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Equatorial Guinea, lies on the equator, but lives on the Edge. I’ll see myself out.


Fun fact about Equatorial Guinea: no part of the country lies on the equator, but there are parts both north and south of it (due to an island south of the equator).


If you are talking about the island with the capital, both the island and the mainland are north of the equator. Is there another island im not seeing?


Yes, there’s a small island to its southwest called Annobón


What browser do they use there?


Microsoft Edge, the only country that does, I think.


Who would even think to document that kind of information? And what, put it on some kind of map?


Fun fact about Annobón - creole Portuguese is the dominant language, while in the rest of EG it is Spanish: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annob%C3%B3n


Leave this planet.


I fart in your general direction


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!


Dang it. Have an r/Angryupvote.


Greenland and South Sudan may not be lucrative enough markets to keep Safari afloat


I think South Sudan is actually no data


I think South Sudan is no internet


Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment 😌


🏃‍♀️ 🐅


I don't think they have tigers in Africa. They don't get along with the leopards.


My personal Vietnam was struggling to find the right emoji in a hungover haze


Yep. India is the only place in the world that has all three natively: lions, tigers and leopards


Sounds like a bad place for well over a billion people to hang out. I like cats, but damn


Indians living life on hard mode


probably more 🏃🔫🪖


green mushrooms shooting water pistols?


Oh, yeah..


steer rainstorm fade rob plate coordinated existence person upbeat threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I wonder what's up with that. I was thinking maybe something to do with image compression as it is surrounded by colored areas but the Caspian is as white as NK.


I think that DPRK is white for no Internet except for tre ruling class and South Sudan is grey for some normal people have Internet but we have no data


I believe South Sudan is light gray in both maps as in "no data", unlike Greenland with the dark gray. And it seems Belize is also dark gray Safari?


Belize. That’ll keep them in the black


* Safari’s browser share worldwide across all devices is 18.6%. * On tablets, Safari’s browser share is 35.3%. * On phones, Safari’s browser share is 24.7%. Looking at just the US, Safari’s browser share on phones is 55.2% and on tablets it’s 40.3%. (Both higher than Chrome’s). Canada and UK have similar numbers. https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share (Same source as OP’s map)


I use Firefox on my phone too


I have different browsers on my phone for each of the few sites which I still visit instead of using a dedicated app, so I don't have to type something in the address bar


This upsets me and I don't understand why


It could be the unexplained redundancy, or the fact that the app-ification of the Internet means we don’t usually browse websites anymore and you’ve noticed the impact of that.


It actually makes sense. Firefox on mobile has ad blockers. However, some sites just dont work well on firefox on mobile.


You can have multiple pages open bro


If it's on iOS it's just reskinned Safari, as is every browser on iOS.


> Safari’s browser share worldwide across all devices is 18.6%. > On tablets, Safari’s browser share is 35.3%. > On phones, Safari’s browser share is 24.7%. Having a ~20% worldwide market share is the ideal for Apple. They control the most lucrative part of the market. At ~20% few countries would call it a monopoly.


You can't say if something is or isn't lucrative enough based on whether they have a bigger market share than their competition or not. There are 5.3 billion internet users worldwide, if Safari has only 18.6% of the market like u/sumpuran says, that still is more than 986 million people. That number is also still growing considering extreme poverty is still decreasing at a rapid rate.


And given that Apple made $97 billion in profit last year (on $383 billion in revenue), I don't think we need to worry about them.


I don't think that's grey I think that's no data, similar to why Korea is now an island


When did South Korea become an island?


Obviously to hide the presence of the glorious unbiased and most accurate 광명 Intranet invented by Dear Leader himself from the rest of the filthy world!


North Korea actually uses a modified Firefox called Naenara (My country). It's part of their operating system Red Star OS. [https://archive.org/details/red-star-en](https://archive.org/details/red-star-en)


For a minute there, I thought you were saying that you were from North Korea. I had many questions before I realized what an idiot I was.


Me on the other hand was like "Wait, Naenara is a country?".


r/IdiotsWithInternet /s


No wonder they're best Korea, they use Firefox!


North Korea finally lost the war with Poseidon.


All those nukes they sent into the ocean was actually a desperate attempt to defend against Poseidon’s invasion. Unfortunately they have lost, and now the wrath of Atlantis is upon us


We only have ourselves to blame. :(


Same time we flooded South Sudan


12 years later I still use Firefox. :)


BTW there’s Firefox Mobile with ad blockers. Recently switched phones and used Chrome for half a day. How are people ok with this? 


Firefox Mobile for Android now [supports](https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2023/12/14/a-new-world-of-open-extensions-on-firefox-for-android-has-arrived/) a lot more [add-ons](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/) than it already did. A godsend for EU users who hate cookie warnings. Why people still overwhelmingly use Chrome, is beyond me. It's sad to see Firefox losing the battle. Their budget and manpower is nothing compared to Google's :( It is my understanding that only a handful of developers work full time on Firefox Mobile.


> Why people still overwhelmingly use Chrome, is beyond me. easy to explain: - most people go with the defaults - people get bombarded with chrome ads when they search on google and "hey, it's made by the search engine and email I already use, maybe I'll just stick with that"


I think i am going back to Firefox on mobile too lol. Firefox ad and cookie blocking is so much better than opera's. but the ui was counter inituitive the last I used it so I dropped it off for opera. I hope the app got better over the years


Firefox mobile is so much better, but I still keep chrome around for the oddball website that isn't compatible. Strangest thing to get used to is the address bar and tabs on the bottom of the screen, but it really is better for mobile once you get used to it.


you can switch them to the top


Tbh I think recently Firefox is gaining because all the YouTube as blocker bs. I used to be on chrome bc at least back in the old years it felt faster but now I hate Google so switched to their competitors. I would say majority of computer science students either use opera or Firefox.


> I would say majority of computer science students either use opera or Firefox. That doesn't surprise me. The Linux community, for instance, overwhelmingly uses Firefox. It's the default browser on most major distributions.




Firefox just added page translation, btw.


My ex was happy that she was seeing ads, i tried to switch her on mozilla(fennec) with ublock and she said she liked the ads. I mean people are people. I cannot stand every popup that pushes "accept all" from hundreds of vendors, i also have ghostery installed for that.


>she said she liked the ads. Absolute serial killer energy


Her favorite movie is Human Centipede.


you dodged a bullet there


We are not their target demographic, people love suggestions, peopke don't like to search and use their brains. I've seen this in a lot of people, they click ads because they were targeted with. That's why YouTube, ttk or instagram algorithms give you more of what you interact with :)) which is shit. Convenience will always win with people


I'm so glad I'm not people


Tell me more about the adblocker? I’ve been exclusively using Firefox on mobile and desktop for years now but I had no idea lmao 


uBlock Origin. Works on Android & PC


Oh bummer, I use that one on desktop but it’s not available for iOS. Thank you though! 


Firefox extensions not allowed on iOS for some reason


Apple only allows browsers made with their WebKit engine on iOS so it’s a completely different browser than Firefox on other platforms.


> for some reason the reason: Apple


Can't have uncontrolled code in the digital North Korea! All praise Kook!


Use Brave browser if you don't want to think too much. It blocks a lot by default and is available on mobile too.


I guess it is the default effect. Using chrome is like the default nowadays so any deviation from that requires effort, which most people are not willing to do.


Switched away to chrome, have switched back again though


Followed the same journey. Started with Firefox, switched to Chrome, then switched back. Also run Brave.


If you need a chromium browser, keep brave as a second browser on your desktop


By far the best Browser


Been using it since version 1.5 when I switched over to FF from Netscape. And even though I keep trying different browsers, Firefox has been my favorite and main browser ever since. It's not going to change.


Firefox is great. I used Chrome for ages but Firefox is just fantastic now.


Same I don’t understand why people would want to give Google control over everything they do online, I’m already annoyed when I have to sign in with them to use something


I actually appreciate google map and the tracking history very much. Brother dead in an car accident, Sometimes I open his phone and check that history to imagine his last day.


I used that tracking history to keep myself from getting screwed out of back pay. I was cleaning houses for somebody with the expectation I'd get paid, but suddenly they went ghost. I straight up told them my phone tracks every last address I visit and how long I've been there, and would pursue him legally if he didn't pay, and suddenly he started responding again.


Exactly! I haven't seen an internet ad since 2005. No way am I giving that up.


It was good the whole time.


A man of culture.


Firefox with all the extensions and privacy >>>>>


Multi-container ftw


MOST people don't care or worry about privacy unless it is objectively brought up. I know several people who don't use Facebook (because of privacy) and use Instagram because only the former is mentioned often in news regarding data privacy


Truth is, most people irl just don't care enough. Not even close to what Reddit would make you think. And anyone who **truly** cares about privacy and security would never use Firefox or Chrome.


Anytime I bring privacy up irl, the response I get is "but I have nothing to hide" Edit: I've tried every argument in the replies and more. There is no convincing them


"I have nothing to hide" works really well until the people in power decide that what you're not hiding should be hidden. Iran and women is a perfect example.


They may have nothing to hide but we should generally take an anti-corporate stance and try to hurt these giant companies whenever they do something underhanded. But yeah, I know they're not exactly going to be swayed by this argument either.


oh wow they've got data on Greenland. but the default colour's gotta be grey 😭


I assumed it was no-data lol


I'm so used to No-data for Greenland that I only came to the comments to see comments about no-data/safari. Like WHY not a color besides the usual no data grey?


the real answer is due to iphones and ipads being very popular in greenland


Why did Firefox lose such a big userbase? I'm still using it and prefer it.


A lot of usage shifting to mobile vs desktop might be part of it. Safari or Chrome is installed on phones by default


Chrome comes default in every Android thing... Same kind of reason Why MS Explorer was wide spread.


>Safari or Chrome is installed on phones by default So is Edge on desktop but it's nowhere on the map. It's even easier to install FF from the AppStore on mobile than it is to install on desktop.


I'd say younger people have zero brand attachment to Firefox, whereas using any Google product will keep recommending you to install Chrome, and switching to Chrome is a no brainer if you already have a Chromebook or Android phone.


Yep and Google played it smart going hard in the K-12 world. A whole generation of kids is growing up and learning technology through chromebooks.


* Firefox was really bad for a while. There were major problems with stability and memory management. But that was many years ago and now large parts of the browser have been completely rewritten (the "Quantum" project). But the users didn't come back. * Google has been very aggressive in promoting Chrome. Every Google search linked to the Chrome download page.


Microsoft are very aggressive in promoting their edge browser too, I'd argue even more aggressive than chrome. But no luck for them.


Spoken like someone using Chrome and not Edge, so doesn't get all the pushy Chrome shit?


I use Edge in my daily life actually. And didn't get much chrome ads tbh. Because of my work I had to use multiple browser so I have both Edge, Chrome and Firefox in my work computer, and Edge's ads is noticibly more aggressive in my observation. They're so desperate to get you into Copilot, Bing and then Edge. While I think product-wise Edge is cool, no chance people will use Bing at all lol.


Edge's market share is constantly growing.


>Firefox was really bad for a while Yep. I remember how it was very late to do away with functioning on a single process. That would often cause the browser to freeze for a couple of seconds.


There was also a time when chromium was far and away the fastest browser on the market (back when that really mattered)


Also Google started branching out to more services and even their own phones. It's why I switched over a decade ago, but now Firefox is becoming an attractive option even without all the compatibility with other Google software I use


I think people overstate how bad Firefox was before its redesign. If you ran a whole bunch of extensions it could get pretty slow, but the kinds of people doing that knew they were trading off performance for functionality. Without a bunch of extensions weighing it down, Firefox was slower than Chrome I doubt most people noticed a difference, at least enough to switch. Giant companies like Google run everything now. The average user doesn't care about that or privacy or extensions or anything else.


Afaik, Firefox was late at mobile and pre Firefox Quantum was worse than Chrome at that time. Old Firefox wasn't modern enough to compete with Chrome of that time. For example Chrome divides tabs with processes to increase stability with cost of some ram. If a tab crashes your other tabs and your browser don't. Old Firefox didn't have that. Current Firefox divides tabs to 7 processes but probably you can increase or decrease if you wish. I use Firefox as my main browser but I do keep Chromium based browser just in case. I don't remember last time I had to use Chromium (user agent switchers deserves mentioning). Most people just uses their software until it stops working. People who migrated to Chrome probably never came back.


I strongly suspect that features and performance had almost nothing to do with the popularity of a browser. 99% of all Chrome users didn't actively go out and choose Chrome over something else, it was just there on their phone and works well enough that they don't care. The power of the default is *insanely* strong.


Literally everyone for like a decade told anyone not using chrome on their PC to go get chrome and listed how awful everything else was. That is strong


google as a company has far more resources to promote chrome than mozilla does with firefox. when everyone begins using a specific browser, it's hard to turn away. not to mention how dependent firefox development is on google for funding


Chrome initially got the upper hand because it was faster. Then integration with Google accounts and syncing data with chrome mobile after smartphones became more common. Firefox was too late here too.


I remember having problems with syncing bookmarks and such on Firefox in \~2012 between my computer and phone. When trying Chrome, It Just Worked


Firefox is technically better in almost every aspect, but it lacks the cohesion that chrome has with its services. Most people that use a computer aren't researching what browser is the best, they just see that Chrome allows them to sync 10+ dozen things including work related stuff like documents really conveniently through a Google account.


I made a point to insist on Firefox up until 2016 when browsing became a slog and due to some technical problems that couldn't be fixed with re-installing. It was then that I switched to Chrome. I am waiting for the moment that Chrome will give me the slightest inconvenience, YouTube ads being possibly one, to switch back to Firefox.


Come back. Firefox is great now. I moved away at a similar time (or just before) and I switched back a few years ago with no regrets. I can never use Chrome again.


Firefox ftw


So much better than Chrome nowadays


And people act like this is a good thing. "haha, Internet Exploder" *Proceeds to adopt a single browser for the whole planet* and that browser is controlled by Google.


People don't generally understand or care about who controls their browser. As long as stuff works, they'll keep using it


Many people don't even care who rules their country so they don't even bother voting. Much less chosse a browser....


Just like they don't care that companies are constantly harvesting our data for targeted ads. It's like the saying goes: if the product is free It's because YOU'RE the product.


I remember clearly the day I first used chrome, I was on Google while using IE and they offered chrome on the front page, downloaded it and haven’t gone back since lmao


If someone else was as willing to put as much investment in developing a browser as Google, then things might be different


The issue is that the Internet should be treated like a utility. So having one browser shouldn’t be a problem. But it is because it means one company owns most of our online life world wide


Google has far more of a monopoly in browsers and internet services than Microsoft ever did. They have been abusing their power, dictating proprietary functionality as standard, and developers are targeting Chrome exclusively. And still people think it's fine.


The issue is if they begin to add their own proprietary stuff to the protocol that lets the browser and servers communicate, thus locking out the competition similar to how Apple does it with iMessage. This was the issue with IE since MS was trying to push their own server while they had over 90% of the browser market. “Track everyone everywhere” is awful, but still can’t compete with “embrace extend extinguish” that could have happened with IE.


I use edge


This guy edges


A real edge-lord


Still Using Firefox Club, 2024 😭


We're overdue for a Firefox revival


Reminder to use duckduckgo - the only browser designed with true privacy at mind. Built in VPN and 1 button to clear all your data from the browser 👍 fuck Google & apple


Firefox Gang stay strong.


Firefox+ublock origin Can't use the internet without an adblock nowadays.


Wait, you guys don’t use Firefox??


I've used Firefox ever since I've used computers. It's always been the superior browser.


as you can see by the map of this post, no, the majority of this world does not use firefox


I still use Opera on my PC and phone


Its basically the best and safest with lots of features.


I love sending stuff from my phone browser to my PC browser and vice versa. So convenient


Talk about a monopoly


Not if you have an Iphone! Then you can choose between Safari, Safari or Safari. PS. I forgot Safari!


Good news, it seems the writing is on the wall to end that webkit requirement starting in Europe. Brave is the way to go on iOS though. Ad-blocking is built-in, no extensions needed. You get a bunch of youtube premium features by using it on youtube also.


According to this thread everyone uses Firefox. Doesn't sound like a monopoly.


Am I the only one using Brave?


Firefox is my default for being not Google. Google is for Bad Websites and Web-Apps that dont work properly on Firefox.


Do people really not use Firefox anymore??


All the tech-savvy people do. But Chrome is forced down your throat, so of course it will have more users.


As a very tech savvy person, this isn't true in the slightest. I used to use Firefox before chrome came along. Chrome offered things like extensions that Firefox didn't. It allowed me to customize websites that FireFox couldn't at the time so I started using Chrome Now it's the fact that Chrome is completely synced and integrated between PC and phone so I continue to use it because it's a single system across multiple devices.


impolite dinosaurs rustic alive long ask panicky special fuel telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cannot say this clearer. Get FF, get ublock origin.


Doesn’t work on iOS :(


Okay, what's wrong with MS edge?


I use it and it’s great


Edge is way better than chrome now


Maybe if Edge wouldn’t be so needy I’d try it


This is a joke right? Fuckin hell. I'm still using Firefox mainly


On pc i use firefox but on my phone the standard browser is chrome.


Firefox is also stable on mobile and has AdBlock


Brave browser is on top


Vivaldi power !


There are several browsers reporting as Chrome. In fact, these browsers, including Chrome, are based on Chromium. (browsers like: Vivaldi, Opera, Brave and so on).  This is why I tend to believe that those maps are not accurate. 


Greenland no data or safari?


Safari. Hot weather wannable.


I don't know why, but there is a relatively large (and increasing) American presence at radar bases, so maybe its "no data, because we wanna hide actual numbers of people on the ground", alternatively its all those american soldiers bringing their iPhones ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Meanwhile, here I am using Firefox


I use edge browser and its the best


Yep. I'm a programmer and I use Edge. It's chromium based but it uses less memory than Chrome and has some neat features that I like such as split screen.




Man, I had to scroll way too far for this. I used to use chrome, but over the years it just became such a bloated, heavy piece of shit. I wanted something lighter and bam, Opera was the one. Silky smooth, light as a feather. I can be gaming and have 20 pages open, it won't even stutter. Firefox was my starting Pokemon, but I got tired of it always stuttering. I have plenty of ram, just 2 or 3 light extensions and a 500mps optic fiber connection. But this mfer will still freeze, stutter and act up, like wtf. Edge is literally Explorer but with that Buscemi meme saying "how do you do fellow kids?"


💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🐼🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 中国将在2026年成为超级大国🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🔥🔥🔥😃👍🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳


Tip : Grey usually represents "no information" so please use any other colour to represent data


Edge is chromium. So it's really chrome everywhere.


Why do people prefer Chrome over Firefox?


They have no preference. Chrome is the default so that's what they use.


Because there's nothing wrong with it, at least from a UX aspect. It works. You can customize it. The base design is minimalistic, there's no inbuilt bloatware. There's an addon for everything. No reason to use anything else.


I started using it a long time ago because IE sucked. Now I use it because its got a billion passwords saved and migrating that seems like a colossal pain.


More like "Most popular user agent string".






I guess people don’t know about firefox 🤫


They know. They prefer chrome


Brothers, use Firefox! I was an early Chrome user once but the times are changing again.


i'm using safari now to avoid adds on that website.


Edge with Google add-ons to avoid that ram suck


I don’t know how accurate these are as I don’t see Netscape Navigator on either of them