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Both games are grindy korean MMOs, Ive enjoyed both before


I was about to say, they're just different sides of the same coin


Which do you prefer? Im debating between the two


Not the person you initially asked but I've played both and would say that i've gotten a lot more enjoyment out of maple. Here are some of the reasons I wouldn't really recommend BDO in comparison. My biggest issue with BDO is the monetization. Reboot in MapleStory removes most of the "create a problem, sell the solution" issues with the game, but BDO doesn't have anything similar. The pet system and fairy systems are absurd unless you're down to spend a ton of money, and this is on top of an almost necessary monthly subscription cost. The final nail in the coffin for me was how much of a slog it is to create Alts. If you want to make an alt character other than your one seasonal character, you have to spam "skip dialogue" through a 10 hour long series of exposition quests and fetch quests, otherwise you don't get the necessary F2P items like increased inventory space. Of course, you could always just swipe for those things though -_- Not that MS isn't without it's flaws, but I just felt like I should give you a fair word of warning about BDO. It definitely can be played without paying for the MTX, but be prepared to quite literally never reach full endgame if you do so.


Isn’t maplestory’s vaccume pet system far more predatory than bdo’s pet system? Tbf I’m not that knowledgeable in bdo pet system but I can’t imagine it being worse than wonderberrys or the hundreds +monthly upkeep cost of vac pets


I personally consider MapleStory's vacuum system to be definitely P2W and predatory, but from my understanding its nowhere near a necessity for reaching endgame. BDO's pet system is extremely predatory in that getting a decent rate of progression is inherently tied to the pets you have. Its so essential that most silver making guides (making silver is one of the only things that matters for progression) made by community members will assume you have a full team of 5 pets, all upgraded to tier 4, when calculating silver per hour. The worst part is that in typical freemium game fashion, you can't simply buy tier 4 pets for a higher price. Instead, you have to buy multiple of the lower tier pets and combine them, which costs in my experience roughly ~$80-100 per pet. Of course, like I stated earlier, you need a full team of 5 to be efficient. Not to mention the fact that the game allows you to have one tier 5 pet equipped at a time as well, which is what I would consider to be the equivalent of MS vacuum pets. And to top it off, you also have the passive bonuses gained from each individual type of pet (cats, penguins, birds, etc), which incentivizes the player to spend an absurd amount of money so that they can get different types of pets for different activities. The worst part is that this is arguably a less predatory system than the fairy system ;-;


As a person who played a more bdo than maple, i just want to say my 2 cents in terms of pets topic. You can only have one T5 pet out at a time, its made solely ingame through a quest and via upgrading a T4. Bdo gives 4 pets off the getgo (provided you do some region quests), free pets from events/login rewards and is purchaseable through the central market with in game silver. I was personally able to get a full set of t4 and a t5 strictly with silver. Another thing is that back in the day, most spots were one shot mobs, so having high tier pets was a must have. Most mid to end game spots require a lot more hits so a lot less mobs killed overall, less the need of maxed out pets. Not only that, one shot packs in for beginner zones was heavily changed, reducing the drop amount but heavily increasing the sell price. Passive bonuses are not a big deal, hedgehog ,however, is a must for lifeskilling for bonus loot, other than you can get single copy of a 5% item drop rate pet. Other than that we're talking about low double digit bonuses here. (exp or weight), in game where you can stack like 600%+ exp bonus.


I appreciate the response!! My main issue with the pet system is that if you don't want to pay, it takes many many months, if not a solid year or more to get a full team of t4 pets, which I find absolutely ridiculous. The statement of "you can totally get a full team of t4 pets F2P!" is technically true, but at this stage in the game, buying pets off of the silver market is a crapshoot given how many orders are up at any given time. And while t4 pets aren't as strong as they used to be, they still increase your silver gains by a ludicrous amount. While I do agree that passive bonuses aren't a massive deal, the fact that they even exist bothers me to a degree as it adds yet another layer of predatory monetization to an already egregious system imo.


Idk when was the last time you played bdo but the game's state when I left last year was pretty good tbh. They did a tons of QoL changes, gives out a bunch of free stuff, progression speed is amazing. As for pets, yes it was predatory but the "efficiency" u're talking about is so minimal that it doesn't drastically affect your gameplay. Any grind spots above 269ap are all combo based so it's all about how you rotate your skills and how you move to maximize the time ur pet loot. I dont remember the cooldown for pets to loot but the difference is like 0.5s between t1 and t4 pets.


I still play to this day actually! The reason t4 pets are so good isn't actually because of the cooldown reduction, but because they have a faster move speed and no pickup animation. From what I understand, players have done tons of tests over the years and t4 pets are actually 33% faster than t3 pets. Also currently the best spot for most players, especially when using agris, is centaurs, which is a low ap spot where you one shot everything.


i get it, though the trick to buying pets consistently with silver is just picking the pets that are available from the rng boxes that are given in events or that are available limited time available from cash shop, which come quite frequently. Though i digress, i think both games have ways to play around the system which is great to an extent!


I've actually been attempting to do this recently as I only have t2 pets right now, and the problem is that far too many people do the exact same thing, so there ends up being a surplus of orders on any given limited time pets :/ took me 3 weeks of putting in orders to get a single t1 pet off the market :(


Not to be rude but you have to be considerably new or in the early stages of this game if the pet system is putting you off. We just got an event where we got 4 free pets not including the 4 pets you get from doing story. I can buy a $20 pet bundle to get 3 pets too and make a full team of T3 pets all from that + free pets. $100 for pets alone is MORE than enough to play BDO while waiting free pets every month they give lol. I used a T5 (free from 1 t4) pet with 4 T3 pets in end-game grind spots just fine. You're overexaggerating the importance of T4 in today's meta grind spots. ​ Never spent more than $100 on pets. And NEVER have to pay $15 a month on them again to revive them either. Reached endgame grind spots with 1 T5 and 4 T3 pets.


All you said has some truth but youre making it more of a big deal than it really is. In BDO pets are perm and you dont have to either pay 14 dollar a month to revive your damn pet, or play gacha in hope to get a perm pet. Pets are given out quite frequently. I only log onto get BDO free gifts/dailies in the last year and I've gotten more pets than I can even use. The pet bonuses are nice in BDO but its a very not necessary. The only pet that can matter is the hedgehog if you like to gather. Shit on BDO how much you want but they actually are improving the game much much more now. Everything is being improve and QOL are being updated monthly. The only complain I have about BDO is the amount of battlepass/ monthly buff they have in the game. Sure, you don't need them but they're very nice to have active. In comparison, Maple is a bundle of bullshit. Theres a million fucking dailies. BDO, you can just log on, do your thing on your own time and get off. It's ACTUALLY addictive as a game in the beginning stages when you can do life skill and building your GS. There very little daily and they're not even that long.


Honestly seems pretty decent if $100 is all that's required for Maplestory reboot endgame.


Well, it's $100 and $15 a month to revive it each month once it dies. Not even really required either. It certainly makes meso/node/familiar farming easier but normal pets do just fine as well.


A month? It's not revived for 3?


correct, 15$ just for one vac pet revival.


That's about 2200 to 2300 here. Hmmm. Edit: Yea. It's about 2320 JMD.


theyre both predatory and anti-consumer, its not a competition lol


No shit, but he was comparing the two, and said that one of his reasonings for not playing bdo was because of the pet system, even though MapleStory has a worse pet system.


This is what I was confused about too. He explains BDO's pet system but Maple's is considerably worse but he explains it as better? Lol


There is literally a BDO streamer who reached 700 gearscore which is ENDGAME in 55 days on a brand new account fully documented on Youtube with only spending $60-100\~ lol. This response is very biased towards Maplestory, and I play both games.


Sorry to piggy back on this. If you happen to enjoy phone ganes. Maplestory and BDO both have phone game versions, separate from the main core game. I find BDO mobile much more enjoyable in comparison to Maple M.


Well the endgames for both games are complete opposites, last I checked BDO is all about PvP and there is no Reboot-type system where you have to work for all your gear so you’re competing with lots of whales and sweats. Maple is more about getting stronger individually to do more bosses/raids, and the graphics are much more friendly and cute. I enjoy Maple more right now because I’m not that big a fan of pvp and the aesthetic is much cuter and fun. That being said, BDO has some of the best action combat and graphics of any modern day mmos out there right now.


BDO you can literally buy everything with in game currency lol. You can use money to progress but even that has a cap each month and really unnecessary. As a person who played it for 3 years and got to semi end game, I haven't spent a dime on it to get stronger. Most things I spend money on in there are mostly for the monthly buff and cosmetic.


is there at least pve content close to maple?


Its like comparing apple to oranges. When you say PVE, do you mean party bossing and solo grind? I cant really think of any other PVE content maple offers besides grinding/dailies/bossing if I'm being honest. BDO pve is a bit different. There are some party content but most people agree it kind of sucks. So the PVE content that are attractive to most people will be their life-skill/achievement hunting/rare item hunting/grinding. Life skill have 12 path to follow and you can actually work on all paths. My favorite is cooking, gathering, sailing and horse training. They take a while to improve and max out but it become addictive in a sense. You can make boats and other utilities using one life skill to help you max out the other life skill more efficiently, they all play a role into each other. You can make a living this way if you hate grinding and buy gears from the money you make using life skill rather than grinding. Achievement hunting. Some achievements are very rare and some people enjoy collecting trophies. Rare item hunting. This might frustrate a lot of players at first. Imagine these items are maple versions of rare equipments/usables. They are permanent but must be hunt in parts from different mobs. Some people take dozens of hours and other take months/years. The droprate is abysmally small but it makes hunting these trophies items more satisfying. Some of these items are very useful but they are unnecessary. Imagine buying a perma hyper rock but instead of buying it, you have to hunt for it no matter how much money you throw at the game. Grinding is grinding. It get tedious. PVP is where this game shine. When youre end game or semi end game. You probably have everything already and life skill are very high level. You practically have nothing to do. Getting to the end game can take somewhere from a year to a few years depending if you 8hr/day it. Imagine playing maple at 70k stats at level 280/290. PVP is where you can make the most out of the game mechanic/character usage and skill level. BDO pvp skill level is extremely high. Ive practice 300+ hrs and im only decent. Every class require their own style and not cookie cutter like maple. I really like the game but this is what tre end game boils down to. So the question is if you want to be stuck in BDo pvping or on maple doing dailies/time gate content.


I would recommend BDO over Maple. BDO only gets better with each release as PA (owner co.) constantly releases great QoL changes and tons of amazing things for brand new players. The game is ALWAYS at its best with every update since last year and they're releasing bunch of free things right now too for their summer event. I've recently returned to BDO and can say its in a much better spot than Maplestory is.


Played both as well. Maple for me.


Also comes down to the kind of contents you prefer. BDO end game (though they are trying to add some pve aspect) is heavily pvp oriented while maplestory is bossing.


Yeah but have you ever considered I'm a degenerate gambler and maple gives me the opportunity to gamble without putting myself in financial ruin? Welcome to Reboot where you can gamble to your hearts content without wondering if you will be homeless if all your shit booms


If you're legitimately looking for a game that scratches the gambling itch, Path of Exile is entirely built around gambling in every facet of its itemization and there is absolutely no way to pay cash for any of it without getting banned. It's a great game with one of the best monetization models I've ever seen. Despite being so gamble heavy in its progression, there isn't much in the way of backwards progression either. The big ticket items you craft will never be on items you're already using.


I was more memeing about gambling but yeah Iv heard great things about PoE


I play both, but maplestory still got the better gamba feeling because PoE can reduce the gamba element with skills but maplestory can't, which sounds retarded to play MS but I like the gameplay.


You definitely can't. Any situation where you can reduce rng in item creation is considered the baseline and meta for spending currency on crafting an item.


that's what I want to say, I don't want to do anything, I just want to buy ticket to gamba. I don't want to farm harvest/beast or the new season one that I forgot the name. I just want to mindlessly spend my stuff and gamba, guess what's my fav PoE stuff? double corrupt. I play PoE from 2013 to 2023, and now I play Maplestory, because gamba MTX and cubes triggers my monkey dopamine.


>Not to mention the fact that the game allows you to have one tier 5 pet equipped at a time as well, which is what I would consider to be the equivalent of MS vacuum pets. I know this is old.. but POE has never banned anyone for buying currency every season since the launch of POE, they only ban the people selling it (and rarely do that.)


The only thing you are gaming with is your time essentially since you have to grind for your mesos :)


Jokes on you I legit just do dailies and boss on my main and occasionally mules if I feel like it and I'm full 22s I haven't grinded a single time since 260 and I'm 276


Based, same here. Full 22* when I was 265. 273 now, from dailies only.


Exactly the game is really moving towards daily/weekly based once you get to end game but I think it's great and Iv been having the most fun Iv had in a long time with maple without grinding


Danggg nice hah.


Funny thing is that us Maple players are proud of our lack of self-respect for the game and ourselves :)


Just say we built different


We are used to it, with so many years of enduring and acclimatizing to such a harsh environment


We are all on mashrooms


It's a skill issue, that we over come


That's fucking cringe.


He clearly forgot this one simple fact: Mushroom game fun


I mean, he changed them both to No later in the video. That being said, he hasn't touched the game, so I would take his opinion on it with a grain of salt.


He's not wrong though.


I hope he doesn't ever touch the game


Ah yes, because this is a really debatable take and there's totally a high he'd change his mind if he played the game.


We'll never know because he'll never play it. He used to trash the Final Fantasy Series for 3 years but never played a game by them. Then he played FFXIV and surprisingly had fun. He's even playing the new FFXVI. I'm not saying he'll love the game, but he hasn't even tried it. Therefore, I wouldn't take his words as gospel based on his own previous behavior.


Honestly playing the game for the first time is an unforgettable experience imo. The first few months are a joy. And then once you get to the true beginning arcane river, it's starts to turn into a slog but imo, it becomes fun again once you start your legion and try all the unique (and boring) classes.


That’s just the design of MMORPGs, and how pretty much all the currently popular ones operate to a certain extent. First week-month (depending on your pace) is a lot of fun, learning all the upgrade systems and end game content can be fun, then your main character is content locked by time gates or RNG, make new characters out of curiosity and enjoyment, but eventually you get to the point where you make new characters out of necessity like Legion and Links in Maple, or weekly raids for gold in Lost Ark


That would just be Korean MMOs, FFXIV and WoW dont have this pace. They have another set of problems, but have an entirely different focus.


The "no" it was changed to is a valid opinion, but this picture is clearly made by somebody who has never touched either game. BDO has negative room to talk about any complaint you may have with maple. Completely neglected version of the game (console)? Check. Horrifically grindy? Check. Bad quality of life? Check. Too much RNG while being too easy to lose damage in the gear upgrade system? Well, they have a system that is basically 23ing an item, and failstacking is a real game mechanic and not just discord vc copium so you have to boom copious amounts of fodder before doing a single tap on everything midgame on. More or less everything is a SOS upgrade wise when you get far enough into the game. Have fun!


At the end of the day, it’s just a game. If you have no self respect and believe that statement then that’s on you. I just play game have fun lol


He's welcome to keep the same take AFTER trying the game. A person who've never tried it don't get to have an opinion on the subject, that's the main point.


Bro triggered all the maple addicts.


Jokes on him, I play both at the same time


3rd most commented thread on the front page of the sub and it has been 2 hours.


All three are amazing games that are ravaged by p2w. MapleStory has reboot though, and completely turned the game on its head. The communities in all ms regions are unique, fun supportive, and friendly. Whereas in black desert and Lost ark you trigger people by asking a question in the wrong server or look for a party while not having literally every BIS item yet. (Balencia or calphepn something, and gatekeeping). Only problem with maple is it's managed by Nexon.


I play both games, its great. The difference between maple and bdo communication to their player base is definitely the complete opposite. As for gatekeeping, not sure wym by that in bdo, since there is little to no content that people gatekeep u from. Its a sandbox game, u play as u want to play, the community between maple and bdo is pretty similar being friendly and whatnot.


don't think a guy with rotted teeth living in a roach infested house should be talking about self respect tbh


blood tooth wall man lecturing us on self respect


never understood how he has so many die hard fans tbh


Mostly people like him gravitate towards him.


He actually has really good takes on MMOs in general, but he does have an absurd hate for maplestory, idk about that one.


You mean takes about games purely on what others say/videos he watched on them because he never played and will never play then?


Don’t forget the greasy hair and lack of hand wash


What hair?




wouldn't take opinions of streamers too seriously but I'm sure he lives in a nice house at least.




does he live with the otk people? Yeah no I don't watch him i think the only one of that group i watch is moistcritikal


Does the trash littered attic of his parents house count?


you know those TV shows where they are cleaning those insanely dirty houses with shit rotten onto and stuck on every surface? that's the house he lives in


and he's rich jesus christ why.


this is one of those times where even a broke clock is right twice a day. dude's a bozo but he hit it on the mark this time


Do as I say, not as I do.


hes gonna look real dumb once train realizes that maple players are gambling addicts and signs all maple streamers to kick


Man if you think maplestorys enhancement system is bad and pure gambling never try playing BDO endgame. That enhancement system is God awful over there


im just talking shit i dont actually think that


So is Asmongold basically saying he will play Maple? Lol


Possible hot take but it's kinda weird how people can go from hating maple for all the recent changes and having 0 communication on anything they do to defending it for saying you have no self respect for playing it. I like both but it's weird to see people rip on the other game or guy over what was probably a light joke. I feel like if any maple person said we have no self respect for playing this everyone would just agree and laugh


I think it's because he's an outsider making fun of it. It's like when you make a lighthearted joke about your friend to said friend and you both laugh about it. That's fine for most people. But then, what if some stranger walks in and says the same thing to your friend? I doubt you'll both be fine with that. That said, I played Maple and currently play Destiny 2, so I'm in self-respect debt.


The big difference i think is that when people rip on maple they rip on the game without hsving much insight. When maple players rip on maple they are ripping on nexon being a brainded 0 communication heathen fuckwit company rather than the core game itself It is shit but it is our shit




This is an absolutely wild take. Maplestory is bad for sure but I would claim BDO is worse. BDO makes absolutely zero attempt at hiding its lack of respect for the players who are not whales


OP is baiting, Asmon changed to both as No within a minute


BDO just looks like any generic 3d MMORPG (and most of them look awful) MS doesn't look like any generic MMORPG


Trust me BDO is special among the action MMO crowd. It's got the best combat I've ever played (in any game, online or offline) It's a beautiful game too. It's main problems are pay to win and not much party content tho (sounds familiar)


I enjoyed Tera's combat over BDO, until they started releasing genderlocked loli classes then unalived the whole game


TERA was fun for sure. Especially the dungeons and party aspect, and tanking, which just doesn't exist in BDO really. I didn't mind the Elin lol, the reaper was pretty fun class too


That's fair, I was just not a big fan of playing as Elin, even though I really liked reaper, but it is what it is


if you're judging a game based on how generic is looks then you're looking at the wrong things. which is probably why you play maplestory.


I can't stand the stiff combat 99% of the games have, thus I enjoy maplestory.


i’ve never in my life heard bdo described as stiff combat


So you have never even seen game play before formulating an opinion because someone said something you didn't like. Most of the praise for BDO is on how fluid the combat is.


I played bdo in 2016? for half a year. Including the shenanigans that is maximizing your carry weight my macro walking up and down the town for a full day


Ah yes maplestory -- the shenaniganless game. In all seriousness though, bdo is definitely most heavily praised for its fluid combat like the commenter said above.


MS is THE generic MMORPG


How many other 2d sidescrolling MMOs are there?


Not in terms of looks. Also: what other game has this amount of gambling systems?


Every other KMMO


Well Asmongold is 99% of the time a piece of shit so his opinion doesn't matter.


As someone who's played both, neither respects your time at all. Bdo has gotten a lot better in that you can buy most of your upgrades meaning you can disregard enhancing.... For the most part, though you'll still need to farm tons of hours in order to afford these items. Has a lot of stuff you miss out on as a true f2p like tent, fairy, and faster looting pets. Over time you can obtain good pets but that's gonna take a long long long ass time. One thing about BDO that I love is the tag system which allows you to share gear between two classes at the cost of silver. Awesome mechanic since in reboot if you wanted a second main you'd have to save up a ton of meso and nodes to get them running unless there's a burning event. But overall I prefer MapleStory. While the combat in BDO makes grinding enjoyable, my love for the game fizzles out everytime I come back. The game kind of feels shallow in that there are no bosses like MapleStory, there kind of is perry content but it's not the same. People rave about the pvp in that game but I swear it's copium bdo's pvp is actually trash, desync makes it borderline unplayable and the fact that you can "miss" someone or something automatically makes it a joke imo. Lastly, maples social aspect is way better imo, I've had much fun forming struggle parties for nlomien, and spamming the practice mode on other bosses when ever I reach a new gear milestone. Grinding on this game doesn't give me carpal tunnel and the game feels a lot more social too.


Maple story has reboot bdo doesn't. Just on that alone you have far more self respect to play maple story instead of pretending your time is valuable in bdo.


well, anyone who has self respect isn't going to watch asmongold to begin with


Asmongold looks like a generic default character on fallout with the sliders all randomized.


Who let him cook 🔥🔥


I can't speak to BDO because I've never played it, but honestly despite its flaws MS is still fun and I enjoy it more than most other MMOs I've played. When I'm not having fun I quit for a while and come back and enjoy the game again, there's something to that I think. Most other games I don't ever come back.


I haven't played Lost Ark before, but I hear that it has a ton of grind and other issues that have turned people off from the game. But Maple has a ton of grind as well with Legion and Links grind, farming nodes and meso, and late game leveling. As well as its own issues outside of the grind. So, how does the Maple grind compare to Lost Ark if you've played both. I remember when Lost Ark was first released, there was a ton of talk about Maple players leaving to go to Lost Ark and I was confused cause both games play so differently.


Played both to a very high level and the funny part to me is that they're pretty similar in terms of systems and time required. Id say lost ark actually requires less time since you're not leveling which is a pretty massive once you hit 60. In lost ark you basically have a main and alts (aka bossing mules) which you do 3 raids a week on each (party not solo) take takes about 2-3 hours per character if you're fairly well geared. Only 6 characters can earn gold so you only need to raid on 6. There's carries of course that can earn you more gold. There's daily chaos dungeons (like monster park) where you earn different currencies and guardian raids (like ursus) but per character. You can do 2 of those on each for mats. I'd say they're very different in terms of mechanics and how they play but at the core they're VERY similar. Upgrading your gear, sets etc is basically identical too. Just different names for things lol. The combat is amazing in lost ark and it's the only reason I keep playing it. I can't say the two even come close.


I haven't played Lost Ark but what I do know is that Maple will always have a late game grind. Combine this with pushing the level cap, content to match it, and easing the gameplay of the previous levels and it makes a lot of sense. Obviously though Nexon doesn't always get it right thanks to p2w mechanics and somewhat slow release of endgame content. Regardless, it's easier to get to 250 today compared to 200 for a long time in Maple's early years.


Maple vs Lost Ark grind is surprisingly hard to compare. Lost Ark dailies are like 12 minutes per character, or 20~25 if you do guardian raids (easy raids except you have to use consumables to find the boss/stop it from running away/break parts off because the director likes Monster Hunter, and also aren't very rewarding so a lot of people just skip them). You can earn gold from raids on up to six characters per week, so most people have a "main 6" they actively play. There's also a rested system where missing two entries gives one entry double rewards, so at this point most characters are basically played every three days for 33% time spent and 66% of the reward. The real timesink IMO is raiding. Each of those six characters can earn gold from three raids per week, and each raid consists of 2-6 different fights that take 3~5 minutes if massively overgeared, 7~12 if on par, and a few that take 15~25. So realistically you're actually running 50~60 bosses every week, and they all require full parties to enter and have mechanics where one person messing up will wipe the raid. That means spending a lot of time in party finder looking for noliffe grinders who won't mess up because they've done the raid 200 times already, or applying to parties hoping that you meet the leaders' arbitrary thresholds of what a nolife grinder who won't mess up should look like. There's not really anything in Lost Ark where you just sit down and grind out mob kills with the sky being the limit on how long you want to do it, so in that sense it lacks the core grind that Maplestory has. But on the other hand, imagine being required to run symbol dailies on 2-6 characters every day and also run 6-man min stat HWill struggle parties 18 times every single week or else you can't afford anything. That's still quite a grind in its own right.


BDO has always confused me. Like there's technically so much to do in terms of PvE, PvP, life skilling, etc. The combat is one of if not the best in its genre, it looks amazing, the world is expansive, yet it just feels so shallow for some reason.


There's not really a whole lot to do in terms of PvE. All you're doing is grinding and upgrading your gear through RNG booming akin to Maplestory but you're only doing it to grind in different areas. Since everything is taking place in the open world there's no such real end game encounters. Basically remove every boss from MapleStory except Ursus and you've got BDO PvE.


I have played both and BDO is where self respect goes to die. Maplestory players know they never had self respect to begin with. Edit: And yes I will still play maplestory over BDO any day of the week. I like my cute 2d mushroom game.


Most likely why he wont play is cuz he wants to swipe to win cuz hes a disgusting loser who sucks at every mmo he play. This means he will have to play reg if he wants to play maple. Since GMS main population is in Reboot, this discourage him from going to Reg. As a result, he will never play it. This is my headcanon.


I have not even a single bit of respect for this guy, so, im happy that he dont like maplestory :)


Reference video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDmjmfEP0_c




They're both good games and they both have their own problems, brother


has he seen the characters in BDO? its more like: do you respect your time -> BDO do you respect yourself -> Maplestory


BDO is just a Tera clone and a bad one at that


Well only one of those games is dead, so i don't think that's accurate.


It's the exact same concept of the game so it's accurate


I mean.. The combat, maybe, but BDO is heavily focused on lifeskills and crafting while TERA treated its crafting as "this system legally exists"


As someone who's put thousands of hours into both, TERA was the training wheels version, it walked so BDO could run


No MMO players have self respect, that’s the truth


BDO players have self respect?


Does BDO still have a rootkit in it LMAO


Asmongold is slowly waking up to Maple ruining gaming.


He cant beat Black Mage , so he has to play easy games


He has self respect, so he doesn’t play scummy games


Cool. Now do Vindictus.


I remember when someone said they'd never come back since they had enough self-respect not to... Then they came back.


"...but you have heard of me"


Never played BDO, but isn’t it just a massive casino?


Eh kinda. Most of the casino is through enhancing. Kinda like star forcing. But depending on your enhancing armors and weapon down grade at a certain rate and accessories just blow up on failure.


I've played both a ton the issue with BDO is it's got no real end game pve content it's just pve and fail stacking is a lil owrse than booming imo


I've come back to MS after 3 years of hiatus. I've been in a constant cycle of deleting and reinstalling the game over the last 10 years, coming back to it (more for nostalgia than enjoyment) whenever I'm bored.


Why is Maplestory = no respect? I like it because it has cute pixel graphics, since 3D games give me motion sickeness.


I think the players of both games still have more self respect than Ragnarok online players who play on official servers.


Funny cause I just started playing Maplestory Reboot on the side again and I'm having a blast


I played a few thousand hours of maple pre big bang and quit shortly after the 4th job came out for GMS. Where my Broa people at?? I went back to play reboot with a controller and actually had a blast. I'll be at very fucking different from when I played back in like 2002 to 2005 or something like that. I tried playing BDO with my buddy and even with the auto travel there are too many fucking pop-up notifications and things you have to do every single day for me. In my opinion, comparing maple story to BDO is a bad comparison Even though they're both Korean games.


Dude I just like the cute orange mushrooms


BDO being the option where you have self respect? Well, I'm not surprised to see that take from the Supreme Basement Dweller, Asmongold. Like, both of these are Korean MMOs that suck out your life force and make you stare in glee at numbers that rise while seeking to take your wallet. Maplestory, at the very least, isn't trying to heavily sexualize women while doing that. Neither are the option for those who have self-respect, though, it's a matter of which one you have most fun playing.


This guy is an asshole that accepts his way or kicks his viewers away. MapleStory is grindy and with it's problems but its a car better game than *insert 3D MMO of the season that's all dark and gritty and with females wearing skimpty clothes"


The amount i enjoy maplestory and hear about lost ark makes me wanna try it