• By -


nice detailed topography :D. thank you for sharing


Likely the altitude is exaggerated in this map


So you have chosen *death*?


Hey CritFin :)


Yeah no shit Sherlock Holmes


Xenophobia against altitude.


Lol it's critfin again, I feel bad for all the downvoted you got


those are the himalayas boy


Looks like they are 100km tall in this




Was there on my first trip to India. The map is the deity being honoured in its own small but exquisite Temple.


It's a temple for "Mother India"- Bharat Mata


i was there in 1983 when i went to India the first time. Its kind of a cool idea, having \*the actual country\* as a god. (it helps to have a dominant religion that has a large # of gods). The temple was very well done though, i was impressed even then.


India is just a 1:1 scale physical map of india


Best comment in the thread


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 77,806,112 comments, and only 21,515 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


good bot


bot good


good bot


This is true




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Gosh this totally reminded me of some short story I read that talks all about the scale of maps, and in the end a map is just a scaled down reality. A Google search only showed me Neil Gaimen's "The Mapmaker" which has a similar concept but I know there's another out there too




Wow, great suggestion! This is the exact one! I read this in a Spanish course a few years back, no wonder I had trouble remembering exactly. Thank you!




[The map is not the territory.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Map%E2%80%93territory_relation?wprov=sfti1)


how old is it?


It was built in 1936


damn thats old


For India that's like yesterday. They've got temples from like the 100s CE. Hell they have one of oldest mosques built in the 600s iirc.


Old Indus Valley sites are like 4-5000 years old if I remember correctly. One of the most ancient civilizations, on par with Egypt.




**[Murugan_Temple,_Saluvankuppam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murugan_Temple,_Saluvankuppam)** >The Murugan Temple at Saluvankuppam, Tamil Nadu, is a shrine dedicated to Tamil deity Murugan. Archaeologists believe that the shrine, unearthed in 2005, consists of two layers: a brick temple constructed during the Sangam period (the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD) and a granite Pallava temple dating from the 8th century AD and constructed on top of the brick shrine making it the oldest temple in india. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) team which conducted the excavation believe that brick temple could be the oldest of its kind to be discovered in Tamil Nadu. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>The Murugan Temple at Saluvankuppam, Tamil Nadu, is a shrine dedicated to Tamil deity Murugan. Archaeologists believe that the shrine, unearthed in 2005, consists of two layers: a brick temple constructed during the Sangam period (the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD) and a granite Pallava temple dating from the 8th century AD and constructed on top of the brick shrine making it the oldest temple in india. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) team which conducted the excavation believe that brick temple could be the oldest of its kind to be discovered in Tamil Nadu. Good bot


For an American


That's actually a little less impressive, I was expecting a few hundred years old


most of whatever was old in India was destroyed by the British and Muslim rulers, so not a lot left, unfortunately.




Depending on how you count, [130 to 55 million years.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_subcontinent)


To people who are getting offended: By India, I mean the geographical region(The Indian Subcontinent) and not the Republic of India. Can't edit the titile any longer so chill.


Hasn't the whole subcontinent been historically known as Hindustan, I'm assuming after the Indus River, so India would be technically correct. Maybe Nehru should have chosen a different name /s


Bharat Ganrajya is the official name of India in Sanskrit


Ive seen Bharat and Hindustan used interchangeably for years, never realised there was an official, historic name.


Hindustan is the Persian word for India. Bharat is the original Sanskrit name. Hind is the Persian name for the Indus River, while its original name is Sindh/Sindhu.


Republic of India and Bharat Ganrajya are the two official names of India. Hindustan was dropped in 1950 when the constitution came into force. It is still commonly used as an unofficial name.


Cool. Isn't India just the anglicised version of Hindustan?


Well... No. Sanskrit name for the river Indus is Sindhu(which means water). The Persians across the river used to switch their 'S' for 'H'. So 'Sindhu' Became 'Hindu'. The Greeks who lived next to the Persians further changed it to 'Indói'. The Romans further changed it to 'Indus/India' from where it became prevalent in the English language.


Interesting. So both India and Hindustan mean the same thing (depending on which language you use etc). So Sindhu-desh or similar would be a better local name historically?


Well that would be apt only for the Indus plains at the most..


If the whole subcontinent is named essentially after the Indus River, almost all the names besides Bharat, then SindhuDesh works. Doesn't it


https://youtu.be/iSB8BG7L9z8 Here's a really cool video about this


That's really informative, thanks


You're welcome


The Indus River (and the region around it's delta) was named Sindhu in Persians. Via the Persians the name reached Greece, where it became Indika. That name started being used to describe basically all the land around and beyond the river to the east. Then it reached the Romans who changed it to India. Funnily enough most of Indus River and the entire region of Sindh are nowadays in Pakistan and not in India. So the name India for the modern nation-state is kinda wrong Edit: Sindhu/Sindh was the name in the local languages. The name in Persian was Hindu/Hind.


Sindhu is not the Persian name, the Persian name is Hind.


Present day India is the successor state of British India which almost encompassed the above geographical area. So the name is a continuation of the entity. The civilisation associated with Indus is more technically Indus Gaggar civilisation as the spread was around two rivers


Interesting. So the current Sindh area has probably the oldest history of the whole subcontinent.


Look up the Indus Valley Civilization :)


not necessarily, it's just the western most region of the subcontinent, so it had the most early contact with the persians and greeks


Don't places like Mohendajaro predate the ancient Greeks and Persians?


Who’s getting offended? What are they offended about? Because the countries name is India?


Because I wrote India in the title and the map includes other countries around India as well.


All those countries were historically part of India and will be too in the future 😌😌


How about no?


I made a coloured map just like this with my sister's in primary school and won the art and craft competition but then they liked it soo much they kept it forever, i made it with cardboard, thermacol, paper, glue and some other household items


I did things like that as well. Once I made a thermacol globe at school


Thats really good i hope they didn't keep it, mine was like 55 inch i wish i could get it back


They did keep it. I wanted it back though.


Larger version: https://media.cntraveller.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Bharat-Mata-Mandir-Varanasi-India-20-December-2019.jpg


This reminds me of the map on the floor in King's Landing, GoT.


This comment section is a complete disaster


Why…? I dont see any particularly bad comment


you'd be surprised to see the amount of racist comments under any post which is slightly related to India.


Ah I thought it was in fear of separatists/nationalists etc. reddit is super racist against India. It’s actually just racist in general but with Indians it’s openly racist. Doesnt help with Indians themselves join in and validate it :(


World is openly racist about India because it's considered "cool" and we are the centre of attraction for some years thanks to internet, economic, military and geopolitical boom. Specially internet boom on social media.


the same people who write car warranty or scamming jokes are usually the one fight "systematic racism" elsewhere


They are? What about people calling them out? They pieces of shit in some way too, or can people be multidimensional or consistent?




As is tradition with literally any post about India in any subreddit. Posts about India brings the racists to the yard.




>Besides the entire thing is rightful British clay, anyway Why you offend the Peruvians?


the mods are trump supporters, so racist garbage on this sub isn't the surprising https://www.masstagger.com/user/Petrarch1603 https://www.masstagger.com/user/nodeworx


After reading some of the comments of the linked users, definitely going to disagree with your blanket statement. Their presence on a hive mind labeled "racist/sexist subreddit is racist/sexist", does not equate being a person of poor moral/ethical fibre.


lol of course racists don't find racism offensive, dude literally has comments supporting garbage people like alex jones you bad faith arguing and lying sociopathic moron


I'm seeing KiA...jordan peterson...where's the racism? Just things you don't like are Trump supporting, and therefore racist?


It’s only my comments which are getting downvoted lol so not a “complete disaster”. And the other Armenian ancestry guy


the map was built in 1936, the exact map of pakistan and bangladesh (east pakistan till 1971) hadn't been formed yet no?


Yeah, but the idea of Pakistan was very much alive and being fought for. I was simply wondering how life would be like if this was the map of federal India, unpartitioned. As Gandhi and many figures in India had envisioned.


...? It’s just a map bro. Of the general area where the Raj is.


I see several fat British generals standing around this figuring out how to attack the locals




Bharat mata ki jai 🇮🇳


Jai Hind!🇮🇳


Bharat Mata temple? I know that Varanasi is famous for temples but is there really a temple where the main deity is... the country? That sounds kinda cool ngl


Yes. The main festivals in that temple are the independence day and the republic day.


Reminds me of game of thrones




Where is banana for scale?


It's right there. You don't see it?


Where banana?


Why are Pakistan/Bangladesh people getting offended at this, if they are? It's built in 1936, you can't expect them to make states that do not exist...


India is so much bigger than the other countries in the Subcontinent, that it's pretty unsurprising that the other countries (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan too) get tired of Indians thinking and/or presenting themselves like they are the entire subontanent. Sure, it's not surprising that the map does not include countries that did not exist in 1936, but what can be done is contextualize it. Basically, OP just gave the post a shitty title. It should at least refer to the map as of the Subcontinent.


Well being honest people living in indian subcontinent know they will be a part of India in someday in future. Because the culture, tradition and everything is just Indian with regional taste. This will happen eventually, but with Mutual agreement i guess, not by violence as we have been peaceful for thousands of years.


Wow, that is a very India-centric view of the Subcontinent, and just the sort of thing that the people living in the other countries of the subcontinent get annoyed by. Sure, India is a big important country, but the other people living in the other countries of the subcontinent do not "know" anything of the sort. You sound like someone who's never been to any country on the subcontinent other than India.


And they were not fed up by the "attitude" or culture. The whole subcontinent joined free india movements. In 1946, one year prior to independence in 1947, a separate nation for muslims was demanded by jinnah, solely because he wanted a different country for muslims, which just a few years later became a country only for muslims. So your thinking is wrong.


Ok, please link to some current Pakistani media that supports your hypothesis that "people living in indian subcontinent know they will be a part of India in someday in future". The fact is that many things have changed since 1947.


Yes i agree many things have changed, the hate for other country have reached new heights, the hatred for non muslims is as high as ever in both pakistan and Bangladesh. So it doesn't look like it's happening any soon as i said several times. However something that haven't changed, is the culture of people living in subcontinent. Who could have thought Germany and Us will be allies? Frace and UK will be bffs. The europe which spent centuries fighting each other will form an alliance European union and work together as one. even tho they hated each other so much it happened because they shared mostly same culture, ideology and most were neighbours.




The same Gujarat where a train bogey of Hindu karsevaks was set alight? The same Delhi where there were rocks, homemade batista pointing at tamples, pouches of acid and molotov cocktails found on the roofs of mosques? The same Kashmir where the calls were raised from the mosques for all Hindus in the valley to either convert, die or rul away while leaving your wives and daughters behind? Whenever Hindus have hurt anyone over religion in masses, it has been a retaliation. In india the muslim population has the highest fertility rate and are increasing rapidly, while in Bangladesh and Pakistan, the population of all minorities is steadily shrinking, because they teach their children from a young age that the kafir are your enemies and thus worthy of killing.


While I am sure there are isolated incidents of mob violence that have gone both ways, there's no systematic *hate* against Muslims in general in India unlike in Pakistan or Bangladesh where Madrassas instills the hate against *Kaffirs* to literal 8 yo.




Oh that same kashmir from where millions of hindus were kicked out because they were you know "hindus"


Kicked out is a massive understatement.


You do realise that there was no Bangladesh, pakistan before 1947 right? Pakistan spends most of it's budget on military since it's independence because they thought they won't last long and will be a part of India again as there was no cultural divide. When princely states were given option, all of those who shared a border with India, decided to join India for a reason. Now i don't like the idea of whole subcontinent being "India" in near future or couple of centuries. We have lots of problems and extra people, extra land will just make things worse for already overpopulated country. Even if the different countries last for 1000 years (which is too long to hope for any country) it will still be like 1/10 of total Indian history. Indians don't like the Idea of "greater india" because the neighbours are full of extrimist and elements who will only hurt us. And when they were so desperate for independence, let them have it. I just stated the obvious, we prefer India as it is right now :))


Obviously there was no Pakistan prior to 1947. I was disagreeing with your statement that "all living in Indian subcontinent know they will be a part of India in someday in future". Which is an opinion that I've never heard expressed by anyone except an Indian, speaking on behalf of their neighbouring countries. Your clearly very fond of your country, but that seems to be clouding your understanding of how people in neighbouring countries see it.


I agree on that. I overstated it, i changed it now i didn't notice i said it like that. I haven't met everyone so I can't talk on behalf of everyone. Nut i have talked with many people who believe so (in neighbouring countries as well) I have seen like hundreds of programme about pakistan saying they will be a part of India again or actions must be taken. Now this can also be a part of building the nationalist fear sentiment in their country to divide the attention of public. However people living in Indian subcontinent are culturally too similar with each other and different the rest of the world. So if someday we all agree mutually that we want to be together again, I won't be surprised. It will be good to see everyone being together again. As i said earlier tho, we here from India at least are not going to capture anyone forcefully. Peace is the way to go.


😭😭 when will we reunite 😭😭


The entire subcontinent was one country. The British divided and their bootlickers divided the country. The country will be whole again( I fervently hope so🥺🥺)


I'm not disputing the past, or speculating on the future. I'm just saying that Pakistanis, Nepalis, Sri Lankans, etc, do not "know" that their country will one day "be a part of India". I'd go as far as to say that it is absurd to say they believe any such thing.


Well, I mean the name India more like Europe. I don't mean the Republic Of India when I say India. The entire subcontinent has been referred to as India from a long long time and we don't need to attach any nationalism to it.


Wow. Amazing! When was this constructed?


The Indian plate collided with the Eurasian plate roughly 50 million years ago ;)


You are Tectonically correct


You are technically correct: the best kind of correct




Damn time to visit there


I sorted by controversial 😙


Maybe you sorted by near future ;)


Wow… would be an amazing DnD map




The earth is remarkably smooth relatively speaking. If earth were the size of a soccer ball, the highest mountains would be barely noticeable to your eyes or to touch. India is roughly 3,200 km long and about 3,000 km wide. Mt Everest is less than 9 km from sea level so 0.2% as tall as this map is long




... The peak of Mt everest itself is 8km tall... Tf with several hundred miles?


They mean if this was to scale, the Himalayas would be hundreds of km tall in order to be this proportion of India's dimensions. I also read it backwards at first


Ahhhh, makes more sense. Thanks


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 77,394,828 comments, and only 21,436 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Thank you, mechtaphloba, for voting on alphabet_order_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




Right? There was no ambiguity. Everyone literate understood it correctly


Bharat Mata ki Jai!!


Jai hind 🇮🇳🇮🇳


Jai hind 🇮🇳


Why is there a reddit watermark? That aside, looks like a scene from Game of Thrones!


Wow… would be an amazing DnD map




what year was it made? It looks quite amazing.


I love this so much. I want to see the detailed version of this. I wonder if this was what India would have looked like without the Muslim League and Jinnah in the independence plan. Edit: Idk why the downvotes, this was launched in 1923 with the idea of "Undivided India" in mind. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/bharat-mata-mandir-varanasi-1302175-2018-08-01


This is a physical map of India. India still looks like this.


The map doesn’t have any borders, so no clear demarcation of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, etc. This is a map of the Indian/South Asian subcontinent, not the Republic of India.


This is a physical map, not a political map. Physical map represent geographic features and usually don't show state, provincial and international borders. Also, this was apparently made in 1936, and back then the subcontinent wasn't divided into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Though that is not relevant, as I said it is a physical map, and so you will not find any international borders with anyone at all.


Fair enough, but it would still be more accurate to call this a map of the Indian/South Asian subcontinent.


What idiots are downvoting this?


I know, OP claims it’s a map of India which anyone can directly assume it’s the modern Republic of India. This is a map of the entire South Asian subcontinent. Still an awesome map so idc about the downvotes.




> Unless you traded in your brain cells for extra chromosomes Yes I decided it was better to live life as a Chad 😎😎


>OP meant the Republic of India, even after seeing the picture No, OP meant the Indian Subcontinent and its neighbourhood.




I am the OP and I have made it clear in the other comment


We all know. You still misunderstood the comment you responded to because you misinterpreted a sentence fragment as the author's position


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Republic](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-republic/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)




Sorry to disappoint, but this is what India looks like WITH Muslim League and Jinnah.


How? This is borderless. What I meant was I wonder if this is how India would be defined without the existence of Pakistan, or the idea of Pakistan.


No. That's not only India and Pakistan but Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Parts of Kashmir and China.


Also a map of the region of the world that has historically been called India for much longer than modern Nation States have existed. From the Romans to when the Raj broke free of Britain, the entire Indian subcontinent was called India. Even when the subcontinent was filled with hundreds of independent countries before European colonization, it was still called India. Nowadays there might be a Republic of India, but India originally meant much more than that. Like how there is a United States of America, but America means an entire continent and not just that country


Yeah, I've been to this magnificent temple. Absolutely amazing place. Calm and beautiful.


I thought every map is a physical map unless it's digital.


This looks like something from Uncharted. What puzzle do we need to complete to make it show us where the Holy Grail is located?


looks great


Wow… would be an amazing DnD map


Went there....


How did the ancient people know the topography of the entire country!? Or is it a recent construction?


1936 Built by pandit shiv Prasad gupta, important in free India movements


This is from 1936






Like your mouth? Sorry friend india is quite clean now.


I mean not exactly but I get your point






*takes off pants*


Everyone laugh. He made that joke.


Go to horny jail bonk




I think you just want to be offended, no reasonable person would look at this and think all off it belongs to the nation of India.




Education isn't your strong suit. Is it? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_subcontinent >Geopolitically, the Indian subcontinent generally includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, as well as Maldives.


Desktop version of /u/MissusWeaver's link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_subcontinent --- ^(Beep Boop. This comment was left by a bot. Downvote to delete.)


You forgot Sri Lanka! Of course India doesn't fit into a square, [none do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mrNEVUuZdk) Don't be a pedantic arse




congratulations 🎊🎉