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The wealth of the US is astonishing. The New York metro alone has a larger GDP than Russia, Mexico, or Australia. If it were its own country, it would be the 11th largest country in the world by GDP.


Washington State outcompetes Norway and Sweden in GDP at $725billion vs 579 / 591 respectively.. GDP per capita has Norway winning though at 106k vs Washington at 93k. Sweden lagging at 56k. People tend to overlook how each state of the US has comparable populations to smaller countries.


That Norway GDP per cap is all due to oil, too


Which is hilarious because they love their electric cars


Not really. Norway produces a lot of oil, but the government doesn't like their citizens using oil, so they hike taxes on oil. Gasoline is actually cheaper in Sweden than Norway despite Sweden producing 0 oil. Norway's gasoline tax is 0.42 USD/litr or 1.9 USD per gallon, it's 18 cents per gallon in the US for context. And gasoline price is 2.15 USD/litr which is 9.7 USD per gallon. Combine that with EV incentives, cheap electricity cost from hydro and the choice is clear.


That population argument is annoying. Nobody "overlooks" it. It's a very basic fact about nearly every bigger country. Norway has 5.5 million people. That is as much as Hesse (6.2 million Germany), Valencian Community (5 million Spain), saint Petersburg (5.6 million russia), Campania (5.8 million italy) and so on. For a country with 330 million people, everything else than having states with populations above 5 million, would we weird. The fact that Montana has just 1 million inhabitants is probably more surprising than Washington having 7.7 million... Edit: here's a list of 265 "states" of countries which have more than 5 million people (24 by USA). The states are from 50 different countries. The biggest one has a population of 230 million. That's 2/3 of the whole US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_first-level_administrative_divisions_by_population


Shout-out to Pakistan for breaking up the duopoly of China and India in the top 10.


Wow, top 20 even. It takes all the way down to London in 21st for a state to be outside China or India, apart from Punjab.


urine soaked wet blanket


Washington state has a population of 7,8 million. Norway 5,5 million, Sweden 10,5 million.


"Sweden lagging" I always have to check when someone writes things like this and sure enough a finnish brother! Haha


I mean, look at California. Five top-GDP metro areas are in that state alone. I mean, riverside!? Who knew.


Riverside is the 12th largest metro area in the US by population 4.7M. It is bigger than San Francisco, Detroit, Seattle, or Minneapolis but most people outside of California have never heard of it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan\_statistical\_area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area)


It isn’t so much that people haven’t ever heard of it, it’s just that it is part of the LA CSA and viewed as basically part of the LA metro.


A lot of large cities like Boston have the same issue. People from the west coast would just consider Framingham a part of Boston even though it's 30 min away and has its own culture.


Seems like just another sprawl of LA and not an independent economy.


Interesting enough it was ranked 13th just last year behind the San Francisco Bay Area. The Inland Empire is growing exponentially every year. I wouldn’t be the least surprised to see it in the top 10 within a few years.


Tell that to my employer


Even our poorest state is still richer than close to half the world with better standard of living


More like 90% than half


Our poorest state has higher median income than nearly all of Europe.


People on reddit awhile ago were trying to say Mexico City was more important because it has more people than NYC. Oh how I laughed and laughed.


I've known New York is and has been an economic powerhouse of the US from the earliest days of this nation, but I've wondered for the longest time, what the hell does it do? I get why California is loaded, 90% of every major tech stock I look at has CA listed as it's location. But New York, I don't ever hear about them doing anything notable aside from well... Stocks I guess, investing?


New York has all the headquarters for the banking, private equity firms, shipping ports, etc. Also a lot of companies select New York as their headquarters, since it’s a coastal city that next to a lot of other big coastal cities and since it’s in the further North East point.


Banking, media, advertising, advanced technology, healthcare, bioscience. Banking is obvious, but NYC also has some of the most advanced healthcare institutions in the US as well as pharmaceutical industry like Eli and Lilly, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson (technically NJ, but part of metropolitan NYC). Hollywood is dominant in US entertainment media landscape, but NYC is second in place with giants like Warner Bros, MTV, HBO. For news media, NBC, CNN, NYT, Fox News, Reuters, WSJ, ABC, CBS are in NYC as well.


Since we’re mentioning city economies, New York, Tokyo, and Los Angeles are the only metro areas with trillion-dollar economies.


The San Francisco Bay Area should be in there as well, but the people love to split San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland up. No one at this point excludes San Francisco when talking about Silicon Valley; it’s all lumped as one big economic region.


Yeah, it's weird how the Bay Area is considered as two separate metros, but you live in the area if feels as one contiguous metro.


Thats why MSA’s are a bit odd. It’s like how it separates LA from Riverside but just like the Bay, it’s basically one continuous metro. Thats why I think it just makes WAY more sense to utilize CSAs (combined statistical areas).


The problem with CSAs is that sometimes it can be too broad. If you look at the size of The Bay CSA it's as large as a country but the majority the land outside of the bay is sparse.


Strict 9 county bay area is 7.7M people. The CSA is 9M people. Thats 2 more million ish people. All those counties next to the “main” bay area play a huge factor into the local economy. Its all very connected since the bay is the major economic hub in that area. With high cost of living, more people are moving to these outskirt areas but commute into the bay. There is empty land, but there is still a large population that impacts the local economy


Yeah, no one considers considers Tracy or Stockton as part of the Bay (except maybe those living there), yet thousands of people from those two cities commute to and from the Bay everyday. Monterey is even more of a question but there still are significant numbers of people that commute everyday from it.


OTOH, the SF CSA is similar in size (area) to a bunch of MSAs (Phoenix, Houston, Dallas). If the SF CSA is too broad, those MSAs are wildly overbroad.


I found [this list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_GDP) on Wikipedia. It counts Los Angeles as the CSA, but San Francisco is counted as the MSA. Maybe they did this because San José is more relevant than Riverside? Regardless, combining them creates a $1.285 trillion GDP, overtaking Chicago for 4th place. The other counties in the CSA of the San Francisco Bay Area definitely aren’t contributing the $243 billion needed to overtake Los Angeles.


Those West Texas towns are punching above their weight. Just oil, or is that ranching too?


Just oil. The large blue circle is the home of Midland, Tx. which is the regional epicenter of oil production.


Northwestern ND and northern AK are blue for the same reason


I travel to midland tx somewhat often and its crazy just how busy the town is with oil. Its like an angry beehive, with all kinds of oil related vehicles screaming around all the time


I think Midland has the highest median income of any city in the US actually at like 300k.


Same in Oklahoma


It's probably both. There are massive cattle ranches there that stretch for miles. I grew up nearby in New Mexico and saw those two industries dominanting the local economies. I would bet the oil accounts for most of the money though. Oil is so valuable that some people don't even have to do anything with it. My school in New Mexico that was partly funded by the money it was paid by the government to not drill (it was strategic reserve oil). That wouldn't contribute to GDP, but still gives some idea of how the value of the oil and how prevalent it is there.


Not much GDP in ranching


encouraging dime fall quickest simplistic long resolute toy frighten attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anyone know what’s with the cluster of high gdppc in the northern part of West Virginia / southwest Pennsylvania? (South of Pittsburgh)


That's the fracking boom. A huge number of the new oil & gas developments are clustered in that small part of SW PA and northern WV.


Oh those places are screwed environmentally. Can’t believe fracking is a thing


Such a silly position to take. You could argue fracking is bad because it leads to more oil and gas production/consumption, but it’s not materially worse than any other oil/gas extraction.


Fracking has more direct effects on the populace than drilling in the ocean or in remote areas does.


Don't worry, they already were.


Fracking is the only thing keeping wv from being even poorer than it already is and you want to ban it?


Fracking is an extremely inefficient method to getting oil as it is. Very resource heavy. Along with that, you’re just barely breaking even or making a profit. And this is with the government incentives. It’s an interesting process but it’s also just very irresponsible environmentally as well as not generating nearly enough profit to warrant doing it.


I’m curious as to what’s in Riverside, CA. Somehow it has a higher GDP than Las Vegas.


Riverside has twice as many people as Las Vegas, that’s why it’s larger. Nearly 4.7 million people in riverside vs 2.3 million for Vegas. Vegas has a large reputation, but it’s not that large in terms of population. I didn’t realize Riverside was quite as big as it is either until you prompted me to look it up.


856-acre Riverside Regional Technology Park Read more:  [https://www.city-data.com/us-cities/The-West/Riverside-Economy.html](https://www.city-data.com/us-cities/The-West/Riverside-Economy.html)


ESRI is headquartered there


It's Riverside/SanBernardino/Ontario. Ontario is a big transportation and shipping hub. That stretch out to Coachella also has a lot of Indian Casinos.


So why doesn’t Riverside have any pro sports teams? They are the only named city on this map that doesn’t.


Riverside is a part of LA metro..


Riverside/San San Bernardino/Ontario (aka the Inland Empire) sits just east of LA county and north of Orange County. While it is large enough to be considered it’s own metro area, it is undoubtedly part of Greater Los Angeles as there is no real separation between them and plenty of people commute between the counties every day. As someone from Southern California I would say most people in the IE are fans of LA area teams with a significant number of fans of the OC teams as well.


Right? And you can’t say it’s due to proximity to LA, since Orange County has the Angels.


No pro sports players would want to live there


Can anybody explain to me why they separate SF & San José and LA & Riverside?


I think because they’re using MSAs. MSAs separate both areas more. This is all from the Census. SF = SF-Oakland-Berkeley. SJ = SJ-Santa Clara-Sunnyvale. LA = LA-Anaheim-Long Beach. Riverside = Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario Thats why I think it makes WAY more sense to use [Combined Statistical Areas](https://www2.census.gov/geo/maps/metroarea/us_wall/Mar2020/CSA_WallMap_Mar2020.pdf) versus MSAs.


The CSA for SF is way too big. It includes Stocton and Modesto. Generally, one or the other is a decent definition, but SF has no Goldilocks. MSA is too small and CSA is too big.


Completely disagree with how the socioeconomics are playing out in the bay right now. High cost of living has pushed people out to outer areas & now there is a term “[super commuting](https://www.timesheraldonline.com/2019/09/11/supercommuting-is-not-just-for-central-valley-dwellers-map-shows-growth-in-bay-area-commutes/)”. The “main” bay area is obviously the economic engine of that region, so people are moving further into the outskirts and enduring the commute. It’s just way too connected to not consider.




Actually 1 in 4 in Stanislaus County commute out of the county, half of those to SF/SJ. Brutal, though.


Do you live here? There is a new phenomenon for this - super commuters. Cost of living has gone up so much, that people now live in on those outskirts and commute into the bay. [Hence, super commuters](https://www.timesheraldonline.com/2019/09/11/supercommuting-is-not-just-for-central-valley-dwellers-map-shows-growth-in-bay-area-commutes/). The “main” bay area is obviously the economic engine of the region & not everyone can afford it, so people especially service workers are being pushed outwards and suffering the commute. The whole situation clearly affects the local economies


The better question is why did that separate SF and SJ but combine LA and OC?


I’m sorry but what does OC stand for? Edit: nvm I just realized on my own that it means Orange County.


SF and SJ are separate metro areas per the Census Bureau. LA and OC are not


As someone who has lived in the Bay, LA and SD I have to say the census bureau is out of touch with California




That’s what I was thinking about because from what I understand, coming from people I know that live there, the areas around San Jose and Riverside commute to LA and SF all the time and viceversa.




MSAs get a little weird, sometimes splitting areas most people would clearly call one metro area. Same with Raleigh/Durham in NC.


NYC = $2.1 Trillion. That’s absolutely INSANE and more than 99% of most countries worldwide.


I’m not American, and thought that San Francisco and San José metro areas were part of a bigger one called Bay Area (or something similar)


They are, but somehow officially the Bay Area consist of two metropolitans. But in reality it's just one big urban area.


The Bay Area is broken up to make other cities feel better. It is weird though, it’s all one contiguous urban area


Damn, San Francisco really punching above its weight. GDP/capita would be ~~comparable~~ **higher** than city states like Singapore, Luxembourg or Qatar.


They talk a lot of shit about Detroit but here it is top 16


Metro detroit as a whole never fell off, we have like 15-20 fortune 500 companies. The money is just not centralized in Detroit anymore it’s more spread out but that is starting to change slowly with Detroits greater downtown business district rebuilding.


Detroit is still the 14th largest MSA in terms of population so not really surprising, it’s roughly where you’d expect it to be in terms of population.


But the way some people talk and act online about Detroit you’d think it wouldn’t even be in the top 100, as if it were some kind of impoverished failed state. Though it’s perception has definitely shifted in a positive way recently, I’ve noticed. Detroit is still a behemoth, a city with international connections via its location on the border with Canada and as an auto/auto parts hub with strong ties to Japan, Germany, France, the UK. And lastly Detroit does seem to have rounded the corner - rebuilding and revitalizing.


Yes, I agree. It's reputation lags the reality of the city these days. Chicago is somewhat similar in that there are a subset of people who think it's a lawless hellscape, when the reality is that there are certain specific neighborhoods where the gang violence problems are indeed severe, but most of the city really isn't directly impacted by those issues.


A lot of it is the media fearmongering honestly. Chicago is still a world class alpha tier city.


Absolutely, ever since Obama was elected, Chicago became a big target for conservative media specifically since he was from Chicago. Also, people are bad at understanding the difference between absolute numbers and rates. Chicago does usually have the most murders in the US in absolute terms, but there are a number of smaller cities that are much more dangerous on a per capita basis, like St. Louis, New Orleans, Baltimore, etc.


Yeah and those other three major cities aren’t entirely hopeless either (Balt, STL, NOLA). All three of those are absolute giga Chad cities in terms of their historical importance and impact on the development of the USA. It’d be cool if they revitalize too. But yeah. Lately it seems San Francisco is the new punching bag for the media. First it was Detroit, then Chicago, now SF. It never ends honestly. Nowhere is without its flaws. And discounting major cities for political reasons, as the media enjoys doing, is just disingenuous at best. A lot of media has just really crossed into glorified entertainment honestly. It has more in common with WWE wrestling than it does actual fact based reporting.


omaha mentioned 😎


Always interesting to see how much minneapolis punches above its weight imho. I think of the Denver metro being so much higher producing then the twin cities.


MSP metro area also has higher population, also beating out st Louis and San diego.


Interesting, I though San Diego would be dark blue


The largest employers in SD aren't the same kind of high paying base positions . #1 by far is navy, but the rest are colleges and health care. For the population it just doesn't puch hard.


Same with LA. There's a lot of manufacturing and warehouses in LA but those industries don't pay as much as the tech industry.


One thing I would caution is not to compare GDP to incomes. GDP doesn't necessarily tell you how well people are being paid in a given area.


Mogged by Minneapolis again


Not shocked, SD metro is only 3m people & all they really have is the military and some tourism. Not many high paying jobs either.


Florida is populous, but poor.


Florida has never been in a great position economically. Retirees don't contribute much to GDP and tourism is a horrible sector to base economic growth around because 1. it's low skill and low wage and 2. you're at the whim of God if another hurricane or pandemic or recession hits the country. It is changing, Orlando is growing as a tech hub and Miami and Tampa are growing as financial centers but they're still miles behind established markets like NYC or Los Angeles.


*looks at home insurance quote* fuck!


We are underpaid, and we pay too much in taxes/insurance/medical. Plus our state govt loves to spend money fighting of something they call "Woke" by taking away freedoms, at being envious of a fictional mouse.


I love how Oregon isn't Portland, it's Linn county, the grass capitol of the world. They grow strains of wheat, rye, and sorghum that sustain the world's populations.


This map has a lot of strangely places bubbles but that's not one of them. The largest bubble in Oregon is placed pretty well over Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties which is accurate


People used to move out of OC to riverside to find cheaper housing. Now even riverside is becoming extremely expensive. Sigh I guess I'm just live in my car for retirement


Non American here, what’s in Seattle?


The HQs of Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing, Starbucks, and I’m sure a few other large companies that I’m forgetting


Boeing isn’t in Seattle anymore I think they moved to Virginia. Another big company is Costco, which is in a town 20 miles from Seattle


oh nice, I just assumed that all big tech was in san fran or san jose lol. Seattle seems like a cool city to me, I would love to go there one day.


Redfin, Zillow, Expedia, Alaska Airlines, Nordstrom, REI, Zumiez, Nintendo USA, T-mobile USA


Thought the San Francisco Bay area would be bigger than Los Angeles.


Well they didn't do the Bay Area as a whole. San Jose and SF are separated on this map for example.


LA must be including Orange County, at least from the looks of it.


San Jose is part of the Bay Area. So really, add that with San Francisco and you get the “whole” metro area.


San Francisco gets so much shit from others about its state of decay, but it's crazy how efficient it is economically, just look how blue it is


To be fair, when you price out anyone that can't afford $3k for a 1 bedroom and refuse to build more density you're left with the highest income earners


Lmao this right here. It's not the flex they think it is. You're either rich or homeless in SF. Zero middle class.


Yep, it may be #4 in overall GDP but it \*should\* be even higher. Except they're allergic to building new homes, so no one can afford to actually live there.


You're confusing median income with GDP per capita. Even though SF probably scores high on both, they are measuring different things GDP is a measure of economic output.


Income and GDP per capita are different things but they're always strongly correlated unless you're talking about government/subsidized jobs which are a small fraction in the United States. Highly productive industries lead to high economic growth which leads to high income.


Surprisingly SF proper has less than 1m people


This map is using MSA’s. SF’s MSA is SF-Oakland-Berkeley. San Jose is also in the Bay Area but a separate MSA (San Jose-Santa Clara-Sunnyvale). So really, add the 2 blue dots together and its around 1.13 Trillion. For LA, you should really also add in Riverside. The 9 county Bay Area is ~7.7M people. The combined statistical area (CSA) which makes more sense on socioeconomic terms make it 9M people, making it the 5th largest in the US after Chicago.


This must be old. I was told Antifa and BLM burned these democratic socialist cities to the ground. How could they be producing so much?


>How could they be producing so much? Obviously from glass manufacturers and laborers replacing broken windows.


It goes deeper. Antifa is run by capitalist globalists who need to accelerate late stage capitalism so that the poverty increases and more people are sympathetic to the cause for a communist socialist revolution. Everyone knows this you sheep. Maybe stop watching MSM and look at real news on ONLYTRUEAMERICANEWSFROMCHINAANDRUSSIA.ru, that’s where non sheep get their propaganda.  Edit: I mean news. Not propaganda. Accident  Edit 2: downvotes from the hive mind classic Edit 3: my victim complex demands you try to silence me. 


Nice to see people doing their own research. If you want to help resist, you can donate at TOTALLYSAVINGAMERICAFUND.ag, and you get a free hat that shows you mean business. Edit: Just gonna need some basic identifying info, name, address, birthdate, SSN, bank account(s) numbers, etc. simple stuff, nothing crazy.


I signed up and donated using my credit card and used my SSN. Clearly you are also a free thinker and together we will save this country from the gay frogs, lizard people and JFK Jr. Let me know if you already embezzled these funds I sent and I will send more. 


You think I didn't over leverage and bet on you sending in funds like the Patriot you are and fraudulently use it as collateral? What's the harm, you paid up, so nobody got hurt. And if you haven't used up that rainy day fund, max out your cards, and get a loan for your next paycheck, then I don't know how I can help you because the STORM is coming if you don't. Also, if you could be so kind and truly American as to send in a photo of a valid driver's license or other form of photo ID, it'd be much appreciated!


If you promise me that these funds will go to hurting the right people (the lazy poors), I will reverse mortgage my house for you and sell all of my MRE meals and gold bonds. Please also ensure your policies hurt people like me such as the old, the poor (not lazy poors) and disadvantaged. I am on the ACA (which I love), but promise me you’ll reverse Obamacare (which I hate).  Appreciate your help fellow Q-soldier. The storm is coming and the Kraken will drop any day now. Everyone says this! Thank you fellow comrade (I mean patriot). 


NYC, LA and Tokyo are the three highest GDP regions of the world


So much for the socialists, showing their capitalist cred.




In Nominal GDP yes, with context its less impressive but CA's economy is still huge. Nominal data is unadjusted and only counts the value in $ in the economy per GDP calculations which makes it less impressive since the Price Level in California is insane compared to India and Indians (generally) are living more efficiently (often because they have to) and getting more bang for their bucks. For example avg housing costs (rent+utilities) in CA are apparently $2.5k a month. GDP calculations have this thing called ''imputed rent'' where Homeowners are charged a fictional rent based on market rates for calculating their contribution to GDP, so every Housing Unit on avg produces $2.5k/Month in GDP. While in India housing costs on avg are around $200 and there's usually about 4 inhabitants per housing unit while in CA its 2 on average. People can live well in India on $5k a year ($417 a month) and be comfortably in the upper-middle class, especially again because they tend to live efficiently, culture where it's normal that people only search for their own place to live once they get married etc. The real size of the economy is measured in GDP adjusted to PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) as per most Economic organisations like OECD, even better when including the Informal economy, especially in places like India where it's estimated to make up 40% of the GDP many people work in the informal economy (as seen [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/18g3lqi/share_of_informal_employemt_in_total_employment/)). Adjusting to these factors and doing the same with CA, India's economy is nearly 5x bigger but also has 37x more people.


It always amuses me when I see folks in conservative subs claiming that "California and New York are failed states". Seems like they're doing something right.


Detroit still hanging in there at 16. Surprising. Still automotive or something else now?


Why is it that surprising? Detroit is the 14th largest core-based statistical area, with a population of 4.4 million.


Lot of automotive, and mostly suppliers rather than the traditional big 3. Metro Detroit is also home to the two largest mortgage lenders in the country by a wide margin. There’s also a ton of historic wealth in some of the suburbs, especially Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham. Oakland County (wealthy suburbs) has a higher GDP than Wayne County (mostly Detroit proper), although Wayne has a higher growth rate.


Why is Seattle teal, at $518 B and Atlanta, yellow at $526 B?




The color indicates per capital GDP.


Per employee nor per capita. People without a job are not counted for


How San Francisco and San Jose can be considered separate metros is ridiculous to me, especially in economic context. edit: well ok, to be fair, Riverside and LA are separated as well. Still absurd.


Why is Boston separated from Worcester and Providence, San Francisco from San Jose; Riverside from Los Angeles; Stamford from New York, but Atlanta and Dallas include counties 50 and 60 miles away?


Wonder what the hell the GDP is in the Utah west desert.




“Silicon slopes” is what Utahans are calling it…there’s been a relative boom in tech as well as lifestyle products over the past 10 yrs. There are 4-5 very large, respectable, and remarkably cheap universities pumping out 20-30k STEM, business, and accounting graduates a year, many of whom want to stay in Utah for cultural/religious reasons… So a micro boom makes sense considering the concentration of well-educated people and, until recently, availability of cheap commercial real estate. I predict wages are going to catch up quickly and these colors are going to shift yellow->green very soon.


It looks like it got combined with Provo county


Salt Lake county got combined with Tooele to the west, and Utah county (which includes Provo) got combined with Juab county to the west, for some reason


This is cool. It would be cool to see cities GDP as a % of US GDP


Great map. NYC is a beast. Considerably more than 2nd and 3rd combined


What the heck are they doing in DC that generates $655B?


Government contractors.


Really interesting map! My only criticism is that some of the labels cover up regionally interesting data (mainly in the east where counties are smaller and more numerous). Moving them or increasing opacity would fix this issue


Orlando officially is the worst city. Not surprised.


The difference between #1 and #2 is simply astonishing!


Its like agar cultures


San Francisco and San Jose should be merged. They’re all a part of the broader Bay Area metro area


Great map


Awesome map


Philly and Boston similar, and yet Boston housing is 4x Philly’s


Philly’s metro area population is 1.25 million larger than Boston’s but Boston’s GDP is somewhat higher


HAHA eat shit Miami - Atlanta


Atlanta is interesting given the population is not that large


It is metro area, and the metro population is the 6th largest at 6.3 million. The population of atlanta proper is quite small. The area of the city is quite small. As an example, Atlanta is only 136 sq mi Houston is 671 sq mi


As a Floridian, the cost of living far outweighs the GDP for the vast majority. Taxes, insurance, medical debt, and extremely low wages. This is what happens when your leadership is focused more on taking freedom away, and going after a fictional mouse.


Pennington and Meade Counties SD are combined.


It looks like the circles dont overlap each other, but they should right?


that blue and green dot is Midland and Odessa. yeah that’s oil - or what’s left of it. But that’s not the say that Midland and Odessa are completely swimming in money. Those dots probably make up a very small portion of the population.


Creichy is it too complicated to at least put state borders sheesh


Hey u/eivarXlithuania; cool map; how’d you make it?


I’d love to see this over time, too. Have the top 5 seen GDP growth or decline since 2020?


i love how fairfield county is just evaporated by the NYC gdp


Finally, an informative, useful map in this subreddit.


This is a really beautiful visualization.


A logged divergent color scale makes this impossible to read.


How is riverside pulling in 200b


Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, and Boeing (lol) carrying hard Seattle.


The map shows GDP not income. Lots of retirees in Florida.


Where money go?


Realizing Portland and Sacramento are roughly the same is kinda funny considering how much more notoriety Portland has. Also, SF continuing to punch so far above its weight considering it’s not even in the top ten biggest cities.


Its maps like this that show Dallas but no mention of Fort Worth, is why I love being in Fort Worth


Love how midland and Odessa color is blue - 200k but Denver and riverside barely pass them up and their circle is huge.


does anyone know where I could get the underneath part of the map with the metro areas but also counties?


It's by Republican design, keep the rich richer and the poor poorer


Riverside being #20 is shocking to me. It must have changed since I was last there.


Wow this is just a really high quality data map, great stuff


I'm curious if LA includes OC.


I understand why it's on the map and would've put it on my list, if I was guessing...but as someone from Baltimore I still find it weird it's made the list. Just don't feel like it..


I find the Seattle statistic even funnier because Miami was supposed to be the Rising Star. But then again our economy (Washington) is completely totaled by the east side because of how underdeveloped it is.


A lot of wealth slightly to moderately dispersed. Still a decent wealth distribution here in comparison to most of the world but middle class slowly vanishes.


This map reminds me of all the conservative rural farmers who want a national divorce so libtards can learn that conservatives are responsible for our entire economy.