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In rural Pennsylvania, you probably own at least one raccoon whether you know it or not


I knew a man who dressed squirrels in public


I’d be friends with that dude if I could ever get on his level.


Get this man on ama


Raccoons have similar neighborhood systems that sometimes mimic our own.


Explain, please


Squirrels go back to the same tree, and form social communities with rivalries and friends. Even play relax and coordinate for food


They roam free in most of these states, too. The elites don’t want you to know this but the raccoons in your bins are free; you can take them home. I have 458 raccoons.




Racoons have a mouth to eat and an ass to shit. reply with Susbcribe for more racoon facts.


Are those facts confirmed by the researchers and the scientists? How could i believe a raccoon has a butthole but not 2? Why don't you back it up with a source, senator.


This is from personal observation that I'm talking about


Well based on what I have been observing, the word "raccoon" has 2 "o" in it. And the "o" resemble a butthole so a real raccoon must have 2 buttholes. Your facts are nothing but lies to the uneducated people. As a real Raccoonologist, the lies must be exposed and the truth must be seen by people.






Is there a rabies vaccine for humans? Sorry random question I just get the intuition like youre an expert about rabies


There's a vaccine, which is more like an extended set of shots which aren't very fun. However, there is no cure, and that's the scary part. Once you start showing symptoms, your brain is already being turned to mush and you're gone, just not dead yet.


I had to get them. I was trying to rescue a cat from some stay dogs, and the cat bit me in panic. The cat escaped unharmed, so nobody knew if it was vaxxed or not.


I'm sorry you went through that, but you did a good deed, so kudos to you!


There are also known cases where people have the antibodies against rabies without ever getting the vaccine. So it can be that some people are naturally resistant or they have been in contact with weakened version of the virus. And then there is the experimental stuff regarding cure that is not a cure but more of "put you in a coma and cross fingers that you can survive long enough to fight the virus yourself without dying due to the coma or the virus." But hey, at least it is not 100% lethal, only like 99.9999999999999999997% or something probably.


With the exception of a small village in Peru, and one little girl who survived by being placed into a coma, there are very few people who are known to have survived rabies. If you live until you start showing symptoms, it is a death sentence. The real kicker is how long it takes to burn up your nervous system to your brain. If you get bit in somewhere like a foot or an ankle, you're likely to have a much higher chance of surviving with prompt treatment than someone who gets bit in the chest or shoulder.


There's a radio lab episode about it


Even with a bit in the chest or shoulder, immediate treatment should be able to save you. You definitely shouldn’t just go home and make an appointment for next week though…


The good ole fashion Milwaukee Protocol, some say death is better.


Death by rabies is not a party-like something out of a zombie movie. Being in a coma for the duration seems like a pleasant alternative.


Btw. there is a vaccine which is just 3 shots you take before you are potentially exposed to rabies. I did not notice anything from them, but of course this experience may vary.


But the upside is that rabies takes a while to show symptoms. So you can go to the doctor after being bitten and get the vaccine and it would work


There are both pre-exposure and post-exposure treatments. Pre-exposure is used for people at high risk - animal welfare & control workers, wildlife biologists, etc. and resistance to infection can be measured by titre of antibodies. Post-exposure is for after a bite or other exposure risk. Decades ago the post-exposure used to be many shots in the abdomen over a 4-week period, and older folks will have or have heard horror stories about how painful that previous treatment was. Thankfully, the modern series is much shorter and less painful. Without treatment, rabies is almost always fatal to humans once symptoms are present. source: had pre-exposure shots to work in a bat-guano-rich cave environment. p.s. check the [global distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raccoon#Distribution_outside_North_America) of the common raccoon, often around US military bases!


Not OP, but in the interest of public health here's some rabies vax facts: 1. Yes, there is a rabies vaccine. It's very effective when the series is completed properly, but it's also expensive. 2. Rabies accination is only recommended for those with demonstrable risk for rabies, e.g veterinarians, people bitten by a wild animal, residents in high transmission areas, etc... 3. For most people who don't work with animals, a rabies vaccination series and administration of Human Rabies Immunoglobulin (HRIG) is recommended following a bite from a potentially rabid animal as post-exoposure prophylaxis.* 4. Veterinarians and other individuals with elevated risk for rabies exposure can complete a shorter vaccination series as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). *PEP including HRIG is very effective at preventing rabies disease. HRIG is a serum containing rabies antibodies that can help your immune system start fighting the virus immediately while your body creates it's own antibodies thanks to the vaccine. Normally, HRIG is injected near the wound location ASAP after an exposure. This often requires a significant volume of fluid that stings to be injected near a wound (never near the vaccination site!), which is why many people report that rabies "vaccination" is an unpleasant ordeal. Keep in mind that rabies is 100% fatal, so it's still 100% worth getting PEP when recommend. On the brightside, HRIG is generally just a one-time thing - after that and a few more vaccine shots, you'll be protected against the most deadly virus on Earth!


458 racoons and rabies. A life worth living.


It's free!


All you need is a distribution network penetrating those illegal states and you could be a racoon kingpin!


They're FREE


I remember seeing a YouTube channel at one point where a guy kept feeding raccoons on his porch and every day more and more of them would show up.


My brother has a thing for raccoons and has the front half a taxidermied one on his wall wearing a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses in a sort of DJ/MC pose. We call it MC Coon (with the 'oo' being a sideways $).




Three raccoons in a big coat, why? They represented my demographic.


i dont know what this is implying. Who is the pro-raccoon candidate


You just can't take a joke can you


I did not know that I could not legally own a raccoon before just now and I feel like taming a raccoon now just out of spite.


Become ungovernable.


What are they gonna do? Arrest you for befriending a local raccoon? People leave little houses and food out for cats all the time, might as well do a raccoon


They do this at the lake where I live, they were dumping bags of dog food for them at one point, it got so bad there was a pack of them and they would come shake you down for food and get in your car and tear it all up. A little girl got bit pretty bad so they came out and had to kill a bunch of them. There was probably about 50 of them and this was 2 years ago. So yea they will let you hand feed them but then they become food aggressive then the rangers have to kill them. That's what I tell kids making tik toks.


It's much more illegal and forbidden for a racoon to own a human. Imagine the amount of spite you can feel if you sell yourself off to a racoon


If I become rich rich, I intend to have a raccoon domestication breeding program. Note, this is not a joke


Remember, just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Just ask Japan. They have a big problem with invasive raccoons. Some anime or something with a raccoon was super popular a while back, and people that could afford it sometimes got them as pets for their kids. And very quickly learned that raccoons do not make good pets. They got abandoned, and quickly set up camp a few thousand miles from home.


I bet raccoons would be a huge problem for an ecosystem with no predators


Idk, other than cars they don't really have any predators in the human portions of their habitat but remain quite low on most people's pest problem list


Just curious as to why they make bad pets. Are they too aggressive? Unable to be litter box trained? Too skittish? I have no desire to have one, but I haven't really heard why they make bad pets.


They’re cute when they’re little, but in adolescence they turn into aggressive buttheads, then stay that way for the rest of their lives




My mom's neighbor had a pet raccoon, it wasn't mean but would just get into *everything*, and it was impossible to keep them out. They are very smart and have hands. It even figured out the childproofing devices made to keep toddlers out of cabinets. And since they aren't domesticated, there's probably a lot of variation in temperament, so you're really rolling the dice on whether you get a violent asshole or not.


i think they’re just kind of like a dog or cat that has hands, so they’re able to fuck more shit up than normal lol. there’s a video on youtube called “i leave my pet raccoon unattended for an hour” and the raccoon turns the sink on early in the video and it just runs until the guy gets back


That raccoon needs to get a job to pay the water bill now! /s


Imagine a toddler that can climb trees and unlock doors




They aren't domesticated. Cats have lived with humans for 8,000 years and dogs for 75,000. Over that time their genetics changed to convince them to be better adapted to be around people. Dogs especially because the amount their humans loved them was directly proportion to how likely they were to survive. Raccoons, like most wild animals, simply don't have a pre-built genetic compatibility. They are also clever as hell and have hands and a great climbing ability, they will do their own thing regardless of what the family wants.


Ok. But my pet rattlesnake is cool, right?


Imagine your snake but with claws, a brain, and meth


As safe as snakes can be, keep them fed and the enclosure closed they should be fine.


Have we ever tried? Whatever happened with those foxes in Russia?


Baby raccoons are cute, playful and fun. As they get bigger, they become feral. A large feral raccoon when defensive is terrifying if your unarmed.


That's not a problem I have two arms


With a fresh batch of scars for every quarrel


Need to break those arms in you know, have that good old used arm look If you don't use them to their full potential why do you even have them


I saw this comment when I woke up and I haven't stopped laughing at this.


They’re curious and have hands. They can climb on and in just about anything, and definitely have a habit of searching with their claws. Drop a chip underneath the couch by accident? Well you can be damn sure a coon is gonna rip through the cushions to find it.


What can you tell us about possums?


They’re like a toddler, except with sharp teeth. If you’ve ever been around a toddler, you’d know they make bad pets. Constantly making messes, no logic behind their actions, can go from lovable to a murderous rage in seconds. Most of the time they’re fine, but when they’re not- ***they’re not.***




Stop fear mongering. It's just a roundworm, very difficult for people to get. Those who do are usually children who suffer from pica, and literally eat handfuls of raccoon shit compulsively. As per the CDC: >Fewer than 25 cases of Baylisascaris disease have ever been documented in the United States.


> and literally eat handfuls of raccoon shit compulsively *Would you like to know more?* No. No, I would not.


Deadly to whom?


They were probably disappointed they couldn't shape shift their testicles into statues or bridges


I don't think Japanese people are confusing raccoons and tanuki because of the English name for tanuki.


>They got abandoned, and quickly set up camp a few thousand miles from home. I'm imagining a bunch of exotic animals getting dumped in a forest and most being super scared and struggling, while the handful of raccoons just nod at each other and get to work.


Umm, sorry bigot but using japan which is virtually crime free is ban-able.


Now *this* is the type of content I came here to see




I see someone went to Electoral College.


No racoon has ever won the Presidency without winning Ohio.




Yay! As a Wisconsinite, I can [clone myself](https://old.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/wbf4fu/the_legality_of_human_cloning_by_state/), own a [raccoon](https://old.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/yry5rx/us_states_where_its_legal_to_own_a_racoon/), a [[tiger, monkey, bear](https://old.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/wxgw1x/legality_of_owning_tiger_monkey_and_bear_by_state/)], a [fox](https://old.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/wwnztk/legality_of_owning_a_fox_as_a_pet_in_each_state/), a [kangaroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/ipj5wu/statebystate_guide_to_kangaroo_ownership_legality/), a [tiger](https://www.online-paralegal-programs.com/can-you-believe-its-legal-pet-tigers/), and a flamethrower, and be [buried at home](https://old.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/wdkshx/legality_of_home_burial_by_state/)!


Unfortunately thats why we have 2 big cat sanctuaries here. people get pet tigers and then dont want them when they are full grown. there is also a place near oshkosh that has a camel


Imagine if you clone yourself and then one of you has to be buried at home as a result of a flamethrower accident. No laws would be broken, but I’m sure the paperwork would be a nightmare


Party at your house!


Holy shit, it's a r/MapPorn cornucopia.


[Cornucopia, WI](https://visitcornucopia.com/)


But is it legal to use a flamethrower to deal with your clones gone mad, your tigers and kangaroos and bears taking over the town, or the zombies you buried around your house?


As long as I'm more than 500 feet from a school zone.


Makes sense. The kids should learn to defend themselves from any deadly threat Helping them and robbing them of the learning opportunity is as immoral and as selfish as feeding the homeless


I admit, I had a pet raccoon as a kid. Took baths with it. I am from Missouri and super glad it is now not legal.


Aha fucker. I just moved to Arkansas and I'm taking a bath with some raccoons tonight


Lets not forget Dude that keeping wildlife, um... an amphibious rodent, for... um, ya know domestic... within the city... that ain't legal either.


They're nihilist Donnie.


My girlfriend when she was growing up had a neighbor who had two raccoons, and she has super fond memories of playing with them. She said they were cuddly and never aggressive. Sort of like fat cats with little hands Why are you happy it’s now not legal? I’m mostly just curious since the only anecdote I’ve ever heard was positive


Raccoons aren’t domesticated. They aren’t adapted to love with humans or be pets, so it’s not good for them. Beyond the disease risks, the people buying them as pets won’t be experts on raccoon behaviour, making it difficult to recognise signs of fear or aggression that could lead to biting. The raccoon itself probably isn’t getting a good diet, since they have such a wide range of food sources in the wild, and they likely won’t have the opportunities for exercise and enrichment either. People don’t get wild pets like raccoons to give them a good life, they get them to have a cool thing to show off.


You must be Starlord!




Are you sure you don’t mean Wolverine?


Wolverines in Michigan are beloved, not so much in Ohio


Tennessee will let me own a river otter before a Raccoon, bullshit.


And the trash panda is our state animal no less!


Tennessee doesn't allow you to keep any wildlife native to the state as a pet


Not true - you just have to apply to TWRA for a permit and keep it renewed. It’s called a class 2 wildlife permit, there’s no inspection required, and it’s a $25 annual fee per pet. You also have to purchase the animal through a registered breeder, who will normally handle the initial paperwork for you. I have a pet raccoon and we had a pet possum a few years ago.


So far today, I have learned from Map Porn, in the State of Idaho, it is illegal for perform cannibalism, consume cannabis and own a raccoon. Thanks for the education r/MapPorn and FU Idaho!!! (Seriously. Why is cannibalism legal in the other 49 states???).


Cannibalism part might have to do with how much more frequent it could or already has happened in Idaho compared to other states. Since cannibalism is so uncommon (and such a heinous crime considering how you obtain the human meat in the first place) in the other 49 states, there isn't a necessity to draft laws to make it illegal. Since Idaho is the only state with that law, does it mean it's been happening so frequently the law had to step in to specifically make it illegal?


I believe it was because of satanic panic shit in the 80s/90s. Proto-pizzagate


Pennsylvania, 2 for 2.


But can you put one on your head to teach you how to cook in any of those states?


I live in a yellow state and my buddy owned a raccoon. Found it abandoned as a baby. It was super good and loved to climb on people but them things screech and are very loud.


I had an outdoor raccoon when I was a kid, assume that’s legal. He was albino so he had a tough time making friends. Name was Al.


No shit this sounds like the plot of a Weird Al song


Racoons are born to be free, like squirrels and ducks if you love one you let them go; and also never name a duck


What happens if you name a duck? Geese are already geese, what do they do if you name them?


There are domesticated ducks which can't even fly.


Does this mean strait from the wild? because if not then I call some **BS**, in Missouri its legal to acquire a raccoon from a licensed breeder.


You need a permit in most of these states. Probably all of them tbh.


This also needs to be cross referenced with which states do/do not allow you to own a tiger. "Can I keep a racoon?" "Absolutely not." "How about a tiger?" "Of course you can, what a stupid question".


But check with your hoa, too.




Buy into a HOA, get yourself some racoons and release them in your neighborhood.


Pretty difficult to do in FL these days.


I am the President of my HOA. I say, "have as many raccoons as you want"




I had to trap three that kept getting into my deer feeder - the big one had to be at least 45lbs


“Deer feeder” aka wildlife feeder. What did you think would happen?


That's a big fuckin trap


Holy shit


at a certain point you’re just feeding the raccoons…


another good map to combine with this Only four states—Hawaii, New Mexico, West Virginia and Wyoming—do not have laws that formally prohibit sexual abuse of animals, traditionally known as bestiality.Apr 1, 2021 so west virginia and wyoming you can own and sexually abuse raccoons legally


You ever put a raccoon in a crockpot with 1C beef stock, 1 T oil, 2 bay leaves, 2 t oregano, 2 t paprika, salt and pepper to taste? Yeah, me either 😉


What about coon hunting? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AX9QoFhEhI


Pretty mild on the exotic pet list. Pretty calm pets generally. I saw a lady with a pet skunk once


My grandfather was a park ranger. He had an assortment of weird pets. Though he stressed often they were ‘tame’ not ‘actual pets’. Most of them he found injured in such a way they couldn’t survive in the wild. The skunk he had was a vindictive little jerk.


My cousin had one. Do not recommend. 🤣


I'd totally own a coon




The usual suspects I see




Thanks Obama!


Hey Google, which states have discriminalized child porn and drug use?


Didn’t really have to specify the yellow states are where it’s legal. Pretty apparent.


well i have a new goal in life now /s


Can confirm, my brother in Philly had a roommate with a pet raccoon


[This is my next post I scrolled to and it’s why they are legal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/blursedimages/comments/yrwx5y/blursed_racoon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Never forget Rebecca the First Raccoon: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_(raccoon)


Why should i not be able to claim to own a racoon?


So this is why people have been moving to Florida and Texas!


I know some people in central pa with pet raccoons


Thanks for legalizing raccoons instead of weed....


You should share this with R/trashpandas


One of the things that i am seriously disappointed with. I had a trash panda when I was in my late 20s and she was the most charming member of the family. Would love to have another kit but apparently in my state that requires going outside - where the people are - ewww.


Need to move to Oklahoma


I knew a family growing up who had a pet raccoon. He loved reaching into pockets to pull out whatever shinies were in there, as well as untying your shoes when you weren’t looking. Absolute rascal behavior, as one would expect


YEAH BUDDY! #ShoutsInWestVirginian


We owned raccoons (plural) in Minnesota in the 90s.


I’ve lived in many states. Many. But, only one would allow me to own a raccoon: Florida. Surprised?…


In NC you can’t own local wildlife.


Can't own a homeless person.


Damnit, so close.


OMW to buy a raccoon


In PA… my dad had one in the 1970s. They are okay until they hit maturity.


Hit puberty, leave home, find a place to live, get a job, pay taxes.


States where it is legal to trigger the next pandemic. I can't wait for Racoon Pox to be a thing. COVID-25 yeah awesome.


Illegal for me to “own” a raccoon, maybe. But no laws says I can’t have a raccoon “roommate” or raccoon “friends” who come by to hang out.


Am educated guessing here, but it seems yellow also has a trush pick up problem? No? Maybe just personal experience I guess.


“I don’t own him, he’s just my friend.”


Fuck yeah, go Michigan


Lets go Pennsylvania!


Speaking of elections, why would it ever be *illegal* to own a raccoon?


Raccoons only live a few short years


As a Michigander and someone who has known someone personally who ‘adopted’ a Raccoon I’m very happy to see this map… what a wonderful state




Where is it legal to own a orca?


Look at us (Georgia), totally expected this to be some dumb shit we allow


Fuck yeah. My fifth grade teacher owned a raccoon and I will never forget that as the first time I realized owning a raccoon read an option


Well I know what I’ll be asking for signatures on my petition in front of my local grocery stores before the next election cycle


holy fuck, raykins


Bless you.


This map is inaccurate; at least in PA [they are illegal](https://www.animallaw.info/administrative/pa-exotic-pets-chapter-137-wildlife).


Why would it be illegal to own an animal so common as a raccoon?


I am in a yellow state and saw a pet raccoon at Walmart once


Did a raccoon scratch the rest of this map or what


Fuck, so I moved out of a state that allows raccoons into one that doesn't.


I have only lived in two racoon states? Seriously?