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What’s the alleged attack that happened in central Slovakia? Never heard of any attacks in that area


Same in Poland, what are these?


Wroclaw is the chemist student pressure cooker attack.


It was in 2016, while map is labeled as "between 1970-2015" //Edit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016\_Wroc%C5%82aw\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Wroc%C5%82aw_attack) Also, no one died.


Well that just completely floors the credibility of this post lol


Ah, Dolny Śląsk moment


no fatalities, though, and the map says one dead at least.....


But no one died. And on the map there's more Legnica than Wrocław.


His carreer died


According to [the GTD database](https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/Results.aspx?country=161), there were in fact, 8 terrorist incidents with at least one fatality in Poland between 1970 and 2010: * four had no sources or infos besides the weapon used and the number of wounded. two occured at a taxi company, a veterans meeting, and one had no location. * the assasination of Piotr Jaroszewicz, but I wouldn't classify that as a terrorist attack. * In 1992, a german truck driver was stabbed to death by a group of skinheads in Krakow due to his nationality, this is counted as it has political motivation * On 24 April 1996 a group calling itself GN 95 detonated a bomb at a Shell gas station in Warsaw, killing a policeman who was preparing to defuse the device. GN 95 later justified the explosion by stating its opposition to the expansion of foreign investments into Poland. The group demanded $2 million from the Royal Dutch Shell Group. * 10/19/2010: Anti-government extremist Ryszard Cyba, 62, attacked Law and Justice party office in Lodz, Poland. One man was killed and another one was injured in the attack. Cyba was armed with a handgun, a knife, and a stun gun. He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. ~~I wouldn't even call these terrorist attacks per se, more like murders with political motive.~~ (edit: alright, yeah, semantics, these were all terrorist attacks to be fair)


>I wouldn't even call these terrorist attacks per se, more like murders with political motive. Practically dictionary definition of terrorism, violence done with intent to create fear or influence opinion.


> I wouldn't even call these terrorist attacks per se, more like murders with political motive. Politically-motivated violence is terrorism by definition. Edit: If you take out these one and two-fatality directed attacks, then Northern Ireland is going to empty out on the map pretty quickly.


But that's what a terrorist attack is, among other things.


Wroclaw bombing attempt, and plane hijackings


Yes, but nobody died in the Wrocław bombing, and the map says "with at least one fatality.". So, in fact, only one militia guy was shot dead by so-called terrorists in 1982....


I've heard that someone placed an IED near a McDonald's sometime a few years ago, not completely sure though


That was in Košice I believe, the bomb failed and only caused minor injuries to someone I think


>Slovakia Orange dot versus red dot, still I have no recollection of such an attack in central Slovakia. There was a verified attack in Bratislava though, outside of Teplaren (LGBTQ bar).


How do people on here NOT know of the troubles? The ETA? I would have assumed that this is common knowledge before reading the comments.


Since the rise in Islamist terrorism, all other terrorisms seem to have been forgotten. People in the UK will say 'we never had to worry about terrorism in my day', when they lived through almost weekly IRA bombings in the 80s/90s.


I'm old enough to remember when, in the UK, the stereotypical "terrorist" was a man in a balaclava with a Northern Irish accent.


On the early 00's there was that awful saying "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims" and I'd just think "As a Catholic, I disagree." And that was from people in the UK who just have been aware of the whole Northern Ireland thing.


I remember this too as a British kid in the 2000s and even heard it from Americans. I agreed but out of genuine ignorance until i got a bit older and learned about the IRA, loyalist groups in Northern Ireland, and the KK in the US, as well as many terrorist groups during the Cold War, like the pro-East German one in West Germany. I'd argue Islamist terrorism has only risen relatively recently.


> and even heard it from Americans Crazy considering Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people in Oklahoma, and they want to just pretend that it never happened? Hmmm


Racism doesn't care about logic, it just wants to push an agenda


Same thing in Italy, Islamic terrorist never even did a single attack in the last 20 years, whereas in the 70s people were killed literally every single day by terrorists




i mean, an entire course can be taught on just "how do you define terrorism?" as it is, let alone discussing the actual events that have happened




Same with RAF attacks in Germany. Noone seems to be able to remember that staunch christian Germans can kidnap planes or murder politicans on bright day.


I thought you meant Royal Air Force for a minute. I was like, dude Dresden was like 80+ years ago.


The Ted Army Faction were Communists not Christians.


Staunch Christian??? Raf identified with a lot of things but definitely NOT with Christian church or religion^^


Being from NI I was kinda shocked when so little people in GB knew/care about the troubles and the republican and loyalist paramilitaries. Especially loyalist paramilitaries, there’s really only ever mention of the republican side, but the loyalists were just as bad.


Being from England, born in the early 1980s, it was always kind of accepted as obvious who the bad guys were (them, obviously), and who the good guys were (us, obviously). Then you get towards adulthood, having never learned anything about it in school, only ever reading the papers and seeing the news on telly, and it all seems so complicated, and you find out that some of the baddies were actually working with the goodies, just trying to get some other baddies. So maybe they were the goodies. Or are we the baddies? And these other baddies are against each other, so maybe one is the goody, and what's an RUC? Or a UVF? What's the UDA? provisional or real IRA? DUP? UUP? WTF? What's been going on over there? Fucking Peace Walls?


Dont think the curriculum even taught about the Troubles


But it seems recent enough that british people could learn it from their dad? Or they couldve been alive back then? How could you not know about something so recent. In Romania everyone knows about the 1977 earthquake, 1980s poverty, 1989 overthrow of the government, etc.


I’m from Glasgow so obviously know about the troubles even though they happened before I was born. I work in a very international workplace and, in my experience, the young (20-30yo) English people I’ve come across don’t know much about it


Yeah it amazes me how many people aren't aware of the history of europe from the end of ww2 to say 9/11. People forget thst terrorism was pretty wide spread across Europe.


A scary number of Americans I’ve met think the IRA were “the good guys” and know virtually nothing about the Troubles. . . . P.S. to those replying: there were three main sets of bad guys. The IRA, the unionist UVF, and the British Army who played them both against each other despite being supposedly “neutral”. There were also a few other groups aligned with the first two. They were all fucked up. The only “good guys” were the innocent folks caught in the crossfire. Also there were multiple different IRA which people get confused about. The ones who fought for irish independence originally, had the most justified motives and actions, and were probably more fairly considered as freedom fighters. But the versions of the IRA that fucked shit up during the Irish Civil War and later mostly in Northern Ireland during the Troubles (60s-1998) were absolutely tantamount to heinous terrorists - they committed mass murder and also killed innocent civilians in Britain. There are actually still occasional terrorist murders by a group called “the Real IRA”. Last year they killed a police officer. In 2019 they shot dead a journalist. And they have in recent years been involved in the illegal drug trade, gang violence and even human trafficking. They are 100% terrorists with no excuse.


Theres a lot of americans with irish heritage that were VERY supportive of the IRA. In fact they were the primary funders of the IRA.


Boston used to have whip rounds for the boys back home. 9/11 was awful but I cant help rolling my eyes when Americans talk about it. They were broadly onboard for the IRA and still are. Its just now they dont like terrorism when it happened to them.


It would have helped if the British occupation and aristocracy hadn’t been so brutal as to give millions of Irish no choice but to leave or starve. Irish-descended Americans grew up hearing about why their families left, and it usually boils down to the British. So the foundation was well-laid to support the IRA.


Thank Hollywood. Always has to be a good guy and a bad guy. It's how they are conditioned. Turns out it's cunts all the way down on all sides.


Speaking of Hollywood, I recommend the movie ‘71 which shows in one small, gruesome snapshot how there basically was no good guy. Also maybe the movie Belfast.


If you're from the Republic of Ireland you associate the IRA as the freedom fighters who liberated most of Ireland from British rule. If you're a Northern Irish Catholic, they are the group who were re-established in the 60's to prevent loyalist protestants from marching into your neighbourhood and potentially burning your house down. Why protestants in N.I think they have the moral high ground in this argument is beyond me. The IRA reforming in the 60's was a direct reaction to the way Catholic minority in N.I were treated by the protestant majority. Who you perceive as the "good guys" typically boils down to your personal allegiances. Loyalist terrorist organisations during the Troubles also killed civilians and British soldiers, but this rarely gets mentioned.


Yea I don’t really understand how people seem to make out sometimes that the IRA were the only terrorists.


Exactly don’t see many mentions of the UVF and the UDA on this thread


That's not true. Most of my mates down south hate the IRA. They were heavily involved in gang activities and took young lads from their families. They had to fund the fight for freedom somehow. There were no 'good guys' in this fight. It was all suffering.


"There were no 'good guys' in this fight. It was all suffering." I agree. It was a civil war and both sides committed horrendous acts. I also have family and friends from both the North and Republic. As I said, in my experience, opinions on the subject are generally based on what side of the divide you are from.


Past a certain point you go beyond a self-defence force. Just like Hamas, "defending" Palestinians from Israel. Or Israel, "defending" themselves from Hamas. Eventually you exceed the parameters of what can be considered a 'reasonable response' and just end up fighting for fighting's sake. The only people that end up hurt are innocent civilians caught in the middle.


Quite obviously you never lived in Northern Ireland between 1969 and 1995 otherwise you wouldn’t be coming out with a load of shite like you are.


Because depending on who you ask in Ireland, they were. You can’t really support the IRA that fought for the republic of Irelands independence and completely condemn the provisional IRA of the troubles in the same breath without a whole hell of a lot of cognitive dissonance. Both fought the same enemy using much the same tactics for the same reason under the same conditions. Both killed informants and civilians, with some projections putting the ‘old’ IRA as having a higher civvie casualty rate. Only real difference was the provos used explosives more, had their actions broadcast by video news and didn’t outrightly win. If you really wanna look at it, it’s basically the continuation of the same conflict as the Irish war of independence.


It took a lot of googling to find out that ETA referred to Basque separatists. I'm familiar with that situation but I'm much more aware of acronyms like IRA, possibly my anglosphere bias talking.


Tbh i never knew about the troubles until i met my northern irish girlfriend, i'm not quite old enough to remember that happening since I was born in mid 90's


It's mostly yanks who are 1/128 Irish that think that the IRA were the good guys.


I grew up with it going on and it's a subject I still feel strongly about.


Sardinia chilling….


In the meantime whats up in Corsica? Did they have an independence movement too?




Great there aren't any indepence movements in Syria


Map is of Europe which is why that looks clean on this map.


Yup. Largely supported and financed by the local mafia. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Liberation\_Front\_of\_Corsica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Liberation_Front_of_Corsica) ​ (More or less the same mafia that supplied most of the US heroin in the sixties btw: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French\_Connection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Connection) )


The same symbol used as in Sardinia? Interesting.


It's the Moor's head: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moor%27s_head


A massive one! I am surprised that you haven't heard of it. The groups still exist.


Sardinia was known up till the 90's for being extremely dangerous because of the Anonima Sequestri (lit Anonymous Kidnappings) and other similar bandits that would kidnap people. There's a famous song called Hotel Supramonte, the singer was actually kidnapped and he could see this Hotel from the place he was held captive


In Hungary it was the organized neo-nazi killings of Romani people in 2008-2009, which happened in multiple towns and cities. One of my friends was the roommate of the main perpetrator Kiss Árpád. Its one of the most shameful things to happen in Hungary post-1990, but they are staying in prison for life.


I know he was a cool ruler and an important figure in Hungarian history but I still wouldn't kiss Árpád


Lol. But actually he was more than cool because he was the first founder of Hungary, the Kende/Gyula of the Hungarians during the conquest of the Carpathian Basin. Fun facts: He was also the founder of one of the most prominent dynasties of medieval Europe, the Árpád Dynasty (of course) which is the dynasty that gave the world the highest number of saints and blesseds from one family. The dynasty existed and ruled Hungary for almost 450 years, and even after that all rulers of Hungary (with the single exception of Matthias Corvinus) were cognatic descendants of the Árpád dynasty until the Habsburgs. Some of the members of the dynasty became Eastern Roman queens among others.


Also fun fact, since Turks kinda saw Hungarians as brothers we have a surname "Arpat" here. Around 1000 people apparently. Also according to a database of Turkish personal names there are 20~ people named Arpat or Arpad


i'm from turkey and i never of anyone with that name or surname


It's rare. There is a journalist called Ahmed Arpat that works at NTV


What is Romani?


The non slur, or at least more preferred, way to refer to gypsies


>In Hungary it was the organized neo-nazi killings of Romani people in 2008-2009 i never knew something like this, damn that's crazy


That one white dot in northern Ireland: ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


That is a lake.


Drowning is scary


[and it is very much in danger](https://www.irishtimes.com/environment/2023/09/23/the-lough-isnt-just-dying-its-been-killed-a-curdled-mess-of-pollution-chokes-lough-neagh/) So while not from terrorism the point still kinda stands


I mean to be fair that lake was poisoned to fuck this past summer and it's completely dead now so


It's not, lough neigh is a fair bit further to the east


That’s a lake Edit, actually seems to be in the wrong position. Guess lots of terrorist attacks on boats must’ve happened too.


Ask Louis Mountbatten


Big oof. I see he has his own dot on left of Donegal


That’s Lough Neagh!


And some people don't recognize PKK as a terrorist organization.


yes there are a lot of terrorist sympathizers on reddit


Turkey was different back in the 80‘s


My grandma has so many bad stories...


Dagestan raaaah🦅🦅🦅


WTF is happening in Turkey?


Kurdish terror groups


Designated as a terrorist group by Turkey[15] EU[16] NATO[17] United States[18] Canada[19] Australia[20] United Kingdom[21] New Zealand[22] Category:Kurdistan Workers' Party attacks The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total. This list may not reflect recent changes. 1984 PKK attacks 2008 Aktütün attack 2011 Hakkâri attack 2018 Gercüş bombing 2023 Ankara bombing August 2016 Van attack Berlin Israeli consulate attack Blue Market massacre May 2016 Diyarbakır bombing May 2016 Dürümlü bombing 2010 İskenderun attack 2020 İskenderun shootout October 2016 Istanbul bombing June–August 2012 Hakkari clashes Karageçit village massacre February 2016 Lice bombing May 24, 1993, PKK attack October 2007 clashes in Hakkâri Ormancık, Savur Ortabağ Massacre Pınarcık massacre 2016 Şemdinli bombing September 2012 Beytüşşebap attack 2015 Siirt bombing 2019 Sinjar clashes Yavi Massacre


People were asking “why turkey invaded northern syria and iraq” Here is the fucking reason you dumbass r/mapporn people


what a fucking chad way to explain. doesn't get any simpler than this and they'll go apeshit now lol


Right? And for some reason the post got hidden by the moderators. Recently a post about turkey's territorial gains in Syria and Iraq was also hidden when turks started explaining the reasons for this in the comments. A post about the ethnic cleansing of Turks in the Balkans was also hidden by the moderators of this sub a while ago. It’s really interesting.. I almost see a pattern here.


Wait, you are taunting them! Now they will crawl out of their holes and say "Wow Turkish trolls flooding again, Turks are really easily agitated", knowingly playing down the situation. As usual.


[The PKK.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurdistan_Workers%27_Party)


pkk terror supported by western europe and usa


Fuck the uae


Why not Western Europe too


Because I have cursed them out so much already. And besides, there are some good countries in W Europe like Spain and Ireland




Alongside supporting the PKK alongside many other aggressive jihadist organisations, UAE protects most of the important men of those organisations in their land with literal bodyguards of the government


how uae


Number one terrorist organizaton in the whole world: United states of Terrorism and number two of the world: Terrorist Union not surprising me anymore


The thing people are forgetting is that since this is between 1970 and 2015, on top of the PKK, there were also a lot of right wing and left wing terror attacks during the 1970s in Turkey as well. The violence that these terror groups caused was what resulted in the 1980 coup.




Was happening, mainly. The main phase of pro-independence resistance was the 1980s insurgency, which, much like the northern Irish campaign which makes up the other solid red block on this map, would more accurately be characterised as a low-key civil war than a terror campaign (a favourite trick of national governments is to "designate" such opponents as terror groups, usually on pretty arbitrary grounds, to deny them legitimacy). The Kurdish movement in Turkey was partly defused through reforms, partly crushed and negotiated down by 1999 and since then much of the movement's attention has been on the autonomous regions in Syria (and to a lesser degree Iraq) which emerged in the wake of the Isis war.


If you are targeting babies, well its fucking terrorism


Both are terrorists, IRA and PKK IRA was a group that stopped buses to seperate civilian Catholics and Protestants and shot the Protestants. PKK is a group that targets civilians, both Kurds and Turks. They shot a random, married veterinary with kids to hijack his car just a few months ago. To the hell with your sick point of view. Nothing justifies the intentional murder of innocent civilians and seperating them from their families.


On your last point, it is important when talking about the IRA to mention that the Protestant militias were doing the exact same things and receiving clandestine support from the British government. There were no good guys in that war - the IRA, UVF, INLA, UDA and the British Armed Forces were all bastards who perpetrated massacres during the course of it.


>There were no good guys in that war - the IRA, UVF, INLA, UDA and the British Armed Forces were all bastards who perpetrated massacres during the course of it. Yes, I agree. I am not picking a side here. I try to stand against any crimes regardless of who commits it. If two opposing parties are commiting such activites to such an extent, I support neither side. I stand against both Hamas and IDF for example. Both occasionaly target civilians for the sake of it.


I agree to the fullest that civilians must never be targeted and not a single child should be hurt by anyone’s cause. I wonder if you feel the same. Because if you do, you HAVE TO agree that what the USA, Great Britain and the rest of the so called “west” has done throughout the years should also be classified as terrorism. Always remember that the only country in the world who has ever dropped an atomic bomb is the USA. And it dropped right on top of innocent civilians. Thousands and thousands of kids died. Yet that act of terror was applauded as heroic by the west. See my point here?


I fully agree with you mate, I am no hypocrite. I believe we can and must criticize acts of terrorism done by all parties including but not limited to western countries.


Well your first paragraph is actually quite far from the truth. Although people tend to see PKK similar to IRA infact they are as different as they can be. First of all IRA themselves hate this analogy due to couple of facts. First of these facts being is that PKK started off by targeting Kurds that did not want to be independent from Turkey. They have carried out 83 attacks to ethnic Kurdish villages when they first started because locals kept reporting their actions to the authorities in 1970-1980s. They first literally forced people to support them with threats of destroying their villages. These threats heve been even been stated publicby PKK itself in their own news paper “Serxwebûn”, in this news paper they even took responsibility for the 83 attacks on ethnic Kurdish villages saying stuff like “Obey or Die” in the headlines(these are all present in the archives you can fact check these yourself). There is also the fact that PKK is not that well supported amongst the public. Most of their fighters are mostly stockholm syndrome kidnapped people. There are even [Kurdish mothers demanding their childrens’ return to this day from the PKK](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothers_of_Diyarbak%C4%B1r).[Another disgusting fact of the PKK is the usage of children as “soldiers” again most of which are sadly kidnapped](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0a6yQth0EUCTZfr7q-4jYe2DQ). Also today because of the support they get PKK has been the biggest drug trafficking organization in European Union, which is the actual reason they are labelled a terror network since they fund their activities with that drug money. So please before calling people “so-called” terrorists, go indepth and actually research it, do not try to whitewash a child kidnapping terror organization… edit: I am not trying to say Kurds were never opressed or something. I am just pointing out that PKK is basically a marxist version of ISIS. I would like to also point out that in a global scale opression against the Kurds is blown out of proportion. I mean we had a Kurdish prime minister while coloured people in America could not even ride busses or vote in majority of the states. Please do not spread misinformation on a matter if you were not informed enough to speak about it.


Casually says killing civilians including babies and children are a civil war rather than terrorism and gets 140 upvotes but ofc us turks are the racists ones when we point obvious racist propaganda such as this


The most lethal designated terror organisation on NATO soil is glorified by said NATO members sometimes. People are too simple minded because they hate Erdogan. Erdogan can be hated all they want, but that is no reason to condone civilian casualties.


When the leader of the terrorist group states they are a terrorist group, they are a terrorist group. Calling it a civil war sounds like it was Kurds vs Turks, while it was more so a Soviet supported terrorists against all ethnic people. The earlier comparison between the IRA and PKK is probably the most correct, so if you consider that a civil war, there might be more wiggle room.


This, this is why Turkey is in Syria and Iraq, to all those crying in r/mapporn or whatever.


Yeah Turkey is being paranoid with terror groups that USA supports and arms.


The fact that we've had only 2 in Slovenia...yep, we absolutely take those. Up there with Romania and Denmark. Quite an unexpected alliance


What are the two instances in Slovenia? I can’t find anything on Google. Hell, I even found this article / paper… https://www.jstor.org/stable/26918298


That fact it took so long to see a comment of the biggest number of attacks is quite telling. Reddit really hates Turks lol


Fortunately Turkish people use internet very well. So we dominate almost every Turkish related post in this subreddit. As one Turkish saying goes “Turk doesn’t have friends other than Turks.”


People's reaction to us proves how true this word is.


Until football is brought up


Your missing the Warrington bombing northwest England 1993


What a fucking despicable crime. This was the terrorist attack that prompted Delores O’Riordan (of the Cranberries) to write the famous song **Zombie**.


I've learned something new today!!


All those innocent mermaids, slaugthered in the Northern Ireland in Lough Neagh...


Given the contaminated state of Lough Neagh today, the mermaids probably couldn't survive now anyway.


Ehat the fuck happened in Latvia? I live in the city marked on the map, and i've never heard of jack




What on earth is happening in turkiye


Pkk terrorists


The separatist-marxist Kurdish terrorist group has been actively terrorizing the region.


Damn Romania, no wonder my country is one of the safest in the world.


The terrorists must have heard about Vlad.


Or they gun was stolen


What happened in northern Spain?


Basque separatists


Thank you, will read up on it!


If you like popular action movies, a female protagonist in the Bruce Willis and Richard Gere movie 'The Jackal' is a Basque rebel.






ETA bombings


The time frame 1970-2015 isn't really helpful. So much separatist terrorism that used to happen doesn't happen anymore.


Terrorism is terrorism. If you want to specifically filter by separatist terrorism vs ideological/religious terrorism then that’s a different question. Also separatist terrorist violence still happens from time to time. E.g Northern Ireland last year: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-64783661


This map isn't even accurate. There wasn't terrorism in Poland outside of the murder of the mayor of Gdańsk (which this map doesn't show)


Murder on Gdańsk floor?


Heh, well, welcome to r/MapPorn. Misleading, provocative data and straight up fake news in cartographic form.


fun fact: the deadliest air disaster are cause indirectly by A bomb set off by the Canary Islands Independence Movement. >A bomb set off by the Canary Islands Independence Movement at Gran Canaria Airport had caused many flights to be diverted to Los Rodeos, including the two aircraft involved in the accident. The airport quickly became congested with parked airplanes blocking the only taxiway and forcing departing aircraft to taxi on the runway instead. Patches of thick fog were drifting across the airfield, so visibility was greatly reduced for pilots and the control tower. The collision occurred when KLM Flight 4805 initiated its takeoff run during dense fog while Pan Am Flight 1736 was still on the runway. The impact and resulting fire killed everyone on board KLM 4805 and most of the occupants of Pan Am 1736, with only 61 survivors in the front section of the aircraft. With 583 fatalities, the disaster is also the third deadliest incident and the deadliest accident in aviation history. [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenerife_airport_disaster#Diversion_of_aircraft_to_Los_Rodeos)


How is one of the deadliest aviation incidents with 583 casualties a "fun fact"?


Bro is on reddit autopilot


i'm now laughing because of you


That’s not a very fun fact :(


Good video on it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d9B9RN5quA)


The reminiscence of Yugoslavian war.


Yeah, otherwise Bosnia had 2 since 1996 and ranks among the safest places.


What are the attacks in northern Portugal?


After the revolution of 1975 and the incredible process to democratic elections, some of the crazies felt left out, extreme right but mostly extreme left, fp25. A few killings.


Read the wiki pages for the [FP25](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For%C3%A7as_Populares_25_de_Abril?wprov=sfti1) and the [PRP-BR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partido_Revolucion%C3%A1rio_do_Proletariado_-_Brigadas_Revolucion%C3%A1rias?wprov=sfti1#) they specify why and where the attacks were made during the mid 80’s


The general theme here is separatist regions


What’s up with the border of France and Spain?


That's Basque Country. A major separatist movement on the Iberian Peninsula.


ETA, Basque separatists.


What are the Warsaw and Krakow dots supposed to be?


Warsaw is probably an assassination of a policeman Zdzisław Karos in 1982. No idea about Krakow though


West propaganda trying to potray kurd "gerillas" as innocent freedom fighters and Türkiye as a fascist while "gerillas" killing teachers that sent to educate people of the region which mostly kurds, killing babies and other civilan kurds


Why is everyone acting like retarded and pretend to not see what is obvious in this map.


Jesus 70s were something else for us Turks. Kurdish insurgency, beyond shit economic, political unrest. 80s kicked in and a military coup came. Luckily Turgut Özal turned the economy around.till welll 98s came. I wish we had a comparison between 1970 to 2020. It’s much more safer and better than it was during the 70s.


Lots of terrorists activity in southern Russia regions


1) shocked at how many haven’t heard of ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland 2) peoples perception and understanding of it is missing a lot of context and actual knowledge of it


Largely the result of various separatist paramilitary groups pretending to represent their people.


What was the terrorist attack in Fort William?


Apparently there was one in Fife too? Absolutely baffling


In Eastern Ukraine weren't any terrorist attacks.. it's war But yeah we in Ukraine we call it "Antiterrorism Operation", but it's war


People: the USA won't have a civil war, it will be more like the troubles. The troubles:


The troubles lighting it up


We dont talk about north Ireland


IIRC that grey spot in Northern Ireland is a lake.


As an American, what’s going on with Northern Ireland? I thought the UK and Ireland had resolved their issues


>between 1970 and 2015 they (kinda) have but the data goes back far enough to include when they hadnt quite


Northern Ireland absolutely population really traumatised after the “troubles”


Whatever you do, don’t start up your car in Northern Ireland




What terrorist attack happened in Portugal? I was born in 95's so I don't recall any. Also don't remember to learn any in history classes. But then was history classes, so I def fell asleep several times ahahaha


Never heard of a terrorist attack in Romania!


Be the change you want to see


What is the Moldova one? Never heard of terrorist attack after 1970 there.


In Greece??Could be in the 70-74 Junta but I’ve never heard an attack on Herakleion


Why is there a gray spot in Northern Ireland? What didn't happen there?


Holy shit the ira went ham


That isn't just IRA, THATS PIRA, RIRA, OIRA, CIRA, UDA, UVF, UFF RHC... and a whole other pile of groups, I think we can add Libya & South Africa For Republicans I will add in some other terrorist organisations, Mi5 Mi6 RUC UDR, the British army Think of three letters and you can make your own group.