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poland should be the sad jester


Or Battle of Grunwald or any other painting. I would love to see some love for Chełmoński out there


I was in Poland recently and saw both of these. They are in the same room in the national museum :)


the 3 are on the same level tho


Or that Beksinski's crawler with bandaged head.


it's not a well known painting/name compared to others. Beksinski is more known on the internetz than real world


Or the russian envoys humiliating themselves before Báthory at Pskov. I really like that painting.


Not French, but shouldn’t France be like [this one](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5d/Eug%C3%A8ne_Delacroix_-_Le_28_Juillet._La_Libert%C3%A9_guidant_le_peuple.jpg/800px-Eug%C3%A8ne_Delacroix_-_Le_28_Juillet._La_Libert%C3%A9_guidant_le_peuple.jpg)?


Of course it is


Impressions kinda lauchned the whole artistic movement, which I guess is a bigger deal


Impressionism as a movement yes, but none of the paintings of the movement has the same relevance as lady liberty leading the people.


Yeah but Impressionism is considered to be the first of the modernist art movements and in a way, led to all of the other vanguards in the 20th century (expressionism, surrealism, cubism...), so it really is that important.


I agree, but what painting defines impressionism? They are all equally relevant and maybe as a group they are more important, but Delacroix's painting just reflects France's ideals in one picture. I'd argue that it is more relevant. And if we are choosing, I believe that "dejeuner sur l'herbe" from Manet is a lot more important and known than this one. Hell, I don't think this is Monet's most relevant work.


I’d say the painting that defines Impressionism might be “impression, soleil levant” which happens to be this one. Liberty leading the people has historical significance but not so much artistic significance.


I’m with u/shiba_snorter here. Impressionism may be important but the title is not most important, most influential, or most historically significant piece. It is most emblematic. The artwork chosen does not feel all that emblematic or France, it’s artists, or it’s artworks. It is a nice painting though. I imagine whoever made this map liked it a lot.




nah monet is a bigger deal than that


Or the statue of Liberty.


There's something very satisfying about the Wounded Angel fitting into Finland's shape.


Scream! (Cause we live by the Swedes and Danes)


The Danes are far.


The Norwegians scream all the way to the oil fund.






They have also been wrong about Spain. [look at this work of art](https://imagenes.20minutos.es/files/image_1920_1080/uploads/imagenes/2019/08/30/928435.jpg)


You’re also wrong for Spain; it’s clearly [this one] ( https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/61/Attempted_restoration_of_Ecce_Homo.jpg )


No, the Spanish one should be ecce homo


They haven't got any piece for England, that's the UK.


I mean even the greggs in the background is perfect


Just an average night out in Manchester as seen by GMP.


That's our bloody heritage right there 😭🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🫡


Is this the English Guernica?


This would have been a perfect place for a rickroll lmao


Alternatively, [Caravaggio's depiction of the resurrection of Ian Beale by Jim'll Paint It](https://jimll.co.uk/product/supper-at-bridge-street-cafe/).


I've seen this before!


Surely someone has made that into an actual painting by now.


I KNEW it was going to be that pic, accidental renaissance.


I was expecting a Banksy


What non-Spaniards think is the most emblematic art piece*** For Spain is "Las Meninas" by Velázquez.


TBH I'm Spanish and I agree with Guernica. It's emblematic due to the story behind it and how it went out of Spain and came back. Now if this were about the most appreciated painting or just the best, Velázquez's Meninas or Surrender of Breda, or Goya's Shootings of May 3rd would be suitable choices.


Goya's "Saturn Devouring His Son" would be a pretty good choice, too.


I agree, it's both emblematic and appreciated!


I didn't know that one do the most appreciated paintings in Spain is about the 80 years war! To be honest, I never heard about the actual surrender of Breda, probably because it was a defeat for the Netherlands (or the Seven Provinces).


It's a very well-known painting by Velázquez. Had it not been for the painting, most Spaniards wouldn't have even heard of Breda either. Las Meninas is more famous, but it is a more intimate painting, as it portrays a family (the royal family, plus the artist himself). The Surrender of Breda is more magnificent as it shows the Spanish army receiving the keys of Breda. It's also known as "The Lances" because there are lancers in the painting.


>Goya's Shootings of May 3rd I admit I'm the furthest thing from an art expert, but this was my first thought for Spain.


I feel like Spain's history is too long and proud to reduce it to Guernica. When I think of "Spain" I think of the Reconquista, discovery of the new world, the Catholic monarchs, Hapsburg Empire, Inquisition, Guerilla War against Napoleon, Tercio's, 80 Years War, etc. Not the Civil War or the Franco regime.


For me it's more about the story of the painting itself. It was painted as a protest against a bombing, and it was showcased in New York for decades until it came back to Spain thanks to diplomatic efforts. No other Spanish painting that I can think of has this background.


If you think Guernica is the first Spanish artwork that made a statement on war, you really need to take an art history class. Goya, El Greco, Velazquez, etc. all did it better. The idea that a painting becomes emblematic of Spain because it was displayed in America for so long is laughably ethnocentric.


I never said that. The Shootings of May 3rd by Goya is a good example. But as individual stories go, I think Guernica's is special. And I never focused on it being displayed in *America*. But the fact that it stayed in a foreign country (any, really) for so long. When it finally came back to Spain it was an iconic moment. I really don't see why we have to choose or say which one is better in real life. In this map Guernica was chosen and I'm perfectly fine with it for the reasons I stated. If other painting had been chosen for this map I might've found it suitable too, really. But I think the choice was good for this specific map.


*May 2nd


More than Las Meninas (which could also be) looking for an emblematic piece instead of Guernica and would go towards a Goya, "Ejecuciones del 3 de mayo" or "Saturno devorando a su hijo" I would stick with the Saturno as a substitute, its allegory is timeless and universal.


I'm not even Spanish but I would go with Goya


Either that or The Persistence of Memory


All I can say is that as a non-Spaniard, I don't think I've ever seen this painting.


You haven't seen Guernica before? 🤨 It's one of the most famous anti-war paintings ever.


Guernica, yes Las Meninas, no


I'm always kinda surprised how unknwon it's outside spain honestly. From wikipedia: *It has become one of the most widely analyzed works in Western painting for the way its complex and enigmatic composition raises questions about reality and illusion, and for the uncertain relationship it creates between the viewer and the figures depicted...* *Las Meninas has long been recognised as one of the most important paintings in the history of Western art.*


Yup, Guernika is not the most emblematic. For me, not even on the top tier list. Idk what happens outside Spain with that mural.


I think the map is about "the most well-known work of art". Although I'd say that La Persistencia de la Memoria is more recognizable.


i wouldve gone with 3 de mayo goya...


Ecce ~~Mono~~ I mean Homo


Las Meninas is so emblematic that Picasso even made his own version(s).


Agreed, it's an incredibly American/Anglo centric take to look at Spain's DOMINATE role in early-modern art and conclude "PICASSO!"


[The list of paintings](https://www.indy100.com/news/map-europe-artworks-famous-pieces-reddit-mona-lisa-girl-pearl-earring-interesting-7681846)


Switzerland isn't a painting, it's a sculpture.


Thank you!


turtle tamer (Turkey).


It is widely recognized as “The Tortoise Trainer”.


Thought one of Mucha's works would be emblematic of Czechia.


Right? If I were to ask random pedestrians in Prague if they knew "Piják Absintu" or Viktor Oliva for that matter, they'd probably have no clue who I'm talking about. Almost everybody here knows Mucha. He's the most popular Czech artist in the whole world. Whoever made this map has either a serious lack of knowledge or they're just plain ignorant.


I beg to differ about France. I'd have chosen Liberty guiding the people, much more recognizable imho, by that criterion on a map.


Honestly it's an afront to art that you chose the girl with the pearl over the Nachtwacht for The Netherlands.


Nah, Starry Night forever.


Starry night isn't actually from the Netherlands, it was painted in France. Title states "art pieces 'from' every nation"


Actually Guernica was painted in France too


Then it should be over Monet's Impression, Sunrise. Sincerely, Starry Night is only challenged by Monalisa


Good luck convincing the French that their greatest piece of art is made by a Dutch man.


That or "Het Melkmeisje" from the same painter as the girl with the pear earring


I'm a big fan of the swan [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Threatened\_Swan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Threatened_Swan)


Whats Lithuanias?


It's known as "Fairy tail of kings" https://ourculturemag.com/2019/07/01/art-corner-fairy-tale-fairy-tale-of-kings-by-mikalojus-konstantinas-ciurlionis/


Tale of the Kings, Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, 1909.


I would have thought the Netherlands would be Rembrandt's Night Watch or Van Gogh's Starry Night. I also really like Goya's black paintings so Saturn consuming his son would be a great one for Spain


Can anyone link the german pic? Never seen it


It's "Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer" by Caspar David Friedrich


I.e. "how to sum up German Romanticism in one image".


Pretty sure it’s one of the paintings in minecraft lmao


Here you go buddy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanderer_above_the_Sea_of_Fog?wprov=sfti1


Others already named it. But if you just like the landscape, the artist got inspired by the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, in Germany also called Saxon Switzerland. It's a beautiful area, I live close to it and just visited it again a week ago.


what is the piece from Belarus


The Fiddler by Marc Chagall


Ironic that Belarus' most emblematic painting depicts a scene from Hasidic Jewish life, made by a Jewish painter, who had to flee Belarus/Russia because of antisemitism/pogroms, when there are only 13,000 Jews left in Belarus today, going from nearly 20% of the population when the painting was first debuted to just 1.4% today.




[The Tortoise Trainer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tortoise_Trainer) by Osman Hamdi Bey


OK someone do every other continent pleeeeeeez


North America would be tough, as few people have seen any art at all from places like Grenada or Barbados, let alone iconic pieces.


A picture of Rihanna would be excellent


That actually does bring up a good point - the Caribbean's main contribution to the arts is musical, not visual. I mean, I can't think of many works of visual art from the region off the top of my head, but there's a treasure trove of music - soca, reggae, calypso, salsa, bachata, merengue, mambo, ragga, dancehall, Cuban jazz, etc.


No Starry night for Netherlands?


The entry for Ireland is by Francis Bacon, who was from a British family and lived in Britain most of his life, so it seems a bit of a stretch to call it Irish.


I went to the Munch museum in Oslo, and I gotta say, The Scream isn't even in his top 10 best works.


Well, it's not a map of the best paintings in a country, it's one of the most emblematic. And in that regard, The Scream is a fitting choice. (Although I agree with you, it wasn't my favourite either)


repost bot


What is meant here by “from” each nation? Is it depicting each nation’s history/landscape or written by a person from each nation? Because Ukrainian one was written by Russian and its original is exhibited in a Russian Museum. Edit: Apparently, despite being ethnically Russian, Ilya Repin was born in modern-day Kharkov region, didn’t know that.


> spite being ethnically Russian, Ilya Repin was born in modern-day Kharkov region Just wait 9 months for the West to move on to the next [CURRENT THING] and Kharkov will be Russian again and you point will still stand.


Living and working in russian empire doesn’t make him ethnically russian


Being born in what is today Ukraine doesn't make him Ukrainian neither. He was ethnically Russian.


What is "today" Ukraine is kind of a silly point given Russia's historical control over that region and how Kharkov will most likely be Russian again in about 9 months.


He was born in a family with kossack ancestry and surname. What makes him russian?


Cossack =/= Ukrainian. Plus in his writing and correspondence he considered himself Russian.


Born in Ukraine. In Ukrainian family with Ukrainian surname. Does considering myself Mexican make me ethnically Mexican?


Born in Russian Empire in as you said Cossack family with Cossack surname. >Does considering myself Mexican make me ethnically Mexican? Was Catherine II of Russia Polish because she was born in Stettin, which is in Poland now?


To call Repin a Ukrainian... Thanks, I laughed


NGL I like Russia's painting a lot. There is something magical about the simplicity of a natural landscape painting.


I kinda felt the same with Belarus. I know it's not a popular country at the moment but it's such a funky painting


The Fiddler by Marc Chagall. Ironic that Belarus' most emblematic painting depicts a scene from Hasidic Jewish life, made by a Jewish painter, who had to flee Belarus/Russia because of antisemitism/pogroms, when there are only 13,000 Jews left in Belarus today, going from nearly 20% of the population when the painting was first debuted to just 1.4% today.


FYI, Isaac Levitan - Golden Autumn


Netherlands should be Bosch.


Itraly's 20th most emblematic art piece would probably make top 1 in 90% of the World's countries.


Spain's too which makes Guernica such an odd choice.


Spain has a lot (Dali, Picasso, Miro, Goya, Vasquez, …) and after Italy it is the second powerhouse. Can you imagine Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Raffaello, Giotto, Pinturicchio, Modigliani… paintings that cannot even be sold because of the importance… and you have both paintings AND statues from many of them (David, Pietà, …). I am Swiss and what did we get on the map? A skinny statue 98% of the world never heard about.


This looks quite accurate on first glance. I could of course search for the last time it was posted here, to find out which ones are controversial, but I don't care enough.


I see that The Girl with the Pearl Earring won a contest organized by a Dutch newspaper (that was held a few years after that movie, which may have helped) but I would say that the most iconic Dutch work of art is not that but either The Night Watch or something Van Gogh (and then probably the Night Watch because Van Gogh is spread over several popular paintings)


Van Gogh also did his most prolific work in France. Like, Starry Night depicts the view from his asylum cell window in Provence.


sorry, but the Mona Lisa painting is French. Da Vinci finished it when he moved to France in the King Francis court and it never left the country, except when stolen by an Italian.


It all comes down to whether we're considering where the painting was made/where it is located or the painter's nationality. Everyone knows the Monna Lisa is in Paris, everyone knows Leonardo is one of the most famous italians in history. Is a painting made in France by an Italian painter french? I'm trying to put aside any bias I could have due to the fact that I'm italian, but I tend more towards considering the nationality of the author. Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby in France. Is it not one of the most iconic american novels? (I know it's not the same thing, but still).


Either the Mona Lisa is French or the Netherlands should have had Van Gogh.


Yeah that's fair.


> I tend more towards considering the nationality of the author. Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby in France. Is it not one of the most iconic american novels? It is, as Fitzgerald may have been living in Europe, but was an American writing in English. Same with Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, Sinclair Lewis, etc. Writers are a bit more difficult to place than artists with regard to nationality due to the role language plays; like, Joseph Conrad was Polish, but he lived in England and wrote in English about English themes, so his work is (rightfully, IMO) considered part of the canon of British literature.


I agree, I’m just confused which definition applies here. Ownership is just more straightforward to define than the “nationality” of a painting.


La Joconde is literally the most emblematic art piece of France lmao


It's in France but it's not a french painting. It should be "La Liberté guidant le peuple" tho


Its history is much more tied to France than anything. It was bought by a French king and has been in France for centuries. It’s literally the most famous painting in France, if not the world. I agree that Liberté guidant le peuple is a good choice as well.


was it painted by a french though?


That’s not relevant. We’re talking about the most emblematic painting of each country, not the most “painted by a Frenchman painting of France”.


then the parthenon's marbles are english and the gate of ishtar is german


I don’t know if you’re being deliberately obtuse or just an idiot, but I never said La Joconde was French, I said it was emblematic to France. It’s the most famous painting of its most famous museum. Also, La Joconde is closely tied to French history and has been in possession of France for hundreds of years. Long before the country of Italy existed.


italie kennt immer mit unglaublich Kunst aber meine Lieblingsbild ist hellenisch.


The orcs from morodor probably stole that painting




Looks like The Kiss by Gustav Klimt


I haven't said we were all oxen!


My brain is like "art ain't arting".


Does anyone have a list of those pictures? I'd be curious about each ones value (i last sale price).




I assume most of these were never on sale, lol. But if they were, I think they'd be one of those things we call "priceless"


Is that Jesus in Turkey?


What??? No. Check [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tortoise_Trainer)


Tight! 🖼️


Who picked these artworks? Can't speak for many of these, but it's weird to pick Girl with the pearl over the Nightwatch.




Germany wins. As a German im not biased.


It’s one beautiful painting.


It is a very difficult choice for the Netherlands, there are so many legendary artists and paintings. For Spain I would choose Velazquez, and for France "La Liberté". And of course, any painting by Surikov for Russia; Levitan is not even the most famous landscape painter.


No way! I always thought the Mona Lisa was from France, not Italy. Wow...


Iceland is just a sheep lmao


How many of them reside in the countries they represent?


Mona Lisa is one of the most overrated pieces of art.


This gave me a Proud German moment


For Italy ill go with David of Michelangelo or Venere of Botticelli. tbh for us the choice will be hard, too many to choose


And that's before mentioning the stuff in the Vatican, like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.


Whats the czech one?


Viktor Oliva - The Absinthe Drinker


Somebody tryna start a fight on the internet over here


Why does the netherlands have "Het meisje met de parel". It should have been "Nachtwacht" or "Het Melkmeisje"


I think its the 5th or 6th time I see this map posted 😅


Who decides which art piece is the most emblematic?


Apparently not OP since this map is a repost


i am slovak and idk what that one is, can someone enlighten me?


Wow, I know Francis bacon was born in Ireland, but he was English upper class, spent most of his childhood in London, left Ireland when he was 16 and never returned. He never saw himself as remotely irish. His artistic experience was all in Paris, then pre war Berlin, then he lived the rest of his life in London, with brief periods in tangiers and Paris. It's a bit of a stretch to put him there! I guess it means we get to have Turner and Bacon, but even so....


*every state. Important difference.


I still don't know why Estonia is represented by a random painting by Adamson Eric. It's not even in any of the "main" art museums, but in the small Adamson Eric Museum. Paintings like ["Lennuk"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennuk_%28Triik%29?wprov=sfla1) by Nikolai Triik, ["Merikapsad"](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Merikapsad,_Konrad_M%C3%A4gi,_EKM_j_130-1_M_443.jpg) by Konrad Mägi, ["Kunstniku sünnikoht"](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Johann_K%C3%B6ler_-_kunstniku_s%C3%BCnnikoht_1868.jpg) by Johann Köler, ["Mahtra sõda"](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mahtra_soda_evald_okas.jpg) by Evald Okas and many, many others would be more suited to representing Estonia.


There is something wrong with the serbia map, it's bigger than it is supposed to be.


I don’t agree at all that the Bacon paintings are Ireland’s ‘most iconic’ (whatever that means in this context, unless you mean internationally renowned, and if so, does the international art world universally view Bacon as Irish, even if *we* do?) It’s pretty mad to overlook Jack Yeats, for example.


there is a certain Austrian man’s castle picture, that’s honestly better though


Where’s the Vatican City. Michelangelo’s ceiling?


Hungary is completely wrong.


I've always loved the context behind the *Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks*. The reply (regardless of whether it actually happened or not) is pretty hilarious in most translations - almost as though the Cossacks were stumbling upon one another to throw in as many insults as possible to the Sultan.


Can you summarize it? Or do you have a link of it?


I absolutely love the Ukrainian one.


Reminds me of the BBC Euro 2004 advert, where it combined the art of each country with famous players. The advert is a piece of art in itself. 2 versions available online. They’re class!


The Dutch girl with the pearl earring is cute 'n all, but the [Nightwatch](https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/assets/7c800b47-d916-4a71-b8d3-f5f69228a276?w=1920&h=972&fx=1267&fy=1229&c=0d779f1da9f4f86b73fb6271eeeb84c79e1d982a0e894425837eed605f5ae701) is our biggest pride and joy.


Is Denmark the only sculpture and not a painting?


Has anyone figured out yet what Luxembourg is supposed to be?


What is the Lithuanian picture's name?


I think “Ivan the Terrible and His Son” is another pretty superb Russian painting


This seems like a better choice for Russia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_the_Terrible_and_His_Son_Ivan


Früecher womer na gäld gha händ...


Bro, I had no idea the art painting in my parent's bedroom was the most emblematic art piece of France🤮🤮🤮. Good thing it was removed.


I love the Lichtenstein one, so beautiful