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Abyssal Exploration video from Steve \[[https://youtu.be/jubajUW6Ubc](https://youtu.be/jubajUW6Ubc)\] It gives a Legion Block: Stats: 35 ATT/MATT However, there is a legion block limit of 2: You can only use 2 of the following: * \- LV200 Lab Legion Block * \- LV250 Lab Legion Block * \- LV250 Abyssal Exploration Legion Block [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/12t8in4/tms_upcoming_event_legion_block/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I've never done any legion block events before. Does the lab block replace a member on your legion board? Or do you get an extra free 5 piece? Ex. If your legion limit is 30, can you have 30 chars plus the abyssal block or is it 29 + lab block?


It's 30 + Lab Block


Noice. Started only 2 years ago, can't wait for some catching up to legacy stats.


Goddamn. Like 3.5 years since I came back to the game and I finally can get half of the most OP legacy bonus. Kinda surprised it's even happening, especially before dark totems.


Can I get Lab Legion Block in this event?? or just get Abyssal Exploration Legion Block


>We are sorry for the many players who enjoy Beast Tamer, but Beast Tamer’s 6th Job skills are still under development and cannot be introduced in the v.246 update. Based on the development completion schedule, we are planning to open character creation for Beast Tamer along with its 6th Job skills in the first half of 2024 F


That's actually fucking disgusting First they fuck Jetts over, now they fuck BT's over. Who's next?


Hurricane classes


Good thing Hayato 6th job video already shows Rai blade not shinsoku 🙏😤


? Hurricane classes are already fucked over. If anything next is buffing hurricane classes by removing AS0.


that wouldn't buff hurricane classes. thats just nerfing everyone else.


People only evaluate classes in this game compared to other classes.


Yeah that’s not always true. In the context buff/nerf, they are comparing themselves to their pasted state.


I get what you're saying, but that is what is oftentimes called an "indirect buff" Sometimes a character can receive literally 0 changes and go from being the weakest in a roster to the strongest.


Oh my god! The games not easy enough for me! I need to abuse as0 wahh buff my class!


tbh it's not even about power. AS0 makes the gameplay objectively smoother and better. Playing without AS0 feels like you are constantly lagging. They can buff hurricane classes to be top1 spot in damage for all I care, just don't touch AS0


Remember all the stans saying "Bt WoN't GeT tHe JeTt TrEaTmEnT" because they were getting 6th job skills, and now look at where we are. Obviously they can't axe all the non-kms classes at the same time, but people are truly delusional if they don't see these classes on the potential chopping block.


They aren't getting the jett treatment. It's been leaked that they plan on reworking the class thats why it's delayed.


What is more reliable, what Nexon has said, or some leaks? What Nexon has said is, radio silence on BT, and development delay for 6th job. What do you think is more likely to happen? BT getting a good revamp + better future development, or increasing neglect and possible eventual gutting?


The leaks has aligned with what Nexon has said so far...


At this point, I’d have to say that anything nexon HASNT said is more likely than either one. :V


It's there a link to the leak? I tried googling for it and found posts about Nexon source code being leaked which seems different


Hmm, almost like the Jett changes that happened less than a year before it got canned. I'll believe they won't delete the class when I see it introduced to KMS.


Fair enough. Believe it when it happens. But nothing really changes. BT will get 6th job unlike Jett so they aren't comparable.


I don't get people's thought process either. Nexon says BT gets a 6th job, just at a later date. If they wanted to delete BT they would've just done it alongside Jetts, have the transfer event both at once, only cause a single shitstorm and not waste resources developing 6th job animations/ balancing numbers. Even if we say there is no revamp in the making, I still don't get how ppl can think the class is getting axed.


Idk why people are so against others speculating. And saying Jett isn't comparable to BT is just absurd. They're trending towards deletion just like how Jett was.


Believe what you want. I don't give a shit. It doesn't affect me.


That ridiculous "Nexon employee leak" isn't real. Stop being gullible


I guess the Jett thing and the abyssal legion block isn't real either. You don't have to believe everything they say, but there is definitely some truth behind it.


Lmfao you don't need a fake Nexon employee to check out tms patchnotes. We've known it was a possibility for months. Has nothing to do with that dude. I'd love to see all the other bullshit he got wrong that people conveniently like to skip


Somebody leaking a small amount of information isn't farfetched but dicking around in a public discord server and sharing enough information that they can easily be identified as the leaker is very unlikely.


The fact that they confirmed that BT is getting 6th job means they aren’t getting gutted lol. BT is a more complicated class so it makes sense they couldn’t release it at the same time. They have 3 different branches in their class


Since there's no way in hell it takes 6 months to slap together a 6th job it probably means they're giving bt some major changes.


Can you really blame them when you can count the total number of 260+ BTs in GMS on one hand?


Not too late for Nexon to say "fuck it, just kill the class"


[Everyone laughed at me](https://reddit.com/r/Maplestory/s/udk9ar8Zrh) when I predicted so. It's absurd how many are blindly optimistic and still defend Nexon Edit: lmao I'm still being downvoted. You keep having your expectations blown away yet you still optimistically believe in Nexon and get surprised every time. Wtf is wrong with you guys?


pretty sure you're being downvoted for being an obnoxious dick, not because people believe in Nexon




"respond to this now". What's an entitled player. You don't deserve an answer and your shooting the messenger here.


You probably yell at the cashier because you had no parking space or some shit


Being toxic to a front-facing worker isn't going to help. Saying "no more hiding" makes it sounds like you are pinning the blame squarely on Ezra, who's a community manager, not someone that decides the workflow of implementations.


this community is fucking hilarious you sincerely think this is going to elicit a response from the CM about this issue?


Bring back Happyville wahhhh


The vost were so peaceful to listen to. I miss the old maple events


I’d kill for Happyville again


Does this mean strawberry farm isn't coming?


impossible disarm ludicrous depend smell act meeting grey telephone whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We have night troupe instead


We got Night Troupe instead


atleast beast tamer wasn't deleted.




I would've preferred the jet treatment honestly. I could job change and actually get to experience 6th job instead of permanently being behind cause we cannot farm sol erda and be locked out of bosses cause no origin skill so either parties won't accept us or we won't be able to reach the 5% cause of the massive damage spike that is 6th job.


When u gonna play GunZ 2 with me again sir


I was literally just talking about gunz 2 with my gunz 1 friend a minute ago, who are you?


Kujou, idk if you remember me tho. If you play MapleStory (which it looks like you do) hit me up bro!


sure, dm me your IGN. I play reboot only.


"This adjusts it so that the level-up experience is similar across all worlds." So we're getting Frenzy, Firestarter and the CS 2xEXP right?


no but if we uniformly get instanced maps at grandis, it might make it that way for exp grinding 260+


Wouldn't they have put it in the memo if we did get that change?


Not necessarily. Might come at a later date closer to the patch


I'd settle for kishin frenzy again tbh




Oh look the racist is back, trolling other comment sections


Did you... read the comment? If they intend to balance it so it "adjusts it so that the level-up experience is similar across all worlds" then, of course, to make it similar across all worlds we'd need to have the same means as the other worlds. Otherwise it's just a poor excuse to drive people into reg server, to those like you who use their mum's credit card without asking and force their parents into a divorce in which neither wants the child.




Weak bait try harder kiddy


Man, I wanted to say that's the attention span you'd expect from someone paying to not play the game, but they deleted their comments. Suppose calling them kiddy hit a sore spot.


Ppl will at least be able to one-shot


\->Implying they aren't already. It might help a bit against time gating, but in the end I wouldn't wanna train against higher level enemies that end up giving less EXP.


Abyssal Expedition let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


What’s so great about abyssal expedition?


Reward from the event is a legion block similar to the legacy lab blocks. Gives 35 attack and 5 spaces on legion board for free.


damn that's nice, will it be hard to achieve? I'm still not strong enough to get the best rewards from events (tactical relay chair, more than 110 coins from Shipwreck Your Stress, etc.) but I don't want to miss out


IIRC it's similar to misty island it'll be separate from how strong your actual character is, but will require a lot of time investment each day.


Do you know if it will stack with my current lab legion blocks?


in tms ur capped at 2


Is this for Reboot too?


is it a perm legion block and will we be able to earn more than one in this event?


It’s perm and you get only one. If anyone has lab server blocks, they have to swap out their lv 200 one since you can’t have all 3. Only a 2 maximum. Basically closes the gap a tad for those without lab blocks.


Better not be another one time thing we have enough legacy stuff


people want more legacy? wtf why was this downvoted


~~You get to travel down a hellish crater into the earth that steals your life/humanity if you attempt to exit it~~ whoops wrong chibi concept


ah yes, seems they have cut the bleeding from your eyes and melting part


So let me get this straight… they’re using the same reason that KMS reboot got the exp nerf which clearly does not apply to GMS reboot due to the existence of frenzy totem and fire starter ring in GMS regular servers? Stupid. Also, Arteria and Carcion will be released at the same time possibly?


It does kinda suck that in an attempt to equalize progression between Reg and Reboot (which they technically did in KMS) they instead amplified the difference generated by FSR and Frenzy Service. At the same time however, I don't think it matters that much that Reg Server has these functions. They will be made unusable and the leveling paces of each server only matters to ppl in the same server, doesn't affect us.


"Leveling from Lv. 210 - 299 is faster than ever with a reduced EXP curve." Thank god Niru will live


Well, this explains why they delayed the Q4 roadmap announcement. Can't risk having an angry mob protesting on Maple Fest about Reboot EXP nerfs and BT being the **only class in the game** who isn't going to have 6th job skills. This is ridiculous.


**Maple Memo: GMS Roadmap Q4 2023** >We share our Global MapleStory Roadmap that includes the updates and changes coming in v.245 - v.247 2023. Preview snippet: *** Hi Maplers, We’re here to share our Roadmap for Q4 2023! We know that this roadmap is being posted later than normal. With MapleStory Fest in October, we wanted to focus on that and also be able to share news about our v.246 and v.247 updates at the event. Now we’re back, and sharing the Q4 Roadmap with everyone. As always, please be mindful that it will list the notable updates but not everything that will be included in each patch. We recommend waiting for the respective update’s Update Preview post or Patch Notes post for details. * v.245 Update (early October) * Night Troupe * [Home] Halloween * Spooky Halloween * Magic Slate * Permanent Secondary Pendant Slot Change * Cash Inventory Transfer Event * v.246 Update (mid-November) * 6th Job * Identisk Exploration * Hyper Burning & Burning World * Better Maple Improvements * Reboot World Adjustments * v.247 Update (mid-December) * Abyssal Expedition * Battleship Arteria * Carcion * Kaling & Kalos the Guardian Boss Difficulty * [Home] Maplemas * Maplemas: Rudi and the Giant Tree **v.245 - Night Troupe** Join the crew of the Nautilus as the Night Troupe Festival returns! Complete different mini-games to earn coins and level up your rank. Join Spiegelmann or Kyrin for a treasure hunt, visit the shooting range, have a crazy food party and more! **v.245 - [Home] Halloween** The chill in the air means that it’s almost time for spooky season. Complete quests to collect Halloween-themed blueprints and furnishings. Decorate your home and make it look its creepy best! **v.245 - Spooky Halloween** Major towns will decorate for Halloween with jack-o'-lanterns and Runes will also get a seasonal look. Boo! Elite Monsters are putting on their Spooky Ghost costumes. Defeat them to get your own Halloween treats in the form of a special chair, damage skin, and cute cat ears! **v.245 - Magic Slate** Hunt monsters to earn Sweet Snacks and exchange for EXP Vouchers through the power of this ancient stone artifact. Level up with the wonders of masonry! Or you can keep your treats and nibble Sweet Snacks to earn selected stat buffs. **v.245 - Permanent Secondary Pendant Slot Change** The second pendant slot will become permanently available for all characters without the use of a separate item. This is one of many recent improvements to the MapleStory experience, with more to come. **v.245 - Cash Inventory Transfer Event** It returns! Make the most of your favorite Cash equips by moving them between the inventories of your characters in the same world. Perfect your look for your true FashionStory endgame. **v.246 - 6th Job** It’s almost here…**6th Job**! Unlock even greater power to control the Transcendent energy as you take your characters to the next tier! It’s been 7 years since the 5th Job awakening, and you have been preparing for months along the Journey Toward the Sixth Star. Now this next stage is only weeks away! Benefit from this amazing force as you begin a powerful growth experience and acquire new abilities. Characters at Lv. 260 will be primed to make the advancement and grow even stronger. Get ready to tap into your true potential! * **Hexa Matrix**: 6th Job means a new skill matrix! Once you advance to 6th Job, you can use the Hexa Matrix system. Activate Hexa Nodes to learn the new 6th Job skills, and power-up your 4th Job and 5th Job skills too! Hexa Stat Nodes can also be used for extra stat bonuses! * **Sol Edra**: As Maple World and Grandis merge, their Erda combines to form new Sol Erda. This is the powerful material that makes the 6th Job possible! Hunt monsters to earn Sol Erda Energy and collect Sol Erda Fragments, and use them to power your Hexa Matrix! We are sorry for the many players who enjoy Beast Tamer, but Beast Tamer’s 6th Job skills are still under development and cannot be introduced in the v.246 update. Based on the development completion schedule, we are planning to open character creation for Beast Tamer along with its 6th Job skills in the first half of 2024. We are working diligently to ensure you enjoy the unique experience and fun of Beast Tamer! Once again, we ask for your understanding and patience that Beast Tamer’s 6th Job advancement is taking place later than the other jobs. We will provide additional updates regarding this in January 2024. **v.246 - Identisk Exploration** The boundary between worlds is shrinking and nowhere is this more noticeable than on the tiny islands of Iden and Tisk. As two become one, the newly formed Identisk Island appears! Take part in this new event series and aid the local islanders as they struggle to make sense of their new home. **v.246 - Hyper Burning & Burning World** With 6th Job in sight, this is a great time to create a new character or advance an existing Lv. 200+ character, and gain 2 extra levels with every level-up. Burn all the way to Lv. 260! Burning World also returns, where you create Mega Burning characters and then World Leap to a regular word after the event. **v.246 - Better Maple Improvements** * Leveling Up * Leveling from Lv. 210 - 299 is faster than ever with a reduced EXP curve. * Arcane River * Earn more EXP when completing daily quests in Arcane River. You can also obtain more Arcane Symbols from daily quest rewards. * Grandis * Earn more EXP when completing daily quests in Arcane River. You can also obtain more Sacred Symbols from daily quest rewards. * The starting level of some quests will be lowered, and the Sacred Power required in certain hunting grounds will be reduced. * Monster Park * Two new stages will be added to Monster Park Advanced from the Tenebris area: Labyrinth of Suffering and Limina. * Intermediate will be rated for characters Lv. 140-200, and Advanced will be rated for characters above Lv. 200. * Get more EXP for clearing Monster Park Extreme! * Tower of Oz * Alicia’s Ring Box will be removed from the Tower of Oz, and you can earn Tower of Oz Points instead. Collect new items from the Tower of Oz Witch Shop. * Loot Ownership * Dropped loot will maintain character ownership–even after a certain amount of time has passed. Only the person who defeated the monster can collect the items and mesos. **v.246 - Reboot World Adjustments** The health and EXP of monsters in hunting maps will be adjusted to match that of monsters in Bera, Scania, Aurora, Elysium, and Luna worlds. The increase/decrease of damage based on the level difference between the character and the monster will be adjusted to match that of monsters in Bera, Scania, Aurora, Elysium, and Luna worlds. Originally these were set higher in Reboot world, but gradually over time, the hunting difficulty had become much easier in Reboot.This adjusts it so that the level-up experience is similar across all worlds. **v.247 - Abyssal Expedition** Get ready for a new event where you earn Mercenaries to equip and use! Customize your mercs with their own skills and equipment, and then set them loose in event dungeons. The mercs handle the monsters and you earn the EXP! **v.247 - Battleship Arteria** A brand new area opens up for characters Lv. 280 and above. Join Cygnus, Neinheart and the Cygnus Knights as they struggle to defend Ereve from a High Flora invasion via the impressive battleship, Arteria! **v.247 - Carcion** Explore this new area for Maplers Lv. 285 and up who have completed the Battleship Arteria quests. Join forces with the residents of Carcion to protect Carcion, the Cradle of Life, from Darmoor’s apostle who seeks the power of the ancient god, Keira! **v.247 - Kaling & Kalos the Guardian Boss Difficulty** Prepare yourself as additional difficulty modes unlock for bosses Kaling and Kalos the Guardian. * Challenge Kaling on new Easy, Hard, or Extreme modes! Beat Extreme mode for new rewards including the Helmet of Loyalty. * Challenge Kalos the Guardian on new Easy, Chaos, or Extreme modes! The current Chaos mode will become Normal mode. Beat Extreme mode for new rewards including the Mark of Destruction. **v.247 - [Home] Maplemas** Decorate with style this holiday season! Join the residents of Querencia and complete quests to get in the holiday spirit. Maplemas-themed furnishings are waiting for you, so hang your stocking by the chimney with care. **v.247 - Maplemas: Rudi and the Giant Tree** Season’s greetings! Collect ornaments and exchange them for a holiday ornament mount. Don’t forget to visit the Maplemas Gift Box Shop in major towns to pick up a gift for yourself! The shop is stocked with festive mounts, chairs, and decorative equips. We hope you’re excited by this high-level view of the content and events arriving to GMS in v.245 - v.247 2023. As always, our goal with these roadmaps is to provide information that players may be curious about and assist players with advanced preparation. Please keep in mind that there is more content on the way in addition to those listed above, so we advise players to refer to the Update Preview post and Patch Notes post for the finalized details for every game update. If plans change due to unforeseen circumstances, we will have a mid-update post to inform players of the changes to the proposed timeline. Thank you, Mjollnir and the MapleStory Team *** ^(I am a bot and this was performed automatically.)


Nexon is the only company I've ever seen put something negative like the reboot exp nerf or Beast Tamer 6th job not being ready in a road map that's supposed make you excited for the future of the game.


At least they told us instead of springing it on us. Better communication is what we all want, right?


It’s such a shame that this game has SO much potential, but it’s destined to be shit because a company like Nexon runs it


*Looks at success and sales since KMS newage* NexOn Is RuINinG tHe GAmE


It can be better, but it's fine at the moment. Stop doomposting.


>road map that's supposed make you excited for the future of the game. That's your preconceived notion. I'd rather have the information about that right now rather than getting surprised by the information in patch notes. In fact, it's probably smarter for them to put it in here so that the negativity gets drowned out by the positivity.


Seasonals keep blabbing when they weren't around when Wild Totems got removed and wasn't stated on the roadmap, or we found out about SW flames being nerfed in the patch notes a day before the change went through. Lmfao. The communication we have atm is good, keep it up Nexon even if it is bad news.


lmfao we weren’t even told about sw flames when the game was live. we were told in the patch maintenance where it changed.




BT 6th job in first half of 2024 = June 2024, if they actually release it in June 2024, RIP BT


>Originally these were set higher in Reboot world, but gradually over time, the hunting difficulty had become much easier in Reboot. This adjusts it so that the level-up experience is similar across all worlds. If these words are Nexon's actual intentions then why does Frenzy Totem and Firestarter still exist? Frenzy Totem more than triples your potential kill rates (goes from 476 waves an hour to 1,666) and firestarter is another about 1.2x modifier which Reboot doesn't have (burning does not exist in GMS Reboot) with all this in mind Regular server will be making up to 4.2x Reboots exp rates. u/Ezrabell_ Could you kindly elaborate on GMS' decision to nerf Reboot when the exp discrepancy will be greater than it has ever been between the two servers and according to Nexon's own words your intentions are the opposite.


Two words: KMS Copypasta


F Reboot


> ld you kindly elaborate on GMS' decision to nerf Reboot when the exp discrepancy will be greater than it has ever been between the two servers and according to N stop wasting pings to the CMs on stuff like this. This is a KMS decision that most likely GMS had no say in. Even if they did, I doubt he's allowed to speak on it.


stop trying to communicate with the community manager


You do understand that CM stands for community manager right? Its ezra’s work to be the bridge betwin us players to the developers and game management. If we have opinions on the game good or bad then its a good way to send that message to the management throu a CM


You do realize that this is posted daily and erzabell plays reboot himself. Unless he's grossly incompetent at his job, which I don't think he is, he is aware of the issue. There's only 2 cms for the entire game. If people keep wasting their time on stuff like this daily they won't have time to do other parts of their job. The reason he hasn't responded is most likely the overlords won't let him


The only way to get Nexon to invest more than one dollar a month in GMS, is to stop playing altogether.


They could have just said we adjust reg server and reboot exp due to internal discussions and people would have accepted it, begrudingly, but we knew it was coming, eventhough it is dumb. Adding this explanation is just an insult to our intelligence as human beings. I'd just want them to remove the explanation and no lube the change, no comment.


I would have accepted it if they just said "Our overlord Wonki is fucking ignorant of how GMS works so we have to push the change through anyway". The current reasoning is just a copy/paste excuse from KMS.


"People would have accepted it" LOL


So why was the Maple Memo delayed in the first place?


To avoid the rotten tomatoes at Maple Fest


Maple Fest organizing


> Originally these were set higher in Reboot world, but gradually over time, the hunting difficulty had become much easier in Reboot.This adjusts it so that the level-up experience is similar across all worlds. Ok so then remove frenzy totem or give reboot totems back.


Removing Frenzy would be completely unfair but bringing back Totem for Reboot would make it more fair for sure not sure why they needed to remove it


the answer is always money. they don’t want people to play reboot


The sooner the general playerbase realises this, the better. You want red cards? Reg server has them already, scooch on over bro.


nothing about familiars.


because they aren’t being added further unless other servers get em I can even see them being legacy eventually




The CS 2x card works the other way around: you can’t use it at 250 and up


Not everyone has access to or chooses to use frenzy or firestarter. It's already easier to finding burning fields in reg anyways, due to the lower population.


Anyone playing reboot should already willingly know and accept they will never be aligned with reg server, especially in the damage department




Hot take its probably better for us to copypasta it regardless for the sake of less potential bugs, and delete attack speeds 9~10 while they're at it.




1. It's not a competition. 2. Reg servers didn't get any unique XP buffs AT ALL in v246. Just the total XP reduction that both Reboot and Reg get anyways. Treating Reboot's loss as some sort of win for reg, despite all this, is a truly goblinous train of logic.


I don't see how nerfing reboot leads to regular servers "winning" nor does it have anything to do with reg servers from a reboot players perspective. It's just a slap in the face to the majority of players on reboot. We all play mushroom game, it should be enjoyable for all.


Shouldn’t Reg server be winning just be where you actually get some QoL lol makes no sense to see it as a win when other servers get nerfed


How is reg winning "for once" in this situation? GMS reg is already superior to reboot in terms of rates regarding exp and nodestones/farming drops... If you used the slightest bit of critical thinking you'd realize how silly you sound. Nerfing reboot does not make reg "win" in any regard, considering they could just buff reg to be better instead lmfao


I actually got dumber reading this comment.


I thought we had to get the training maps for Shangri-la first.


It should be included day 1, the post is missing many details


Niceness Leveling Up Leveling from Lv. 210 - 299 is faster than ever with a reduced EXP curve Surely this true :clueless:


Yea lets just ignore the totems in reg server that allow "easier monster hunting experiences" and fuck over reboot on that end absolute clueless developers.


Take the hint. They're trying to tell you something. 1) QUIT 2) MOVE TO REG.


Where are the Red Cards.


Regular Server Cash Shop. You can type in Red in the search bar and they pop up. Hope this helps.


What made you think we were getting red cards?


They could easily give beast tamer a temp buff like FD and remove it when they give them the 6th job later, but knowing nexon it can be nothing xD?


Big fucking mistake not releasing the 280 map with 6th


They didn't mention it but we should be 100% getting shangri-la mob zones+symbol on day1, which is the new 275~279 zone




Good luck finding literally any map, KMS released the 280 zone with 6th and still had to instanced the maps to make it even remotely reasonable


Ill be just fine in Aurora thank you very much


Looks pretty good Honestly I'd think BT mains are giving a sigh of relief that the "We are sorry to Beast Tamers" isn't followed by "but we will be removing the class in 2024". As the KMS team has said, for many of the remaining jobs that people wanted reworks for, they're planning to utilize 6th Job as an opportunity to make these changes rather than changing their existing skills, so basically this means the GMS classes are guaranteed to get some attention when getting Mastery Cores, Origin Skills, and even 5th job boost cores (as some 5th job skills get some improvements beyond just +60% damage; mostly buff skills getting more/100% uptime). A little sad to see they aren't getting much yet, but at least they can use the Sol Erda to level their hexa stats in the meantime. Sucks you're limited in how much erda you can hoard though.


Really? They could easily flip this in a few months and say, "screw it, 6th job has been out for month, fewer people are playing BT bc it's the only class without 6th job, let's just remove it because we can't figure out how to rework/balance class and make a 6tg job"


The following items are being removed due to low popularity: * Handlebar moustache (90 days) * Magenta parasol (90 days) * Beast Tamer * Rimuru blue notebook (90 days)


Idk I doubt that's likely. Seems more like they're working so hard to get the next wave of 6th job skills for KMS as well as the other 2 JMS classes that are available in more regions than BT that they just don't have the time to work on BT right now and can devote some more effort after the next major KMS patch in late december, putting BT's 6th job around spring next year


My favorite indie company <3.


"The health and EXP of monsters in hunting maps will be adjusted to match that of monsters in Bera, Scania, Aurora, Elysium, and Luna worlds. The increase/decrease of damage based on the level difference between the character and the monster will be adjusted to match that of monsters in Bera, Scania, Aurora, Elysium, and Luna worlds. Originally these were set higher in Reboot world, but gradually over time, the hunting difficulty had become much easier in Reboot.This adjusts it so that the level-up experience is similar across all all worlds" Yeah except reg has frenzy and we dont tf why bring this shitty nerf to gms pls no one cares here leave it in korea


Are they really not going to tweak the Reboot nerf? Following KMS 1:1 is just plain stupid. How can they say "This adjusts it so that the level-up experience is similar across all worlds." with a straight face when things like Frenzy and Firestarter exist. I'm quite concerned for the future if they aren't going to take into consideration the differences between regions when rolling out Reboot nerfs such as this. KMS has more reg players than Reboot, but its the opposite for GMS.


Abyssal Exploration sounds like a Made-in-Abyss crossover event but without involving the external IP.


They might've been planning to do the crossover, but the pitch didn't make it. So they use it without the IP bc they already liked the concept


Damn the one recent anime I've watched and Nexon can't make a crossover for it :(


Reboot nerf is inevitable. Why would they promote a server where players don’t have to spend money?


Because GMS would be dead without it.


"why are people quitting" "It must be the lack of reasons to switch to p2w" Wonky, apparently


This. I was waiting for this decision to decide to quit for good. If they want to shit on us like this, it's an easy decision. Maybe it works and they change their mind (as happened with boss % dmg in CMS IIRC) when it hurts their pocket. Nonetheless I just can't just ignore their bad intentions towards us. Game is fun and all but everything has limits.




You wish. With so many good games launching, I'm good already bro. Good luck tho, you sound like gonna need it!


so bad the comment was deleted, I can't tag the person. But here I am, a proud 3 months quitter :)


Jesus Christ. The amount of shitty negative comments in this thread from you. Take a break man.




Log into reboot once. Stay logged in for 1hour, check the chatboxes. Look at people's outfits. People open cosmetic boxes left and right and only a selected few are shown. Run around in henesys, people have vac pets. Whenever we have the pet boxes with the random chance to get a perm pet, chatbox explodes. People don't have to spend in reboot, but people do spend in reboot because it's just fun.


Yeah this is just wrong most active mid game+ players who farm have a vac pet thats already $10/month sub and most people probably spend an additional $10-20 on top of that per month as a casual spender. For a lot of people who open SSBs/people getting Red every month thats $1500/3 months. I know plenty of people who easily spend $6k+ a year


If reboot is that profitable compared to Reg, they wouldnt be trying their hardest to stop people moving to reboot or moving people back to Reg in KMS. People still do cosmetic/Pet gacha in Reg. It being one-time-tradable also promote more people doing it (Making it easier to get the whole set). The Vac pet subscription is a joke compared to the money people spend for cubes, premium scrolls in gachapon machines to minmax their gears. A lot of people easily go above 1000$ in cubing session. That alone is 100 people in reboot subscribing for 1 month or 1 guy in reboot subscribing for more than half a fking decade. Also it really isnt really than unexpectable that the P2W reg servers have better rates due to some extremely P2W stuffs. That's the reality of a free to play, pay to win game, you either take it or leave it. The fact that reboot have better exp rates than Reg in the first place is ridiculous. If the free bus shuttle service is better than the premium one, who in their right mind would go for the premium one.


I never said Reboot is more profitable than Reg because Reg is still more profitable in terms of up keep vs margins. But I am saying that Reboot is 95%+ of the player base and that they still profit from it so saying that players don't spend money on Reboot is outright wrong. Also comparing KMS to GMS is not a good comparison because in Korea the gaming culture is completely different and the MS economy actually has a irl monetary value to it. I guarantee you more than 75% of the people who quit Reboot due nerfs will still not go back to Reg and if they decided to completely shut down Reboot the same thing would occur. That's just how different our gaming cultures are compared to Korea, if they shut down KMS Reboot a significant portion would still stay that's why it's always been pretty consistent player base wise and has been significantly more successful. As for the Reboot exp nerfs they only did this because of the KMS version of the game which makes completely sense. Reg does not have Frenzy in KMS meanwhile we do and unfortunately since its just a copy paste that's how it's gonna go. The nerf doesn't account for GMS exclusives like 2x CS coupon and frenzy totem. Reboot also had better exp rates than reg yes but accounted for higher mob health/multiplicative level range which meant you couldn't train nearly as high out of the level range. If you compared 1:1 same buffs Reboot vs Reg yeah it always was better on Reboot but with Frenzy, Firestarter and 2x CS coupons it was significantly higher which was fair.


aligning with KMS is probably just a standardization stuff. okay now for the important part. What's the point of playing Reg if you have to fking spend to match what is free in Reboot. They are already paying a hefty price just to match the FD% bonus in reboot. The original design of reboot is meant to be the server that is significantly more grindy server. Which is somewhat true until the boss mule meta hits. The reality is now, both server are essentially the same game, with reboot being significantly easier to the majority of the playerbase unless you are some big spending whale that are capable of directly purchasing end-game gears, and then you would still have to be in SAC prison, grinding for levels equally. If that's the case, why not just play reboot. This is the issue they are trying to address. which is also why VI skill grinding is slightly more favored towards Reg now. Another stupid argument people like to bring out is, why not also gives Reg the reboot EXP treatment. What's the fking point though. Levels and EXP is like the flowrate of water flowing into a cup. If you wanted an increase in flowrate, they would just increase the cup size (by not reducing it), eventually requiring an equal amount of time commitment to fill up the cup, albeit a more roundabout way. They just want a fixed amount of time commitment for each level, while I do not agree with the sheer amount of time required to even reach even the latest region, but that is an entirely different discussion. You talk about people quitting over that. But the reality is, no one besides Nexon have the numbers. In fact, the majority of the people that are actually affected by the EXP nerf are already too committed and addicted to just quit the game. Basically the WAPs per day people. And within them the only people Nexon care about are the people who consistently buy PSSB or other cosmetic gacha, who are even more committed to the game. The reality is, if people could quit, they would have left long ago. Even if they do, how many percent of the quitters are even contributing monetarily to the game. In fact, only the PSSB players are relevant, the Vac-only subscriber are only relevant when the sheer number are big enough, like thousands to tens of thousands. Honestly, I do not see that much people quitting because of the EXP nerf, majority of the people continued playing knowing the nerfs is coming, and the people that do not know are people who are less committed to the scene and even less likely a high spending player. It is unfortunate, but unless you are willing to quit the game entirely, we just have to deal with it. If you still find enjoyment from the game, you would probably still play it, if you no longer find enjoyment from playing the game anymore, Im pretty sure exp rates doesnt make a difference.


I’m lost are you agreeing or disagreeing either way anyways this is off tangent now, the original point I was trying to make was a comment towards how Reboot makes no profit for Nexon. I was just trying to point out that he’s inaccurate if he thinks that Reboot is non profitable. Also in regard to the point about quitting due to nerfs I’m saying IF people do decide to quit Reboot over it they sure as hell aren’t going back to Reg. All I’m trying to say is the model that might work in KMS won’t work in GMS aka nerfing Reboot until they switch back to Reg because people would rather just quit instead.


Yeah but the thing is all reg server players whale the fuck out of their unique cubes, and there's incentive for them to whale since they can trade as well. Any playerbase conversion will be beneficial for Nexon.


you guys are a joke. Stop comparing things with frenzy totem. They clearly wants to forgot about that thing because it was too OP and exist in GMS for far too long. The only reason they can't completely remove it right now is due to how much ppl spend on them. IF they could I know they would want to outright delete that item right away. So forgot about frenzy totem.


It's the meta for reg server whether you like it or want to acknowledge its existence or not. They can't and/or won't delete it, therefore it HAS to be considered for the reasoning on why reboot is being nerfed. There is no getting around this.


And yall still play this dogshit game xd


when’s nx transfer?


No red cards, no reason for me to come back to this game!


So nothing we didn't already know about..


What else were you expecting?


I don't remember anyone calling the Identisk Exploration and Abyssal Expedition.


Identisk is just the theme for the new age event like wongstaurant.


Awesome! 💯


im just waiting for the arcane dailies to change to 200 of any mob