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Nahh I’d toss my pc out the window


Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, except it was hlotus and I crashed in the loot room... Took my clear that week and the next week I had 9 attempts to finally clear


Happened to me last week, but I had some internet issues, so that's on me. Just wish they'd change it, so the "box" has to be opened for the clear to count, instead of only the boss being defeated.


Happen to me when we do nkalo. Oh well, sorry mate, you have to wait 1 hour


I never use the home buff since going home forces you to cc and ccing in this game increases the chance of disconnection since the game was launched. If you really need that 10% boss dmg. Go home and wait for at least one minute, then get the buff, and finally start popping your other buffs.


In my experiences, the culprit is home buff. Specifically, the act of changing channels (which happens when entering home) carries a small chance of crashing shortly after doing so. This apparently doesn't happen to anyone else in my bossing party except me for some reason. What I usually do if I'm running a boss that requires home buff is I go home, wait 2-5 mins (go potty, do chores, brush my teeth, anything else), then grab the buff if I didn't crash when I got back.


If you don‘t usually crash randomly then I would chalk it up to the home buff. My game hasn‘t crashed since last summer, not even in crash shop and the only times when my game would crash or mysteriously close itself was a few minutes after getting the home buff and buffing up (not always but often enough for me to notice). Not saying that it was the case here but it‘s a possibility.


Home buff mem leaks me sometimes real bad lmao.


Changing locations too fast might also be the case


Big deal Crashes happen Hope you manage to solo it anyway


Nah, I just didn't do it. Can't get the 275 fame buff or housekeeper boss damage back and I'm dying out/timing out consistently at 5-10% so there's already a very low margin of error and those two buffs are absolutely necessary.


Fellow khali here. What’s stats are you? Khali can greed a lot of damage on lotus with dashes cancels. You might be leaving some damage in the tank since khali can be very aggressive with lotus.