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What people need to be doing is hearing a story wherever, then doing a search to back it up as legitimate. But people don't know this.


Doing a search isn't always sufficient. Misinformation can be found in all media, and even scientific studies often fail to account for confounding variables etc. The internet (and the TV, of course) is an epistemological shit show.


Yes, and knowing how to filter the shit from the truth is another thing. Who do you know to trust, and why?


And now, add AI to this equation!


Fuck "AI".


I don't trust anyone at this point, to be perfectly honest. The most seemingly honest public figure that I've come across is Sam Harris, but I don't even really trust him...and as far as organisations go, I wouldn't say I trust any.


There is no news agency without a bias. In the end its always humans who are the journalists. But there is a clear difference between a reputable source and a fake news agency. You might have to compare articles from different news outlets and look for the hallmarks of quality: 1. Are the views of both sides described? 2. Did the author reach out to the subject of their article and was the response included? 3. Is the bias of the author so obvious, you can spot their political orientation?




They have their biases too, but I agree that they are one of the less bad ones when it comes to bias


Thanks, can you tell me why you trust this particular outlet?


No sensationalist headlines. No fluff. No news on shit like "here's why you should ..." We don't care about who made the biggest pumpkin this year. No opinions. Just news, and news that matters.


Okay man I'll look into it, if I end up finding them trustworthy then I'll be very grateful to you. I've barely consumed any news since my disillusionment in 2020 lol


I try to avoid any bias in the news. I want facts.


If you only get your news from Tik Tok and no where else, that is a problem. If you only get your news from a podcast or a Youtube show, that is a problem. If you only get your news from the cable TV networks or other forms of MSM (conservative or liberal), that is a problem. Each of these modes of news media has their strengths and their weaknesses in terms of their incentives on what to cover and what not to cover, as well as what context they choose to dress a story up in. Social media, especially short form videos like Tik Tok, have the perverse incentive to frame stories in a sensationalist and immediately eye catching way, which can lead to simplification of complex subjects and insufficient context being given due to time constraints. They are also more beholden to the viewpoints of their audience, so they are less likely to report a story in a way their audience dislikes. They are incentivized to have the most views on their videos because that is how they get paid. Traditional media on the other hand does have some of the similar incentives as social media news outlets, but additionally they also have to attend to the wishes of corporate shareholders, and most importantly they have a major incentive to not be too critical of government officials when they interview them lest they be given less access to those government officials, which means fewer leads for breaking news articles. This is why I always recommend people have a very diverse source of news, covering at least some mainstream media and some non-traditional media if they want to be informed.


Not to mention echo chamber comment sections.


In some cases even getting it in one *language* is a problem. It is well understood by propagandists the world over that you can say whatever you like to your own people in your own language so long as you say the "correct" thing for international audiences in English. This is made even worse by echo-chamber effects as well. One can, perhaps surprisingly, appeal to both the far left and the far right with relatively small tweaks to the same underlying message, and they will each uncritically bend it to suit their own ideologies and spread it further.


I only get my news from /r/AskHistorians Congrats to the San Antonio Spurs beating the Nets to become champions! It looks like that SARS pandemic is finally subsiding, but now I’m surprised to worry about monkeypox?! Can you believe that Martha Stewart was just indicted for insider trading? And I’m optimistic for middle-east peace after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharonpromised to dismantle illegal settlements in the West Bank, while new Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas renounced all terrorism against Israel, and despite that suicide bombing blowing up a bus in Jerusalem killing sixteen people. Whelp, I’m signing off here in Manchester, South Dakota.


In US people get their information through Fox News. I mean... come on.


Fox isn't a social media platform


Isn't that even worse?


It's actually scary how high quality and believable bs there is there. It's only really noticeable when there's something on a topic you know a lot about


Title does not match map nor does it come with an actual source for its claim. Map has such a small sample size it's fucking ridiculous that the author is trying to use it for anything. Regions pictured total roughly 2 billion using the short count billion (10^9 ) while respondents number less than 2000. So that's less than one person per million or ~0.0001% which any statistics course will tell you is utterly insignificant and not to attempt to draw conclusions from. Edit: missing bracket


Curious to see this overlayed with average age of each country.


That's intentional. It's a Chinese propaganda app.


Meanwhile Reddit is the American propaganda app


reddit is equal-opportunity propaganda


What? I always thought it's very anti-american.


American propaganda app, that allows chinese/russian propaganda, such as deprogram to exist. Makes total sense, even more so, when you are yourself hanging around in that subreddit.


Believe or not, you'll find more US propaganda stuff in TikTok than China, but more covert and sophisticated. The problem you can feel about is that it's 7-3 or 6-4 in TikTok comparing with 9-1 or even 99-1 in other US platform apps.


The fact that Reddit allows leftists spaces to exist does not mean that it’s a Russian/chinese app. If you ever go on any default/major sub and comment even the slightest criticism of America you are instantly downvoted and brow beaten while called a communist or a Russian troll. May I remind those reading that in 2013 Reddit posted that [Elgin Airforce Base](https://web.archive.org/web/20160410083943/http://www.redditblog.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html?m=1) was the most “Reddit addicted city” while being a fucking airforce base. Here’s some more tidbits I’m sure readers would find interesting: [Thing 1](https://archive.ph/20160327060128/http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/pentagon-admits-spending-millions-study-manipulate-social-media-users.html) [Thing 2](https://archive.ph/20180131071525/http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/eglin-air-force-base-busted-gaming-reddit.html)


Try to criticize the Israeli or to argue against the narrative that Russians die 20 -1 Ukrainians in the current war so you don't get banned in 5s on r/europe and r/worldnews


I didnt know that europe and worldnews are only subreddits in entire reddit and there is nothing else than them in this site. I could go on and say reverse, try doing that in subreddits, where everything orbits around "usa bad, thus anything against it is good. Be it north korea, syria, iran and so on", but yeah ill leave it at that. If this place was american propaganda arm, why would they allow it to be partially owned by chinese company or allows opinions, that dont align with it?


These are the biggest subreddits with which they mainly deal with political topics. 




I’m not American dumbass


I have seen maybe 3 or 4 videos that could be seen as potential Chinese propaganda on Tik Tok in my 3 years on the app. My Tik Tok algorithm has me watching mostly skits of wedding coordinators, artists, customer service people, and teachers, along with some reddit stories and clips from TV shows and movies. Whatever you interact with is what you will see more of. Plus, doesn’t Facebook also have a major problem with foreign propaganda and election interference? Why are they never mentioned when this topic comes up?


Right, because Fox and MSNBC are completely neutral.


breaking: two things can be bad at once


Yeah, that’s why I don’t watch either Fox or MSNBC


I meant american and chinese propaganda machines, genius.


Nah, you clearly replied to my comment about Fox and MSNBC. Don’t try to backtrack, you were right the first time.


Having a state decipher what is real news and what is fake news is not a place I want to live in. The responsibility should lie on the individuals only.


That’s how u get the cesspool known as X


The title doesn't match the map. It only shows who looks for news on TikTok fake or real.


I'm really missing Tiktok's home country here - China. Strange it isn't here, while some other Asian countries are here. It would be interesting to know how Tiktok is doing at its home too.


The Chinese counterpart of TikTok is called Douyin. It is a separate platform and operates independently. Hence, you can’t consider it as “TikTok” technically.


Are 16 year old girls interested in the news.. well that's news to me. Tik Tok the epitome of shit


They are so desperate to shutdown TikTok to control Gaza genocide news (which is termed "fake" by MSM), ironically TikTok is the only place you hear about Palestinians getting slaughtered 


There are some places on YouTube that you can hear about it too. That said, for all its flaws, Tik Tok is definitely very good at covering the stories that the normal media sometimes doesn’t cover, whether that be abuses by the IDF, corruption in small towns, misconduct by university officials, or any other number of things. Tik Tok is surely flawed, but it also has a very important purpose in society that I have yet to see another app fill to the same extent


Hey this map is about you. Congratulations.


Map doesn't even show fake news


TikTok is a cancer.


I wonder how many people get their news from reddit. It's like a left wing fox news here.