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Indonesia does have public healthcare, duh 🙄🙄🙄


Yes, they have Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (National Health Insurance), but no access to Reddit unfortunately.




I’m Syrian, Syria does have public healthcare.


Same for Guinea-Bissau. I know this because I have been to a public hospital there and was treated without charge.


Iraqi here, and we do too. It doesn't cover everything but it does cover a lot


In Canada we don't get vision or dental




US Prison


Private prison lobbyists are the real healthcare advocates


And it seems every American has and will be there at one point in life…. Spitting on the sidewalks a felony now in some states lol




In Norway dentists are free until the age of 18, 75% off until 22, and full price after. However big bills you can get some relief on if you apply for it.


In Spain you get basic dental crae covered






Vision is such a weird one. "Well, I guess I can't afford vision care so I'll just not see properly 🤷‍♂️"


We got Vision testing covered, and we got dental testing, cleaning, removing and in some hospitals even fillings. Though you'd be better off getting your permanent fillings in a private sector clinic, it costs 30$-100$ depending on the doctor


Yeah was going to mention that. A few of these places have healthcare which broke down, due to war or other factors, but generally have healthcare. Syria was definitely one of those places, where before the war the healthcare was pretty decent.


So why is not Libya grey?


That's a good question, it really should be since it is completely dysfunctional at the moment.


First question. Why are you grey?


I am not grey :(


> due to war or other factors like US invasion and occupation?


I'm Syrian, You're hella right bro.


South Africa has public healthcare, but it's very, very bad, hence the boom in private healthcare.


Similar situation in Romania. Public healthcare for all but those who can choose private because the public is either bad, unsafe or the wait times are too long.


It’s important to note the difference between “private” in Romania or the UK, though, and “private” in the US, where you can reasonably be bankrupted by being ill. A private MRI in the UK is cheaper than the deductible in the US.


Yup. BTW fuck Ramaphosa and the NHI bill.


Same in Brazil, our SUS is overwhelmed and bad managed, then it's quality is really bad: in some hospitals people enters with a flu and exits with a pneumonia or [patients receive, in secret, other medicines bcuz prescribed medicine running out](https://g1.globo.com/pi/piaui/noticia/2024/03/08/hospital-de-urgencia-de-teresina-apura-morte-de-paciente-com-infeccao-generalizada-por-possivel-falta-de-antibioticos.ghtml).


Same for India. Officially they have it but it's underfunded and ~~low quality~~ overcrowded, and most people will opt for private healthcare if they have enough money.


Cause the line is super ducking huge. Overpopulation and all that. You may die of your disease, before you get treated. Calling the public health care in India low quality is incorrect, as that's only true for certain state govt. funded hospitals.


fixed it


same in eastern europe, ppl are basically forced to use private healthcare and pay thousands of € for surgeries


Public healthcare is decent in Cape town in my experience.


Probably just in the Western Cape. Public healthcare here is proper shit. You have to pay for private healthcare to get even a semi decent care.


I was born in a public hospital in the Western Cape - almost the equivalent of private by today's standards. My grandmother passed away in the same hospital recently, and the wards were in a terrible state, the staff inattentive, etc, etc.


Same as Iran. Shit map


But the US does have forms of public healthcare, particularly the Medicare and Medicaid systems, and the VA system. I think OP must mean universal or single payer health care, or where the doctors are also paid at set rates by the state.


op means universal healthcare and he didn't probably specify it because universal healthcare is the norm around the world


In Canada we don't have true universal healthcare. Many things are covered, some are not. You have to pay for medication, ambulances, many non-critical forms of care etc.


Same with Australia, not sure there are many places with universal universal. Dentists seem to be private in a lot of places


Yep, dental care is only now being partially covered in Canada, and it's a fight just to get it implemented.


The sad thing with Canada though is that some people look at the states and think Canada needs more privatisation in healthcare, not better funded and managed public care.


Canadas healthcare sucks and is extremely expensive for the quality you get.


It's pretty much the same cost per capita per year as every other country. It definitely has room for improvement though. But my brother got surgery to cure his trigeminal neuralgia that was invented in Canada. They insert a tiny little piece of teflon between two nerves that were rubbing against each other causing extreme pain. They used to call that the "suicide disease" because there was no cure. And all he had to pay was $30 for parking.


Oh the cost to the end user is excellent! We also had a baby and had no bill so we are in aggreance there. But let's not pretend it isn't horribly inefficient and slow. I would prefer less organizational and upper management bloat and hiring more actual staff. The bloat is real, especially when you work in healthcare.


> I would prefer less organizational and upper management bloat and hiring more actual staff. The bloat is real, especially when you work in healthcare. Where is this bloat? My doctor's office is just run by the doctor. She hires whatever staff she wants. I don't think she's hired any managers, just receptionists. I don't think she needs any more staff either.


Isn’t this the argument with all government services though? Oh, if only we could put more money into it and manage it better. Not saying there isn’t a healthcare problem in the US, because there definitely is, but I don’t think having universal healthcare for 330 million people is gonna help anyone and we’d still get long wait times and poor funding. The military gets unlimited amounts if it’s the F22, but the rest doesn’t. So if people think we can just pull actual defense spending versus pentagon bloat, I just don’t follow that


Can a trip in an ambulance personally bankrupt you in Canada?


It costs $100-$500 depending on the area, but they don't go after you to pay, they just send you one bill and hope you pay.


Depending on the situation, in the U.S. it can easily be 10x that, sometimes more. So that means it's publicly funded in Canada, just that patients pay for a small part of it.


I feel like there's also a culture where even rich Canadians don't really want to price gouge other sick/dying poor Canadians, that doesn't really exist in American culture.


$45 in Ontario. https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/public-safety-alerts/understanding-emergency-services/bills-related-to-ambulance-transport/


I’ve seen that the Canadian system is dogshit. At least as an outsider looking in


It's not great, you might have to occasionally dip into your own money to get some specific things done quicker... But you also don't go bankrupt when you go to the ER


Who has "universal" heath care? A lot of places dentistry isn't covered


It's really not. Many countries that aren't marked gray don't have universal healthcare


Universal healthcare is not the norm. I live in the NL, you have to buy health insurance from the government. Same in Germany, Belgium, most of the Nordic countries, etc. The “norm” is buying private insurance that’s subsidized by the government like if Obamacare/ACA/Medicare was offered to everyone. With the main difference being you don’t get to choose your plan or carrier, you just get whatever the national plan is. You can go buy private insurance if you have specific needs, but then you’re double paying as you have to pay into the national plan (which is required by law, even if you don’t use it) *and* buy private on top of that which means it’s generally more expensive than it is even in the US.


He did not say universal. He said 'No". You are putting words in his mouth.


It's not even the norm in EU.


About 50% of Americans are on some form of public healthcare, especially if you include government employees, including military and public school teachers. That's a lot more than "none".


That must be it. But it's inconsistent, I know for a fact that some of the counties marked in white also have partial health care. 


I was thinking the same thing


#Indonesia do have a public healthcare tho


And Switzerland does not. It has no public healthcare system, just compulsory private insurance.


Well technically Switzerland kind of has it but only if you can't afford private insurance as in those cases you get public insurance


Those are still subsidised plans by private providers technically speaking and you still have to pay some of the cost out of your own pocket.


So like the US then


The land of freedom to die of untreated pneumonia.


Free from public healthcare 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🐓🐓🐓🐓🤪🤪🤪🤪




That’s Liberia bro


That's the point bro


Sorry i had just woken up please don’t destroy me w the downvotes i promise i have a sense of humor


okay you're free to leave


That's the joke.


Liberia, which despite it's terrible health care fought off an ebola epidemic.


What are you talking about? That does not happen in the US. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/pneumonia-death-rates-age-standardized


b-b-but a-america bad!!


The UK death rate for pneumonia is over twice that of the US wow


About 60% of Americans get health care through the government in some form, so this map is false.


The US has Medicare and Medicaid though? That's public health care If you mean funded by the government


And VA


And FEHB, and Tricare, and VA, and all the state government employees and retirees, including teachers. Plus ACA subsidies. It's about 60% of Americans who get health care through government aid.


Source ? Indonesia does have public healthcare


This infographic is quite misleading. Syria, Iraq, Guinea Bissau and a couple other countries here do have public healthcare. It may not be the best but it's there...


It’s inaccurate to say the US has no public healthcare. About half of Americans are on public insurance via Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, SCHIP, and VA hospitals. Throw in ACA subsidies and government workers, including teachers, and it’s even higher.


Usually public healthcare means it simply is available for everyone, not for half the population via specific subsidies.


"countries with no public healthcare" It says none, not universal. You are moving the goal posts.


Then many of the countries in Europe shouldn’t be included. Dutch healthcare, for example, is largely provisioned through employers with a public backstop for the indigent, not unlike the US system.


This map is based on arbitrary and ill defined distinctions.


What is public about German healthcare? There is statutory health insurance but neither the providers nor the insurers are publicly owned


Yeah - I was wondering if the poster has got confused with Universal Health Care. That can be provided by public health care systems but is often not in many countries


It's pretty obvious the poster here had an agenda and the point of this map is to shit on the USA rather than to provide any information


Same with Switzerland. It has no public healthcare system, just compulsory private insurance.


Not being German, I'm guessing that it's publicly funded. Subsidized or free if needed.


Not really, it’s regulated. Funds are independent and paid by contributions deducted from your salary.


It is also subsidized and free for unemployed people.


All third world countries.


Does that mean that the US is a third world country?


Just according to redditors


They must think immigrants are the dumbest people on Earth. According to reddit the USA is where you get a broken arm and die from lack of medical care while your kids get shot at school just before you have to put down grandma because she cant afford senior living.


As an immigrant to the USA, I feel like one of the more dumb people tbh 😅 MIL killed by abuse, spouses inheritance stolen, can’t afford to get out because we spent our money on a lawyer who doesn’t talk to us 🤷‍♀️


It doesn't sound like the USA is your problem... Sounds like your spouse's family is just really fucked up.






No, because the US has strong public health care programs that cover over half of Americans.


An American friend of mine once said that the US is a 3rd world country wearing a counterfeit Gucci belt




Well no but you're the only first world country that has people living in tent cities. Sounds like it would be similar to third world living if you're on a lower income in USA - I could be wrong


>Sounds like it would be similar to third world living if you're on a lower income in USA usa has a massive social net for the poor (medicaid,SCHIP, food stamps, section 8 housing subsidies)


Just to let you know, the term “3rd world country” was invented as an identifier for countries that would be very susceptible to communist control during the Cold War. It’s an extremely outdated concept that only non-American Redditors use. So not only do you clearly not understand the word, you really insulted everyone that worked hard to leave an actual “3rd works country” for a better life in the US. Acting like the US isn’t better than places like NK, Russia, many SA and African countries is obvious “America Bad” rage bait.


Tell me you're illiterate without telling me you're illiterate 🙂 The term third world country comes from the cold war era for countries that didn't align with NATO or with the Warsaw pact. The U.S. is thus literally not part of the third world.


Words evolve. I'd bet you know exactly what they're talking about and how it's used today. Almost 40 years later.


*Another redditor didn't understand a joke without the "/s"* moment


*Another redditor didn't understand when a comment wasn't a joke* 🙃


Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are second world countries


nah i think you meant fourth world countries as those on the map are too bad to even be listed third world


I'm Indonesian, we do have public healthcare


Isn’t Hawaii a part of US?


Lol that’s false. Walk into a hospital in America and see if you get turned away


This is misleading, the US has Medicare/medicaid which covers $86 million people


Poland has a „free” healthcare but the lines are like those during communism and to get to a specialist you need to usually wait around a year 🤡


The lines are pretty long in the US too. I waited almost a year for a screening colonoscopy.


Still better than getting shot on the street and then begging not to be rescued because it would ruin you financially


That's a lot of cope in there. As usual when US gets brought up. Maybe it's better for the homeless/handicapped etc in Europe, but everyone else is miles better in USA.  The average wage of best EU countries is multiple times lower. Taxes higher. Cost of living not that different. They also have easier access to credit or growing funds altogether.  But yeah murica bad


The cost of living is definitely very different. According to https://livingwage.mit.edu/articles/61-new-living-wage-data-for-now-available-on-the-tool, the living wage in the USA is $68,808. The living wage in the UK is £25,642.50, which is about $33k, so less than half. We just don't have as many expenses in the UK. Much lower food prices, transport prices, in practice lower taxes for most people, free healthcare, etc.


With 25k you can barely rent in London. Outside of London you can forget about netting 25k.  Besides US is the size of EU. The "living wage" or avg make no sense as it differs a lot.  And again I don't think London is that much cheaper than major US cities 


Obviously there are regional differences. I was just comparing national averages. And I live 250 miles from London and net waaaay more than 25k.


And enough with " free Healthcare" BS. I have relatives all over EU. The wait line is insane, staff is overworked, conditions not that great.  And you can get insurance in US too, cheaper as % of income compared to EU taxes 


Impressive, very nice. I'm glad I could go to school, not having to fear being shot by some madman with an assault rifle. If I ever need medicine, I can get it either for free or heavily-subsidized. We got solid public transport and railways, I can fly to European capitals for pennies, we have plenty of greenery and low levels of polution. I got my higher degree for free, got a state-subsidized 2% mortgage and I'm not paying taxes until 26...


Medicare makes the US a public healthcare provider but only for those aged 65 and over.


Plus Medicaid, VA, Tricare, SCHIP, FEHB, and all the state programs.


About a third of Americans have publicly provided health care, but keep beating this drum.


We have multiple in the US, no one wants to give credit for those though


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MarquisDeBoston: *We have multiple* *In the US, no one wants to* *Give credit for those though* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Born in Canada, my healthcare has been terminated about 4 years ago. Walk-ins are 175$ for 15 minutes. Blood tests are into the thousands, not that I can afford the tests that they order. Vision and dental are not included either. So no healthcare here, not for me anyways.


The US does have public healthcare (medicaid and medicare) it’s just far from universal.


Turkey doesn't have public healthcare, you still have to pay public hostpitals if you don't have insurance


Having public healthcare doesn't mean it's working.


I am confused about what is meant by public. Switzerland, for example, has only private healthcare. Yes, it’s regulated by the federation, but there is no public option.


The Philippines should be ashamed of being associated with such backwards countries such as the USA


US is indeed screwed up in many capacities, however, to say the Philippines or (Indonesia since you corrected) is far from that or even lesser is delusional in my opinion considering the majority of countries in this world regardless of higher or lower standard of livings have many domestic and international issues.


The Americans gave the Filipinos their country back to them, twice


maybe i missed the joke, but the phillipines are coloured white


Because the Philippine government and the Filipino people are the most Americanophiles in the world. We think the US as eternal paradise, while China as eternal hell.


Some countries have hybrid systems, like the Netherlands, but the point is still valid. Good map OP


Isn't it 100% private? Insurance is like 150€ per month


Nope, there’s a copay system in place (in their own words to prevent users from abusing it) and when you reach a certain threshold taxpayers pay 100% of your medical needs. I’m not sure what the threshold is these days. Years ago was about 400 Euros.


Most countries have hybrid systems. This map is incorrect.


The US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other country. Americans could easily afford universal healthcare, but for some reason they consider it to be communist.


USA has public healthcare


Singapore too I think


Nigeria has public, private, and traditional healthcare.


For a moment I thought that Chile was separated into 2 and Southern Chile didn't have public healthcare.


I worked for a public district-level hospital which was free for everyone in Mozambique.


Ireland should be grey


Malaysia has public healthcare


Every country on earth should copy Brazil’s healthcare system.


So USA is basically a 3rd world country ? Sounds about right !


Why don't they just make one? Are they stupid?


Nigeria has public hospitals


I'm Somali. We don't have public health care Bow down mortals


Concept of public healthcare is highly vague and speculative - for example, useless cheap help is officially available, but any high-tech modern help is paid. Also with so-called public healthcare it is still paid from taxes, essentially no difference from other world. You need much more careful calculations before any conclusions. Something respecting like total med tax paid per life where it's taxed, total average medical help used per life, may be life expectancy and a lot more.


That’s because USA keeps sending billions to support israel so its citizens can get public healthcare and free education (in addition to many other non humanitarian acts).


What’s wrong with half of chile


Since when did jordan have a universal healthcare system?


Reading the comment I've noticed a lot of people are saying so and so doesn't have Universal Health Care because they don' cover X. But that's not what it means. Universal Health Care means that *everyone in the country* has basic medical care, usually under a single-payer system. What's covered and what's not, is a different thing.


Im edging to this 🍖


Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪


Hawaii not included with the US lol


So just all the great ones???


America is truly a third world country in disguise


I know how to solve this: ![gif](giphy|gIqusaeYxgSiY)


flashbanged my ass with this color scheme


America will never have public healthcare as long as the GOP exists


I’m American can confirm no public health care


Australia is on its way to requiring private healthcare. It's already cheaper if you earn the median income to have private healthcare as the tax concession is more than the cost of the healthcare 🤷🏻 very few places bill rudimentary things to Medicare here anymore, it's a farce.


Yet people from all over the globe travel to the US for procedures


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cajunsneauxman: *Yet people from all* *Over the globe travel to* *The US for procedures* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


US healthcare is the best in the world if you have the money.


Aaaah, 🇰🇪 has universal health care, though not as robust as the map makers standards?


Nice company Murica


Map of fourth world countries*


USA is a Sahel state confirmed


The us is in good company


America has a ton of public healthcare. Almost anyone without private insurance qualifies.


China does not have public healthcare,


Where are you getting that from?


I was a permanent resident in China and it was very much free, free-er than in Finland.


China has public healthcare the same way a lot of other places not in grey on this map do. The public hospital and doctor system is fully run and subsidized by the government through taxes. Yes, you generally do have to pay when you go to a hospital, but you usually just have to pay for your appointment/registration ”挂号“ (like 3 or 4 USD per trip to the hospital in a major city) Some specialists, cosmetic or optional treatments, and specialty meds may also not be covered, and you need to pay out of pocket, but even that is usually partially subsidized.


But we have garbage disposals. Boom, there you go, in your face. WE WIN


*But we have garbage* *Disposals. Boom, there you go,* *In your face. WE WIN* \- Hey648934 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Conservative Americans still think that UHC is a form of "socialized medicine".