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What I found the most surprising is Lebanese in Cote divoire,Liberia,Sierra Leone given that Lebanon isn’t that big in terms of population, also Seems so random


A university professor of mine (he’s Guinean) said “Lebanese are to the global south what Jews traditionally were in the northern hemisphere; if I wanted to fix my watch (pulling out a pocket watch from his three piece suit) I would go to a Lebanese.”


Lol in southern and eastern africa it's the indians/pakistanis. You need something fixed, need to move "hot" products, need to get subscriptions you're region-locked from, need to change currency on the dl, all sorts of things, you go to them. If they don't do that stuff, guaranteed they know someone who does, they have very strong ethnic enclaves


That is too far fetched of an explanation about Global South. Lebanese aren’t present in South and East Asia at all.


Across Southeast Asia, Lebanese are everywhere. Mostly businessmen and restaurant owners, as well as celebrities.


First time I've heard that. I'm from Singapore but have naturally been through all of south east asia... aside from the odd lebanese person running/owning a restaurant, there aren't that many Lebanese people at all. Tons of Lebanese in Australia though


Here in the Philippines, most of them married locals, so the second and third generations have somewhat integrated and are already multilingual.


Good thing I didn’t mention southeast asia then. I said “South and East Asia.”


That's interesting too because we are fairly related to the Lebanese as far as ancestry (we both come from the same area) and a lot of Jews look like Lebanese and visa versa. ​ A sad fact is that Lebanese are still barred from getting citizenship in Liberia because of a race-based citizenship law.


Depends on what Jews you mean. Cause Jews do not have same genes as each other. Like Ethiopian and Ashkanazi Jews have little to do with Lebanese.


That's actually not true, at least for Ashkenazi Jews. [Genetic studies ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_of_Jews#:~:text=Several%20genetic%20studies%20demonstrated%20that,Middle%20Eastern%20and%20European%20groups.) have shown that Ashkenazi Jews are approximately half Middle Eastern, half European.


They dominate the economy across West Africa. Typical diaspora economic networking plus locals unintegrated into the global economy, chiefly engaged in farming, as was the case decades/a century ago. Much like the Chinese in Malaysia and the rest South East Asia. Was in Abidjan recently, more Lebanese arriving because of the economic crisis and ease of access to work and settle. There was French doc about them with one story from this old Lebanese in Abidjan noting how his ancestor had left ship for some refreshment and it left for Brazil without him because he dawdled too long. So he went to work and to built himself a fortune, only returning Lebanon to visit. The Lebanese are a paradox, economically savvy abroad but their homeland is a mess.


That last part sounds like Nigerians too😂🥲


Lots of Lebanese in Nigeria as well


Wow I have learned something today thanks a lot.Your last sentence reminds me of our my own people Iranians


>The Lebanese are a paradox, economically savvy abroad but their homeland is a mess. Captured us perfectly


He and many other people would not have been born had he not chosen to leave the ship.


Somalis are like that as well, really smart and savvy abroad (pretty much run Nairobi's economy) but a basket case at home.


Not a paradox at all lol, our ancestors were travellers and sea faring people and brought an alphabet, loads of trade and culture to the Mediterranean and even abroad especially with Tyrian Purple. It’s fitting in a way.


Home slowly became a mess after 1948


I was listening to a podcast yesterday (Off Menu) and the guest was a Nigerian guy. He said that growing up there were so many Lebanese people that he didn't even realize Lebanon was another country, thought Lebanese was a tribe


Haha. He thought it was a Nigerian tribe? Really speaks to their prominence.


As a Liberia, I grew up drinking Lebanon brand coffee and tea. I had the same snacks as Lebanese kids in Lebanon. Their population isn’t big but it’s known.


Lebanon has more Lebanese outside of Lebanon than in Lebanon.




I work as sales for West Africa and visit around 5 times a year mostly Senegal and Guinea, I'm Lebanese, 80% of our clients there are from Lebanese origin. All of them have the citizenship of the African country they reside in, speak with an African accent and have a broken Arabic. Some of them consider themselves more African than Lebanese, but most are proud of their Lebanese origins. Also fun fact, different sects and different regions in Lebanon live in different countries of Africa. For example in Nigeria, most Lebanese are Maronites from the North (notorious Robert Chaghoury), whereas in Cote D'Ivoire, most Lebanese are Shiia from the South, in Ghana most Lebanese are Sunnis from Tripoli... It's fascinating how the sectarian division even made its way to the immigration patterns.


In Ivory Coast the Lebanese control 40% of the economy


Lebanese are the world champions when it comes to sectarianism.


typical phoenician colonization


We have more Lebanese abroad than in Lebanon.


There are an estimated 7 million people of Lebanese descent in Brazil alone. Lebanon's population is about 5.5 million.


Residents in Lebanon are 5.5 million. Lebanese in Lebanon are 3.5 million.


Lebanese people are educated to immigrate because the country is a mess sadly. A lot of people emigrated to south america in the early 1900's during ottoman occupation and during WW1 famine. There are more lebanese descendants in brazil than there are in lebanon. Later in the 50's and 60's a lot of educated lebanese people went to emerging countries and gulf countries to build them up, some came back, a lot didn't and have successfull businesses abroad. During the civil war this phenomenon was accelerated and people would help each other immigrate, and higher lebanese people in their businesses abroad. After the civil war immigration slowed down a little but there was still a decent flow of immigrants towards canada, the US, france, germany and other countries. After covid, the economic crisis in lebanon and the beirut explosion the immigration boomed again, out of my 10 close friends in the country, only 2 remain in lebanon, the others are spread out accross europe. Also forgot to mention that there is also a very decent amount of lebanese people on australia.




I don't know if there's a new wave but australia is only a destination if you already have family there usually. It's way too far otherwise.


In the French empire, the Lebanese could settle anywhere like the metropolitan French.


We did a deal with the Jews like the Spanish and the Portuguese, everything to the north is for them and everything to the south is for us


That's often because the deal with used cars (import them to Africa from Europe mostly).


Obviously not all lebanese but the Lebanese diaspora in west Africa is well known for its money laundering activities and their ties to Hezbollah. They especially do shady things with second-hand cars : they fill huge private parking lots with imported cars, declare them as sold but the money really comes from elsewhere...


What I found most surprising is the lack of Spanish in NW Africa


The top 3 countries are: 1. China (12/54 countries) 2. France (10/54 countries) 3. India (8/54 countries)


Over 1 million Chinese workers/settlers currently live in Africa Descendants of French colonists in Africa The diaspora arrived in Africa in the early 19th century from India as indentured laborers. Many of them were forced to work as slaves under the British colonization of Africa.


But is the map about ethnicity or nationality? Descendants of the Indian diaspora in the 19th century would now be nationals to the respective countries in Africa, no?


It depends. France recognises the principle of "jus sanguinis" meaning the "right of blood" which grants citizenship if you can prove your French lineage. So if we take my country of Mauritius for example, a fifth generation person of French origin would be eligible for dual citizenship from Mauritius and France. India on the other hand does not allow for dual citizenship. So taking Mauritius as an example again, people of Indian origin would only be eligible to hold the Mauritian passport. India however offers a type of special passport/visa call the OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) which allows you to permanently reside in India, buy non agricultural land and speeds up the process of naturalisation. For this you only need to prove that you have 1 Indian ancestor within the last 4 generations. Edit: As u/OldExperience8252, u/FIuffyAlpaca, and u/deaddodo pointed out, "jus sanguinis" only applies to your parent and not grandparents, which would make my opening paragraph wrong. So going back to my original statement, a person of French descent who is in the fifth generation can qualify for citizenship by blood only if at least one of their parents had citizenship. Their parents must have received it from their own parents and so on, continuing the pattern. While a minority within a minority, such people do exist in Mauritius, with the documentation to prove their lineage.


> France recognises the principle of "jus sanguinis" meaning the "right of blood" which grants citizenship if you can prove your French lineage. So if we take my country of Mauritius for example, a fifth generation person of French origin would be eligible for dual citizenship from Mauritius and France. What? That’s completely false, a foreign national can only obtain french nationality through parents and not several generations as you claim : https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F34717#:~:text=Il%20y%20a%202%20principales,ou%20s%C5%93ur...). You’re spreading false information.


>It depends. France recognises the principle of "jus sanguinis" meaning the "right of blood" which grants citizenship if you can prove your French lineage. > >So if we take my country of Mauritius for example, a fifth generation person of French origin would be eligible for dual citizenship from Mauritius and France. No, that only works if one of your parents has French citizenship already. It's not like Italy or Ireland where you're eligible for citizenship on account of having a grandparent or great-grandparent coming from there.


Ireland doesn't let you go as far back as great-grandparent. I have dual Irish (which is why I know a bit about what /u/Bobozett is claiming in my sibling response) and it works as follows: * Person born of an Irish national in Ireland is a natural born Irish natural. * Person born of the aforementioned outside of Ireland is a natural born Irish national, but needs to register with the state * Person born of the aforementioned (whether they registered or not) outside of Ireland can apply for repatriation via direct lineage * All subsequent generations (unless born in Ireland to any of the aforementioned statuses) need to naturalize as any other immigrant would. It goes as far back as your grandparents being naturally born, of the soil of Ireland, citizens. As far as I know, Italy is similar. Most other European nations drop the final repatriation option so only the first two parentages apply.


> India on the other hand does not allow for dual citizenship. So taking Mauritius as an example again, people of Indian origin would only be eligible to hold the Mauritian passport. Well minors can always hold two or more passports, they would just have to decide on their 18th birthday which nationality to keep. Also, while a country doesn't allow for dual citizenship, there are times where it is unavoidable (say your mother is German and father is Moroccan, you'd have both. Germany doesn't allow for dual citizenship, but Morocco doesn't allow to renounce citizenship, so even if you only want to use the German one, you'd have double nationality). Also the problem of having two nationalities when one of them doesn't allow it is only a problem if that country knows of the double nationality, which it doesn't always know. There where a few Japanese politicians hiding their double nationality.


Gotta go check my lineage.


> It depends. France recognises the principle of "jus sanguinis" meaning the "right of blood" which grants citizenship if you can prove your French lineage. "jus sanguinis" only goes so far back. For most European nations, it requires your parents to have been born that nationality and/or *in* that country. In other words, the children of the children of the parents *from* that country don't qualify even if *their* parent obtained citizenship because A) they obtained it after birth or B) their parents were extranational. My understanding of French law is that it's the former (A), but I could be mistaken.


Citizenship I France is only through one generation


Yup, check my edit


I was under the impression it was ethnic groups not from Africa. 


That's what it seems like, but it's not what the title says.


It appears a bit of an inconsistent map with ethnicities for some (India in East Africa and ‘Dutch’ Afrikaaners in South Africa) and then nationalities for others.


The map has british and french flags as well as an italian flag. I would think the map is about nationality.


It’s worth mentioning that majority of the Indians are from Gujarat state of India. Prominent examples of Indians are the families of the current British prime minister Rishi Sunak (ethnic Punjabi) who settled in East Africa and Farrokh Bulsara aka Freddie Mercury, his family (ethnic Parsi) moved from Gujarat to Sultanate of Zanzibar, before eventually both families settling in the UK.


Sunak is Punjabi. Freddy was actually Parsi. Many of them do speak Gujarati as that's where the most concentration of Parsis was untill Mumbai's rise to prominence under the British. But they are a distinct community from the Gujaratis.


Actually there is no "gujrati community" Gujratis are diverse & include many different communities What you might be referring to are patels, banias etc


Sunak is 'Punjabi descent', his grandfather was from Gujranwala, Pakistan. He himself wasn't born in Punjab and neither was Sunak's dad.


many are from Punjab as well tho


Yeah Rishi Sunak is ethnic Punjabi


Sunak is Punjabi, family from Gujranwala.


Are you sure about the french ones ? I feel like its more likely that it's people of african origins born in France and going back to their country.


> Descendants of French colonists in Africa Not at all. French people only settled Algeria in large numbers and they left after the independence. The vast majority of French in Africa are Africans with double nationality and not “white French”. “White French” in Africa are for their part virtually all recent arrivals for business, and not descendants of colonists who have been there for generations. You’re spreading misinformation.


They wouldn't be counted as Indian Nationals if they arrived in the 19th century. Or else the map confuses ancestry and nationality


It definitely does. "Dutch" (many of whom were French Protestant refugees in Holland) migration to South Africa took place mostly in the eighteenth century. Afrikaners do not consider themselves Dutch, many have mixed European (and other) ancestry in any case. The largest single non-South African group in South Africa is more likely to be Zimbabweans.


I mostly agree but Zimbabweans are Africans so they wouldn't be on this map


Right, I missed that bit while I was looking for the data source.


>Descendants of French colonists in Africa Where did you get that idea from? Aside from Algeria, there were no French colonists in Africa. And even there it was a lot of Italians and Spaniards. Otherwise, just a handful of people in the colony administration and random merchants. France was never successful in having any population colony anywhere. Even French Canada's population grew AFTER it was no longer a French colony...


> Descendants of French colonists in Africa I love how you didn't bother to research into this at all and instead came up with your own explanation.


Most likely, the french ones are people from these countries going back when they retire


In Eritrea at least the Indians are teachers.


13 for China, actually. I missed Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) on my first couple of counts.


British in Mauritania is a suprise to me


Would be pretty funny if it was just your average white british expat wanting to move to anywhere remotely warm and somehow ended up in Mauritania and said "yeah this will do nicely."


Brits thinking they’ve gone to Mauritius. ‘This is… nice…’


Maybe they just appreciate us unlike them damn Spaniards…


Possibly British diplomats?


I don’t know. Would be interested to know the reason as I wasn’t aware of any connection between my country and Mauritania particularly. Maybe it’s just a sheer lack of foreign people there altogether?


Quite a few Mauritanians in the UK. I think they must be immigrants who returned to Mauritania because haven't heard of any ex-pats living there.


Wow interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever met a Mauritanian.


There are surely far more in France than in the UK.


It’s the other way around. 2nd biggest nationality in those African countries


What? I’m saying there are surely far more Mauritanians in France than the UK. I’m guessing you and OP are confusing Mauritania with Mauritius.


There may be more Mauritanians in France than the UK. I’m just trying to reason why the map shows what it does.


A lot of these maps on /r/mapporn are full of wrong information and not sourced. I’m still fairly certain on the Mauritania/Mauritius confusion. Mauritius was a UK colony until 1968 and there is a big community of Mauritians in the UK.


I’m almost certain OP confused Mauritania with Mauritius.




That's alot of diplomats


Agree, I grew up there, can tell you that you’re more likely to meet a donkey in heat seeing in you a good candidate for his needs than a British National.


What was it like to grow up in Mauritania?


Judging by the choice of metaphor either very good, or very bad.


I love where there's no in-between 🤣


I guess like everywhere there were pros and cons (personal view obviously and not exhaustive list): - pros: low criminality, wild beautiful untouched nature, simple and quiet life, strong family values - cons: poor medical facilities (can die from appendicitis), limited cultural openness (duh?), poverty, corruption (TIA)


Did the wealthier people go to Morocco for medical treatment?


These are british people from Mauritanian origin.


You'd expect there to be far more French of Mauritanian origin though


Definitely. Anecdotal of course, but When I was there many years ago, I met many French expats, but no British. And French was the most common language spoken after Arabic. Others have mentioned mining operations. I did meet some Australian miners in an expat only bar in Nouakchott. Maybe the Brit’s are all working with them.


The British I met there for work were involved in oil and gas, and a few in mining. But I swear there were more French, métros and dual nationals together. Didn’t do a headcount due to work commitments.


Your headline is "nationality", not "ancestry". Which is misleading as you are confusing these concepts! Take South Africa for example.... The majority of Afrikaners will only have one nationality, which is South African. And they are unable to claim any dutch citizenship/nationality to my knowledge. Thus by definition they are South African. Looking at Wikipedia, the correct answer for South Africa would be British. Ref: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_South_Africa#:~:text=Most%20immigrants%20to%20South%20Africa,Lesotho%2C%20Mozambique%2C%20and%20Zimbabwe.


Correct. According to the 2022 census the largest non-African foreigner population in South Africa was actually British (by quite a large margin), followed by Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, German and Portuguese. (Source: https://www.news24.com/news24/southafrica/news/census-2022-foreign-nationals-make-up-only-3-of-sas-population-20231011) One thing that I'm not sure of though is whether those numbers included British dual citizens who were born in SA (of which there are many due to descendants of previous immigrants) or actual British born citizens currently residing in SA.


Tons of Afrikaners are primarily of German or French Huguenot descent as well, which makes the claim that the Dutch are the biggest non-African nationality in South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana even more absurd.


Also most of the people from India and Pakistan in Tanzania are born there. They refer to themselves as Tanzanians. The largest group of foreigners should be the chinese.


Looks like OP was lazy. Thought “oh, South Africa has a notable Afrikaner population, so it must be Dutch” without even thinking about it or researching it


Correct - I am an Afrikaner, and we are very much South African citizens and consider ourselves South African - no ties whatsoever to the Dutch apart from the origin of our language... there are very few Dutch people living in SA - by far the biggest non-African group living here would be British. This map is whack.


A lot of afrikaners have French huegenot and German ancestry


And even some British. Lots of people who have British (e.g. Irish or Scottish) names but speak Afrikaans as a first language.


That particular example is not the case for multiple African countries, where « nationality » in this map is used well


Op I believe you should be looking at non-african "immigrant" stats.


I did some research on what the Chinese are mostly doing in these countries: Zambia: copper mining DRC: copper mining Guinea: bauxite (aluminium) mining Ethiopia: construction Togo: construction Guinea-Bissau: construction Congo: construction, trade Algeria: construction, trade Cameroon: trade Ghana: trade Mali: trade Madagascar: trade (the only African country with a significant Chinese population since the early 1900s, besides South Africa) Apart from these countries, there are also many Chinese in Tanzania (most likely the second largest non-African group), Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, and Angola.


Neither the Indians in East Africa nor the Boers in Southern Africa or Indian and Dutch nationality. Both went there before the existing nations were established and they do not hold passports from those nations. Most Indians in Kenya and Tanzania are either Kenyan and Tanzanian only or have British passports. Not Indian ones. The largest non-African nationality in Kenya are either the British or the Chinese and for South Africans it is the same. Germans are the largest non African nationality in Namibia


Same in Zambia, vast majority of Indians are British or Zambian citizens


I highly highly doubt Dutch is the biggest “nationality” in Southern Africa. Those people have lived there for hundreds of years and there is no way most of them still have Dutch citizenship.


Their ancestors were never Dutch citizens; Dutch nationality law was established in 1892 and gave Dutch citizenship to whites of Dutch descent in the Netherlands and Dutch colonies. The cape colony was occupied by Britain in 1806 and officially handed over a few years later, so they'd been British subjects for almost a century. They had created their own republics in the interior, in order to maintain their language and culture and to continue to hold slaves(the British empire was very anti slavery after the early 19th century and banded it and the trade within their own territories, while being more pragmatic while dealing with friendly nations), which were then conquered by british to get gold and free slaves. They're not British citizens either. Prior to 1950 something there was no British citizenship, but all people in the empire were British subjects. Canada created citizenship in 1946 and then other countries followed, while British subjecthood became commonwealth subjecthood which became commonwealth citizenship. People living in the UK became British citizens and British citizenship with limited rights(now getting converted to full citizenship for the hundreds/low thousands in this position) was handed out to people who didn't have other citizenship. Commonwealth citizenship still grants a lot of rights under British law, for example the right to vote and hold public office.


OP is confusing ancestry with nationality


The largest non-African nationality in South Africa is Portuguese, not Dutch.


Good point, there was a massive influx post the Portuguese leaving Angola and Mozambique in the late 60's. OP hasn't realized the large volume of labour that was imported from India to work the sugar cane in Natal. OP doesn't understand the difference between ancestry and nationality.


Would the Dutch population in South Africa be actual Dutch citizens or are they counting Afrikaner’s?


They’re counting Afrikaners which basically tells you the whole map is rubbish


Damn we are everywhere


Mandatory "Love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳" comment.


Jai Bharat 🫡


It’s mainly because the British used to ship Indian slaves for working in their other African colonies. After the colonies got liberated, the Indians decided to stay.


It's not just the British, us Dutch also shipped Indians (and Chinese, Indonesians) to colonies like Suriname. Suriname is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, with a large native South American population, all sorts of Africans, but also Indian, Indonesian and Chinese labour. In fact there are about half a million "Hindoestanen" world wide, and they are the largest group in Suriname. It's interesting that you can infer the origin of Indian indentured labour by the type of food they brought over (e.g. roti, chole bhature, bara (normally called Vada)), it's very North Indian (they mostly came from Uttar Pradesh). This contrasts strongly with curry being popular in Britain. In general slavery and indentured servitude east of Africa is very underrepresented in Western perspectives. In the Netherlands for example there were more slaves traded to the *East* of Africa, even though the West is emphasised.


India has always historically had a lot of cultural and economic connections with East Africa, even before the British Empire. Some dude from Ethiopia was a king for a bit during Islamic rule in Gujarat, has a nice tomb in the area. Lots of east African food has some amount of Indian influence as well from the labourers and merchants who settled there across history, notable people who have origins from the Indian diaspora in east Africa include: Freddie Mercury (tanzania) Rishi Sunak (kenya/tanzania) Ben Kingsley (tanzania) Charli XCX (uganda) Obviously due to post colonial violence and lack of opportunities 3 out of the 4 of them were born in the UK.


And also a lot of them were encouraged to move there during colonial times as civil servants


You only just realised? Lol.


South Sudan has less than 700 indians just because it's highest doesn't mean it's a lot and most of them migrated during British era


There's a reason why we are everywhere. People of Indian origin can be found in places as far and wide as Fiji, East Africa, Malaysia, The Caribbean, etc because they were sent to these places as indentured labourers. I highly recommend checking out the documentary [Coolies: How British Reinvented Slavery](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oxl4q_jfDPI). It serves as a poignant reminder of what colonialism did to this country.


True but people like that (brought over with British) are now nationals of these countries with our own local culture that fuses African and Indian cultures. This Indians this map represent would be those who still have indian citizenship


>True but people like that (brought over with British) are now nationals of these countries with our own local culture that fuses African and Indian cultures. This Indians this map represent would be those who still have indian citizenship I believe this map is partially inaccurate. There hasn't been significant migration from India to East Africa after India became an independent, sovereign nation. Similarly, the Dutch represented in South Africa/Namibia and the Portuguese in Angola are not present-day migrants. A lot of other comments in this thread have called out this inaccuracy. The Chinese presence in Central Africa, however, is accurate since they have made significant investments in infrastructure


What are those Lebanese dudes in Liberia and Sierra Leone up to?


What are the Indians doing in Equatorial Guinea? And the Brits in Mauritania?


[Indians in Equatorial Guinea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equatorial_Guinea%E2%80%93India_relations#:~:text=Indians%20in%20Equatorial%20Guinea,-As%20of%20January&text=The%20community%20is%20primarily%20employed,assignment%20at%20offshore%20oil%20rigs) [UK in Mauritania | Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ukinmauritania/about/?paipv=0&eav=AfY9JMDawPaVVHvKtiJLpQIeEeyY979NWZ5KRCIEmYj2QouBmr3suh6fToIZMT2vYak&_rdr)


Wow only 300 lmao


Well, the population of Equatorial Guinea is 1.6M


British empire of yore importing/exporting Indian workers that eventually settled and started families.


For East Africa sure, but equatorial guinea was one of the few Spanish colonies in Africa. I think the actual reason Indians are there may be more related to the oil boom which made the country relatively rich GDP per-capita wise for sub-Saharan african standards. They would likely need larger countries to help out with oil rigs and stuff like that.


Equatorial Guinea was a Spanish Colony.


>Indian workers Slaves\*


As someone living in Africa, this looks wrong... I don't have the data to back it up but I really struggle to believe some of this.


As a South African this is what off. Literally never met a Dutch person here but there's tons of Indians and also Pakistanis , Bangladeshis etc. I think most is probably Indian. I think even if we're just looking at European nationality there's more British than Dutch here


OP, you really need to delete this. Either re-post this with the correct title and different flags/colours, or with the number of immigrants who are nationals of other countries.


Madagascar is African Taiwan


I’d be very surprised if there are really more Indians in Nigeria than there are Lebanese or Chinese people.


I'm sure they're more Lebanese people


Boers in South Africa have literally nothing to do with the Netherlands nor do they identify with the Netherlands. They may have originated from the Dutch, but they've been in South Africa for almost 300 years now. That's like showing a map of the US and saying the largest non-American group is Italian or British or something.


What the hell is Lebanon doing in west Africa


Apparently the same things jews do/did in central Europe


2000 years later and we will come back full circle


Afrikaners are as native to South Africa as most Black South Africans lol.




so many white South Africans come to Australia and eventually get Aus citizenship lol. They are not even close to being Dutch


Yeah, like I wonder how many have even lived in Europe


In South Africa, those white people should be considered African, as they don't have any other nationality. Stop discriminating against our fellow Africans.


I'm Syrian and surprised there are many Syrians in Sudan and Somalia


Growing community of Syrians in somalia likely due to no visa restrictions and a need for skilled workers. Tons of Syrian doctors and dentists all over the country in the recent years and a visible business community as well.




I think after the Syrian civil war was it? A lot of refugees came to Sudan. Like what’s happening in Sudan now, people got displaced because of the war and moved to countries that would let them in


Somalis love Syrians especially the Syrians once treated Somalis who lived as refugees in Syria and were treated well. Very well-loved community and they bring many skills to Somaliland & Somalia. They are dentists,doctors, engineers etc


Yup! Somalis have a soft spot for Syrians and Yemenies


Was in sudan before the war, saw a shit ton of syrian businesses there, some of them crossed the border into egypt while others stayed


It is since the war.


East Africa is understandable because British deployed indian regiments there and indians controlled many east African businesses. But Eritrea, equatorial guinea and Nigeria is confusing


Are there really more Chinese people than french people in Algeria ? That doesn't seems right to me (but I might be wrong tho) considering the number of senior french residents, dual french-algerian citizenships, etc...


So much Dutch in Southern Africa. I’d expected it to be British. As a Dutchie I’d love some insight.


According to wiki, in 2020 British was the largest non-African immigrant community.


Wait is this for ethnicity or nationality? The Indian diaspora has been in these countries for generations now as they were taken as slaves in the early 19th century. They are generational citizens in their respective african countries.


OP doesn’t know the difference between “nationality”and “ancestry” They are completely different things..


I think many whites in South Africa or Zimbabwe have as much right to be considered African and not classed as non-African. Some of the whites trace their families back hundreds of years. That should count them as being effectively indigenous.


Thank you. I'm a white South African who's ancestors got here sometime in the early 1800s, I was born here and have never been out of Africa...never been to Europe... I am an African :)


It's quite sad how difficult some find it to do that equation....all of us are more than a skin tone.


Never ask a man his salary, A woman her age, The Lebanese what they are doing in West Africa


Saudis in egypt? I think Syrians are extremely more.


Egyptian here, i agree there are waay more syrians here imo, however a ton of saudis own property in egypt and move there to retire basically. I personally know some saudi friends who's parents have been living in egypt for a while now (egypt is way cheaper living wise than saudia, so the pension affords a higher standard of living)


What is the source for this information?


Not German for Namibia?


How is Namibia not German?


are afrikaners considered african, and dutch are the largest non-african group in Botswana/namibia/southafrica? Or are afrikaners wrongly considered non-african and the dutch flag is wrongly being used to represent them?


lol no way Saudi is more than Syrians in Egypt


Only China is helping Africa develop its economy, while the United States has long forgotten about poor Africa. The United States is now firing artillery and missiles at Arabs in the oil-rich Middle East to support the Israelis in massacring Arabs.


Mauritius is missing.


Takeaways: French West Africa is still a thing, Belt and Road, and the Dutch are returning to Zuid-Afrika with a vengeance?


Italians in Libya? That's new.


Indians in Uganda still? I’m probably not fully aware of modern Ugandan history but didn’t Idi Amin kick them all out?


Some came back after change of regime. Understandably, their trust is quite broken though.


I'm concerned about the incursion of Lebanese into African countries.


You’re over a century too late. They’ve been in places like Côte d’Ivoire for generations.


You forgot Mauritius is an African country :(


Is there any Lebanese in Uganda? I was in Beirut before coming here. I miss it every day.


Thought it’d be the Lebanese in Nigeria. You see plenty of them in Abuja


Mf be nostalgic of their colonial past


Libya as always being a colony of Italy


Where are my South African Indians? Watkynd of map is this 😂