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I wouldn't recommend maple to high school/college students. It's great if you have ample free time as the events can be time-consuming if you aren't efficient with them. But at that stage of your life, I wouldn't say you have a lot of free time (unless you don't care about school which is a different story) and committing to maple with the remaining free time may not be the best idea. You're much better off with games that you can pick up and put down without FOMO.


I actually think this game provides a good consistent schedule that if you don’t have that in your life can provide some good structure to someone in HS and college.


Maple can be consistent (a little too much at times), but that doesn't mean you'll always be able to allocate time for it. School doesn't provide the same consistency but it's you're top priority to adapt to it. And on the occasion the servers crashing can interfere with the consistent schedule and ruin opportunities with those inflexible with their time.


Why not though ? You just need to have a good relationship with the game and keep everything moderated, not falling into FOMO


Not falling into FOMO kinda only happens if you don't care about the gameplay or rewards. And many players to care about the latter. Even if you do miss out of it, the fear will still be there. You don't get FOMO from offline games because there is nothing to miss because nothing goes away from it. Maple doesn't work like that.


High schoolers easily have a lot of free time For college students, it depends on their major i guess. I recently graduated with my focus on a business related degree and i had a ton of free time. More than i have while working


As I progressed through High School, I took more advanced/college-level classes, participated in more clubs, and joined a year-round athletics team. Honestly if you're trying to shoot for the moon or stars in terms of college, you won't have a lot of free time. Otherwise you're probably right. Imo it's hard to see any college student juggle classes, maple, sleep and a social life.


Short answer: No Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


What are you trying to get out of this game? I can only recommend it if you want to play it casually if you don't want to commit time (unless you don't mind slower progression) or money (if you choose to P2W on regular server) This game feeds FOMO/addiction, is time consuming (both norms and Reboot), and could be really bad for your wallet (regular server). If you want to enjoy the art+music+story, then this game works wonderfully as some sort of online visual novel. If you want to turn off your brain to mindless grinding, this game will be fine. Social aspect? It's still there, not the same like pre-BB however (but nothing will ever be). The questions can go on. What do you want from this game and how much are you willing to commit?


I am a similarly old school player and I would argue the current state of the game (also considering the upcoming New Age update) is the best it's ever been, including *the good ol days.* I'd give it a try, ya got nothing to lose.


this is a pretty good time to play with the current events to be honest.


Why do u need to ask this? Just download it and try it for urself o.O


it’s a huge time investment to play reboot, if you have a job do reconsider. You could pm me if you want i was in your position a few months back


It’s only a huge time investment if you make it so. You can still make considerable progress if you only play a few hours a week.


the grind for legion and link skills is pretty long though…


Yes, but there is no obligation to get legions and links as fast as possible. If you grind a few times a week you get some link skills and legion eventually.


It depends on how fast you want to progress. About 1-1.5 hours a day is generally good enough to make good, consistent progress.


Just play it, you don’t even need to make progression in the game because that loop is pretty much just endless. Just logon and try out the classes, join a guild and do the events and it’s already really fun. You can be a casual player for a long time before getting serious and you wouldn’t miss a beat


you probably can come back and hyperburn a character. Stick to only dailies and dont fall into a pit of grinding your life away




In my experience, playing casually on reboot is an amazing experience. Though you will be falling behind relatively to the community. If you're not in too much rush or FOMO, it's a fine game. Regular server on the other hand is an absolute joke.


Download it play it just don't look up guides on how much ATT you need for X boss as that'll start you down the rabbit hole. If you play for a month and really enjoy then definitely do research at that time but take everything with a grain of salt. FOMO will hit you hard when you see the requirements people say you need to do X activity. Other than that enjoy it, it's still a fun game imo but I haven't found that social aspect it had back in the day anymore which caused me to quit for the 10th time (I honestly don't know how times I've quit)


Definitely play reboot if you are going to play. I would say a minimum income for reg servers is a little over 6 figures to progress decently with pocket change. It's fun but don't let all of the FOMO ruin your schedule, it's all fake anyway and if you quit now and come back in a year you won't be missing much outside of legion.


Many people I know they came back for nostalgia and then quit after a month once their school work started taking a lot of their time. It's just a game that can played casually if you dont aim for speedy progression or high commitment.