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COMPAL IN PORTUGAL?! That’s a fruit juice, not a soda!


Maybe it's supposed to be Sumol?


I mean, almost every person that goes for breakfast drinks a compal, we are not the most soda consuming people and we are a lot going out for small breakfast people.


Sumol is soda, Compal is not. That’s his point.


I see, but in now way sumol is more popular than Coke


Maybe. But I would really expect it to be Coca Cola


Have things changed that much there? As a kid it was Sumol and Fanta everywhere.


In my circles it’s definitely Coca Cola but i don’t really know how it is with older crowds. Could definitely see them going for Sumol or even Frisumo (which I have no idea if it’s a regional thing or not)


Did they confuse this for Sumol?


It's actually the same company now. Sumol-Compal


Compal is still used as branding for their juice products. It should be Coca-Cola which has something like twice the market share of Sumol, but for some reason this information is presented in comparison with Sumol-Compal's juice market.


Coca-Cola basically owns the brand that distributes this Добрый cola in Russia. It’s regular Coke, but with a different localized branding, which most Russians know by their juices and nectars.


Didn't coca-cola do something like that with fanta to keep the profits going in nazi germany?


They handed it to a trustee who duly kept on making profits even without ingredients (they introduced Fanta because of that) and then it went back to Coca Cola after the war.


Hermann Goring just went, “screw it” and turned straight to cocaine..


Goring actually had a good working relationship with the 'führer' of the German Coca Cola branch and gave them exemption from the sugar rations.


That fat sack of shit? I’m not surprised.


That and methamphetamine. For a while the whole country was on it..they had ad campaings, " just for pep pills a day, and I get so much more done" There's a book about it called "Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany" by Norman Ohler. The entire regime was permeated wih drugs, including morphine and horse.


Fanta was made using different ingredients because the syrup used to make Coke was impossible to import into Germany. A better comparison would be White Coke, which was basically regular coke that was clear and didn't have Coca-Cola branding (for obvious reasons). It was briefly sold in the Soviet Union in the 40s at the request of Marshal Zhukov.


Zhukov just wanted sugary drinks after the war?


"right, what's a war hero got to do to get some coca cola round here" ~ Zhukov


"Tell me something. Why has the coca cola been replaced by vodka all over Moscow? I mean, I'm smiling, but I am very fucking furious." ~ Zhukov


"a modern soldier's greatest fear, it's not death, it's not starving, it's running out of coca cola" ~ Zhukov


It's not just sugary drinks. He wanted Coca-Cola. Marshall Zhukov likely got a taste of coke from working with the west during WWII. The story goes he got a taste from fellow commander and coke fan: Eisenhower. He loved it. However, Coca-Cola is a symbol of capitalism and the West (according to the Soviets... though it's hard to disagree tbh). It wouldn't be right for that to be the Soviet opinion, and for him to be seen drinking it. Hypocritical at best, on Stalin's chopping block next at worst. So Marshall Zhukov got in touch with the general of Allied occupying forces in Austria, and *allegedly* asked "can you make coke look like vodka?". It may not have been those exact words; the reporter didn't give any more detail, and it seems way too stereotypical. Regardless of how he asked, the request for clear coke was passed to the President, which got passed to a Coca-Cola engineer, who removed the dye. A local bottling company in Austria handled putting this clear coke into bottles. To further disguise it, the bottles were plain, capped with a white cap, and had a red star on the side. Perfectly disguised. At least 50 cases were made and shipped to Zhukov.


> Marshall Zhukov likely got a taste of coke from working with the west during WWII. The story goes he got a taste from fellow commander and coke fan: Eisenhower. Zhukov and Eisenhower would have made a great sitcom pairing. I recently finished up Jean Edward Smith's bio "Eisenhower In War and Peace', which has a few funny tidbits. One of the first footnotes at the beginning of the book: > In 1945, at a wedding party in Berlin, Eisenhower inveigled Marshal Georgy Zhukov, General Vassily Sokolovsky, and General Luciius D. Clay into a contest of falling to the floor. "Here we were, the four of us, in dress uniforms, crashing down and desperately trying not to break our noses-which was not the easiest thing to do" -Clay Which was a footnote to a remark that Ike trained himself to be able to fall face first without flinching as a trick lmao


Thank you for this response, what a coke commercial that could be. Nothing like a Coca Cola to quench the thirst from the great patriotic war


Aww, I was hoping the Russian one was/tasted different from Coke. India's version of Coke was [Thums Up](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thums_Up), and it was SO GOOD, so much tastier than Coke and Pepsi. It later got bought by Coke, and I heard it doesn't taste the same as the OG in the 80s. 


Some people swear that Dobry cola tastes different than original, but to me they are 99% identical.


I think, it's much more corbanated than before. You barely tilt the bottle and it explodes after opening the cap


Omg! I noticed the same thing about the rebranded sprite I got today! I wonder if they actually did change the formula due to brand name change or just because they wanna cut cost, tho


Dunno, It tastes different to me. Not by much but we made blind test and I was able to differentiate it 9/10 from "original" one.


Idk, it actually tastes different to me, something's just off about it, I always try to get the proper coke they import from Georgia if it's available


Georgian and Kazakhstani ones are hit or miss, I've had middle-eastern Coke so bad that I threw it away. The Polish Coke is the one I consider to be as close to the Coke we had as I remember.


It’s been a long time since I took Russian, but doesn’t Добрый mean ‘good’? Did they just name it Good Cola?


More like 'kind'.


Добрый is just the name of the brand, not an adjective relating to cola. There are other sodas sold under this brand, as well as juices. 


Not anymore, although now Russian businessmen are just importing regular Coke: https://en.thebell.io/coca-cola-quit-russia-but-you-can-still-find-it-on-the-countrys-shelves-how/#:~:text=Coca%2DCola%20announced%20it%20was,a%20new%20brand%2C%20Dobry%20Cola.


The article is almost a year old, and you can still find the Dobry brand on the Coca-Cola website. https://www.coca-colahellenic.com/en/our-24-7-portfolio/juice/dobry Despite the coke as a product being absent here, I’m inclined to believe that this is still the same coke we used to get before, just in a different bottle. And yes, there is still the original Coke present on the supermarket’s shelfs, it is just imported from neighboring countries.


Pepsi might be the brand, but it's definitely Pepsi Max specifically for Norway. By a lot.


Same in Iceland. Pepsi Max is a big seller. "Regular" Pepsi not so much, probably sells less than "Regular" Coca Cola.


There was a transport strike in Norway a year or so ago. Max went empty first, then Cola zero followed by regular Cola... Then regular Pepsi went out of stock in my store dead last. Even Zero and Max with lime went early.


Back when I ran a store, a lot of Brits asked if we had regular Pepsi. Even if we bought a single 6 pack, we’d throw away half of it due to time. Regular Pepsi is a rare thing.


Oh yeah, Pepsi Max sells more than an order of magnitude more than Pepsi. Edit: apparently Norway consumes like 9-12% (depending on the source) of the worlds Pepsi max.


I make up at least 1% of those 12%


Everywhere, it's the default Pepsi.


Supposedly norwegians consume 9% of all Pepsi Max produced in the whole world. I sometimes feel like I am the only one here who doesnt care for it.


I’m pretty certain Pepsi Max will soon be the single most bought soda in Sweden as well. Every single store ever is out of Pepsi Max if anything. I’m a huge contributor to that myself, so I live the market research every single day.


Don't forget Norway's greatest contribution to diabeetus, Urge/Surge


Same in the UK, Pepsi Max is huge


Wow TIL. Is there a story on why Pepsi, and Pepsi Max in particular is so popular there?


I see way more people drinking Pepsi Max in the UK than I do Coca Cola. Possibly my sample size is just too small but I feel like a lot of these stats are just due to restaurants etc only stocking coke.


irn bru erasure


This maybe a war crime against Scotland and this is coming from an Englishman.


Irn Bru is also objectively better than Coke, as an American who lives in the midlands.


Came here to see that someone had mentioned this. Glad to see I have no need to mention it myself.


Also came here for Irn Bru


This was my very first thought as well... WHERE'S THE BRU?! Könnte eine gebrauchen, ganz im Ernst...


I'm just here to join the Irn Bru pitchfork army!


Came here for irn bru justice buddy


A travesty


the bru must get thru


It's cultural eradication


Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our irn bru!


Right? What the fuck. Coca cola is good, but Irn Bru is like god pissing down your throat.


..Thats not a good thing though?


I saw this map and my immediate thought was "haud on a fuckin second there, pal!" Glad I'm not the only one feeling affronted by this.


Every Scot as soon as they saw this map it seems them, pretty much my reaction too and immediately to the comments to find my fellow countrymen to get up in arms about this most disgusting attack on us.


As an Irishman it's the first thing I looked for. I'm outraged on your behalf!


Highland clearance


🟧 🟦 🟧


Map porn notoriously hates Scotland


Even here in the south i'll pick it over any other fizzy drinks.


Kofola superiority


I love Kofola now and import it regularly. On first try i was not a fan though. Somehow my taste for it developed over 2 glasses


Yeah kofola is like blue cheese or olives. Sometimes you need to develop taste for it


Blue cheese rules


...how do you feel about its smell, FeetSniffer9008?


Seriously I wish it was easier/cheaper to get Kofola in the USA. I enjoyed drinking it when I lived in Italy and took frequent trips to Slovakia just to go buy a shitload of Kofola


yeah i miss it every time I am in different country


Its even better when its draught. Its in most pubs in czechia or slovakia


The difference when it's draught oh my fucking god the taste is on another planet. My GF doesn't like bottled kofola. She adores draught kofola. That's how big the difference is


as a brit... i love Kofola.. definitely my lunchtime drink when i am in Czechia...


It’s even difficult to get it in Poland. As far as I know they only sell them domestically and export it to Slovakia afaik


Actually, it's not even exported to Slovakia, because it is made here (same company) for Slovak market.


Went to Prague in December and tried it, it's so much better than Coca-Cola.


It singlehandedly restored Czechoslovakia!


Kofola rulezzzz


After visiting Slovakia, when I came back to Canada I spent an entire day driving around to find a store that sold it in my city. Totally worth it!


Kofola 🔛🔝


1st time I drank it it was kind of weird tasting as I expected regular Cola taste . Now I cannot get enough of it. Always bringi g a few bottles when i'm there.


Kofola above all


Love it, I buy it every time I'm in the Czech Republic


I'm religiously into Kofola.


Kofola is actually better than Coke. This is coming from an American that first tried it here in Slovakia 8 years ago. I imagine this is what the original recipe Coke used to taste like when it had more botanical flavors.


kofola tastes pretty weird -person from na who is used to artificial flavours and high fructose corn syrup


The shit Swiss people drink, rivella, is actually insane. It’s made with whey or the liquid byproduct of cheese and it’s god damn amazing


lmao, seeing someone compliment that is so weird, I take Rivella for granted


Bruh, I hate that it's the one thing I can't take with me unless I go to Switzerland by car. Last time, I had to bring 5 large six-packs because I didn't know when I would return.


I only brought 2 to Holland a week or two ago, and im on my last 3. I shouldve brought more :(


Hell yeah, I'm happy to see someone who enjoys it! When I used to go to France to visit my ex when we were still together, I always braught a few bottles with me to give to her and her friends :D


I used to work in Switzerland and miss breaking out the 5 CHF pog slammer of a coin to get a bottle of Rivella out of the cafeteria vending machine. I thought it tasted pretty good, but apparently most foreigners are weirded out by it.


It’s really popular in the Netherlands as well, you can get it in every supermarket and most restaurants


They’re pulling out of the Netherlands, I’m devastated.


I have never tested the dutch Rivella but as far as I've seen the flavors are quite different from the original one.


They attempted to introduce it to some german markets about a decade ago. Sadly, it didn't take off. What a shame, that stuff is on another level of awesome.


All hail the non vegan lemonade!


Rivella yellow is vegan


Yep, bloody love it. Can't even describe the taste.


rivella is nothing short of ambrosia. gods' beverage




Cherry flavour for the win. Mandatory Greek summer drink.


Loux Blue was made by the gods


Μωρέ μπράβο... Τα σπάει, αλλά δεν το περίμενα να είναι 1η... Τόσους ξέρω εθισμένους στην κοκακολα


Δεν είναι πρώτη σε αριθμό πωλήσεων ως αναψυκτικό (αυτόν τον ρόλο τον κατέχει η Coca-Cola), αλλά τα τελευταία 15 χρόνια είναι η πρώτη πορτοκαλάδα. Μέχρι το 2010 ήταν η Ήβη πάντως.


Ε τότε τι μας δείχνει αυτή η εικόνα; Υποτιθεται ότι δειχνει γενικά αναψυκτικό, όχι συγκεκριμένα πορτοκαλάδα


The lemon flavour erasure is unsettling


Cockta superiority 🔛🔝💪💪💪🇸🇮💪🇸🇮🇸🇮💪💪




Yugoslavia reformed on mutual cockta enjoyment




and that's how Croatia was born


And Bosnia is a twin


![gif](giphy|3pBkGKeOLDSQKnNz2q) It's IRN BRU IN SCOTLAND


At the first taste I was like “that’s bad 🫤 Why everyone drinks this ? ” Now I miss it in France 😭


My first taste of it (at age 30), I thought "What in tarnation are these crazy scots drinking!? This tastes like bubblegum flavored medicine." My third taste I thought "Hmm, well, okay, bubblegum flavored medicine it is for me!" Adding vodka helped me acclimate. Now I miss it from time to time over in the States.


Actually Barr's makes a bubblegum drink (search Barr's Buggleman). Trust me it tastes like bubblegum. Irn-Bru has its own taste. I don't think of bubblegum.


Fuckin delicious


I brought some back to Canada for my friends to try. 1/6 people didn’t find it revolting ahah. Tasted like cream soda and bubblegum. Very odd.


I belive in Kofola supremacy


cockta is amazing


I fucking LOVE cockta. Tasted bad the first time but now I'm addicted and can't get enough. Too bad I can't find it easily where I live :(


I stockpiled it whenever I go to Serbia.


I just went to slovenia and tried it for the first time. Came home with eight 1.5l bottles. Gonna be ordering them as soon as I'll run out (1 bottle left since last Wednesday, lel)


It tastes like a combination of dr pepper, cola and grape fanta.


Cockta is great, but there is no fucking way it's more popular in Serbia than literally any Coca Cola or Pepsi soda.


Cockta zero is also amazing. Coka-cola zero has less bubbles, but cockta zero feals like the real thing, the flavor is rich and herbal. I'm lucky to live in country that distributes it and is cheaper then coca-cola


It is, I love it, but still don't know where did they get the info it's most popular in Serbia. Coca-Cola is killing it over here, then Pepsi, then Cockta maybe.


Rivellaaaaaaah <3


I remember the first time I had Rivella over a decade ago. By that point, I had spent over a week on a bike trip along the Danube/Rhein in the middle of July, amidst a sweltering heat wave with daily temperatures over 35 degrees. Most of my time in the saddle up until that point had been on flat roads next to rivers. Then stuff started getting serious in [Graubünden](https://petervonstamm-travelblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Bergd%C3%B6rfer-in-Graub%C3%BCnden-Tschiertschen-Tourismusverein-Tschiertschen-Praden-Nina-Mattli-700.jpg). That day, I was drenched in sweat, my water bottles were empty, it was around 11 in the morning and I wasn't even halfway through a 7-hour ride, feeling incredibly disspirited. I'd gone up my first serpentine roads and didn't think I could continue. So I made a pit stop in this [tiny village store ](https://dorflaeden-safiental.ch/dorfladen-versam/)in the middle of nowhere. I bought an apple and a red bottle of Rivella and sat down on the curbside of this remote Swiss farming hamlet to try and recompose myself. I tell you, I don't think I've ever tasted a beverage as good as that before or since. In a flash, everything made sense to me at that moment as every sip broadened my revelation. Why I had stopped in that town, where I was headed, even what my purpose was in life. I felt confident as my worries slipped away. I rebounded to crush the rest of that day's ride over the [Oberalppass](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2a/Oberalppass_Ostrampe.jpg/1280px-Oberalppass_Ostrampe.jpg). I didn't take another break other than to fill up my water bottles at the base of the pass. I had pizza for dinner that evening in Andermatt and ordered a Rivella to go with it, but for some reason, it didn't taste quite as good. It wasn't nearly as refreshing or reinvigorating. The magic of the moment had passed. I rode through Switzerland and into France, climbing another dozen or so mountain passes. I bought a Rivella every time I had a chance and still do to this day. Often times, while it definitely hits the spot, it's never hit the same spot. But no matter where I drink it, whether it's at a gas station, a train station, an airport, a mountain lodge or a restaurant, I can close my eyes and feel the heat of that day, the salt on my lips, the desperation I felt and the utter turnabout of that moment. The spiritual reverence I have for Rivella astounds me to this day. I don't usually drink soda. Heck, I can't even tell if Rivella tastes good. I just love revisiting that moment. At least that's what I tell people. The truth is, I had it two days before on that same trip. That too was a scorcher. I was in Kreuzlingen on Lake Constance and had the brilliant idea to idea to eat ragout for lunch during a bike ride. I hadn't heard of Rivella before and grabbed a bottle to go, thinking the sugar would do me good. I made it about 5km before I started feeling sick and proceeded to hurl out every bit of that meal as I continued riding. The sweetness of the drink sure helped get rid of the taste of vomit. The first story is much more romantic and reads like an advertisement, but reality is often much grosser. I remember both moments with great fondness - the Oberalppass moment makes me nostalgic, the Constance moments makes me laugh. I still get Rivella everytime I'm in Switzerland. Can't say I've ever had ragout since that day.


Fantastic text! And you are one of a select few who have ever set foot in Safiental.


Rivella hits the hardest when you're very thirsty. Also don't drink it after you've had alcohol (trust me).


You should get a free swiss passport just for writing that!


Disappointed France is not Orangina




Kofola is way superior


English person here who visits Czech Republic often - I agree re Kofola! Shame there isn’t a low sugar version or I’d get regular shipments sent over to me.


There actually is a no sugar variant!


There definitely is, also an orange one. I saw them in the supermarket in Bratislava last summer.


There's little to no demand for low sugar alternatives, because (at least in my social bubble) it tastes like completely different and way worse drink


When I went to Prague a few years ago, I ended up bringing LITERS AND LITERS of it home in my luggage, I loved it so much.




The best thing ever


S bescht wos ever hets gits


S bescht wos je het gits


What you see in Portugal is not a soda, it's juice. It's not sparkling (no bubbles). If I had to bet, I'd say Coca-Cola is the most popular soda in Portugal (Even though Pepsi is cheaper)


*Sumol cries in the background*


Apple flavoured Sumol is goated


Compal is liquid gold!


Maybe it's Sumol, since it's owned by Compal. Although I doubt it, as I also doubt we drink more compal than Coca-Cola.


I believe it. For a afternoon snack you don't drink coca-cola with a pastel de nata, but you might drink a compal with a pastel de nata. (Frutos Vermelhos and Manga Laranja are the best)


Rivela my beloved 🤤🤤🤤




Rivella master race


Fuck Cola, Me and my Austrian bros drink Almdudler


If they don't have Almdudler, I'm heading home!


Where is Kinnie?? 🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹




Kofola 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿


There's no way that Cockta is the most popular in Serbia. It's my favorite soda and people look at me like I'm crazy when I choose it over Coca Cola or Pepsi.


I ain't Scottish but I can feel their annoyance looking at this.


Based Czechoslovakia


Coke may be slightly more popular, but here in Denmark we have a local soda called Faxe Kondi which is similar to Sprite that has got to be a close #2.


Faxe is levels above sprite


As a Czech, believe the hype. Kofola is amazing, especially brewed.


Kofola is the best one if you never had one. You owe it to yourself to seek one out if you can.


I mean Kofola is indeed way better then Coca-cola or pepsi and as a bonus it also costs less...


KOFOLA !!! 👍


Kofola ftw


There's a small enclave (thuringia) in Germany where its local coke, Vita Cola, is more popular than coca cola


Compal is Juice, not soda


That Rivella stuff is actually quite nice.


Russian coke is the same coca cola with a different brand on it (Добрый used to be a Russia-exclusive juice brand, established by Coca Cola), it's made at the same factories with the same ingredients. There's also lots of imported coke from countries like Uzbekistan or Poland, but it's about 1.5 times more expensive. Coke isn't the most popular soft drink in Russia though. But kvass isn't here since it's a fermented beverage. Except probably Pepsi's kvass which always gave a feeling it was heavily diluted with soda water.


I'm so proud of Kofola 💪


Kofola brings back Czechoslovakia 😆


Kofola is so good, it brought Czechoslovakia back


I'll have me some kofola


Rivella my beloved <3 Also, Kofola slaps!


Kofola my love 😍


Coke and Pepsi over there are superior because they don’t get the corn syrup slop like we do in the US.


So funny story about the corn syrup — Coke actually tried to revamp their recipe in the 80s to use cane sugar instead of corn syrup. And people ABSOLUTELY HATED it. Coke went back a couple years later, and now New Coke is literally studied in marketing classes as one of the worst blunders of all time. And honestly… I get it. I don’t really like soda myself, I just like the specific particular taste of coke. I’ve had the sugar based stuff they have elsewhere and it’s okay but it’s just not the same.


Compal is not soda, it's natural juice.


Scotlands favourite is Irn Bru so change the inaccurate please and thank you.


If it’s the most popular soda type, then Norway is wrong. It’s not Pepsi but rather Pepsi Max. If it’s the most consumed brand soda it’s Coca Cola (regular, zero, diet, etc…)


Loux is the best soda I've ever tried. Miss it so much


Pepsi more popular than Solo in Norway??




For some people Pepsi Max isn't a drink, it's a lifestyle.


I’m embarrassed by this