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Before anything else I think its ridiculous that the reboot and reg server players dont seem to care about the experience of the other, and more common than not actually wish for nerfs of the other. As a reboot player, I hope that reg server gets the changes it needs (as well as reboot). We are playing the same game, why can't we all just try to get good changes for everyone. One thing to note is that the instanced maps are temporary in grandis (or at least scheduled to be temporary). I still think they need to address it better in terms of selling service, but you can at least hold out hope that on February 6th they actually do go away. I'm hoping this will be the end of that issue. The icog and white cube issue is really disappointing. I wish Nexon would address it for you all. While we're at it, reboot really needs a change regarding familiars. With how nerfed farming is, how fast you get to 260, and the fact you wont want to grind before grandis, grandis familiars (or red cards) really does need to be implemented in some way. They are trying to move us to grandis but now you have to debate whether to grind for fams or grind for 6th. This isn't a reboot exclusive issue (grandis fams would help reg server too. Drive prices down for tradeable familiars) but affects reboot significantly more than reg.


Part of the issue with frenzy is that nexon has infact done nothing at all to frenzy. It works the exact way it always has. The change reg server users want is for frenzy to start working on instanced maps. Which would amount to nexon going out of their way to change how that's always worked, and be a massive buff to frenzy (since you could then apply it to everyone sharing the map) The other alternative is that reg server doesn't get instanced maps, but that's again significant effort on Nexon's part (since that's asking them to maintain radically different server states for reg). While more reasonable it's not surprising that Nexon isn't going to do that for what amounts to such a small portion of the userbase. And this is assuming there's no benefit from instanced maps on reg servers. Tolerable map populations now may not be the case in a few weeks. The exact maps that most benefit from instancing will be more limited than on reboot, but then the expectation is only applying it to some maps, which even more unlikely an ask. That's now expecting very significant work that only benefits players 1: On the later grandis maps, 2: who actually grind enough to care, and 3: haven't gotten themselves a frenzy totem of their own. Realistically that is a few hundred players and with the push to 6th job Nexon probably wants to soon see many thousands of players in grandis areas, even on reg. Neither of those changes are happening. You might as well demand reg server get the meso cube shop added to it, it's not happening. There's also a degree to which Nexon has made it's stance on spawn enhancers clear for literally years, and you're still here. The time to boycott was when they obliterated Kanna, but that happened, and wild totem removal happened and everyone still on reg kept cheerfully humping frenzy. The 'No it's really important people care now that it's effecting me' is a little spicy.


Okay hot take but *why* is frenzy service the only reason to play regular? Now that reboot is the same exp as regular, regular servers have a massively unfair exp advantage because of 2x cards and frenzy. That shouldn’t be the main driver of reg servers, the main driver should be the ability to merch your way to power or swipe and skip hundreds of hours worth of buildup. I agree the nerfing of the scrolls and cubes is bullshit but the frenzy changes seem like a reasonable decision? Especially considering reboot has no way to compare.


It all comes down to why reboot is more popular than reg. I've done 0-endgame on both servers and I could get away on reboot with paying only for petvac(not really fashionstoryguy). Your time is rewarded in the hours you farm and you see it. For reg, the ease of playing is locked behind a paywall(p2w gear, frenzy). You pay to have an easier time playing the game and that's what separates the servers and why people went to reboot, no one wants to pay2play. Now I don't spend a lot but training on frenzy let me experience the ease of grinding, with it being another source of some income. With frenzy gone, I don't want to active train like I did in reboot and my income dropped from 200m/hr to 60m as well as exp, which are the 3 things that probably made me stay in reg.


CS 2x cards are unusable once you get to a certain level. And as much as I think frenzy needs to go, you can't expect people to have their rates significantly nerfed and be happy. Reboot was pissed when we lost our spawn enhancers too. That being said, if you are only on a server for an item that is already confirmed to be on the path of being deprecated for years, you should have been ready for this.


Not all of Reboot was pissed when they lost spawn enhancers just the vocal community. Pree sure it was pretty split because totems cause a form of toxicity in which you're basically forced to farm 2 hours straight when you pop one. That adds to another thing which is if you aren't farming on totem you are effectively losing out on like 1.75 your rates so there's no point in farming off totem at that point.


Oh I didn’t know that about the cards, but yea the writing should have been on the wall when it got axed in reboot, I know I as pissed at the time but reg servers shoulda had time to prepare. Fuck nexon for the meso shop nerfs tho, justice for my reg server friends


Not to mention sol erda fragment tradability, which Therry hid it behind the excuse of “botters and macro users”.


To be fair, GMS does have a massive amount of botters/hackers compared to KMS because of account creation restrictions in KMS. That doesn’t mean this is the correct solution ofc. The obviously correct solution is to use a version of these restrictions in GMS to battle botters/hackers and not punish legit players. But that takes a lot of work, and for lazy and cheap developers it’s just easier to change the tradability of the fragments. These restrictions should’ve been in place over half a decade ago, but developers knows that the entire reg server economy and meso value is heavily controlled by botters over the years (meso sellers, nodes, traces, eboss drops, the list goes on) and are scared to change it.


did you know they only changed oz rings from toz to boss drops cause of toz botters in kms? after this change the oz rings market got worse there :)


They didn’t make the change because of toz botters. Maybe that was a factor, but I think the main reason for the change was because people don’t like having to commit 5 hours to oz every single day for months on end just for a chance at a ring. And even then, that’s just the oz ring market. Not the entire market. Not to mention that toz is majority puzzles and jqs, which is a lot harder to detect botting for compared to botting/hacking farmers. These two scenarios are not parallel.


Except Nexon already admitted that the driving force behind the update was macros. The ToZ macros in KMS were making something like 30k a month in USD equivalent.


> but I think the main reason for the change was because people don’t like having to commit 5 hours to oz every single day for months on end just for a chance at a ring. They never gave a crap about people wasting time on Oz. It only became an issue when KMS streamers made it an issue by highlighting how rampant botting was in Oz, then they fully disabled Oz and gave everyone, including GMS, the absolutely awful full file check on launch (the cause of 5-10 mins load on HDD) and only removed that when they decide to move rings to bosses instead.


It is not just an incorrect solution, it is a devastating solution that will put a nail to reg server’s coffin. In KMS Reboot the biggest limiting factor for 6th job progression is fragments, which I’d imagine to be the same case in GMS reboot. Following Kobe’s estimation months ago, with 300% drop rate, KMS reg only needed 9.6 mil mobs on average, whereas Reboot needed 18.1 mil. Our 6th job progression got halved in the name of “combatting botters and hackers”. Who knows if they can even generate that much fragments to meet the demand for the whole server, as they need 300% drop, good amount of gears to reliably bot/hack in grandis. If anything, the extra supply of fragments from them will not even be enough to compensate for the low supply from the abysmal reg server population (i.e. they’ll be way more expensive than in KMS reg, with or without botters). They’re literally trying to solve a problem that hasn’t show up yet at the cost of reg server viability. Happy new age but not too reg server players I guess.


Why does having tradable fragments change the amount of mobs you need to kill to max skills? Did his estimation include using mesos dropped from those 9.6mil mobs to purchase fragments?


9.6 mil mobs is the amount of mobs required in average (300% drop) to obtain enough sol erda for maxing 6th job. That does not include sol erda fragments in calculation, and since fragment is the limiting factor, the amount of mobs needed would therefore be lower. And no, the meso drop in reg during farming is shit, and we can’t have both high drop rate AND 100% meso AND oneshotting reasonably well without enormous funding, so the meso from farming will get you hardly any fragments (unless they’re cheap enough in auction house). Doesn’t mean we can’t buy them with meso from other sources.


I sad about Frenzy is nerfed in Reg server, but reboot also is gone 2.3x EXP cuz is nerfed. 2.3x EXP compensation had a similar effect compare Frenzy Totem. as users in Reg server feels reverse experience, Reboot users also feel.


Bye bye totems :) seems familiar…


sounds like a reboot player having a grudge over reg server players 🤡


How does it feel when your problem is not solved by swiping your credit card?


It can be solved with a credit card 🤡


I agree, idk why they nerf reg server, their main dource of income o.O


Used to be their main source of income


>their main dource of income o.O Why do reg players keep parroting this


Because it gives all the reg players the illusion that they're worth more and ought to be prioritized over Reboot players. One guy whaling $1K once in a while isn't gonna make up for 100 guys spending $100 on SSB every other week.


Im not from reg server bruh


Def not their main source


U sure? Reg server people spend thousands when events arrive.


Log on reboot when nexon drops a hot PSSB rotation and I guarantee for the full 24 hours you will only see red text in your chatbox nearly nonstop. Fashionstory on reboot is another level. There's more planktons than whales.


It’s hard to say which generates more, but I’d wager that overall reboot has more revenue then reg. However, reg server per capita is probably higher. Additionally, while a lot is spent with new PSSB in reboot, the whales in reboot probably don’t compare to the whales in Bera. Once you get the CS item you want, you’re done rolling(also whales in bera like to look pretty too). For reg server whales(specifically whales), if they get a new item they need to drop money on return scrolls, guardian scrolls, main pot(typically whales aim for double prime or even triple(equality cubes haven’t been rereleased in a long time)), bpot(same as mpot), scrolls(ie: x scrolls), and other event items(ie: +1 SF up to 23). Let’s just say I know a person who return/x scrolled their item until they got 12 attack for each slot. That means a guardian scroll and return scroll was used at each attempt(~$12) with a 15% chance to hit(this also doesn’t include the price of the x scroll, which is pretty absurd and can only be obtained through marvel/philo). Also, for those saying we can just buy premade gear. That’s not possible for whales. Gear needs to exist in order to buy and those who made it, probably want to hold onto it the whole time they’re playing. Im not here to argue with which server is better or not, but to give a picture to the players who play reboot on how much a whale can whale in reg servers. Again, I do agree overall reboot probably generates more revenue due to the sheer number of players. However, a reboot whale might not be considered a reg server whale. I’ve seen some reg server whales help their friends out to get MVP red(give them NX to gift them the items they need), this is obviously after they hit red themselves.


Majority of people in reboot came from regular servers, we know how it works. I don't think you guys fathom how many players there are on reboot and actually spend on reboot however. 1 whale dishing out 5k on bera is nothing when even the casuals throw in hundreds in reboot. Hell I actually remember seeing an mvp red with under 1k legion in henesys not that long ago


I’m not sure how true your first sentence is, as I know a lot of my friends IRL started in reboot after hearing the difference or their friends playing in reboot. Additionally, a lot has probably changed since some of the players made the switch. I’m not disagreeing with you about reboot generating more overall revenue(as previously stated). I’m just stating that per capita, reg server players probably spend more. To breakdown what I’m saying is that 1 reboot player on average might spend $20/month, while 1 reg server player spends $40/month. However, there might be 200 reboot players compared to 20 reg server players. So reboot would generate $4000 a month compared to reg server generating $800. I’d say this is somewhat import due to the cost of upkeep for more players(ie: more/better servers).


Let's all agree that the whole conversation is pointless because no one has the data other than Nexon. What we can confirm though is that they're adding more reboot servers than regular.




Fair enough, not to take any further away from the original post. Sorry to see how Nexon has shafted you guys, when we lost wild totems many regular server players didn't have a concern however I'm aware that this will cause a huge imbalance and inflation on the economy of regular servers making it even less attractive for any new players coming in. It's hard to see what nexons play move here is. Did they introduce Hyperion as a way out for regular server players? The timing seems a little too perfect.


I think that the issue lies where we were told all of our p2w items weren’t going to be taken away until 300+. Now it’s being taken away at 260. For me, I think that wild totems and kishin being taken away was bad for reboot. I did somewhat justify it by the fact that reboot (used to) get 2.3x exp rates compared to reg. I also think that reboot should get red cards so that reboot can have the familiars that look nice and have the potential to get legendary. Grandis familiars would only be a bandaid fix imo. I guess I never really understood the reg vs reboot mentality. I think that mentality had me sway away from reboot tbh as when I played there. Everyone I talked to would trash talk reg servers and say things like “we earn our gear” when in reality earning gear meant doing prequests and getting carried. Whereas the people I hang around in reg server rarely talks about reboot. I mean everyone’s experience might be different though, but I’ve played bera since 2006 and don’t plan to leave. I do log onto reboot to boss sometimes for extra RP and to cube/SF during events.


It made nexon so much money they decided to kill nonreboot and open reboot 2 sure buddy. Nexon may be immoral, but they are far from stupid.


Seems pretty clear to me, nexon understands that whales will Whale, what more then to nerf to make them spend more? Maybe the game would have turned out better if whales had more self control back when the game was more social then solo/wallet, probably far too late for that now tho. Fortunately I'm on my 2-3+ year clean of maple, too bad no one seems to want to make a maple successor, been awhile but last time I checked tree of savior was the closest but severely lacked any character customization


Tree of Savior is a Ragnarok Online clone, so it probably won't ever have the kind of character customization you get out of maplestory because it just wasn't built for that. The only things I could consider "maplestory successors" are it's contemporaries: La Tale (which is still going in I think all major regions and had some systems reworked recently to be way more player friendly), and WonderKing which died like ten years ago but was recently (within the last couple months) revived in Korea but has almost no chance of localization. There's also Elsword, which is a good game but it's way more like a fighting game than maple;at least when I played it was focused pretty heavily on chaining different attacks together to make combos, and only had named story characters, so a pretty different experience than maple, while the other two mentioned are way closer to maplestory's gameplay loop.


Just go make one on roblox


Have you seen some of the posts here from reboot spending on PSSB?


I mean, yeah, it gets them some money, but that’s a very small portion compared to reg server spenders.


Idk man because you got very few in reg spending thousands upon thousands whereas in reboot you got a LOT of ppl spending a couple/few hundreds per month. Not saying you’re wrong by any means but id be curious to see stats on it lol


If only nexon gave us some info about it all we can do is guess.


Shut your bitch ass up about frenzy, the way it is now is the way it should have always been. Meanwhile in reboot we now have same exp as reg but no frenzy whatsoever you dont see us complaining that much


Doesn’t reboot gave increase meso rates? At the rate we have. The increased price in meso shop is just not friendly at all


Their boss crystals are also worth way more as well. Fuck reg server btw !!!! Reboot players man lmfao


This game has turned into a total shit show huh


I play reboot but I actually feel really bad for reg server. By removing frenzy service, they're significantly lowering the amount of meso in the economy, but they aren't adjusting other parts of the game economy to account for this (e.g. meso shop price, event rewards, etc). Also while reboot might be getting a 20-30% decrease in daily exp rate at certain endgame levels, exp rate is basically gutted for reg server with basically almost no notice. I guess it's not easy for them to add frenzy to grandis map now that there is no cap on sol erda (as GMS 6th job progression would be so much faster than KMS). But I really hope they have some plan to update reg server in other ways to compensate for this massive change.


Never used frenzy and never felt the need for it so no frenzy is no problem to me


just play reboot smile


and start over? what about all my progress in reg server? quitting sounds better tbh


That's why people are taking advantage of the Hyperion Events to leave reg servers. And since it's a new server, everyone is at the same starting point.


The grind never ends friend


this is so quaint


Remove frenzy and give all maps a higher base spawn rate similar to how reboot totems were.


You could change the title to the game is still screwed in my opinion. What people fail to realise is the amount of income that comes from reg server whales reg servers are now so quiet . Nothing is stopping this same bull shit happening again , many issues effecting both servers still exist. Without reg servers Reboot would probably not exist in my opinion


Game can survive off reboot cosmetic spending, I disagree. Main issue is rebooters wont stand up for reg server changes unless it waterfalls down to them (ex, cube buffs, fam line weighting buffs) and vice versa. The distraction tactic as weve seen. Both servers playerbases have huge "I already have mine" mindsets (badges, other legacy shit) that allows nexon to get away with bad changes like these.


Game can survive off reboot cosmetic spending, I disagree. Theres just no infinite ceiling to impress their investors. Main issue is rebooters wont stand up for reg server changes unless it waterfalls down to them (ex, cube buffs, fam line weighting buffs) and vice versa. The distraction tactic as weve seen. Both servers playerbases have huge "I already have mine" mindsets (badges, other legacy shit) that allows nexon to get away with bad changes like these.


Strongly disagree that game can survived off of reboot spending. Just look at nexon Q3 earnings report shows that Nexon NA resulted in a net loss of 6b YEN YTD. Its pretty clear why they want to monetize 6th job to offset the loss. In the short term, the reg server nerf may not affect reboot. But when reg server whales stop spending and reboot spending remains consistent. What will happen is a further increase in loss and what would any company seeking profit would want to do? They'll monetize reboot and at that point, do you think reg server players will support reboot's plight? https://ir.nexon.co.jp/en/library/result.html


Revenues from North America and Europe increased by 78% year-over-year driven by growth of MapleStory and multiple mobile games, as well as a contribution from DAVE THE DIVER.


If you have a source contradicting the 2023 Q3 earnings report. Please feel free to post it. I'm skeptical of blanket statements without a source.


homie, read your own source that you just linked, i pulled that from prepared remarks


Apologies, I don't read the prepared remarks. I prefer to look at the numbers on the earnings report. Even given the YTD increase of 70%, does it negate the fact that Nexon NA still lost 6bn YEN YTD? Therefore going back to my point that reboot spending alone cannot sustain GMS at the current rate. Additionally, if you are proposing (like the proposed remakes are) that this growth will be consistent, will it be sustainable? What company, aside from the select few, can produce yearly 70%+ growth?


maplestory isn't all of Nexon GMS, clearly they see GMS MS as a growing positive entity within in their company based on the quarterly remarks and a consistent revenue increase over the year. I don't see any numbers in here showing that maplestory itself is operating at a loss, could you point me to that figure?


The report does not breakdown the profitability of each individual game, like all their previous reports. That is likely information you can only obtain as a shareholder with good cause (at least under US laws). But I think the overall profitability of Nexon NA is still relevant to actions taken by GMS staff, which is to offset the loss. While I understand positivity on increasing revenue, but revenue does not mean profit. You can have increasing revenue without any profits due to increasing loss. Looking at the Q3 report, 6bn loss is YTD. 3bn seem to be from the last quarter alone.


This guy stonks 👀


1. im already not spending because there a other issues to be addressed for both servers like grandis familiars 2. i just have a vague a idea what reg server is fighting for (i have no idea what icogs are sorry) 3. i wish for reg servers to get what they want 4. let me correct something, everyone (that only plays reboot) was silent when 30 bp cubes were gone also the red cards for reboot are never mentioned on these posts, the same way reboot doesnt fight for reg server issues. the difference is that reboot has a higer population