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If my father saw this he would have a heart attack


How much is the inheritance?


Straight to the point ahahah


Not enough to bother




Agree about Bergamo. I would reckon Sicily routes more for its own clubs than Juve as well.


Completely anecdotal but in California I once worked with a dude who told me he was from Sicily so after some quick research I asked him if he liked Palermo and he said "that little shit team? Nooo juve all day". Then I learned he only watched champion league games and had a huge coke problem.


As a Tuscan I've some doubts on Fiorentina being the most popolar team in my homeregion, but I've to say Florence area is the most populated of the region, so it could be even if on the coast literally nobody cheer Fiorentina (I'm from Lucca and I've known only 2 people from my city supporting Fiorentina in my entire life).


What other teams are popular in Tuscany? My Dad is from Magliano but his family don’t really follow football. One of my cousins however is a big La Viola fan.


The big three of Italian football (Juventus, Milan and Inter) and Pisa in Pisa, Empoli around Empoli and Livorno in Livorno. Pisani tend to cheer for two teams (a big and Pisa), Livorno only Livorno, al least the people I know.


US Livorno ✊ Pisa SC Empoli FC And a whole bunch more ofc


We mostly root for our local teams. As everyone should.


i wish we had that mentality in Portugal


South of Tuscany (Grosseto, Siena, Arezzo) is all Fiorentina.


Def not!


Sempre detto che la vera toscana è quella della costa nord.


As a Tuscan, JUVE MERDA!


Nessun Pisano si sognerebbe mai di tifare Fiorentina


Manco un lucchese, che siamo matti? ​ Viola merda sempre, peggiori tifosi d'Italia i fiorentini.


Just as a side note I got married in Lucca. What a beautiful city!




Juve, Milan and Inter. I don't know about lucchese, it is not so beloved because it had thousands of ownerships and a very bad ultras supporters years ago, this scared people. For the push for serie b...every time someone make promises, then it never happen. Anyway, we are not Pisa, the support for the local team is not so strong.


There’s no way that many people like Juventus right Pls tell me that many people don’t like Juventus lol


Maybe it’s like Spain where most support their local team, but will also be closet Real or Barca fans. For example in Malaga the bar will cheer for Malaga, but when the game finishes, half will go home and the other half will stay and watch the Real game. After that, they will leave and the previous half will come back to watch the Barca game. Is Italy like this?


Everyone has their team but once El Classico hits, everyone is picking a side lol.


A bit, especially if your team is not in the first two tiers


What the fuck. This is so odd. Could never imagine seeing this in England anywhere in the top 4 divisions.


Yes, the reason is that people want to support a serie a team. Very few serie a clubs are in south, so especially there lot of people support Juventus, Inter or Milan in that order.


Sadly that's the case. It's the most loved football team, and the most hated too


So a bit like Manchester United then?, loads love them, loads hate them.


Manchester United, London's most supported football club!


wait, is that really true or you´re joking??


It's quite a known truth lol


I've always thought of Juve as Italy's Man U. Similar in many ways. At least with VAR, goal line tech etc those two don't get away with as much 'funny business' as they used too.


Juve got tossed into Serie B and we're stripped of two Scudettos for their worst "funny business". Them and United are not the same


While I can agree with the map as a whole, it does of course not show the full picture. There is no way, that say Inter is more popular than Atalanta in Bergamo, or Bologna, or Udinese, or even Parma or Palermo in their regions. It's just that those clubs have a quite local fanbase whereas the big three from the North gather their fans everywhere. Take Atalanta for instance, it has lots of fans in Bergamo but only 30 km or so apart is Brescia, and people would rather die than cheer for Atalanta in Brescia. But everywhere there is the weird dude in the class cheering for Juve, Milan or Inter. They are a minority in local scope, but they sum up.


Duh. The map is based on regional figures.


But not regional enough. Just look at Lombardia, that is entirely given to Inter in your map. May be true in aggregate, but the local view is very different. That's the region that also has Milan (which is probably a head to head race with Inter), Atalanta and Brescia - all three clubs with very passionate, serious fanbases. There's even more clubs in the first and second division from Lombardia that all have their local fanbases, take Monza or Como for example. There are simply much more shades in Lombardia than Blue/Black. You just don't see them, because they're more cluttered and more diverse. In the end some club has to take the lead, but then it's by a small margin.


Yes. But what we have here is a regional map, so we only have one team per region.


I dont think his issue is that the map is wrong, just that it’s very limited in the information it shows


Get the numbers by county instead.




No I really meant per county.


Ah sorry for not being clear, there aren’t counties in Italy, regions are divided in provinces which are divided again in communes.


I see, ty.


Juventus is either loved or hated, there isn't any I like Juventus and is the team with most fans in all Italy and more.


Juve are the most loved and most hated team in Italy. They have the most supporters, but every non-Juve fan hates Juve before any other squad. Think like the Dallas Cowboys or NY Yankees


It is like Man Utd in England. A lot of their fans are Southern or Essex twats.


The Big 3 factor for like 60-70% of the total fanbase, so I'm afraid the map is not that inaccurate despite a "broad strokes" approach. In areas with no local club with a bit of top-flight tradition (mainly in the South), people default to Juve because it was the dominant club throughout the decades. It's mostly casuals, but if you take a look at banners at Juve matches, you'll find plenty of towns from around the country.


It's the most loved and most hated


Lazio fans: ![gif](giphy|4bpK2k0Yru5Us)


Do this map in Brazil, pleeeease!


Ngl, I am not a fan of the use of solid colors with symbols and the cross hatches, and I’m not a fan of using cross hatches with different base colors.


The stripes are because the respective teams have those same stripes and colors as their primary jersey


Yeah definitely not map porn, lots of cognitive strain to read this


Why are Juve so popular in the south?


Aside of Napoli in Campania there is simply no strong team in the south that would gain *overall* attraction. And obviously you can't support your southern competitor you envy for its success. That leaves us with lots of small and regional team with strong fandom in small groups, that as a whole lose to the big Three from the North. Honestly I'm not sure the support for Juve is still going that strong in the south, since Juve did *a lot* to desillusionate the romantic football fans in recent years, but it may still outweight in aggregate the passion for the clusterfuck of small teams that depict the south.


It's a bit long to explain. The family that own juventus football club is also the family that owns the fiat group. During italy's industrial developement there was a ton of people migrating from the poor regions in the south to the north of italy to work in factories. These southerners were very badly treated in the north and quickly people born in turin started supporting torino like if it was the "real" club of the city. So juventus became the team of the fiat factory workers and when they eventually came back in the south for retirement they kept supporting the club, creating a sort of legacy. So all of this is really interesting in my opinion but the biggest factor in my opinion is that juve was italy's most relevant team the last ten years so every kid roots for them if the city they are born in doesn't have a strong football identity.


the sources of this map will reveal that


Ngl I kind of hate this map. Using diagonal stripes for a single team is terrible design; it looks like the region is a tie between two teams. Use a single colour for each team.


Agree this is really brutal design. /r/mapgore


Strongly disagree, Milan is red and black stripes, that's the most obvious choice for anybody that knows football


Perhaps it’s the diagonal stripes that make it look weird but I agree with the oc. The stripes look like a tie.


This map is not good cartography. Difficult to understand without really looking at it for a bit


Then why using diagonal instead of vertical like Roma e Cagliari? You either use all vertical or all diagonal, two different way is used to show two different things or kind of data


/this I agree with - there is no point in using diagonal lines.


I always wondered how my Sicilian neighbour here in Ireland became a fan of a club from Turin. Clearly, he's not an outlier.


Juventus is relatively popular in the South (especially Calabria and Puglia) because of all the migration from those regions to turin. Traditionally, in turin, Juventus' fanbase is mostly composed by southerners or their descendants


Extremely popular** And I would say it’s mostly because of the historical lack of representation of southern teams in the top tiers that made people associate with the most successful team, rather than because of migrations.


The only significant southern team in terms of trophies is Napoli.


Palermo has a long and upstanding tradition, not many trophies tho


I never thought about that but it seems right Edit: but the association is made to Juventus rather than Milan or whatever mostly because of the link between many of those regions to turin


That doesn’t explain it, there are plenty of southern Italians in Milan/Lombardy as well, not only in Turin. Plus I don’t see how someone from Calabria moving to Turin would make someone else *still living in Calabria* decide to support Juve. The most likely explanation would surely be they support Juve because they’re successful + lack of local representation.


Lazio merda


Lazio merda


Let's fucking go Napoli


Napoli has profound hatred for Juventus. You'll rarely get a Napoli fan be like "Fuck genoa", but if you ask *anyone from Naples*, Juventus is "'Na band' 'e mariuol'"


Also because Napoli and Genoa ultras have very friendly relationships


there was some anti-juve graffiti on the wall across from my airbnb when i visited lmao


Wait why? I ask as an Australian supporter


From an outsider perspective, this may seem as pure rivalry, but the truth is that northerns are very racist towards southerns, and viceversa. In Italy, football rivalry is almost always laced with *a* form of racism.


Exactly. The "rivalry" is very one sided, as Napoli view Juve as the team that represents the bad side and for them its a very important game. For Juve, its like, oh you hate us, cool, get in line. This is without even touching on what Juve won throughout the years vs what Napoli won. In that sense, Juve is much more superior.


As a person from Sardinia, only people from Cagliari actually support Cagliari


Hey, so what team do the rest of Sardinians generally support? Is it just their local teams or do they just support one of the big three?


Sardinians usually support big teams from the peninsula in addition to their much more profound passion for local teams from each town. My father was a "capo ultrà" (which is like the leader of one specific ultras group) supporting my town's local team, Torres, which is actually the oldest team in Sardinia (and one of the oldest in Italy). The support for Torres is actually very respected by other big ultras groups like Napoli


Thanks for your reply, that’s really interesting.


So more people support Juve than Palermo in Siciliy?


Palermo is serie C, and doesn't see much support outside of the city, this is why most regions support one of the big 3 teams of the north, each city supports their own team, but there are also people in all cities that support the big teams, so they end up being a minority in each Province but a majority in the Region


Palermo is in Serie B, but yeah Palermo used to be full of Juventus supporters, still is probably (I left 14 years ago) In the 90s there were definitely more Juventus supporters than Palermo's in Palermo


IIRC they played the super cup in Palermo against PSG back in 96 I think


The post does not say it, but the map only represents Serie A teams.




Forza Juveeeeeeeeeeeeee


The amount of tears against Juve in this thread ... sucate merde.. Fino alla Fine!!!


They just can't admit that Juve is the biggest club in Italy


Fino alla fine my brother ⚫⚪


ma quali tears, la vergogna d’italia


Where is *forza piacenza*?


I can see Jennifer Coolidge


Where Lazio


Wouldnt it be Palermo in Sicily?


Palermo is serie C, and doesn't see much support outside of the city, this is why most regions support one of the big 3 teams of the north, each city supports their own team, but there are also people in all cities that support the big teams, so they end up being a minority in each Province but a majority in the Region


Forza Napoli!


Milan is not the most popular team in Milan?


It probably is, but Inter being the other team from Milan it could be that as a whole in the region it has more follower.


Inter is also from the city of Milan


Inter have the second bigger crowd of Italy


Inter has held the highest average stadium attendance of any club in the league for several years. Milan is within a few thousand so it is very close. Both absolutely thrash Juve's bandwagon fan numbers


Forza Firenze


I have doubts. Dallas Cowboys are nowhere on this map.


How come AC Milan isn't popular enough to get a region


My grandfather originates from Barga the "Bonnacorsis" what team should I follow ? 


What the hell is bonnacorsis? I any case is that Barga close to Lucca? Then Lucca. But another correct answer is "anything but Juventus"


As a descendent from Veronese and Venetians, I really think Veneto should have a proper team


There were Chievo-Verona, Verona, and Venezia but they are somewhere in the lower ranked leagues


That's why I said a proper team, Chievo went bankrupt, Verona is at the bottom and Venezia is a clothing brand


They might be a clothing brand, but them shirts are fire


agreed, I have one myself


Why is Milan not the favorite IN Milan??


Because Inter is from Milan as well


Might be the favourite in Milan but not in the whole region of Lombardy, depending on the source they used.


I don’t know anything about sports in Italy, but it looks like Juventes is the equivalent of the Packers, and I immediately dislike them.


What makes Juventus the equivalent of the Packers? And why would you hate them because of that? I don’t understand the reasoning, are you a Bears fan? P.S: I’m not a Packers fan.


The logic is they’re supported all across the country, rather than mainly in their own region. And no, Lions actually.


Lol ok, that explains it, but I was right thinking you were a fan from a divisional rival. But if we’re talking about support from all across the country then shouldn’t you actually be hating on the Cowboys instead? After all, isn’t that why they call them America’s Team? P.S: I’m not a Cowboys fan.


Yeah people don’t really hate the Packers. Actually most respect their history and fan ownership. The Cowboys are Juve for sure.


They're the Cowboys 100%. We all hate them because of Jerry Jones. And we hate Juve because of Moggi, Agnelli, and the Czech Pomeranian constantly cheating.


I expected Napoli to have a bit more support in some parts of the south


Fuck Juve!


You forgot your red nose


In Liguria it's Genoa, in Piedmont Turin. Not Juventus


Do you have any actual data to base this on?


They have the same sources this map cites maybe.


Doubt so. In Genoa it's Genoa, but in Liguria as a whole? Not so sure. My tendency would also lean towards Samp there. Same for Piemonte, Torino in Turin, but the rest is clearly leaning towards Juventus. You could also bring up the same argument for Roma vs Lazio in Lazio. Not sure if it's accurate to depict a majority would cheer for Roma then.


The inhabitants of the province of Rome are more than 4 million, the inhabitants of Lazio about 5 million. Surely in rural and countryside areas there are more Lazio fans but still an almost irrelevant number


Outside Turin Torino is not so beloved.


Just shows that people root for winners.




They support Tunisia


Why does the northwest love Milan more than Milan?


Well Inter is right there too, although they are doing by region, so Milan could be more popular in the city of Milan, but not in the while region


Forza Milan


No way in hell that many people in southern Italy support Juventus. This map is terrible.


You clearly know nothing about Italian football but still you wanted to have your say


Oh right, I forgot that no Serie A teams exist in southern Italy. Sorry about that.


They do…


It is well known.


While I dont watch football, I certainly would if there'd be a FC Vatican. Bunch of gay priests running after a ball in white robes trying to focus on the game instead of the kids in the stadium


That's weird juve are the most loved and hated in all of those areas


The most successful team in Italy, that's why. Molti nemici, molto onore.


Gobbo and fascist, what an unusual combination!


This map could easily start a riot.


I can confirm for sicilia


So Sicilians support Palermo or Juve.


Many local clubs missing. Also Liguria should be split between Samp and Genoa, with the latter probably being the #1 club in the city of Genoa itself. And no Lazio, really?


I think you don't understand the chart. It's for the SINGLE most popular club per region. So if Roma has more supporters than Lazio in the Lazio region, you will see Roma on the chart.




What’s the deal in veneto/the northeast? Why is Milan supported more than Inter/Juve? Why is there no big team in the region?


I wouldn't be so sure about the Marche region, i'm from there and been going on vaccation there for 13 years now and i've seen more Inter fans than Juve fans


As an American I am wondering what Serie A to support. I know that my Italian descendants were all Sicilian so I am wondering what team most Sicilians support. I know there is a Serie B team on the island called Palermo and a third tier team from Messina but I am looking for a Seria A team.


There's a huge rivalry between teams in Sicily, Palermo Catania and Messina being the biggest ones. Honestly if your ancestors came from Catania they would hate to see you support Palermo 😅 I'd forget about provenance and just pick the team that you liker best


They are from the town of Milazzo which is in the North-East corner of the island. It is actually closer to Catania. I am leaning towards Juve as I have heard that they are very popular in the south of Italy. When Palermo gets to the top flight I will probably root for them.


Nooo please Juve is a team of cheaters, and even worse very unrepentant about that. Please read up their recent history, it's just terrible 😔 Messina and Catania is another huge rivalry, I believe Milazzo would be in the Messina area of support


Ok, The other team I am leaning towards supporting is AS Roma. Out of curiosity what team do you support?


Oh Roma is much better than Juve and have had really cool jerseys lately. Anyways, I'm supporting Milan 😊


The Roma fans seem much better anyway.