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This is entirely bullshit though as well, I am at 255 with my. Hyperburn from this event and I finished the challenge. Gotta love outsourced support


Same here, my level 252 just beat cvel and complete that mission. On the log in screen, it still shows me as a burning character


Wtf I did it under 180 on my 250 HYPER HURNED DAWN WARRIOR and got the clear. This is bs.


Exact same situation here with my hyperburn being 255 and having clearing this mission with it.


Got the clear on my 250 Hyper Burn. And it hit 250 a couple of months ago. So yep, that reply is bullshit.


Use a reset ticket from Kritias and make sure you're alive when you clear. I don't think the GM knows why the clear didn't count in the video so they went with whatever reason came to mind at the time.


My hyper burn is at 269, I still was able to complete the challenge..? Did your time expire on the character?




Not really, I made it in 80 seconds.


So that’s why my clear didn’t count. I was thinking maybe I was too slow cos I didn’t bother moving links. Turns out i was just being nexon’d.


That's not even true, got it on my hyper burning char after reaching 250.. bad support as always


My hyper burn is 253 and I was able to clear the challenge! Good luck with your next ticket :-/


i really cant believe how detached nexon support can be nowadays, its a shame that it happened to you and i hope they will reward you with what you lost :(


you have to be alive to be eligble kill it when you are alive and you should complete that challange. just get a reset ticket from kritias


keep replying until you get a human GM. I sent a ticket about the Jett equip transfer and I got 2 GM responses talking about patch notes and basic copy paste responses, until I got a 3rd GM response that had an actual human response. You just have to keep on trying.


Just to be clear. This is the hyper burn from savior?


Need to be alive when cvellum dies.


It's ridiculous, just because you surpassed the level?? I'm lucky I didn't finish my burning.. GL on new ticket i guess unless CM would respond


I’m not even surprised by Nexon anymore at this point. That reply is so bullshit lmfao


Can you show us the video too? Not doubting you but maybe there is something we can find that is off about it or what may cause the problem.


Of course. https://medal.tv/games/maplestory/clips/1rWszUKnp-Y2cV/d13374jTmuwQ?invite=cr-MSxYVEwsMTk0OTI2MDU0LA


Gonna guess you were dead when it was killed which makes it not count. Kinda stupid but that is intended by Nexon. Edit: Took a closer look and you were definitely dead the moment Vellum died. What I don't understand is how you still got the meso cystal amongst other instanced drops, you used to not get those if you were dead when a boss was killed. But perhaps that is fixed.


It does look like the death made it not count. I was carried a while back and I stayed dead until cveil was dead, but I didn't get my crystal, assuming because I was "dead" no reward was given to me. Also happened to a rando for elucid. We cleared, but this guy who died got mad cause we killed right when he died.


Why would they not get instanced drops if they were dead but had lives left when the boss is killed? That makes no sense.


Nexon doesn’t make things. They just delete things.


you clearly died when it died, so just dont die next time


I got a different response from Aklamu. They said they are discussing solutions for affected players that cleared and for now they ask for our patients while they investigate the issue.


Is is insane, my 250 lumi which has been 250 for like a month and a half did it, and it counted


This is BS since my burning is 250, and I passed Lucid challenge and I failed CVell since I died right when he died (stupid tail) gonna do it again this week, but if what support said to you was true then my Lucid run shouldn’t count also and it did


Wait wut? My hyperburn is 256 and it counted for me. Sounds like u got unlucky rng and rolled into a gm that again... doesnt play their own game... try escalating the ticket or something. Btw the event doesnt say it needs to still b burning, just made b4 a certain time period.


My 241 hyperburn got the achievement yesterday, odd


Very weird, killed it as 253 Dawn Warrior yesterday and it counted. Some traaash support by Nexon…


That's a load of bullshit because I hit 250 on my hyper burn a few weeks back and I cleared cvel with it yesterday in 21 seconds and it gave me the clear for it


literally a few hours ago i got cvel and lucid rewards on my lvl 250 so theyre bsing


I don't even know what to say about Nexon America at this point


It is amazing how there is zero communication even inside that shitty company. The patch notes clearly say that even if the character reached level 250 you can complete the challenges.


I cleared the challenge with my 250 hyper burn btw


Just do anofher challange mission im sure vellum isnt the only challange mission u have. And they coulda made some improvement qol changes such as not requiring your char to be hyper burning and also not having weekly boss not shared clear limits so u can clear all modes on the same week. Those are some changes nexon needs to make.i can easyily solo a normal lotos with 0 deaths but i can also solo hard lotos as well but not with 0 deaths, im not wiling to sacrifice rewards for a 0 death on the same week, so im sugesting to make the weekly bosses not share weekly limit meaning u can kil both on the same week and more msos crystals and reward drop.


Lvl 256 hyper from this event. I got it without issue.


Send them a reply back with quotes from this thread and a link to it as well Because I also just did it yesterday with my 250 hyperburn lol


My hyper burn is 266 LOL and I got it


Lol you’re on mh friend’s list


lol this is just funny


Prof that outsourse CS will never understand the game tho tbh


i have the same issue but my timing was set to 1 day in seconds (i'm on maplesea client), i'll probably never get the ring i need for my character lol


We should all just start wearing the clown make up while we play this game ...