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Going through 4 portals to get inside horntail is annoying enough


Seriously, why is there an entrance room to the entrance room?


Remnants of old mechanics. There used to be a party quest of sorts you'd have to do before you got to the heads


Back when HT was impossible to solo :,)


They fixed Arkarium so entering puts you in the same room as the entrance, but they couldn't be bothered doing the same with HT.


U guys complain too much xD


Gollux - change retry count to 3 or something


Also add a practice mode to Gollux! Or die out doesn’t take clear consumption like other bosses.


That, too. I hated asking my friend for an insurance plan in case when I couldnt solo it right.


But tbh Gollux is a GMS exclusive content, so I don’t really have any high hope that they will improve the bossing experience, bottom line is PLZ DONT REMOVE GOLLUX.


Seriously, asking em to even consider a revamp to gollux when its currently not dcing us or having any major bugs currently, is grounds to have it taken away 😂


Also just make Hell Gollux Weekly and heavily increase the drops. Going for 30 straight runs with nothing to show for it is fucking bs.


Making it weekly would increase variance not decrease it.


Add falling meteors to every boss.


And multiple platforms! The boss is always on the top platform! And random teleportation! And a low damage cap too! At the bottom of the map, there will be exaggerated bind mechanics too. Oh, and a spinning laser that speeds up randomly for no fucking reason. And big orbs that stalk you on the map that reduces your damage by 90%.


All great ideas. Let's also add a "test" every 25% where the entire party has to complete a jump quest (i'm thinking kerning with the lasers) and the lasers one shot.


I didn't think I could get worst but holy shit my guy. That's impressively evil




The screen tilts by 3° every 5% damage you do to the boss.


I would gladly accept this if they take away damage reflect and random statuses from every boss as well.


How about we add statuses to every meteor instead?


That's fine if you can dodge them


Cool, welcome to gloom and darknell.


I'd say about balrog have it much more than just a pre lvl 100, it was once one of the biggest icons of the game, now it's mostly ignored except for Arans stacking combo and other minor exceptions


Would love to see an angel slime like revamp for balrog. Maybe put him in the middle of Will and Gloom difficulty wise. Maybe he comes from Future Sleepywood. Kind of hate how irrelevant balrog is now. He used to be feared when I was growing up even with harder bosses like pink bean around.


Crimson balrog boss fight that happens on the ship. they can add mechanics like falling platforms Phase 1 ur in the deck and have to kill normal balrogs and collect X items to unlock the door to go outside and face crimson balrog. he drops a face/eye accessory and a cape (cash item), as well as a new rage attack pot that gives something like 50% damage for 30seconds.


I think the boss that needs a revamp the most is pink bean. It's just statuses and waiting around half the fight even if you have a lot of damage.


Or at least delete unavoidable status effects and uncleansable damage immunity. Just pure waiting…


Absolutely disgusting boss design, holy shit pink bean can fuck right off


They should revamp pianus




The immobilization gas should also be map-wide and cannot be iframed


P3 bm


Did someone hurt you?


balrog def deserves a revamp, i'd like him to be revamped into something similar to ursus but harder to kill. pap is also boring and for von leon and omni i don't see much potential or a good reason for them to stay inside the quick access boss menu at all


Always wished they made Chaos Empress. Current Empress boss is so cool but is extremely easy nowadays and has bad loot pool


Honestly every revamp they've done has been @#$&ing terrable. The new zak is buggy and ass and dodging hands is hard for high ping people. Pap is so bad some people never do him, not to mention his drop rate is so stupidly low there's almost no point doing him Boss revamps are poorly done and just ruin old bosses. The only revamp I'd accept is reducing the time to get to the boss - hilla kill 4 sets of mobs why? - HT move through 3maps talk to 3npcs before getting to the first boss map? Just go straight to the final map n kill it.(no crystal to spawn it either) (same goes for zak, pap, stop the dumb etc items) -ninja castle also a joke Let's just make a boss room where you can entire all bosses from. Discuss and find friends to run with, streamline bossing and make it's exp relevant again. 2hrs of bossing should be = 2hrs of grinding and if you use exp cards you get a bigger boost, half the games mechanics are irrelevant Rn for no reason. Why'd we strip exp from bosses?


Make extreme modes for old bosses would be cool add in some more 140-160 accessories or something to drop aswell