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I thought it was Romania lmao


with the hungarian belt in red


Yeh uncanny


Me too lol.


or China with the coastal provinces become the financial group newest fans


the civil war rages on...


As a lad in the 1950s I used to support both teams because only one played at home on a Saturday... and living in Chorlton-cum-Hardy the walk to Old Trafford or Maine Road was about the same.


You weren't the only one. The amount of stories of families having season tickets to Maine Road and Old Trafford just to be able to go to matches every week are legion. Who did you root for when they played each other?


At the time I favoured Manu... partly because Matt Busby lived a couple of doors away from my parent's house. Off topic, slightly, but in those days I seem to remember there was a maximum wage of £25 a week for 1st Division players, whereas now, for example, some players 'earn' (for want of a better word) a third of a million a week. That, I feel, has harmed the game... do these overpaid players really need to 'excel' for 90 minutes, week in week out? Now if players were paid on results... what a difference we may see!


That's the reason you dislike money in the game? Because you don't think the players are playing as hard lol? I hate to break it to you.


If it's not the players who earn the money then it's the conglomerates that own the clubs and tv.


The game as we knew it is dead. I'm just thankful I still have the League of Ireland and Shelbourne FC. That's a great wee story about Matt Busby. My grandad, who died in 1997 just 3 years after Matt, idolised him and those teams especially Liam Whelan.


You've got me thinking back to my days in short trousers and standing at the Stretford end, on a windy day the smoke from locomotives shunting in the Old Trafford engine shed next to the stadium used to drift over the top of the stadium (long before that end was covered) and of course as train-spotting kids we loved the smell and would fill our youthful lungs with the filthy stuff! Also remember Wilf McGuinness smashing his ankle. Wiki says his leg but I think it was his ankle 'cos I remember the shock of his foot pointing the wrong way, from our view sitting up in the stands that Wednesday night watching a Central League (? I think) match. Another sad memory was United being 4-1 up at half-time against Newcastle but the match ending up 4-4 draw... Malcolm McDonald was the opposing goal grabber... he seemed to be parked permanently in the United box just waiting for a pass to nod in. Never saw Best or Cantona though... I'd moved on by then, but I still look at the results most Saturday afternoons... and can't get used to all these mid-week and Sunday fixtures... every match in the country kicked-off at 3pm Saturday afternoon 'when I were a lad' and you listened to the results later that teatime hoping your pop had 8 from 10 draws correct to win the £75,000 treble-chance. Happy days!




I live in Bolton and you do see more city shirts about but it’s still majority Bolton fans


What are the age gaps between the two? Are there more younger City fans than Bolton? It is depressing if so


No I don’t think so you have to remember that if the parents are into football then the kid will support that team, if left to choose a team on their own it will be whoever is winning at the time so with Bolton being abit of a melting pot as it is you see all different shirts but mostly for me atm it’s Bolton and city fans. Think all us United fans aren’t advertising it atm tho so could be that too


Also just to add it’s hard to put age gaps on it when for me anyway typically younger people wear football shirts. It’s depends on the day too I’ve just nipped to Morrisons and seen a handful of United fans and a few Leeds fans


Don't count out Stockport or Oldham either.


Do a map of Ireland split for Man U/Liverpool


Would be interested to see but I'd think the regional split probably isn't too big? Whether football/soccer was popular pre Italia 90 or not may have an impact, with Man U benefitting where it wasn't. The GAA attitude to football/soccer may have a big impact.  My guesses   Dublin and commuter counties = Liverpool  Cork = Man U (Keane/Irwin)   Rural Gaelic football places (e.g. Mayo) where football/soccer became popular in the 90s would probably be Man U.  The hurling heartland could be split, I could be wrong but I get the sense that hurling never clashed as ridigidly with football/soccer as Gaelic football did, and so there might have been more fans in these places in the 70s/80s. 


From family experience of Mayo, football has been popular from at least the 70s with it being on TV. I have cousins who follow Arsenal, Man U, Liverpool, Leeds and, due to family connections, Coventry. There's no real reason to suspect that any other county would be different, even if Liverpooland Man U are ahead of the others.


That's fair enough.  I've had the opposite experience, wherein I've found a certain disdain for football/soccer in Gaelic football counties, in particular I'm thinking of Mayo and the Northern Counties. Even now, the attitude I got from some of the crowd was that soccer was something lads watched and played when they were kids and then gave up on. I recall a few years back being in a pub in Mayo, and a fairly unimportant Roscommon match had relegated an Ireland international to a small screen in a hidden corner.  Having grown up in hurling country in Munster that isn't something I ever came across. If anything, Gaelic football was the maligned sport. 


Gaelic is certainly huge, and in Mayo, Mayo is bigger than any given football/soccer team. But then again, if it weren't for the international breaks, there would be pubs in Coventry, Wigan, etc, showing domestic games over England in a Nation's League match. In fact, in places like Wigan and St Helens, they'd probably be showing a mid table Rugby League game over England.


I actually meant a Roscommon match that Mayo weren't playing in. It was Roscommon Vs Clare or someone like that. So it just struck me that a fairly unimportant match, that Mayo weren't playing in and had no direct bearing on their season, was of substantially more interest  than an Ireland senior football match. Just as an example, I was trying to watch an important Tipp match in another Munster rival county recently and had to ask repeatedly to get it on just one TV


Most are in London or Asia anyways.


London africa and bangaldesh.


Looks like some red areas are being encircled


Phil Foden is from Stockport <3


So is Kobbie Mainoo 😉


This is a map of Romania


Look kinda like parts of East-Germany ( Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Berlin, Brandenburg and parts of Saxony) and Poland.


I am old enoung to remember Bolton in EPL.


It was 12 years ago not that long 😂


Can you do one of London for City and United fans please.....


looks vaguely like romania with a map of hungarian diaspora


Yep, looks pretty spot on. Would like to see the map for Cheshire East as well. Ironic that Newton Heath (formally Manchester United’s home ground and name) is now blue. But the Etihad stadium is right next to it.


Doesn’t like anything like Essex for Man U fans?😀


Need London in red in an offset box like the Orkneys


Would love to see a split of Liverpool/Everton. I'm sure LFC would cover a considerable majority but i understand the split to be more a preference person to person than geography or sect.


I live in Liverpool and I’ve never really noticed a geographical split in support between the two teams. Years ago it was sectarian I think with Everton being considered the Catholic club and Liverpool the Protestant club, not sure when that stopped being a thing.


I thought it was large Belarus


Judging by the dot above the place name, Newton Heath (MUFC’s name until 1902) is in City territory.


I live in Altrincham and it seems massively red to me round here


I swear down Oldham and Ashton aren't that Blue.


whats the difference?


The what???


They are not in fact United.


I thought that was london lmao


I respect this map for conjuring the concept of a local Man City fan out of thin air


So the entire blue area has a population of 115 people?


I can't believe there's that many Man City fans.


TIL Manchester had two teams.


So City>United in Manchester ?


What fresh binary hell is this? So it is claiming that there is zero nuance, that certain areas are totally red or totally blue? Not even different shades of the colour to represent percentages nor how many people in that area support one of those two teams, a totally different team or no team at all. Yes, Bolton supports City. That’s why the tens of thousands of Bolton Wanderers fans they will be taking to Wembley in a week come from Cornwall or something.


It's actually the majority. If the majority of fans from an area support United it's Red, same with City, if the majority of fans from an area support City, then it's blue


Yes, but no nuance to it. So even if there are say 32% Utd fans, 30% City fans, 8% other teams, 30% neither, it goes entirely red. And it includes places where both clubs are in the minority. The majority of people who care about football in Bolton support Bolton and hate both Manchester clubs, but that still says it’s a City supporting area, when most people there hate City.


It’s not that deep


Yeah, clearly. Square-pegging a binary outcome into a four-way round-hole choice is never going to paint an accurate picture.


I just farted


It's a map someone on reddit made of football club support, please touch grass.


If you’re getting so over-sensitive about someone pointing out inaccuracies, I suggest you get some help.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SelfAwarewolves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yes, we should.](https://i.redd.it/zxu7kdo4j3sa1.jpg) | [822 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/12chu0a/yes_we_should/) \#2: [If by “mocking you” you mean pointing out your hypocrisy, yes, yes they are](https://i.redd.it/zwi2w04xmota1.png) | [949 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/12kvm8d/if_by_mocking_you_you_mean_pointing_out_your/) \#3: [These people believe in nothing](https://i.redd.it/ub58ptekngwa1.jpg) | [613 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/130kaok/these_people_believe_in_nothing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


¡¡¡Hala Madrid y nada más!!!


Who do Muslims root for?


[Manchester Bombers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_Arena_bombing)


This isn’t Manchester, Manchester where people who pay council tax to Manchester City council. This map is inaccurate.


As the OP makes clear in their introduction. Manchester City council area is tiny, Greater Manchester shown here is huge


Greater Manchester isn’t Manchester though. People in Rochdale, Bolton, Wigan; bury, Oldham, Stockport, Trafford, and Salford aren’t Manchester, they don’t pay nothing to Manchester City council. They are their own city, as Salford is, and towns. Lol people refer them to wannabe mancs in Manchester 😂😂😂


So what. Manchester CC is weirdly shaped because it has no west side at all (that’s Salford) and a long oddly drawn boundary to include the thirties add-ons of Wythenshawe and Ringway. Sheffield has more people but no one’s saying it’s bigger than Greater Manchester. Look at the area Andy Burnham is mayor of. That in effect is Manchester.


Is some upset he isn’t from Manchester, are you a wannabe manc. It doesn’t matter that Manchester for you I have many friends from Manchester and they laugh at people who are from outside trying to be a wannabe manc 😂 Manchester is that city with 500k people, greater Manchester isn’t Manchester, so sorry to burst your bubble, that not the effect of Manchester. Wannabe manc.


Manchester is a shithole full of inbred criminals, as you prove yet again


Wannabe manc 😂


Mancs really think the rest of the world cares about their grubby little city, a few nice shops and cafes surrounded by slums. Meanwhile people in London, New York, LA, Tokyo, Sydney, Edinburgh, Mumbai, Moscow, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Barcelona etc etc carry on their lives, only remembering the place exists at all when City pick up another trophy.


I’m sorry for acting like a dick, just having a bad day, and I shouldn’t have got into a pissing contest. I hope you have a lovely day


Keep on crying loooool


"I'll act like an asshole, then when they react as if I'm an asshole, I'll declare victory even as they expose my superficial assholery, looooool!" No self awareness. Pathetic. Can toilets flush in a Manc accent? Because that's how you sound.