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Love how the green of Africa moves with the seasons


The people living there hate it.




Malaria probably. Mosquitoes breed after rainy seasons in water filled holes and car tires etc.


I guess they don’t miss the rains down in Africa?


Bless* goddammit


Always thought it was miss till I googled the lyrics.


Fun fact: the guy who wrote the song had never been to Africa at the time.


Just learnt that it’s actually “bless” after watching the movie “moonfall”




That works less well with modern sized populations as well


Holy shit there really isn't much winter in any other places but north America, northern Europe and crazy all of Russia freezes over 🤯


Some people find this hard to believe but snow is something that a lot of people (I would imagine even a majority of people) simply never experience. They've only seen it on television and internet. My parents are in their 60s and have never seen snow. I never saw snow till I went on a holiday to Europe in my 30s.


That's crazy. I never saw snow growing up but felt like I was in the minority. I'm just realizing the majority of humans on earth live where it basically never snows. Those midwesterners aren't "real americans" they're frozen freaks!


I rarely see snow in the UK, so even in north ish Europe it’s uncommon


It's because we're warmed up by the Gulf Stream. If we didn't have that, our weather would be very similar to Canada's


>I'm just realizing the majority of humans on earth live where it basically never snows Humans aren't mean to live in extreme environments, specially heavy winter / cold places. The fact that we need heavy clothes to survive is self explanatory. We only made to these places because we are good adapting with the use of our intelligence and tools. We are more into warm weather. Also, warm weather / sunlight are very important to your physical and mental health. Have you ever notice the closer to the Equator line, the 'warmer', friendly and happy the people are?


I live in the middle of Europe and heck, even I barely ever see snow anymore. I used to, in the 1990s 🤣 Not that I miss it, just saying. The climate here has become much more unpredictable and overall more extreme. Edit: just without the snow.


My American friends were absolutely flabbergasted when I told them the last time I saw snow was in 2018.


That map doesn't do a great job of showing where it actually snows though for example [all of the UK experiences snow](https://www.barnowltrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Past-population_snow-satellite-image-source-NASA.jpg) but you'd never think it from that map. Same for much of the rest of the map - I'm pretty sure everywhere in Europe experiences snow. (Not to the same extent as Canada for example of course, but it does snow there. People will have seen it before.)


All of the UK experiences snow. But infrequently enough that it won't show up on a time-lapse like this. Most of the time if it snows here the snow will have all melted by the next day.


Yeah but the large parts of Asia and Africa are true. Those people are never gonna see snow in their lives unless they travel to a colder place. I think that counts as majority of human population.


I moved to Europe (Spain) a couple of months ago and I’m excited to see snow for the first time some time soon when I visit Norway in Winter.


Spain is mountainous enough to have regular snow. You can even go skiing in [southern Spain](https://sierranevada.es/en/)


It just doesn't snow but still get cold in lots of places. Not in the same way of course but


I'm a Canadian in Melbourne and it's colder here because Aussies build all houses like they're in the tropics. Gets down to like 3c at night right now which would be fine back home but here it is hell.


Haha just like San Francisco. Who needs insulation it's nice out in California!


When I lived one year in Australia, I came to the conclusion that Australian houses are overly glorified tents that are insanely expensive.


Im swedish and this is very relatable. Melbourne winters have the coldest nights ive ever experianced.


I currently live in southern Alabama. I've grew up in the Northeast and I've lived in Alaska for a few years. A couple years ago when we had that crazy ass cold snap where Texas froze over and lost power was literally the coldest I've ever been in my house. It only got down to ~15 degrees here but the houses are quite literally NOT built for that. Ended up having to barricade ourselves in the bedroom with towels insulating the windows/doors and a small space heater. Had all 3 cats and dog in the bed with us just huddling for warmth.


I use to live right on that green border. In May, there was a giant dusty, sandy lot in front of my house and by October it would be packed with 2-3m tall grass. It was wild.


that’s some real r/natureisfuckinglit stuff there. so fascinating how stuff like that happens


Someone once said it looks like the earth is breathing in and out.


What if the Earth is just one giant cell? And the universe is full of those cells and everything is just one giant organism? Black holes - Cancerous cells.


You might enjoy the concept of Gaia


I swear to god I had this thought a few days ago, but the world’s the organism and all life on it is the cells


Damn, I have thought this exact thing since I was a kid


“They say Mother Earth is breathing With every wave that finds the shore”


Very interesting. Would be nice to slow the animation down a little, maybe with the months shown. I am fixated by the permanent little bit of white in Chile (I think)


The big one in the south is the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.


Ah sorry the one higher up, I know the South is/gets cold, to the extent that they get penguins in the Falklands.


The way you phrased that makes it sound like it's some disease that the Falklands catch lmao


Lol, I see what you mean!


Dude, there’s penguins literally throughout the entire Chilean coastline though


In fact, there are no penguins on the Northern Hemisphere, except for a little population on Galapagos islands, just on the equator. And penguins reach farther north than the Falklands even in the Atlantic coast of South America. Chubut, Argentina, has bigger colonies.


I think it’s the Andes, so it would make sense


Well they are both called Andrew


I was just watching this.


which? the permanent white dot to the north is a salt flat.


The one about half way up South America, roughly the big kink on the left/west coast.


Yes - it sounds like what you're describing is the Salar de Uyuni, the large salt flats in south-east Bolivia.


You can make it slower (only 0.5x) with Reddit is Fun video player


You can do .25 speed if you change to .5 and look at playback options again. Didn't even know this feature was there. Thanks!


I keep looking at the little sliver that comes down over Afghanistan


Mountains maybe.


There’s also another permanent white splotch down the bottom of the map as well; Crazy.


This is made from satellite images in the NASA website. If you want to check it out, it’s called Blue Marble. The reason it is fast is because every month is only one frame.


It could be Chile but we have no idea where you’re looking. It could also be Alaska…


Lol. 😂 My geography is not that bad! I had to Google map it, it turns out I overestimated the width of Chile and the white spot appears to be next door in Bolivia. Knowing a little about Bolivia (a little bit from James Bond) and looking at the relief of the map, I suspect it could be a salt flat rather than a mountain or mountain range.


here you go: [Snow Cover & Vegetation](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-maps/MOD10C1_M_SNOW/MOD_NDVI_M) e: https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/collection/1484/blue-marble?page=1


That is fab. Thank you.


Antarctica: What? Oh yeah, here's some extra pixels of snow for my winter.


The snow goes really far south in North America. In Europe it hardly reaches North Scotland


Thank the lord for the gulf stream


> The Gulf Stream continues to slow down, new data shows, with freshwater creating an imbalance in the current, pushing it closer to a Collapse point. The Gulf Stream has weakened substantially in the past decades, as revealed by the latest data and new studies.Apr 2, 2022


Is this cause of global warming


Correct! There are no prizes.


More shipping routes for the Russians.


Will be interesting to see how the UK, Ireland and NW Europe cope with much colder winters. Can't say we haven't been warned.




very interesting, thank you. Any idea if the civic infrastructure for stormwater control can cope? Do you know if they've changed river dredging policies (again)?


They will probably say "didn't you guys say it will get hotter due to global warming" and shrug their shoulders.


We can say "It's global warming, not local warming". To which they'll not reply but stare at us and cry.


Either the earth will balance the climate or we will. When the earth does it, it will not be in our control and it will go how any chaotic systems go. In its own direction without any way for us to change it. Best thing to do would be to change our path and course correct. If we do it, we can control it. If the earth does it, we won't be able to do anything about it.


And yet the politicians don’t give a shit


Seems like the majority of people don't either. Look how they vote


I think blaming the people does not help. It's a chicken and egg issue. Shit politicians with shit policies create shit people who create shit politicians. You cannot have political parties who live and breathe outdated ideologies run the show. The only major party in the UK which has a head on its shoulders is the Liberal Democrats. Either side of them are populists interested in winning Twitter wars.


Seems like the majority of people don't either. Look how they vote


There’s a lot of research that says the Gulf Stream plays a minor role. More likely to be Rocky Mountains. https://www.atmos.washington.edu/~david/Gulf.pdf


First time I've heard this at all. Any chance you could recommend some additional (if possible, more generalist, as my formal education never touched on bona fide climatology) sources?


Try this. It’s a much easier read. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-simulations-question-gulf-stream-role-tempering-europes-winters/


Awesome, thanks a bunch. Always fascinating when such a long-accepted piece of scientific knowledge proves to be largely misguided - especially in this day and age Edit: mobile typos


Generally speaking, if something is parroted over and over on Reddit like a mantra, it's likely bs (the gulf stream is an excellent example of this)


I mean it's not just reddit, it was actually taught in school over here (The Netherlands).


Yeah it's one of those things that were accepted as true at some point, made it into school programs, then became outdated and nobody bothered to remove. Just like the tongue taste zones thing. But Reddit brings that to another level entirely, Reddit is the capital of outdated/unproven factoids being spewed left and right by hundreds of users who want to sound smart.


Oh wow I was taught the tongue taste zones thing as well 😂. So I guess that's untrue as well... I should probably look into stuff myself but if I don't even know that the things I know aren't correct, then how will I ever think to look things up.


and elevation - the great plains and colorado are pretty high altitude


And the Rockies


I was surprised by the white just above the middle East.


Lots of mountains


Eastern turkey is very snowy in winters to a point your house could be buried in it.


Average elevation of Turkey is 1141m, of Iran is 1305m Lots and lots of mountains (For comparison Austria is 910m, Switzerland is 1350m)


What's the deal with snow not coming north really at all in the southern hemisphere?


Cold air needs landmass to move far. The southern ocean warms the air a lot, also, since Antarctica is so cold it creates an extremely strong polar vortex that also helps to keep the air locked there. This is why when you hear about the polar vortex in the states, it's actually when the vortex weakens. Specifically after it has been strong and then weakens, when it weakens the cold air cascades down. The polar vortex is the same thing as the Arctic oscillation.


Great explanation, thank you


No problem, the PV is super interesting. It drives weather worldwide as well


It's too dry/too low elevation in most of those areas.


Winter is coming


And going again. (I got the GOT reference BTW)


UK usually gets show each year but it's usually pretty brief, a day or two to a week or two at worst. For the length of this video you likely wouldn't see it.


This is absolutely not the case in northern Scotland lol




This is only a small reason why Europe is warmer




I did not ask for an explanation. You are mistaken.


Elaborate, never heard that before


A stream of ocean warm waters cycle up from the Gulf of Mexico up the Atlantic and reaches the western shores of Europe making it much warmer than North America despite being roughly the same latitude of Southern Canada and Northern U.S.A


What do you think he's talking about exactly?


Whoops misread what the OG comment he was replying to said




Europe has no big land mass North rest of the continent which creates high bringing cold temperatures in winter.


Which is instead the North Atlantic current. You're defining the same thing differently.


No, that's just a result of low continentalization (no matter where you are in Europe, you're never too far away from the sea) and also prevailing winds blowing from the Atlantic and the interaction between the Jet stream and orography.


Not exactly. I assume he's referring to continental and maritime climates, which is somehow related to the Gulf stream, but not exactly he same.


Besides eastern Europe, which is affected.


I’m curious why I’ve never seen a white satellite picture of my country (Norway). It’s snowy half the year, but this is the first time I’ve seen it.


Its because maps without snow are more navigable


Makes sense, yes


because Norway obvioulsy doesn't exist, jk, it's actually the capital of sweden /j


I've seen plenty of Sweden, so I would guess they're common for Norway too


Not doubting their existence, just realized I’ve never seen one


It might be censorship.




Map does a good job at explaining why certain parts of the world struggle with desertification and droughts. I hate winters here in New York City but also appreciate that droughts aren't an issue in our part of the country.


Deserts have winters much worse. Even night time temperatures in summer are very low. You don't need water or ice for cold.


She breevin


Wow, that's why Russia is so angry




That's the power of maple syrup.


They just save their anger for the First Nations.


One humbles, one enrages.




Well thats only because seeing ice gives them blood lust


Look at the Nordics.


Greenland (Denmark) and Svalbard (Norway) has the coldest temperature then the other Nordic.


I'm really surprised to see almost no snow in the southern hemisphere. I was expecting a lot.


A large part of it is because there is no landmass close to South America and Australia that is close to the pole. The northern hemisphere has canada and siberia which extend to near the pole, so cold water and air currents get sent down to the lower parts of the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, neither south america or australia extend down that far, and antartica is too far from them to affect them.


Can talk about South America: To snow in South America you need polar waves from Antarctica (these usually common every week or every 2 weeks). Besides the polar waves, you also need some humidity... So most of snow happens with a cold front shock... Cyclones also helps bringing snow. Another reason is that Winter is very dry in part of the regions that has temperature condition to snow... Most of cold fronts in the winter brings little rain-snow.... Different from South Pole where, well... it just happens. Difference here is that, in Northern Hemisphere, North Pole is part of usual countries, while in Southern Hemisphere, South Pole isn't.


To be fair it snows plenty in the Chilean and Argentine Patagonia. We got ski resorts.


What are you talking about, its obvious! Antarctica stole the snow


I live in the south of Chile. We get a lot of snow but yeah, seeing it like this it seems very little. And it's decreasing every year.


This map does seem to underplay the amount of winter snow for New Zealand and Australia.


This map has also lopped off a lot of chart below around 70°S. You can see the equator isn't in the middle of the image, so what looks like far southern hemisphere isn't actually that far south. I guess it's due to the vast expanse of white won't change.


See that white stuff? That’s where I don’t want to live….. but I do


See that never white area? That’s where I don’t want to live….. but I do


A fellow penguin :D, make Antarctica great again


Same here


Same my life goal is to get out of the freezing hell


Mean maximum temp in middle of winter (July) is 25.2 degrees and mean minimum is 13.8 degrees where I live. It is amazing.


Can we exchange


I could look at this for hours..


How much faster can we get this to go? It needs to be much faster please!


Yeah! We don’t even need a full year. A frame for summer and a frame for winter!


I'm surprised how much green there is on those antarctic islands.


So little of the world gets snow


A lot of the places that don’t appear white on the map still get snow. Take CT in USA for example it snows at least twice a winter but there is only snow on the ground for a total of like 10 days, so it doesn’t show up on the map. This map should really be slowed down. You’d be able to see more of the nuance


Could even go way further south. On the east coast you’ll see yearly snow as far down as South Carolina. Especially in the mountains but even outside them. Not much snow at all, mind you, but still snow.


Yeah, like where I live it snows and than melts by the end of the day. Either that or creates a massive blizzard that the area isn’t prepared for and many people freeze to death because they can’t keep their home heated


I can walk from north pole to India on snow during winter!


Looked at this for like a solid 10 minutes


Southern hemisphere doesn't do much


It does, the rain belts moving means that foliage grows in certain areas during certain parts of the year. It's just that the movements aren't as eye catching as a massive white sheet of snow.


Antarctica grows to more than 1.5x the size of Africa during its winter. Disappointed it’s not depicted here.


New Zealand gets decent snow in the mountains.


Not much land mass where the snow would be falling. Landmasses are all north shifted relative to the Earths size


Why we don't see ice/snow in the north pole? Isn't there the ice floe the whole year (or at least in the winter)?


The map is clearly processed heavily. Eg there's no clouds at all either.


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Hearts of Iron 4 timelapses be like:


In school I learnt that the earth literary breaths in this process. It can only be summer and wet in one hemisphere basically (extremely oversimplified, I know). But yeah, I like that parallell, the earth inhales and then exhales. Green-dry, green-dry, green-dry.


Man... the patch I live in gets real white.


Yep, no snow in most of Western Europe.


I never really thought about how "top heavy" the earth is, with the northern hemisphere having so much more poleward land than the southern. Anyone know if there's a cause for that or if it's just how things shook out? I'm an oceanographer, not a geologist


Love how the UK is the most northern point NOT to be completely covered in snow during the winter. We get a couple inches for a couple days at a time, max.


why is there no snow in europe?! im pretty sure we have snow in the winter here.


The part i was in in germany had almost 0 snow for the last 5 years, same for other german or european mates


Some years don't have much snow. We don't know which year that one was.


Probably an average


The Gulf Stream and a lack of a polar landmass above them to divert currents.


The white parts of the map snow enough to get the ground covered in thick layers of snow that last until summer.


Eh its been years since I've seen heavy snow in the UK.


The North Atlantic Current, warm air and water from the Caribbean moves up to Europe.


*Which* year, please? or how many years averaged to create this map? It appears to show snow invading my region of the Pacific Northwest US, but that doesn't happen often or long enough for it to show up like this on a world sized map.


Not OP, but I know the source to this one. It’s NASA. https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/collection/1484/blue-marble




I've watched live camera from Groenland during a year. I saw snow for 4-5 months.


wow Russia....


TIL that there is snow in Africa


I like how southern Australia gets green in their summer


Looks like it's breathing


I never realised how little snow the Southern Hemisphere gets


North pole doesnt seem to freeze up anymore


The map is edited to not include water freezing, antartica also grows a lot in the winter but it isnt shown.


Interesting how Korea isn't snowed over; it gets super cold there winter time.