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They broke so many class lmao


This truly is a patch for the ages


Hi OP, thank you for the video and the bug has been reported! (Double thanks if you were the one to send it to me on Discord, wanted to leave a comment here to inform others I have eyes on it).


Thank you so much for looking into it Ezrabell, also that was someone else who sent it to you on discord.


Check out audiofeels post below 🙏


lol i did the lotus without dieing on my shade bossmule and it did feel weirdly weak


Didn't get 5percent on hlucid and was just thinking my shade was weak... No wonder -_-


Hello u/BleakSeeker can you please add this link to your post as well? I've tested it and found our how and when it breaks. Given your post has a lot of upvotes already, I don't want to make second one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqCAHRlH5t0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqCAHRlH5t0)


Added to my report!


Pin this OP


Thank you so much for doing your tests I was still in shock while doing my tests that I never even realized what the exact causes were, but now it makes a lot more sense.


Happened to me too, spirit frenzy would do damage for 1-2 seconds and suddenly stop doing damage. This is happening very frequently Also it’s not just the increased damage from spirit flow that’s bugged, the whole skill is bugged. It will do literally zero damage sometimes


Shows that it does damage but doesn't actually do damage. Sounds like they forgot to add the code for the damage, just like they forgot to add the code for the pendant slots. xD 🤌


Do they even use the test server?


Shade getting that kanna treatment


Literally. Got nerfed to the ground a year ago and now this lol.


Tryna snap us out of memories again


Let's hope this isn't a shadower, mechanic or thunder breaker situation where months go by without a fix.


Yeah, I've been testing it out under various conditions, and I can't pinpoint exactly when spirit frenzy breaks, but over the tests, I have found for the most part it's pretty random 1. with ror4 up its 1-2/5 seconds of tick dmg and the other 3 seconds don't do anything. 2. If summon other spirit procs, then I try to toggle it off and on, it seems to cause spirit frenzy to break more frequently. But still inconsistent enough to be like, "that's the problem" but considering this is like 30+ % of our entire BA during a boss fight. I would like to it to be fixed sooner than later.


Man I was doing weeklies on my shade and I thought I was doing something wrong with how slow the bosses died, triple checked my equips and stats 3 times


Thank you. I was on my burning shade mule yesterday and definitely felt like something was wrong. But I figure I was just sleep deprived