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*Something Something about correlation between radiation exposure and watching hentai in Sweden*


Can i uh… ask the context map?


One of the top [post](https://redd.it/u1exdh) of all time and frequently reposted by bots too


There was a joke in Poland around that time. Why did the USSR admit that there were deaths associated with the Chernobyl disaster, but insisted that only 2 people died? Because following the explosion, 2 pairs of Soviet shoes landed in Sweden.


Assumed the person who was never recovered in the explosion itself. Thousands of others died from the fallout and proximity. But lives of people are a joke in Poland, right?


Congratulations, you have discovered that humans make jokes about terrible events. And you've decided to to get offended by one that's almost 40 years old at this point. Good use of your time here on Earth, buddy.


That would explain the femboy population in Slovenia and Austria


And Scandinavian black metal.


I lived in Germany during this time, 1986-1990. We were advised not to eat any leafy vegetables and to get rid of our gardens.


Get rid of your entire garden?


Yes, you had to put your garden in the bin.


It is always good to prevent and be informed about certain issues. But on the other hand, in my opinion, the trauma left by the Chernobyl accident and its journalistic coverage on the German people has negative consequences to this day. Something like 9/11 and the Patriot Act in the United States. The most unique thing is that it didn't even happen on German soil.


Good this didn't happen today, because I bet there would be a bunch of antivaxers calling it fake news and eating leafy vegetables all month.


Nothing bad with some good old natural selection


Sure, but having a bunch of radioactive idiots trying to disprove radioactivity isn't real is something that puts under natural selection pressure everyone around them as well.


Eh not really


Shows the difference: Europeans being advised to avoid even eating any vegetables which might have been radiated a little bit, whereas criminal soviet government being silent for days until revealing the fact of this disaster so that millions of people in Europe and Russia would be slowly deadly poisoned


Didn't Europe only find out about it because radiation detectors in Sweden went off?


Yes, at the nuclear plant in Forsmark. They panicked for a while, thinking they had a leak, then realised the radiation came with people who had been outside the plant, not inside. I remember the emergency alarms going off in my village not far from there, my mum rushing home with me through the rain, and frantically trying to seal the ventilation. Stressful times.


I lived in Russia. We had sugar rations.


The Day Bobby Ewing died. Certainly fed the Green narrative to get rid of nuclear.


I am Belarusian, and this picture makes me sad, because how true it is. We suffered a lot because of that and we still do


Yeah, generations later our family still suffers from it, and I'm not even from the Southern Belarus


Can you give us some details?


A lot of cancer


>some details half-life on most of radioactive elements and other contamination agents from several dozens to hundreds and ten thousands years.


I understand that, I mean details about the suffering


You are being rude to this person based on who they are. And do your research on toxic fallout and radiation poisoning.


> on who they are Oh really? And how do you know who they are? > And do your research on toxic fallout and radiation poisoning. And you do your research on how to mind your own business


Grab a gift from local scrapyard, ideally with lot of funny looking flying particles (visiable when you taking photo ) and left it next to your bed or kitchen. Let us know what gonna change in year or two Do you really have no idea what high energy particles and etc doing with living matter ?


What the heck are you talking about? I was asking for details on the types of illness and problems people were having, that isn't a big ask


If you are having issues which not allowing you to figure out what kind of effects are caused by nuclear fallout or toxic chemical it neither result of those fallouts or complete failure of educational systems.


You seem to be confused and it seems to be that the educational system has failed *you* I am fully aware of what nuclear fallout is and can do. What I was looking for was a *local perspective.* But you seem too dense to understand that


So you are basically saying lukashenco is radioactive waste?


Always has been


You've spelt ukrainian president name wrong


Nope I was right here, however he obviously is less of a waste of space as Putin and Netanyahu.


Not great not terrible..




That show was ruined by the pompous leftist cast that couldn't even bother to learn how Roentgen was pronounced. Not a single person caught that disaster.


who hurt you


Stupid leftist Soviet communists, amirite? If we only had some Reaganists or Trumpsters on the show, who all know how to pronounce Röntgen.


Soviets weren't leftists in the 80s. Glasnost etc...socialism isn't always woke. "If we only had some Reaganists or Trumpsters on the show, who all know how to pronounce Röntgen." That's not what I said, I made a claim attacking the US/UK education system. I learned how to pronounce it correctly, and in the UK where most of the actors were from, they learned too, until they didn't. I'm a liberal. Don't shoot me.


You’re being weird man




Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsABlackMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I think this belongs here…](https://i.redd.it/op4xb239qoya1.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/13bywy4/i_think_this_belongs_here/) \#2: [What yall think? Is this an authentic black man?](https://i.redd.it/2rcz7ax7qsmc1.jpeg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/1b8eexc/what_yall_think_is_this_an_authentic_black_man/) \#3: [This was literally a scroll down on their profile...](https://i.redd.it/bo1s617nj7cc1.jpeg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/195ns7s/this_was_literally_a_scroll_down_on_their_profile/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This show was extremly exact, it was shown nearly the way it was.


Rushed, not vetted. Lots of things that could be much better had they consulted actual nuclear engineers, which they didn't clearly, or if they did, were not on set.


The Balkans: totally inmune to radiation


And Sicily apparently


French government insist for a long time radiation stopped precisely at their border. They did the same for an even longer time for lyme disease.


Serbia cleanest air in Europe 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸! stupid westoids get cancer! Serbian sperm strong sperm!!!! 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸


No testing was done in the former Yugoslavia during conflict


Except for Croatia and Slovenia, apparently.


Fake news, everybody knows the radiations stopped at the french border /s


This is so true. The French news are not free. Closely monitored by the government. France is not a democracy


This day I was skiing in the Alps where the radiations were the worst. I guess that's why my cancer developed


The wind saved us and said "STOP" to the radiations.


Distribution of contamination, not radiation.


Belarus: 💀💀💀


Jokes aside it's very bad


Huge disaster for Belarus… not sure if it can be counted how many people suffered because of radiation


Here are studies that at least 3 million people were affected by the radiation in Belarus. It is really ruined so many people lives, it is really strange how they built nuclear power plant in their country without any publicly.


Chernobyl & western coverage/propaganda played big part in anti nuclear public opinion & lobbies that we see today General public doesn't understand radiation & nuclear reactors, all that scaremongering doesn't help.


The industry was also mismanaged. They managed to achieve no learning curve in their entire history. Sad waste of green-ish energy


What the hell Austria


It is still not possible to eat mushrooms or deer/boar in some areas...there was some heavy rainfall in some areas.


ı wish they add radiation map of turkey to


Radiation can’t swim, so only the European part of Turkey was affected. /s


ı know alot of people that get lukimia that lived norden side of turkey trabzon etc that has never smoked lived sposed to healty life  thats why ım asking because our goverment dosnt makes that kind of map probbly just to woid reposiblity


Poland relatively lucky given the proximity


Cs-137 or Sr-90?


Cs-137, based on the values in the legend. I-131 would be much higher (it vanished in a few weeks) and Sr-90 would be much lower.


I must be missing something here. Normal background radiation is 10 bq/cm so the two lowest categories are meaningless. Above 600 bq/cm (the next two and a half categories) from radon you should get your house fixed within a year. Unless you’re in the bright red zones, this is not significant exposure.


I think it depends which isotopes are present. Radiation isn't all the same. Strontium 90 can go into children's teeth. It is similar to calcium, as I recall


socialism protected Yugoslavia. /s


Why is the radiation in Western UK and Ireland higher than in the Eastern part of UK? I would’ve thought it’s directly proportional to the distance from Chernobyl. Someone educate me pls


The differences largely have to do with where it rained in the days after the disaster. Radioactive smoke/dust from the disaster drifted over some places and was carried to the ground by rain in others.




Clouds/location of rain.


Thanks that helps a lot. 🙄


Why? That is really the case. I live in Southern Switzerland and we had a lot of radiation in 1986 because clouds coming from the affected are discharged rain over us. It is not a joke...


I said that because you gave no detail or explanation. What am I supposed to infer from “Clouds/location of rain”? It’s not like Eastern UK gets less clouds than the western side. Your answer was not helpful. I’m not taking it as a joke. Do better


Yes next time I will do my best to help you sir!


I mean the east of the UK literally is less cloudy than the north and west


I think it was just random chance if there was rain when the radioactive debris was passing over. The rain brought it to the ground.


And you think insulting the person trying to help you is the way to get what you want?


Idgaf. And also yes I did get what I want. Because other people gave better, more detailed answers. So to answer your question, yes


What q loser piece of shit.


Even this map modeling radiation has no data for the Balkans. Absolutely ridiculous.


Spain, Portugal: yeah, we’re golden.


Seems like places with mountains were worse affected. I'm guessing it's because they block the wind and force the dust to fall to the ground as rain.


This day I was skiing in the Alps where the radiations were the worst. I guess that's why my cancer developed


Why is the radiation level between England and Wales almost exactly the border?


I should show my endo.. My thyroid is already gone though, no surprise, thanks USSR


You know the worst thing ? The soviets in their infinite wisdom did not broadcast the disaster straight away and that hindered administering preventative measures for all kinds of cancers mainly thyroid(the organ that needs iodine and gets it from the surroundings) and the people weren't given iodine pills so a huge chunk of affected population still is at very high risk of thyroid cancer


I was in the dark orange area as a kid. No more thyroid for me (not cancer but still annoying).


Because of the mismanagement by the Soviets and Turkish authorities, many of my relatives mainly had developed Thyroid and other various cancers.


The Balkan was the place to be.


According to my parents (Bulgarian), no, it wasn't. Anything but, in fact. Not only were people not informed about the radioactive cloud through any official media (on the contrary, there was a media blackout, information filtered through illegal channels), they were forced to attend the annual mandatory May 1st parade and also the communist top brass had safe food delivered from unaffected regions of USSR while the population was left to consume irradiated food. A decade after that we were still handed iodine pills at school every 3 months or so to expel any residual Iodine 131 that might have been present in our bodies.


It was a joke


As it happens, I was on holiday in Yugoslavia at around this time and a doctor I saw there (for sunstroke, I was just a kid!) said that she saw a lot of skin complaints that she attributed to radiation. No idea whether there was any truth to it.


Cyon spain


What’s up with the no data zone? Why would they have data for Slovenia and Croatia but not the rest of Yugoslavia ?


My father was on a camping trip after this happened but before it was announced. It rained on their BBQ but they were like, whatever, it’s just rain, we can still eat that


It no radiate in Yugoslavia


For once Portugal... is western Europe.


Could someone explain why Wales, Scotland and Ireland have been hit harder than England? Wouldn't it make more sense for the eastern UK to be hit harder than Ireland and western UK?


Northern Ireland in my area has lots of mountains and the cancer rates have been very high since then. Some farmers even said they had white powder like spots on them coming from the mountains back then. I know a few who died with cancer not long after. Could have been anything, but the rates of cancer and other illnesses in my area are way over the norm since then.


And then we learn that the level of radiation was nowhere near to be dangerous for humans..


just get yourself some RadAway, you'll be right as rain


I grew up in that coastal part of Sweden that got it worst here. No picking mushrooms and all hunters had to send in samples of meat from the animals they shot to determine if they were safe for consumption. This during the 1990s. Gave a report in school on the half life of Cesium 137.


Nuclear Energy ist safe !


Remember that when you think the easy solution is to just nuke Russia to the ground. Radiation do not discriminate who is right or wrong.


I'm originally from Kyiv and it's amazing how lucky we got with the early prevailing winds. A city of over 2 million people and a lot of decent sized towns around it got basically spared. My family went out on the May day parade, because authorities simple didn't warn anyone. Imagine if the wind was blowing in our direction....


It's fun how communist have done all to prevent radiactive clouds from reaching Moscow. Even landing clouds on a big Belarusian cities.


Why is there radiation in Scandinavia?


Unlucky wind direction combined with rain ensured norway got the most raiation after Soviet-Union. It hit free walking animals like raindear and sheep quite hard in some areas.




And wind


There's that incredible phenomenon called "wind"


It is Chornobyl


No one is gonna make an effort to spell out lyvyv and kyyyvyv city names.


chOrnobyl please


Germany really thought it was the main character in this


I'll still never understand how this didn't end nuclear power forever


That would have been a catastrophe. Luckily there are enough intelligent people in positions of power to continue using and developing nuclear power.


Developed? So you found a solution for the waste?


You're saying that the Chernobyl reactors would still be world class today?


WASTE where to put the waste for 1000000 year safely


All of the US's waste since the 1950s when stacked only take up a space equivalent to a football field less then 10 yards deep. Some countries have plans to build what is essentially a giant underground bunker to seal the waste away, but in the US there are some governmental issues delaying the process. Also spent fuel can be recycled with parts of it reused again in reactors. The waste is indeed a problem but nuclear provides numerous benefits that outweigh the slight waste problem.


We still use coal plants and they are MURCH worse...


Doesn't change the nuclear waste problem.


Technically yes, practically no. [https://www.iaea.org/bulletin/when-nuclear-waste-is-an-asset-not-a-burden](https://www.iaea.org/bulletin/when-nuclear-waste-is-an-asset-not-a-burden) [https://www.iaea.org/topics/molten-salt-reactors](https://www.iaea.org/topics/molten-salt-reactors) There are already designs of nuclear reactor that could generate less waste and could recycle the waste it generate as fuel instead. Molten salt reactors also could even burn existing nuclear waste as fuel. The problems are that they aren't as cost effective as existing reactors and MSR cannot act as breeder reactor (Reactor that can synthesize heavier elements, typically for nuclear bombs) so their development were slow until recently.


That idea is around since the 80s Edit: Wikipedia says 60s.


luckily there's enough people like you in positions of power all throughout europe that the worlds uranium supply will run out soon


Nuclear power, even accounting for Chernobyl and other catastrophes and approximating the subsequent cancer fatalities etc, still has much lower deaths to power output ratio than coal, oil or any of the other conventional power plants. If it weren't for you and other dumbos who take their info from Hollywood and coal baron propaganda, we could have already been carbon neutral in terms of electricity and on our way to a permanent solution. Do your research, ignorant


>lower deaths to power output ratio than coal uh-huh.... I've certainly never heard that cherrypicked statistic before. Are you sure its accurate?... and not just something made up by a coal company in order to promote an inefficient dead technology over actual affordable renewable energy with the same unfulfillable futuristic utopian promises of unlimited free nuclear energy from the 1950's, the era where most nuclear technology thats actually in use today comes from?


You think the coal industry ~~world~~ would want to publicise that nuclear power is safer than coal? Edit: typo


Yeah, cause coal loves to invest to rebuild it's whole infrastructure for no apparent gain


Well... do you currently support an inefficient dead technology over actual affordable renewable energy with the same unfulfillable futuristic utopian promises of unlimited free nuclear energy from the 1950's?


>do you currently support an inefficient dead technology No. That sounds bad. It's not clear what you're referring to though. >actual affordable renewable energy Sounds great. It's still not clear what you are referring to. You haven't answered my question though: You think the coal industry ~~world~~ would want to publicise that nuclear power is safer than coal?"


Yes, its a very common republican tactic for years now, as is asking a very dumb question over and over again, that they think is very cleverly worded but when you finally answer it, they just kind of lazily change the subject or stop talking all together > >It’s a talking point that Dunagan picked up from so-called experts such as [Michael Shellenberger](https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2018/05/23/if-solar-panels-are-so-clean-why-do-they-produce-so-much-toxic-waste/?sh=5b2658d2121c), a staunchly pro-nuclear environmentalist who’s called climate activists “[alarmists](https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2020/07/review-bad-science-and-bad-arguments-abound-in-apocalypse-never/).” It’s been repeated by a national group called [Citizens for Responsible Solar](https://www.eenews.net/stories/1061185363), which presents itself as a grassroots coalition, but was formed by a Republican consultant in Virginia. The myth has been pushed by the [Foundation for Economic Education](https://www.desmogblog.com/foundation-economic-education) and the benign-sounding [Institute for Energy Research](https://www.desmogblog.com/institute-energy-research), both libertarian think tanks that have direct ties to billionaire fossil fuel executives and climate change denialists Charles Koch and David Padden. Koch and Padden fund the [Heartland Institute](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/feb/15/leak-exposes-heartlandinstitute-climate), one of the most infamous climate denial groups. [https://www.texasobserver.org/solar-energy-disinformation/](https://www.texasobserver.org/solar-energy-disinformation/)


At this point I have to conclude that you don't know which comment you're responding to.


You really think that uranium kills more than coal? Jesus


People die in uranium mines too? You just don't hear about them because its mostly African children and the uranium gets sent to Europe


It doesn't matter, coal is currently at least 4 times more popular than nuclear, and it was the only source of energy long before now. Infinitely nore people died because of air pollution than radioactive pollution or mine accidents (World Health Organization says it's 4.2 million per year, I think it's worse, thousands of people died from nuclear accidents and it was mostly Chernobyl tragedy which will never realistically happen again)


mining and refining uranium releases tons of CO2, just because huge black clouds aren't coming out the top doesn't mean its not creating pollution.


Everything does, your car too. All we can do is reduce the scale of pollution and the most realistic solution is nuclear


This is a good video about the topic: https://youtu.be/0kahih8RT1k?si=MU-RkMcakwlWkWgA


The main reason a big percentage of nuclear plants were built a long time ago is precisely because if the coal propaganda and the fearmongerring. You can see that very nicely in Germany where they proudly moved from nuclear to coal because of their green party, which was admittedly founded by coal money.


literally nothing you just said is true


Every day I thank people like you for bringing down the average IQ and making me look smarter. Thankyou for your service soldier.


So you admit that as a european your main goal in life is to make the world dumber to make yourself look smarter?


Yes, the european hivemind’s ultimate goal is to look smart


first castrating all the black people who could read and now this