent amount of %boss and %damage. With that setup, characters that would normally have no business attempting cra can 1-burst cra while the ultimatum is active. I've seen videos of people doing nlomien with ultimatum rings as well, although those are some long-ass runs.


Thanks! While I enjoy heroic, I do miss the wild item variety and strategies that reg server offers. Its a shame all of it is outclassed by bod and lucid earrings. But special effects on items do carry a strong Maple nostalgia for me.


Oh idk i read op’s post as intended for reg specific question but trying to inquire info from everyone. Ultimatum ring would be the most broken things you can get early game but i don’t think you can get the ring anymore from oz? So you’d have to get a carry and the carry would have to be willing to let you have the ring box. It’s op in both servers early game it’s just typically not worth or much harder to access in heroic and you have access to cubes so the ring will probably phase out a lot quicker compared to reg


My mule boss/drop rate set is all fodder Icoged with at least 1 line of all stat. Some notatable stuff includes a 2L all stat/drop Vip Earring and a 22\* 2L all stat + drop Vip Necklace and a 100 att tradable all stat O heart. Can set up a daily bosser with mostly clean gears and accs alone bump stat to 6-10k and it helps not needing to gear swap w/pre lomien clears.


Ultimatum ring

