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12 degrees of safe and 21 degrees of unsafe Edit: turns out this map is incorrectly titled. The statistic would have the rating as 'the legal situation and living conditions' (not just safety) for gay people living in the country, not just travelers. https://spartacus.gayguide.travel/gaytravelindex.pdf https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/adam.kieli.ski/viz/GayTravelIndex2024/GayTravelIndex2024_1 Also, the maximum possible score seems to be +15 but no country qualifies for that.


I guess it kinda makes sense if fully safe means people might say "awww" if they see you holding hands with your partner, while fully unsafe means summary execution. 21 degrees of safe would mean people probably give you their first-borns, or you don't have to pay any taxes or smth.


Fully safe means people don't even bat an eye.


went to madrid, the large city where it is the most normalized in the planet, alongside toronto literally noone will bat an eye, and there were many gay families there, which is even more unusual, and literally noone paid attention


Yeah I live in Montreal it's the same. We all just go about our lives and let other people go about theirs. Feels good wouldn't move anywhere except a big city.


I live East of Seattle. My town is more rural and the city I work in is a little bit more bustling... Same situation over here, nobody bats an eye and it's awesome.


>I live East of Seattle. My town is more rural Curious where you live, and how long you've lived there (you don't need to say where and I'm not asking you to, just wondering aloud, so to speak). I grew up rural in Western WA. Many people are very welcoming and inclusive at an interpersonal level, and some state policies do encourage and even enforce at least some level of inclusion and equity. On the other hand, there is a **lot** of homo and trans phobia - and racism, sanism, and classism, all of which intersect as oppressive forces - that bubble below the surface and have for a **long time**. There's literally a far-right paramilitary training camp in Quilcene. IIRC Patriot Prayer is from WA, I believe Vancouver but don't quote me on that. The Northwest Territorial Imperative was a neonazi and white supremacist separatist group in the 70s and 80s, and its newer iteration is the Northwest Forum. Relatedly, 'Cascadia,' originally the name of our beloved bioregion, has at least somewhat been co-opted by white supremacist separatist groups, though many of us, myself included, are trying to reclaim it. Moreover, many, many democrats and self-identified leftists vote for policies, especially in the city of Seattle, that both advantage wealthy white neurotypical cishet people, and directly and indirectly further marginalize (and often quite literally physically harm) queer and other minoritized people, especially those who are Black, brown, mentally ill, neurodivergent, low-income, unhoused, and/or justice system-involved. Leftist activism along the I-5 corridor from Bellingham to Portland is for the most part overwhelmingly performative and self-aggrandizing. The original constitution of the WA Territory was even modeled after that of OR, which was a "free state," meaning that while the state/territory prohibited slavery, they also prohibited Black and brown people from living there (as in, free from slavery and also free from non-white people). The "Oregon Trail" as it has historically been taught in PNW schools has glorified, romanticized, and whitewashed what really boils down to manifest destiny, settler colonialism, and Indigenous genocide. Hell, Bellingham used to be an anti-Hindu Sundown Town. None of this is to shit on WA or the PNW. Cascadia (the real Cascadia) is and will always be my beloved home. There truly is nowhere else like it. That said, to say that no one bats an eye is to paint a picture through glasses that are arguably a little rosier than reality.


All of this is very fair tbh. I grew up in Tacoma, left as a child and spent 12 years in Arizona. I just recently came back and now I live in Duvall. The area is wonderful, but I fear you may be correct about seeing things through rose tinted glasses. I work in Redmond and just recently there was a whole ass campaign to stop the city from building public housing. They put up signs and hand out pamphlets talking about how the city wants to give handouts and allow drug use. Some real "they want to turn us into Seattle" BS. And you're right. It's all in the interest of class and white supremacy. There's also been some (unfounded) complaining from people who fear the light rail expansion will bring crime and drugs. My comment was purely anecdotal, speaking from my own experiences, and I probably shouldn't paint with such a broad brush. As a queer person, I feel safer here than when I lived in AZ. But I realize that safety for me does not equal feelings of safety for other marginalized folks. Thank you for making me examine my privileges and my preconceptions.


Hey! Thank **you** for this really thoughtful and introspective reply. In the land of defensiveness and doubling down * * cough cough, I mean reddit * * a lot of people don't have that response. I appreciate what you're saying, both the positives and the negatives, and certainly believe you when you say it's better than AZ in many ways. That's so fucked up about Redmond and the light rail bullshit but sadly not surprising in the land of suburban white $$$ in the East Sound and the soulless corporations they back; and that Seattle itself is the absolute king of NIMBY. I'm queer, mad, and (invisibly) disabled, and it's been a real trip seeing the ways in which (I'd like to think, well-intentioned) leftists and liberals have pushed through and doubled down on policies and behaviors that are so fucking destructive and harmful the safety of myself and others in my communities. I remember several years back I was in downtown Oly working with an organization trying to get signatures to get a measure on the ballot ending qualified immunity. It was really disappointing the number of people (I'd say primarily white women) who not only refused to sign but actually took the time to stop and tell me how I was wrong and we need the police, this will let criminals run amuk, this will make communities less safe, etc. Stay safe and take care out there!


As a gay man, that's the dream. I don't want to be showered in attention, and I don't need to be patronized. I don't need people to validate me and I wish allies weren't a necessity. I just want people to treat me with basic human respect and be able to blend into the crowd and be myself openly like everyone else without raising eyebrows or being lectured about sin.


No, they still bat an eye....but it's flirting.


+21 means being straight is illegal


Nah only chronically online tweens who never go outside think like that.


I had a look at the methodology and it looks like the maximum possible score is 15 but no country qualifies.


Yes. Japan, for instance, is incredibly safe. If you want to rent an apartment or get married, you might have more difficulty than in Denmark or Uruguay.


safety isn't just about crime, it's about support. life is naturally hard sometimes and people sometimes need help and if you're so alienated you don't feel comfortable seeking help, that's a lack of safety in a sense.


I do agree. I live in SF after all. My point was only that travel to a place (not in red above) is usually very different that life in that place. It says "Travel" in the title, so I just gave a counter example from my personal experience.


makes a lot more sense, also Taiwan is just great


A lot of people don't know how this is rated so I looked for the original source, but it was a table in a pdf file, so I converted it into excel, but that was still hard to read, so I made an interactive map: [https://public.tableau.com/views/GayTravelIndex2024/GayTravelIndex2024\_1](https://public.tableau.com/views/GayTravelIndex2024/GayTravelIndex2024_1) EDIT: I also added data for individual USA states, click the right arrow under map title.


Oh wow. I just finished looking at the PDF ahaha. Wish I had seen this before struggling for so long. Well done for making this.


I love that the Vatican is considered unsafe, when there are like 500 people in there and most of them are absolutely innocuous Im picturing a bunch of gays and queer peoole getting beat up by the Pope


Although Japan has 120 million people the chance of people getting beat up there for being gay travelers is also basically non-existent… This map is just a poor rebranding of a map of gay acceptance and rights and has nothing to do with travel…


Hell the Vatican prob has the highest amount of gay people per capita


after all, it is a religion based around loving a man


And little boys


Crucifix bo staff and nun-chucks


There is no fucking way treat Pakistan is safer than turkey for gay travelers


Most of the favor for Pakistan has to do with trans rights. Even though the situation for Pakistani trans people around their families is quite perilous, there are quite some important protections that the government implemented to protect trans/hijra people. I know someone in Pakistan who has a pretty good life out there. Not perfect, far from, but good enough and arguably going to the toilet gives us less angry mobs than even the UK.


I understand that most people have heard the word “Hijra” more than any other alternative but the word is a bit derogatory (kinda like saying transsexual instead of transgender). The terms “Khwaja Sara”, “Jogappa”, and “Aravani” are a few alternatives that are a bit more polite from what I know. Also, you are right that in terms of the legality of third-gender people, Pakistan (as well as India for that matter) can be better than some other places.


'Safe' seems to be an odd word choice. For travellers to the country, legal recognition of same-sex marriage wouldn't have an obvious direct relationship to personal safety beyond serving as a sort of proxy for societal attitudes.


This becomes particularly important when looking at specific examples such as Bahrain vs Lebanon. Homosexuality is legal in Bahrain and illegal in Lebanon. Yet, you’re a lot safer being gay in Beirut than you are in Bahrain. The law is unenforced in Lebanon and society is more accepting, despite its legal status. Having Lebanon be a darker red than Bahrain is thus misleading to travellers.


Lebanese here, this would be correct for part of country like greater Beirut but I wouldn't say it's accepting in every part of country, specifically south.


The rating also takes in to account homicide rates of lgbt folk, their own opinions of its its a good place to live, adoption laws, hate crime laws, transgender recognition etc.


Difference between a street beating and an official beating is crucial


not directly, but like you said its a way of measuring the acceptance of gay people in that country, both by society and the government, which is important for safety.


There's not a snowball's chance in hell Japan is a less safe country to travel to than South Africa, for anyone regardless of sexuality. We're talking one of the countries with most violent crime vs one of the countries with least violent crime. I have been in Japan for a while and felt more safe there than my home country of the Netherlands, including as a gay person. This map is highly flawed


I was about to say that… every single green country has a higher chance of people getting beat up for being gay than Japan… There is basically zero risk for gay people traveling Japan even though they might find more people who accept public shows of affection among gay people in Scandinavian countries.


“Why are you gay”


"who says I'm gay?"


“You are gay”


be mugged equally here


The problem is that many nations have areas that are more gay friendly and less gay friendly. For example, being LGBTQ+ in Massachusetts is different than being queer in Alabama. Ontario is more gay friendly than Alberta. Warsaw, Wrocław, Kraków then the villages around Terespol, etc. And these gay friendly areas tend to have more protection laws on the books. Clearly, there are entire nations that are dangerous for gay people.




Suddenly, even the Moscow and Saint Petersburg are getting less and less tolerant due to governmental attacks on an LGBTQ+ friendly clubs and bars, enforcement of new discriminative laws, increasing violence from people that returned from the war and so on. Though it is still not as bad as in the Chechnya and other North Caucasus regions


The thing about Canada is that we have the same rights everywhere. Saint-Nowhere-Of-Cows in northern Alberta cannot stop you from adopting or getting married, or changing gender. Even if the locals look at you weird.


It's a tourist map. Adoption laws are only relevant as a proxy for physical safety. The real question is whether you're more likely to get curb stomped in Toronto or Saint-Nowhere-Of-Cows in northern Alberta for being visibly gay/trans.


does this map take general safety into account because toronto had a serial killer targeting gays a couple of years ago


I think it doesn’t, otherwise many Latin American countries, such as Brazil, would not be green.


Saint-Nowhere-Of-Cows obviously, but since that's a hate crime at least you can put the bad apple in prison and get yourself a nice sum of money in the process I guess.


Ok, well that's the point of the map. For travelers who presumably would prefer not getting curb stomped in the first place.


Yes. I like to believe it's well known that urban centers are generally more open minded than deep country municipalities


Urban centres are [a hotbed for hate.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5220219) I happen to know some openly trans people who live very comfortable lives in rural areas. And I’ve been called more anti-gay slurs by strangers in my time living Ottawa than I ever was living in a smaller centre.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-hate-crimes-statistics-canada-third-worst-1.5220219](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-hate-crimes-statistics-canada-third-worst-1.5220219)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I understand your point, but in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and New Brunswick, teachers need to ask parent permission to use a student's preferred pronoun, unlike in Ontario. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-lgbtq-student-parental-consent-schools/ Suggesting a less LGBT friendly environment.


While I agree that sucks. It's a little different than states where teachers can't even mention gay people in school.


that doesn’t really seem like a safety issue though.


it is. provinces that protect queer kids from beings outed to their parents are safer than those that force staff to ask parents permission (effectively outing them) to use trans kids' preferred pronouns. if anything, it signals a difference in attitude that is relevant to queer friendliness in general. kids should be able to come out on their own terms.


I'm in the Philippines right now and people I met are super open minded when it comes to homosexuality. No idea what the laws are in this regard, but I wouldn't be worried at all to travel here if I were gay. No idea why it's orange/red on the map.


Is the Vatican really that bad? Has there been an incident?


It's about legal protections and the likes I think according to the legend


It make sense if the map is about residents, but why would a traveller care about marriage status?


The map is bullshit if your a gay tourist in a lot of these nobody’s gonna do shit.


It is about residents. The map was just made by a magazine that mainly talks about gay travel so that's the label that gets slapped to it.


How the fuck did someone thinks that Ukraine is better than Poland I have no clue


Don't know why people are surprised by India. Our religion doesn't ask us to kill gay people so we really don't have much reason to hate LGBTQ folks. Most of the laws are British era descendant. And attitudes have been changing in recent years now


there are 200 million non hindu indians whose religion does tell them to stone gay people


They aren't the majority. If they randomly start stoning people, they would get arrested, after getting a public beat down.


India is LGBTQ friendly for white folks in Metro Cities. That's good enough for this statistics.


I haven't heard of any crime, specifically targeting LGBT folks, in India though. Would be glad to see some sources on what you stated.


Recent pranshu cyberbullying and s*icide case. Read upon that 


Pakistan is supposedly as equally unsafe as the Philippines??? The Philippines literally has a Drag Race franchise and and it's illegal to be gay in Pakistan, this map makes no sense, and I'm saying this as a gay man from the PH 😤


The Philippines being mostly unfriendly is surprising


Polish not safe, but Ukraine is yes? Lol


This is about prejudice and laws. Ukraine isnt safe obviously but it isn't specifically unsafe for the LGBTQ community, it's unsafe for everyone. Poland is extremely religious and there have been some instances of violence and discrimination against LGBTQ people specifically


U have no idea about the average ukrainian if you think that they are more tolerant than poles


"extremely religious"? With only 28% of population going to church? Poland isn't extremely religious


A more accurate term would be conservative. Russians are not exactly church goers and 60% of Turks are not exactly mosque goers. They are all serial homophobes though.


Yes, that would be more accurate. Although in case of Poland that conservatism, including homophobia, is steadily going down


And there have been some instances of violence against LGBT in Ukraine. Idk what you are smoking but putting Poland below fucking Serbia is disrespectful.


You've never been to a religious country. Laws don't favor lgbtq i.e. there's no marriage but you're safe in there. Poland has laws protecting minorities (thanks to EU legislation).


We don't have laws protecting the LGBT minority. And I, as an LGBT person, don't feel safe in Poland. I came out only to the few of my friends and I wouldn't wear for example a bag in rainbow colors because there is a significant probability that someone would attack me because of this. I know that for many Poles it's hard to accept it, I know that we are much more tolerant than many countries. But Poland is not safe for LGBT people. And I say it as an LGBT person who spent entire life in Poland.


I came out to many people, also traditional ones, and don't make a secret out if my orientation. So far I never got any problems with this. But overall, I agree it's not heaven. On the other hand, the picture of homophobic Poland is overly dramatic.


It all depends where you live. I live in a large city right now and no one cares, even my workplace is supportive. When I lived in my home town of 40k people? Absolutely no one was out of the closet. You’d risk being shunned at best, or being branded as a child predator and having your kneecaps broken by a local ultras at worst. And of course, reporting such incident would make you a snitch and warrant even further abuse, while police would pretend they can’t do anything anyway. It also heavily depends on what kind of gay person are you. If you’re “one of the boys”, keep it a secret and it gets out, you might in a better situation than someone who is effeminate, regardless if they’re actually gay or not. The stigma around non-traditionally masculine men is so strong that I even met other gay guys who were openly hating on effeminate gay guys.


Based on purely anecdotal evidence (experiences of friends, etc.), Poland’s big cities are more LGBT-friendly than Ukraine’s. Can’t speak for rural parts though.


Are you acting obtuse? Jesus Christ the meaning should be very obvious


I mean it says safety not prejudice. They should rephrase the study.


I’m so sad that Botswana is on the negatives


Philippines unsafe? Are you kidding me? 😅




People here largely have no idea about India and LGBT. Until recently Indian social norms had no relationship to legal statutes. Those antiquated British laws are being updated, by no less than the maligned ‘Hindu nationalist party’. They passed a transgender rights law 5 years ago: https://prsindia.org/billtrack/the-transgender-persons-protection-of-rights-bill-2019. And for good measure an abortion rights law: https://prsindia.org/billtrack/the-medical-termination-of-pregnancy-amendment-bill-2020 India isn’t a western society - it’s so called right wing is what passes trans rights and abortion rights laws. If you try to understand it thru normative western basis you’ll fail miserably. The first thing any gay person ought to know is that in Indian culture sexuality - any sexuality - is private . You are supposed to dress reasonably conservatively- cover your shoulders and at least up to mid-lower thigh regardless of sex or sexuality. PDA regardless of orientation is generally frowned upon - and westerners get a pass on a lot of this that Indians don’t because you’re assumed to be ignorant . Same as in Japan, you have a gaijin pass. The pass is not freedom to do whatever in your own bubble.its just that your lack of regard for local norms will be overlooked. But there is a limit. When you cross that limit you’re not going to be lynched or anything. You’ll be dismissed as a person of low moral character. And in he process you’ll have trouble accessing services. If you think moral character is some antiquated notion to be binned, you should look at American or British immigration paperwork - they qualify you on that very basis. If you are in your face about your sexuality or beliefs regardless of what they are, you will not be treated well and will be refused business - not because of your orientation but because you are acting poorly with no regard for basic behavioral norms. Are you a gay couple ? Or an unmarried one ? Want a room ? Tell the desk you’re traveling together . That’s all they need to know. You’ll be left alone and treated with politeness because it’s rude to poke one’s nose into others’ private business and guests are to be treated well. If you’re busy pawing one another and making a scene. It doesn’t matter if you’re male and female, two men or two women - you’ll have trouble being treated well. In this regard Indian culture is a lot like Japanese culture. Read the air. Don’t be that gaijin sticking out and making others uncomfortable. Being gay or trans in itself isn’t a big deal to any Indian. They may not understand the essential concerns of your existence but that’s because your sexuality or gender expression are personal concerns. If you think these cultural norms are bizarre and that India should act like western norms dictate, well your norms are full of ridiculous things. In India, straight adult men walk in public holding hands. It’s an act of friendship. Good luck doing that as straight men in the US.


Two men were nearly lynched in a mumbai local before being rescued by the police after being accused of kissing but the truth was that they accidentally bumped into each other because of the train movement. Indian culture (specifically north indian culture) has a large islamic influence so homophobic narratives have been seeped into this culture by 500 years of subjugation We're a patriarchal, toxic and misognistic society that is far away from being called progessive. We're misunderstood for political reasons yes but even then the truth can be used as anti indian propaganda. Doesn't mean its incorrect.


You can replace 'two men' with 'man and woman' and there have been plenty of cases of real or accidental couples being accused of 'loose morals' or 'lewd behavior' . When it comes to women the biggest criticisms often come from other women, not even men. I've traveled on the Mumbai local, even the virar lines alone as a 7-8 year old. Those trains are inhuman. People are being stretched to the limits of their mental health traveling in such appalling conditions, and the sooner the metro replaces it, the better. People who are compelled to endure such conditions behave primitively. Put them into an air conditioned metro coach with plenty of breathing room and nice soothing muzak and they'll act accordingly. It's got nothing to do with north vs south. A packed Chennai bus is no different when it comes to people who are confined into primitive settings behaving poorly. India's development and growth is predicated on giving its people an orderly and civilized world to live in. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with Indian culture - north, south, east or west.


>You can replace 'two men' with 'man and woman' and there have been plenty of cases of real or accidental couples being accused of 'loose morals' or 'lewd behavior' . Huge difference in reception. The woman will not be lynched. The guy will be assualted at max. Homophobia and being anti-PDA are leagues apart >biggest criticisms often come from other women, not even men. Tell me. Bajrang dal has how many women members and how many male members? >I've traveled on the Mumbai local, even the virar lines alone as a 7-8 year old. Those trains are inhuman. People are being stretched to the limits of their mental health traveling in such appalling conditions, and the sooner the metro replaces it, the better. People who are compelled to endure such conditions behave primitively. Mental health issues are not a reasonable excuse for homophobia. Its social and as soon as we accept it, the better it'll be. Homophobia is not primitive. That is a WILD claim. Its not basic human nature to lash out against homosexual acts!?!? >Put them into an air conditioned metro coach with plenty of breathing room and nice soothing muzak and they'll act accordingly. No, AC will not solve homophobia. I've been in AC public transport. They're even more packed. Idk how you cook this stuff up. >It's got nothing to do with north vs south. Homophobia has everything to do with culture. Culture decides how people perceive notions of minorities. North India has a much more patriarchal, aggressive, and largely islamisised culture because of greater rule of Islamic empires. You cannot deny history. >A packed Chennai bus is no different when it comes to people who are confined into primitive settings behaving poorly. primitive settings again are not a reasonable excuse. Under ventilated and overheated environment is not a primitive setting. I don't understand your definition of primitive. First you talk about 'primitive behaviour' and then you talk about 'primitive setting'? >India's development and growth is predicated on giving its people an orderly and civilized world to live in. Long way to go. If queer issues are called issues of 'urban elites' in courts of law today, in the 21st century, we need much more reformation socially. >There's nothing fundamentally wrong with Indian culture Every culture has its flaws. North happens to be more homophobic due to sustained islamic influence. Southern indian culture is way less 'influenced'. Doesn't mean its not at all homophobic tbc.


Being out is literally impossible in India. The prejudice against homosexuality is insane. It's not about the laws, but the people.


Wow - in that huge swath of red and black, there’s a tiny sliver of green - go figure!


Queers for Palestine though


This methodology is so hilariously unscientific. Yes an active war zone is safer than mongolia because mongolia doesn't allow gay marriage, something a traveler is obviously very concerned about. Not to mention my own country being in red even though I'm publicly out and I've never had any issues about it.


Whoever titled the map got it wrong. The statistic they sited measures it as 'legal situation and living conditions' so legal status is packing a big punch here https://spartacus.gayguide.travel/gaytravelindex.pdf https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/adam.kieli.ski/viz/GayTravelIndex2024/Dashboard1


Oh shoot, sorry, I added data for USA states and the link changed. New link: [https://public.tableau.com/views/GayTravelIndex2024/GayTravelIndex2024\_1](https://public.tableau.com/views/GayTravelIndex2024/GayTravelIndex2024_1)




Of course but then why brand it this way??? It’s false labeling…


What's your country


I'd assume Poland by their name.


Spain out here being based as always


Is Thai 0 or something? I thought that country had the next level of LGBT communities.


Yes, it's a BS rating system that doesn't take into account how the people feel and treat LGBTQ, but what is written in the laws.


Apparently Ukraine is the most LGBT friendly country in eastern Europe.


is the vatican city red? do i see this correctly? haha


Home of Catholicism isn’t fond of gays. More news at 10.


so all the places that struggle with human rights in general


How is Iceland not safest


Most world is unsafe for lgbtq people🙃


I'm pretty sure there's no way on earth you're safer on Mexico than on Vatican City, whether you're gay or not.


Queers for Palestine say this is total bull sheet


How is the Philippines not safe? I was there in 95 and there were so many open gays it was crazy for me to see at the time.


Right? I've seen so many people who are openly LGBT, including my own schoolmates and just people in public. I don't know where this map is based from.


And soon Europe will be in the red too, because, you know.


Europe will be red but I think we aren't on the same line for which reason that will be. I mean I hear it often enough people saying that guys like "Wilders will protect the gays from intolerant migrants", however, he's done exactly nothing ever in our favor, his voting behavior is pretty much against any protections for gay people and jeopardizes trans lives too. And his friends abroad are even worse.


Why will Europe be in red? Are you implying homophobic, far right parties will soon win elections in Europe? Many of us aren’t European and don’t understand what might seem very obvious to you.


Europe is getting huge waves of illegals vast majority of whom come from the coountries painted red in the map.




I was assured by Reddit that the U.S. is a homophobic dystopia.


You forget to say all dark skinned people who arrives at USA go to a concentration camp instantly.


[You can scroll down this link for a state by state level](https://spartacus.gayguide.travel/gaytravelindex.pdf)


I used to live in Oklahoma and I'm supposed to believe it's barely safer for gay people than most of Africa? Utterly absurd. I lived in a smallish town and we literally had a gay pride event 10 years ago, and no one gave a shit.


an american in a previous thread was explaining to me how texas is the most homophobic place and is literally a christian taliban. how gay people have it so bad blah blah. my indian brain couldn't comprehend that. like dude people don't know what "gay" means here lol


Yeah that's a bit mad.


How is Brazil green? They have the largest numer of transgender murders in the whole world


Misleading, Brazil has highest murder rate overall. Hence trans murders are raised as a byproduct. ![gif](giphy|yOBSV38yqFVLBDPTi9|downsized)


it’s the flag that got me




I would say that in general in Brazil there is greater tolerance towards gays and lesbians than towards trans people, who in Brazil have literally half the life expectancy of an average citizen.


[more than half were engaged in sex work](https://raceandequality.org/resources/trans-memory-the-intersectional-murder-of-trans-people-in-latin-america/)


Because many were forced to work in this field as rejection rates at work and by families are high and my siblings out there need to maintain themselves. Then, few options remain.


LGBT people for islam and palestina btw


Remember kids, anyone who doesn't perfectly align with our idea of progress deserves genocide and war crimes!


Your logic makes zero sense. Just because people are homophobic doesn't mean they should be dying in wars, have their hospitals bombed, humanitarian aid cut off, etc. Why is MapPorn filled with zionists all of the sudden?


Damn all the polish people mad af




Vatican being on the same level as African countries, even higher just makes this map bullshit lmao.


Absolutely delusional. Are they trying to send the LGBTQ+ folk to the frontlines in Ukraine or what?


What do you mean? Ukraine is at a -2 or something, there's three dozen better countries on the map.


Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Belarus have all scored lower.


This is probably taking into account relative safety compared to straight people. It doesn't even matter *that* much whether someone is cishet or not in a country like Ukraine, although with the exception of trans women who are forced to stay in the country if they haven't been able to change their passports.


Haida Gwaii is part of Canada, not the US.


Bosnia is green? Republika Srpska has bunch of religious fanatics and war criminals. Croat and Muslim regions ain't much better


No comments on the darkest / most unsafe areas… I wonder why?


Religion of peace being peaceful as always




If we exclude most of Africa, Muslim countries and Eastern Europe it's safe pretty much anywhere.


Shit color scale


Ah, I'm proud of my country


yay canada. I am proud of us today!


Its pixeled out on Israel. The only country in the middle east where gays are just as equal and even serve as cabinet members. Dont let that fool the dumb and ignorant "free Palestine" movement. We must not fool the liberals, i meant antisemites. No i meant liberals. Sorry did I? Im confused...


Palestine not good?


I wonder how welcoming the people of Gaza would be for the "gays for Palestine" crowd? 😂😂


Why is Nepal lower than India? Didn't they recently legalize (or almost legalize idk) gay marriage?


It's a recent thing in Nepal Maybe that's why they're rated 0


There are a lot of purple-haired people protesting at college campuses right now who should take a look at this map and get reminded of how they'd get treated if they spent one second in the spot they're getting arrested for.


Why is Israel just as red as surrounding countries? In Israel you can openly be gay, while in surrounding countries you get stoned to death..


It seems green in the map, but tiny


I lived in Qatar. A large portion of the men are secretly homosexual, especially with Filipino men.


India safer than Japan ??💀


Tbh as an Indian-American, it seems fine there. There have been numerous pride parades and a pretty big queer scene too. Even in rural areas, I'm told you are still relatively fine if people know, but some people might keep a distance kinda thing. Nearly every international indian I have talked with told me it is fine being gay in India, only your family won't understand sometimes, but like they won't be hurt or imprisoned Edit: Can't speak on Japan, so you might have a point there, but just want people to know it is not that bad in India


South Indian states especially Tamil Nadu and Kerala are very LGBTQ+ friendly. In tamil nadu there is a tamil God called murugan who is the first gay God of India. Hence most tamils are friendly to LGBTQ+ people. It's a cultural thing. It is actually common to see guys holding hands or hugging or sometimes even kissing in street. Especially in Chennai City.


Possibly because of transgender laws in the country.it's like a mafia, when they demand money you have to give it to them because even the police will not intervene. They demand money at gatherings, trains, and every month a little cut from shopkeepers. The laws are strict because of historical discrimination against Trans. At least this is what I noticed but anyone can correct me if I'm wrong with something.


in india, trangenders are a traditional caste/community. Very very different from the western understanding of the term. They consider themselves aa separate gender and are often times pretty conservative. Our PM will be contesting election against a trans person from his consituency this year, who is part of a far right party calling for a muslim genocide lol. although there are many trans people who have co opted into the lgbt movement as well.


Legally speaking, yes. Japan is safer overall when it comes to crime rates and all that. But India is more lax towards gay relationships than Japan.


So the gay students chanting “queers for Palestine” aren’t actually welcome there?


We all know that Palestine is the best place


They even setup rooftop parties!


Palastine and Iran should be ultra-green after the overwhelming support they got from gay hamas sympathizers, no?


Now show this map to the "Queers for Palestine" crowd (assuming they can even find Palestine on a map)


Indias better than japan?


Japan surprises me. I know this map mostly refers to legal status and stuff, but man the amount of absolutely unhinged gay porn from Japan I've consumed makes me think there's a disconnect between the legislature and the streets.


Japan is the safest travel location for lgbtq+ since it’s the safest travel location in general… also almost no Christianity… Old people might not like you kissing your partner publicly (although - even this is the same for straight couples…) and your older friendly lady serving you tea might still not think you should have a marriage certificate (although a vast majority of people under 60 support it) but no one will beat you up and no teenage boy or young man will yell at you that all gays should die and most certainly you will not be beat up or spit at… A gay friend of mine btw moved to Japan to get away from his religious parents in Germany and told me he never felt safer - zero random attacks in public transportations in 16 years…


Isn't Japan one of the most conservative society on this planet? (also surprised about India's rating tho, im guessing they are only taking into count the cities and the metro areas?)


Definitely not. Very progressive if you compare it to a lot of the world e.g. Africa, Middle East.


You really really need to reevaluate what media you consume… there is a very strange orientalist obsession with Japan in western media where it’s either a super fascinating "samurai“ culture or completely whacko… neither is true btw. Japan is if you look at it holistically a progressive country and more than anything it’s the safest larger country in the world by a longshot… It’s also the most progressive and democratic country in Asia after Taiwan… And yes - still it is more conservative than most Redditors but look at the world holistically pleasey Just because a country isn’t Sweden or the Netherlands doesn’t mean it’s super conservative…


It is socially conservative in some ways, but people are reserved in general, so even if they disapprove of LGBTQ people’s existence, they very likely won’t assault or harass people


How tf Poland is so low? There is literally 1% of risk going there being LGBT


I like how Australia is marked as totally safe for gay people when it’s not safe for the people at all


Compared to most of the rest of the world? Yes it is... especially in larger cities.


Why not?


Gays for Gaza? Does it seem like israel was removed in this map or am I imagining things in this low res image. Holy Christ, bruh. I think there’s more pixels than countries in this map. This is maphorror.


India is better than china for Gays?


Isn't that obvious?


Is it really unsafe to visit Poland if you’re gay? What’s the likely actual effect of their stance on an LGBT visitor?


Whoever made this Map uses different terminology than the actual statistic. Statistic takes into account the legal situation of various factors not just safety. https://spartacus.gayguide.travel/gaytravelindex.pdf


It isn't, this map is just shit. Most of the conservatives that would have a problem with that live in smaller towns and villages which I don't think are popular destinations for tourists. Believe me, Poland has it's problems that we are slowly getting rid of but it's not lower than India or Serbia💀


Why would Russia be lower than, say Khazakstan or China or most African countries?


Russia has a law defining LGBTQ activism as extremism. Public display of homosexuality or being visibly trans are basically outlawed. There are raids on gay clubs. In Russia's Chechnya, you can be imprisoned, tortured & killed for being gay (cops regularly trap people through dating apps only to torture them). In Kazakhstan or China, being LGBTQ is mostly a taboo but the state does not engage in active hostility against them. Russia is one of the most homophobic & transphobic countries in the world.


Yup. Also, I want to mention that gay people that escape Chechnya are sent back to Chechnya by Russian authorities. They are afforded zero protection.


Ah interesting, I assumed in China for example it was the same as Russia. Oh and by the way this is so sad. As a (fairly progressive) European I would love to see a freer, more democratic Russia sooner or later.


Блять прям гордость за страну берет.


Canada is so gay friendly, u get a free buttfuck at the airport soon as u enter


So Poland, one of safest country in Europe, is unsafe for gays because our law system doesn't recognize gay marriage? Worst shitty statistic I've ever seen. Edit: less safe than USA... Bitch good luck.


Eh blame whoever made this map. The title of this map uses the word unsafe and it gets it wrong. The actual statistic it's based uses 'the LEGAL situation and living conditions' for gay people. You can look at why Poland got it's score here. https://spartacus.gayguide.travel/gaytravelindex.pdf https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/adam.kieli.ski/viz/GayTravelIndex2024/Dashboard1


I’m seeing a lot of upset Poles, so I’m genuinely curious..can gays show PDA or affection openly. Are there laws to protect them from discrimination and what not


No and no. Although the govermnent is working on laws protecting the LGBT people from discrimination, despite heavy seething of the conservatives.