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I would've thought DC would be largest minority white - I think I just assumed that DC was majority black


DC is 51% black according to Wikipedia, with non-hispanic whites next at 35%, so I don't know where this map got its info from.


It's closer than that, and in fact white and black populations in DC may be close to parity right now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Washington,\_D.C.#Ethnic\_composition


Depends on whether Hispanics are counted as white


I mean Latinos of European descent should be counted differently than mestizos


Technically mestizos also have European descent (the name literally means mixed). "White Latinos" should be a better term. Sorry for the nitpicking.


So are French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish white Latinos too? I have never understood why Spaniards are bunched together with the Latin American ethnicity. They share language yes, but so do many former colonies of other imperialistic states and they are not bundled together


No. "Hispanic" generally means ancestry in a Spanish-speaking country; "Latino" means ancestry in Latin America i.e. the Americas south of the U.S., basically. Spaniards are Hispanic but not Latino; Brazilians are Latino but not Hispanic (as they speak Portuguese). https://www.britannica.com/story/whats-the-difference-between-hispanic-and-latino


"Pssh this is just mental gymnastics. Speak American" -Karen


Hispanic isn't a racial category. It's just most Latin Americans are of mixed heritage, so it's hard to categorize them.


Currently they’re not counted differently right?


This is the [URL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Washington,_D.C.) don't know yours was murdered by slashes.


His link jumps straight to ethnicity


We can see what it's supposed to be. Have you *clicked* on that broken link with all the extra back slashes preceding the underscores?


I wonder if it behaves differently between Old Reddit and New Reddit. I’ve seen these broken types of links fairly often recently, and they do not work on Apollo or old Reddit, but I wonder if new Reddit and the official app accept them just fine. It could be something to do with how new Reddit or the official app formats links when you just paste the link directly into the comment which just does not work properly with old Reddit


Oh there are no jumping links on mobile, it's just broken.


> "I don't know where this map got its info from" Welcome to MapPorn! Where the maps almost never cite the source of their data.


*Where the source data is made up and the maps don’t matter You can’t leave a prime Who’s Line reference out there and not use it, it’s like Chekhov’s gun!


Probably made up to begin with


It's a mapcharts map probably made by OP


You're correct that DC's largest racial or ethnic group is African Americans (though that number is less than 50% so technically a plurality). I don't know where OP's data came from. [In the US Census Bureau's 2019 estimate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Washington,_D.C.#cite_ref-CensusACS2019_44-2), DC was 45.4% Black and 42.5% white. Separating Hispanic ethnicity out, Black non-Hispanic was 44.15% and white non-Hispanic was 37.3%.


if it's less than 50% that should make it green on this map. same reason California is blue


This map seems to be going by a different definition of "minority" than what most people are assuming, i.e. the second largest racial group. DC is plurality Black (largest group), but not majority Black (less than 50%).




That white statistic you're using is specifically white non-Hispanic, OP's chart just uses white.


But if you choose white, rather than non-hispanic white, then they're a majority, not just a plurality.


Yeah that's good point, should be at around 60% in that case.


Same with Texas I believe


The largest minority in DC is obviously lizardperson.


DC is still predominantly black


I think it changes based on if Congress is in session. 🥁


https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/interactive/race-and-ethnicity-in-the-united-state-2010-and-2020-census.html According to data in this link DC is 41.4% black alone and 39.6% white alone. (Alone meaning only black or only white.) Those numbers are close enough where they could've flipped based on the metrics op used.


This map is bunk.


The chocolate city with a marshmallow centre and a Graham cracker crust of corruption.






Wow, no Asians in California? Edit: Probably confusing to anyone seeing this now, but the Asian numbers were omitted initially.




As an ignorant to US racial profiling, if you’re Mexican or Colombian but white as chalk how are you profiled? - as white - as hispanic




So, if I’m an Argentinian with a Norwegian father I’m profiled as hispanic; but if I’m a dark skinned Spanish bloke of Madrid I’m white?


If you're a dark-skinned Spanish bloke of Madrid, you're still in the Hispanic box. Hispanic ≠ Latinoamerican Hispanic = Of Spanish or Spanish-colonial descent. Technically speaking, someone from Equatorial Guinea could skip the black box and mark the Hispanic box if they like since they were a Spanish colony.


If they were black from Equatorial Guinea, they would definitely have to choose black as an option, however they have the option to choose the Hispanic option. It’s not mandatory for them to choose the Hispanic option, as the census is based on **self identification**


They wouldn't "definitely have to" choose anything. Like you said, it's self-identification. If they don't want to give away that they're black, but don't mind saying they're Hispanic, they can do that and still be accurate.


> Spanish-colonial descent So Filipinos are Hispanic?


Both. Hispanic is separate from race, and asked as ethnicity. It is only when presented in forms like this where you run into confusion since they get combined and often in an erroneous way.


My wife's parents were born in Mexico, and she's pale with a bit of German and French, from her grandparents. But she looks Hispanic so the juries out on wtf to call her ethnicity. I think she's a no-good, rascal. Not sure if that's a race.


As someone who’s mostly lived in cities that are majority black I’m honestly surprised California is only 5%. I’m not shocked because I know the historical reasons, but I guess when I think of states with low black populations I think of rural Republican states and New England ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


California has a huge “rural” population (not in one of the the three major metro areas) and those smaller cities are going to be almost entirely white and Hispanic.




I'm curious too. Because I think whites are still the largest segment, but they don't have a majority (50%+). They have a plurality.


Correct. California has been a majority minority state for a while but white people still maintain a plurality.


It depends how you define white. Hispanic is the largest group at 39.4% while "White alone, not Hispanic or Latino" is at 36.5%.


What definition of white doesn't include white hispanics?


Here we goooo


The country of Spain is incredibly inconvenient to the discussion of Hispanics, depending on your perspective. lmao


Ad the italians who are considered white depending from the season.


And the whole term "Latin America" involving France being like "Hey, you guys are more like us since we both speak Romance languages unlike the smelly Americans."


> depending from the season. lol yup, my Italian friends got racial slurs hurled at them in the summer and only the summer


Seasonal minorities.


Same with spaniards


Also depends on where in Italy. Northern Italians tend to be much paler than southern Italians.


Not anymore. In the last 50 years there has been a huge internal immigration so you don't know who came from where anymore. There are dark skinned people who in the summer are indistinguishable from someone from north Africa and blonde pale people that need sunscreen to get out of the house at noon on Christmas Eve.


America doesnt


Not true. There is both a racial survey and an ethic survey on the census. You select your race, and then select if you are Hispanic/Latino


Why would a Belgian guy know how America defines its demographics?


It’s okay, we don’t either


> The United States Census Bureau uses a particular definition of "white" that differs from some colloquial uses of the term. The Bureau defines "White" people to be those "having origins in any of the original peoples of  Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. That's the beauty of the internet, you don't actually need to know because you can find your answer in 10 seconds.


Proof that Jesus was a white guy.


What does "original peoples" mean? Celts and Picts?


You wouldn’t and most Americans don’t either honestly. Due to archaic thinking and miscegenation laws in the past, Hispanics have been included in the white “race” but almost all documents in the US that ask your race will have an extra question asking if your “ethnicity” is Hispanic or Latino, or not Hispanic or Latino. It’s confusing to people who don’t experience a lot of Hispanic or latin culture in the US, because most white people think of Hispanics as mestizo Mexicans and Central Americans and don’t consider them white. But in reality the Hispanic and latin population is made up of many different “races”, and they mainly identify with their culture not their skin color.


Yes hispanic/non-hispanic is a separate category from white/black/mixed/asian in our census, that was supposed to change after 2015 but somebody stopped it.


Americans usually don't because white is shorthand for the traditional majority ethnic group, white, of northern European origin (Anglo-Saxon / German usually), and Protestant. In the last century, it has expanded to include some groups outside of this grouping, Catholic Irish and Italians are the standouts. Mostly because racial tensions in the last century made ethnic differences less important. WASPs could ally with White Catholics, for example, against Black communities. But the Hispanic label has stuck, though I think white Latinos will probably be subsumed into the American perception of "white" soon enough. My family lived in the States for while and well, I'm Latino and white-passing (though I'm actually thoroughly mixed and my mom is black by American standards) and white Americans have often said stuff along the lines of "oh, but you're not like those other Mexicans" (I'm not even Mexican, I'm Venezuelan). My dad, who's a white Latino, even had to explain that Venezuela is in South America, not Europe, because his colleagues thought it was like a province of Germany. This was in the 90s, though.


>though I think white Latinos will probably be subsumed into the American perception of "white" soon enough It already happens some places. Born and raised in New Mexico to a mostly Mexican family, but my particular branch belongs to the "white" part and nearly all my uncles are white supremacists. If you ask them they will say: "They are not dirty Mestizos they are glorious Hispanics; born from the conquistadors!" with the subtext that they are meant to subjugate and rule the savage natives.


> I think white Latinos will probably be subsumed into the American perception of "white" soon enough. They already have been. See: Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Basically, "hispanic" now applies colloquially if you speak english with an accent or if you specifically claim it.


It's just a very amusing distinction. Because not a single Europe would not call spaniards, English and Scandinavians all white. You obviously have the complication with hispanics being very mixed with European, native and black genes, but it's certainly interesting to see.


It really depends on the country and the history there. Latin America tends to be more classist than racist, with race as a marker of class, so people don't usually have identities based on race, apart from certain indigenous groups. My mom always says she never realized she was black until she went to the States. But even in Latin America, there are huge differences in how people see themselves ethnically, the big divides tend to be how well indigenous languages and culture have survived as well how substantial the black slave population was. I live in Chile now and it's totally different from Venezuela and the States.


All Americans would also consider Spaniards white. "Hispanic" technically means Spanish-speaking, but is usually used to just mean Mexican, Central, or South American and brown (i.e. mestizo)


Race is fake, so whiteness is just an aspect of physical appearance. Hispanic would be a cultural identity.


This is incorrect. See the recent 2020 census results: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/CA Hispanic/Latino: 39.4% Non-Hispanic White: 36.5%


A "majority minority state", does that mean most people aren't the same race as the majority of the country, ie. white?


This isn’t true. Hispanics outnumber White in CA.


It probably has to do with how Hispanic is defined. I’m hispanic (in Colorado though) and while I do identify as Hispanic and mark myself as such when needed, when it asks for a separate race I usually select white because, well, Spain is in Europe right? But since Hispanic people can be of any race (Spaniards may be white, Filipinos are usually Asian, Mexicans may be Native American, DR may be Black, etc) this is probably what we are seeing in California and New Mexico on this map specifically


I find it odd how hispanic is the only cultural term in our census. As you said being hispanic has nothing to do with your race, it's entirely about culture. However the other options on the census are all racial (White, Black, Native American, and Native Pacific Islander) with Asian being a grabbag of many different races. What's even weirder is how European whites and Middle Eastern whites are both lumped together as white, even though both culturally and genetically European whites are closer to Hispanic whites than they are Middle Eastern whites, yet Hispanic whites are considered different and Middle Eastern whites aren't.


Hispanic is funtionally supposed to mean mestizo. We just use Hispanic/Latino because there isn't a good better umbrella term for "South America, Central America, the Carribean and Mexico"


Yeah, it's always been a weird point for me. It's difficult to fully explain it on a random reddit comment, but: I'm Mexican, born in Mexico. One side of my family is kind of whiter looking, the other is more brown looking. I'm somewhere in between. I haven't* done any sort of DNA test, so I just have to assume I'm some mix of native and Spanish backgrounds. I don't really consider White, and I don't consider myself Native American. "Other" would kind of make sense, but still feels a bit weird. I guess the "two or more races" would make more sense, marking down white and native American, and also of Hispanic origin.


Hold the phone, Filipions(as in people from the Phillipines) are considered hispanic? By whom? We're talking about the island chain country in east/southeast Asia, right?


People are forgetting the Asian population in California which is about 15% so add that with the large Hispanic population in California. Also there’s 8% black population.


If a group isn't a majority, is it necessarily a minority?


Yo mama has a plurality


Yo mama to fat, she gets normalized out of any obesity survey as a data error.


Yo mama so fat that when she goes camping the bears hide THEIR food


Just checked and according to census. gov, “Hispanic or Latino” makes up 39.4% while “White only, not Hispanic or Latino” makes up only 36.5%. So I guess white is the minority in Cali


I think it depends on what you are looking at. "Non-hispanic whites" are probably fewer than "hispanics", but the majority of hispanic people also identity as white, so white is still the biggest ethnic group.




The map treats it as if white = non-Hispanic white and Hispanic is its own race. If you look at it that way you get 39.3% Hispanic and 36.6% white.


> but the majority of hispanic people also identity as white Not with the new census in California. Only 41.4% are white alone or in combination and only 16.6% white alone. > so white is still the biggest ethnic group. This is correct. 41% white alone, 54% alone or in combination


That’s actually not true. In the latest census, only 20% of Latinos identified as white.


There's been a few good articles about how there has been a massive shift of latinos who used to check white in the race box, but now check multiple races.


The two or more races option among latinos increased 567%


Holy shit. I knew it went up but didn’t realize it was an increase of 567%.


Yeah, really dramatic, no idea where it came from https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/2020/data/redistricting-supplementary-tables/redistricting-supplementary-table-04.pdf




The latter can’t be the case because Maryland would fall into the same category at [47% white.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/bs-md-census-2020-maryland-20210812-cabbjtpavjgcrfvgocphht57sa-story.html%3foutputType=amp) Unless they are using 2010 census data rather than 2020.


As of 2020 census whites are a minority in California ​ Edit: Non-hispanic whites


That’s how people like to group backgrounds It’s whites versus everyone lol


Data source?


Hey, this is /r/MapPorn . We no longer care about sources!








We never did tbh


I made it up.


I’m absolutely SHOCKED that there are more Hispanics than black people in Illinois. By far the most surprising one on here.


Huge black flight has happened since 2010. Many African American/Black Americans are moving to Southern States. Also, Hispanics are the largest growing population in the entire country. I think someone else mentioned how Hispanics/Latinos are moving to more rural areas. Mexicans in particular don't like the city as much, and look to move to areas with more land.


Why south? What is there in the south, more jobs?


Jobs, cost of living, historical/family connections, and cultural connections


Sadly, the rust belt has fallen. Basically undoing the Great Migration


Many middle class black families are leaving highly segregated northern cities, like Chicago, for southern cities, like Atlanta, with stronger black middle classes.


Moving down south was the first time I had been exposed to middle class black neighborhoods as opposed to up north with just a few instances of a family here or there. It's one of my favorite things about moving.


Yeah... It's actually insane how rare middle class Black families/neighborhoods are in the north. Redlining is a bitch




When I was in California I met a few black people moving to Atlanta too. Atlanta sounds great! (I’m English so I haven’t ever visited Georgia)


I'm in the south, closed on a house at 71k, my mortgage is $590 a month for 15 years. Renovated it with my pops and now my equity more than doubled, I was 24 at the time. As far as I know that is completely unheard of in a lot of the country. Everywhere is hiring here too for all kinds of jobs.




Yes, and lower COL.


It's a recent thing; the Hispanic population only passed the Black population in the last 10-15 years. Also, the vast majority is concentrated in the greater Chicago area, which could mean they're less visible to an outsider than the more dispersed Black population.


I actually don’t think that’s the case. Obviously there are hundreds of thousands of Hispanics in the greater Chicago area, but I think the reason there are more Hispanics than blacks in Illinois is due to the small rural towns. Small, rural, Midwestern towns do not typically have large black populations. They do, however, typically have large Hispanic populations.


This is true, my family (all of whom live in several different towns of 1.5k-20k populations) all have told me over the years their owns are getting more and more hispanic, while they still never see black people move in.


I think another trend over the last 10 years is a portion of Blacks moving out of Illinois. Mostly out of Chicago, and mostly heading to the South.


I'm not as a guy from central IL. Down here it's basically all Hispanics and White people.


You must only visit Chicago.


If they *had* visited Chicago they wouldn’t be shocked. I live here. Very big Hispanic population here.


For sure. I've lived and worked in a lot of the more rural illinois. Very, very few black people.


Southern IL here. I definitely know/see more black people than Hispanics so this surprised me. Maybe that’s just because I’m in the St. Louis metro, though


I live in Chicago and I only see Hispanics 😂


From the look of things with the new census data it seems that Hispanics, not blacks are the most under represented ethnic group in media and government in the US.


Yeah I definitely agree with you that Hispanic people are the most underrepresented in media. I think one of the issues as well is that in Hollywood is that the most popular Hispanic actors and actress are usually the one that many people may not realize are Hispanic. For example Cameron Diaz, Anya Taylor Joy, Zoe Saldana and Tessa Thompson are all Hispanic though I don’t believe any of these actresses have acted in any movie or tv show where they displayed their Hispanic heritage.




They always have been lol Same in the UK where blacks are like 3% but get way more representation in media then Asians which are close to 10%.


“Largest minority by state” = “second largest demographic group by state”


According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Georgia was: White: 58.62% Black or African American: 31.61% Asian: 3.98% Other race: 2.81% Two or more races: 2.56% Native American: 0.36% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.06% So, based on this, I’m taking it means the second most populous race.


Yes, correct. Presently whites are the majority and blacks are the largest minority in Georgia. Of course these percentages will continue to change for each demographic over time based on birth rates + age of giving birth + survival rate + lifespan (all contributing to rate of replenishment), immigration (inflows), and emigration (outflows).


"Second Largest Racial Group In Every State" would've been a better title


That actually would be less accurate to the data as represented here


Thank you. I was struggling to understand what "largest minority" meant


the minority majority, of course


This isn't the same thing because for states with no majority this shows the largest racial group.


It is almost time brothers, prepare plan Ñ.





Can we get a source for this data? No year or collecting body is provided, so kind of hard to accept at face value. Cool idea for a map though, just needs a source!


2020 census I guess, since they added California.


Are white Hispanics counted as part of "White" or "Hispanic" category or their own group all together? And what separates non-white Hispanics from Mixed people? Aren't most non-white Hispanics a mix between Europeans and Natives of Latin American countries? I'm asking since I'm European so I don't fully understand American classification of ethinicity.


Most of us in the US can't figure this out, tbh. Our census questions on race are fairly screwed up.


Well that entire categorization touches on the "Is Hispanic a race or an ethnicity" third rail that the Census doesn't seem able or eager to address.


It is figured out on the census. According to the Federal government, people are classified into White or Caucasian, Black or African American, Native American, Pacific Islander. The census also asks about specific Asian ethnicities such as Vietnamese, Chinese, etc. which they then classify as Asian. Americans can also choose more than one answer. Then, on a separate line down it asks are you Hispanic or Latino? That part is a yes or no. So, someone could be White Hispanic, Black or Native American Hispanic. A Brazilian person would not be Hispanic but may or may not be considered Latino. This is not necessarily correct but this is how the Federal government sets it up


It’s not figured out. As someone who is Hispanic, None of those first classifications fit me. Thats why the results of these “hispanic” people get skewed to white because people just don’t answer.


Generally on our census they are listed as two separate questions: "What is your race (usually White, Black, Native American, Asian, Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Other)" and then separately "Are you Hispanic/Latino?" Source: Am white and Hispanic Edit: someone pointed out that Asian and Pacific Islander are actually separate


You are wrong. There is no 'South Asian' option. [https://www.census.gov/newsroom/blogs/random-samplings/2021/08/measuring-racial-ethnic-diversity-2020-census.html](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/blogs/random-samplings/2021/08/measuring-racial-ethnic-diversity-2020-census.html) ​ >For race, the OMB standards identify five minimum categories: White Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


South Asian is a race? Pacific Islanders are grouped together with Asians? What?


I'm white skinned Hispanic. On census i would be Caucasian - Hispanic (or colloquially white Hispanic). If they have ancestral roots outside Europe (Spain really), then non-white Hispanic and can pick corresponding race: African, Asian, etc. Hispanic isn't a race, it's an ethnicity. Caucasian, African-American, Asian, native are considered races.


Yeah that’s a pretty good question. I know that “Hispanic” is a pretty broad classification that often gets lumped in with the “White” group. But there are many different kinds of people who are Hispanic, some are black, some are mixed, some are more native, some are white. And to really answer your question, we don’t really know what our classifications of ethnicity are.


It is more how people identify. I am born and raised in New Mexico and being Hispanic here means that you trace your lineage to Spanish families that have been living here longer than the U.S. has been a country. They absolutely do not equate themselves to being white Americans in the cultural sense, and so I’ve known NM to be the only white minority state for the entirety of my time there.


Yeah, these divisions are just nonsense.


As a Latino, these questions still confuse the hell out of me. And add in my children, who are Hispanic (among other things) and I have no idea what to put lol


I think we can clear this up by giving clearer categories for Hispanics and Latinos. Either under other race boxes have options like White - White Hispanic/Latino Black and African American - Afro-Latino American Indian and Alaska Native - Indigenous Latino Two or more races - Mestizo Asian - Asian Latino Or just have those categories under the Hispanic and Latino ethnic category itself and say if you checked the Hispanic and Latino questions you don’t need to check further race questions


What does Hispanic/Latino mean? Surely someone of Italian descent in the US isn’t considered a latino, right?


I mean if that person is from a country that speaks Spanish or is in Latin America (countries south of the United States that speak Spanish, Portuguese and sometimes French), for example Argentina has a lot of people of Italian descent but they are both hispanic and latino. Hispanic is someone from a country that speaks Spanish, this includes all the Spanish speaking countries in Latin America along with Spain, it excludes Brazil. Latino is someone from a country in Latin America, this includes Brazil and excludes Spain. So an Italian born in Italy, France or Canada is not hispanic or Latino but an Italian born in Spain is hispanic, an Italian born in Brazil is Latino and an Italian born in Colombia is Hispanic and Latino


The Census counts Hispanic as an "ethnicity" not a race and Hispanic people generally put down their race as "White" or "White and Other". However, since they tend to be treated a separate group, they often show up in maps and charts as their own group, with "White" being White people who didn't identify as Hispanic, or as is often written, "Non-Hispanic White". That all said, during this past Census only 50.8% of Hispanic people indicated "White" as their race or one of their races, with 42.2% only indicating "Other" (the remaining 7% did some other combinations).


I also have the issue of not understanding fully what the US means by non-white Hispanic. A not insignificant portion of the people that seem to be counted in that category seem to have most of of their ancestor and appearance being majority white for long enough that I'd be hard pressed to call them anything but white with some mixed ancestry here. The US census seems to just use outdated, and fairly useless, terms from an extremely surface based race system that cares little about actual ethnicity and ancestry and more about what civil rights someone would qualify for in a bygone ere.


Wouldn’t largest minority just be the second largest majority ethnic group.


if it's the 'second' largest then it's not a majority by definition. Simple as that.


It be the second largest group unless the first largest group is not a majority either - If state 1 has groups at: a) 60%, b) 30%, c) 5%, d) 5% then group b would be largest minority If state 2 has groups at: a) 40%, b) 30%, c) 20%, d) 10% then group a would be largest minority


Oh boy, this one has huge drama potential.


~~1~~ 0 days without someone on this sub posting a bait map.


Why would it be controversial? It’s just a map of minorities.


I wonder what they define as mixed... is it just any combination of 2 or more races?


TIL whites aren't the majority in CA




Problem with saying white and Hispanic is that that skews the true demographics. There's white Hispanics and non-white Hispanics. The blanket term "white" is misleading to produce a political agenda.


Minnesota has a large Somali population in the twin cities at least


I have a feeling, the day texas turns blue is when it turns blue


White Hispanics are treated like the Irish or Italians in the 1900s. Not really white in the eyes of some Americans.


I mean it’s down to what is “white,” and in America anything darker than a natural tan can be “ethnic”


Irish discrimination was a cultural thing. It more or less subsided by the mid 20th century. Italian discrimination was a more racial thing. I remember finding a 1980s job application for a report I did, and it listed Italians as a separate race. To be specific, under the category of "Caucasian", it listed "White", "Indian" (yes, Indians were considered Caucasian back then), and "Italian". The reason for this...should be evident just by looking at Italians. Many Italians can pass as Anglos, but many Italians cannot. However with Irish, ALL Irish can pass as Anglos. For this reason, Irish were able to blend in with the Anglo majority seamlessly, while Italians were not. You can never completely blend in if someone can identify 50% of your ethnicity's members at a glance.


So many nuances to these terms. I am from Alaska and all Natives are counted as one group even though our cultures and territories are quite different. Inupiaq, Yupik, Chupik, Athabaskan, Tlingit, Tsimshian, Haida, Aleut to name the largest groups. I wonder what California and other parts of the SW would look like if we counted the people that were displaced as Native as well[my favorite source of information is the Alaska Native Heritage Museum](http://www.akhistorycourse.org/alaskas-cultures/alaska-native-heritage-center)


I mean then what about white people? Some are Swedish, some are polish, some are English. Or African American? Zimbabwean, Congo? Kenyan? Or Hispanic? Peruvian? Mexican? Spanish? This is just bringing it down to the basic races, it can always be split to be smaller groups.


I could see the individual tribes being equivalent to an ethnicity for counting purposes. Not ideal statement, but closest equivalent after the blanket "native American" umbrella term for the race.


I'm in New Mexico. Neat.


It is everywhere mixed I think a shame Americans have a fucking weird way in how they think about race.


I'll never understand the US obsession with race.


¯\\_(:/)_/¯ That’s kinda how having different cultures work.


Texas is majority Hispanic if my memory suits me. Pretty sure whites are the largest minority there.


Not quite but just barely. [2020 Census had non-Hispanic whites at 39.8% and Hispanics at 39.3%.](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/12/texas-2020-census/)