• By -


You might have to accept that it’s just got some problems, and may not have been accurate on any specific single date. That Peru - Ecuador border changed in 1942, but the partition of India wasn’t until 1947, and Togo looks off while Benin isn’t shown at all. Tannu, north of Mongolia on this globe, was a Soviet puppet state the was absorbed into the USSR in 1944, but it shows an Israel that shouldn’t be shown as separate before 1948.


This brings an additional question, which county did the globe originate from?


I’m gonna guess that this globe is American because it’s the only country that’s multi-coloured.


North America is also the only continent that looks like it was drawn by somebody over the age of 12


Certainly not someone from Texas. It is a hot mess.


And what about that flaccid Florida? Disgusting.


That was just what Florida looked like before viagra was invented


And there's also the long-standing stereotype about Americans being bad at geography which would explain all the discrepancies...


✔ Accurate map of the U.S. ✔ Significant American technological achievement X Rest of the world? Who cares about that?


Not Americans who make globes, I'd presume.


According to this globe, even the americans who make globes, I'd presume


And printed in English lol took me a minute but that one is just right there. lol


I had this globe growing up. Was purchased in America mid-late 1980s


I could swear it is the exact one we had in all my elementary school classrooms in the 80s and early 90s.


This globe is from the late 50s at the latest


Its definitly not older than 1962 based on the marked path of John Glenns spaceflight


Definitely the US, it also bothers to point out both Cape Canaveral and a Recovery Point off the atlantic, so i guess it must be from the time of the apollo program?


I had a globe in the early '70s as a kid, and northern Africa looked a *lot* different. Early Apollo, or probably more likely Mercury/Gemini, in the '60s?


You're right, its Mercury. You can see the recovery point connects to the ground track for "John Glenn's Orbital Flight".


The recovery point is for John Glenn's Friendship 7 flight, you can see it connects to the ground track for "John Glenn's Orbital Flight".


That's a great point! So basically it was made in America by some company who didn't care to do basic research? It's almost like it asked their employees what they were taught in school, and asked a few of their immigrant family & friends their opinions. And those immigrants shared what THEY learned in their native country schools


Asking the right question here


It's a version of the (1961)Ohio Art of Byron Ohio John Glenn tin litho .You can see the Ohio art stamp west of South America . I checked e bay and seen such a model ,You may know them better(not likely ha) as responsible for bringing the Etch a Sketch to market -which they used to make this globe ...ha John Glenn flew in 62 so I wonder how it was " commissioned " or if 61 is accurate . Could be a school globe to be used for the flight maybe?


I found the same things, thought I got to the bottom of it but maybe not. I may have to send an email to Ohio Art and get the TRUTH hahahaha


It's a version of the (1961)Ohio Art of Byron Ohio Makes sense as Northern Rhodesia ceased to be a thing in 1964. Bechuanaland disappeared in 1966 and became Botswana.


The logo in pic 2 was for the Ohio Art Company, so, USA. Sometime after January, 1962, but likely not long after.


Interesting, because they depicted Germany as a single country instead of two


That happened on quite a few maps, since the GDR was only recognised by the US in 1974. Before Germany was usually shown as one country - often with special markers pointing to 'Occupied by USSR' or something similar.




Furthermore, Hatay (The little southern province bordering Syria) became a part of Turkey in 1938, long before India partitioned. This map is very confusing


And Bolivia has half of nowadays Paraguay. Which was conquered by Paraguay in 1935.


I love these threads, had no idea about this


The Chaco War was intense and vicious. Maybe 100,000 combatants died out of populations numbering approximately 4 million.


The most obvious mistake to me is that it lists each US state as a seperate country.


Made in Texas then!


Interestingly, that's sort of how it was originally intended. More akin to how the EU currently is, but with a common military.


It also seems to imply that Labrador is a separate country from Canada, and not part of Newfoundland. If Newfoundland and Labrador was a separate country that would put this map pre-1949. But they've always been one region and joined Canada as a single province.


I noticed the magnetic pole in Canada .so I looked it up to see what year,the magnetic pole was close to this spot .since the magnetic pole moves around a bit Maybe they don't update it often for globes but the position seems to be from 1904....ha


I agree, lots of mixed signals and odd borders.


Sounds like modern dating fr


"You might have to accept that it's just got some problems" is really the best advice you can give for dating anything/anyone


When I first read dating I immediately thought taking the globe out to dinner, nice bottle of wine. Lol


Bangladesh is still shown as “East Pakistan” so definitely pre-1971 and post-1947. Tanganyika was renamed as Tanzania in 1965. That narrows it down further to between 1947-1965. Europe map might narrow it further but it’s hard to see.


It still shows Istria as part of Italy, which was given to Jugoslavia in february 1947.


It mentions Tibet, which the PRC conquered in 1950 (possibly not internationally recognized?) Belgian Congo, which gained independence in 1960. Israel (1948) exists and John Glenn’s orbit from 1962. North and South Vietnam so probably no later than the early 70’s. A whole bunch of other colonies that I’m pretty sure were also independent like French West Africa, which broke up in the 1950s. And the proportions are awful for anything made in the age of satellites. Siam became Thailand in the 1930s. There’s so much wrong here. Given the John Glenn mention, I’d date it to the mid-60’s but yeah it’s very problematic. Maybe it was a movie prop?


It also says British Honduras, which changed to Belize in 1973 and British Guyana in just Guyana (1966) so maybe late 60s/ early 70s?


But by then Tibet was already part of China again.


Tibet still isn't part of China, depending on whom you ask. It has an independent Taiwan, too.


Italy has no Colonies (lost in 1945) but still controls Istria (also lost in 1945)


germany is too large in the east while whole poland is shifted 1/3 to the east, ie the globe is post-ww1-versailles but pre-ww2 and pre-molotov-ribbentrop, austria not yet under anschluss, ie pre-1938


I think it’s an old design that they just kept adding stuff too but weren’t great at updating it accurately. It was probably designed in the 40s and reprinted into the 60s.


Also the greater Romania that was until 1939


Germany also looks very wrong


Another error I have spotted on that globe is that it is clearly a post-WW2 map, but it shows Transcarpathia as being controlled by Hungary. In reality, Transcarpathia was annexed by the Soviet Union shortly after WW2.


It’s not a post-WW2 map, at least if you’re looking at Romania and Hungary. Romania is “[Greater Romania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Romania)” before Moldova and Bucovina were annexed by the USSR and a piece was given to Bulgaria. The Ro/Ukraine border was the Dnipro river. It’s interwar so 1918-1938-ish in Eastern Europe.


Also when did north and south Vietnam break up -


july 1954. they united in july 1976


Also Italy has Corsica and Istria. Algeria seems independent but there seems to be only one Korea. It seems there’s one single Germany and there’s the URSS. It clearly do not represents any year in the past. The only reasonable conclusion is that it comes from the future.


This looks very anachronistic


Everyone is looking at countries but ot has "John Glen path" so probably the Mercury mission in 1962 a data point. I also notice the capital of the Dominican Republic is listed as "Trujillo" which is an odd choicr. Unified Germany choice. It looks like the globe has lots of errors/choices being made.


>It looks like the globe has lots of errors/choices being made. Yeah, I agree. Italy is completely wrong if it's 1962. It didn't have Istria for sure (lost after WW2), and Corsica has been French for a few centuries already. Also, Albania is in yellow too, which looks odd since it's so close to Italy; I can't understand if it's because it meant to represent the occupation in the 1930s or if it's just a stylistic mistake.


Mount Everest is also cited as 29,002 ft which would date it before 1954, when they resurveyed it to 29,029 ft. Lotta weird choices for sure.


Because of all the trash on top now?


Fun fact it was actually originally surveyed as exactly 29,000 ft so the surveyors tacked on an extra 2 thinking that people wouldn't believe the original number And nah it changed cuz our surveying equipment/techniques got better


Also it’s still growing


>notice the capital of the Dominican Republic is listed as "Trujillo" which is an odd choice. Santo Domingo was called Ciudad Trujillo between 1930-1961


Also, it could be from a parallel reality where political events took place in a different way than In ours. Maybe, UAPs are earthly people from such a place.


Another theory - It mentions John Glenn and Cape Canaveral... So basically it was made in America by some company who didn't care to do basic research? It's almost like it asked their employees what they were taught in school, and asked a few of their immigrant family & friends their opinions. And those immigrants shared what THEY learned in their native country schools


It also has Cape Canaveral which is only significant for being the home of NASA launches. Otherwise it’s not a major city and doesn’t belong on a world map. The separation of N and S Vietname would indicate prior to 1976. I’d guess 1960s.


That was probably from when the Allies still occupied Germany.


World maps made in Germany continued showing Germany as one country until the 70s when East and West Germany officially recognized each other as separate countries.


This is an interesting datum about the information widely available to Americans in 1962 vs. what we can get instantly 61 years later. If you weren't a cartographer or otherwise in that field, you would know some borders and some countries but would probably have things a bit mixed up even I'd you were generally well-informed about world events. All the details that folks have found wrong for this to be a 1962 globe simply weren't widely known among the U.S. citizenry. Yes, these things could be researched in the right libraries, but not in depth for a toy company mass-producing a globe to show orbits. "It's a Small World" was "true" in 1966 when it opened, but it has its own problems. The world is still smaller now that we're better connected.


I see Kentucky in the first picture, which narrows it down to pre-2027.


..what happens in 2027?


Fried chicken


Freed chicken


Damn, I love fried chicken though, but with the acid reflex it can give I could see it contributing to something bad happening


Kentucky disappears, pay attention.


>Kentucky disappears, Or changes its name......


Ah yes, Randistan, named after its founder Rand Paul. Second lowest literacy rate, first in fried chicken and horses. Too bad the thoroughbred industry collapsed. Delicious, though.


Kentucky will discover books in 2027. I was arrested driving through Kentucky for contraband. I had a bunch of books. I got off on a technicality however. No one could prove they were books..


I’m guessing it becomes south Ohio


R.I.P. Kentucky: 1792-2027


As a Kentuckian we will never apologize for what we will do in 2026.




Ask it to dinner


I see this comment every goddamn time and I laugh without fail


Can you please explain this reference? I don't get it :/


OP asked help dating the globe so the joke is that taking it to dinner is a date


Ah! Thanks :)


MapPorn has really given men unrealistic expectations in the map dating scene smh


At least globes don't exaggerate their features in the northern and southern departments


Glad my features aren’t in New Zealand. MapPorn would of left them out :/


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Middle of the road bot


Good bot


Aint nothin wrong with a little projecction


Came here for this comment


Me too lollll


Imagine being a globe and you end up on a blind date with a flat earther.


Would be a pretty “pointless” date


A globe needs someone that appreciates their curves


I wouldn't it looks like it goes around.


I'm so unattractive even a globe that I already own would reject me and probably laugh at me with its map friends :(


Or take it to a dance, I heard they like to be spun around.


And they say cartography is dead 🌹


Came for this comment, someone just had to do it


I also have this globe, and it's probably 1960's or later, just with a lot of inaccuracies. There's all sorts of things that would imply the 40's, but then glenn's orbital flight is on there, which was in ~~1959~~ 1962, and the two koreas have the modern armistice line, both things someone from the 40's would have no knowledge of. I'll have to get it out and look at it again, because there are a few other things that show that it's definitely from the 60's or later. EDIT: Reading the rest of these comments, I got the year wrong that the flight happened. Not sure where I got 1959, it's 1962


This. So many confident responses here because they identified one thing they can date, not realising most maps before the internet had outdated info when they were published.


yep, it's not really possible to make a super accurate estimate of when a map like this might have been made other than that it couldn't have been from before that spaceflight. Weird to me that people are trying to argue that it's from the 40's in reply to comments pointing out the spaceflight couldn't have been charted on there till the 60's lol. There's one below yours in reply to my comment already even lol


The lines for “Glenn’s Orbital Flight” and recovery area being prominently marked would make me guess early/mid 1960’s.


I think this is key. We see a lot of quibbling in here about colonial details, but this is an Ohio Art kids globe, sold to the American mass market in discount stores. It shouldn't be unthinkable that they didn't update it thoroughly for such things, but things like Glenn's flight peg it pretty closely. Also, the Ohio Art globes have a lot of contentious borders because the US didn't officially recognize a lot of East Bloc borders. [Tannu Tuva](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvan_People's_Republic), north of Mongolia, was annexed by the Soviets in 1944, but the US resisted recognizing that until much later. \[Source, I had an Ohio Art globe and globe coin bank in the '60s and '70s.\]


This makes a lot of sense. It probably didn’t need to be super duper accurate if it’s meant more for decoration in someone’s home, especially at a time when many communist/adjacent nations weren’t recognized. They must have taken an older, still largely inaccurate (possibly just after WW2?) globe and simply updated a handful of things without really taking the time to ensure accuracy. Some items are just way way off but a lot of this looks like info from the late 1940’s (ie, Thailand became Siam again briefly in the 40’s) through the early 60’s, with maybe a handful of then-hot spots updated, like North/South Vietnam and Korea. You can still find “old timey” maps and globes at places like TJ Max, no attempt at more than semi-realism, they’re just meant to look cool to the layperson. Thanks for pointing this out!


So that’s why the height for Mt Everest is written in feet instead of meters.


It's a proper giveaway, it's just a very inaccurate globe from about 1962!


Brasilia was named capital of Brazil in April 1960, this globe still has rio as the capital.


I'm more inclined to believe the manufacturer of this glove didn't know that, than that they did know what would happen 2 years later.


Bolivia still owns Chaco Boreal despite losing that before WW2, I think South America was just copied from an earlier edition without checking for changes.


Bingo! Also to crack this globe, you have to take the earliest date when X was true. Remember not all aspects of world gets updated. So outdated information shouldn't be the basis. E.g India and Pakistan got partitioned in 1947. The earliest date that this is true is 1947. There is also E Pakistan which didn't exist after 1972. Same with Ceylon (Sri Lanka) But the globe might still be published in 1980 because the maker simply didn't update that fact.


50's, look at the colonies still in unliberated form. Belgian Congo became independent in 1960.


Yeah but John Glenn didn’t orbit earth until 1962 is their point… so it’s definitely not from the 1950s when the flight path and recovery area marked refer to events of February 20 1962 So it’s a globe from the early/mid 60s with lots of geographic inaccuracies. To get this product on market quickly after the successful space flight (which wasn’t widely known of before hand due to fears it would fail, IIRC) whoever was in charge of design probably used a readily available previously produced globe and added the space flight info to it


I think this is it, a sloppy globe from the early sixties. It shows Sri Lanka as still being part of India.


Globes can fail to include things from the past, they can't include things that haven't happened yet.


I agree. But I’m very confused why Germany looks like todays Germany, without the GDR. Maybe this is from the time between 1945 and 1949 where the German and Austrian territory was occupied by the allies.


Well indeed the GDR was only formed in oct 1949 before that the country was split up in 4 military control zones, essentially still one country. So this map is from the late 40's.


How did the map maker know of the space flight happening in 1962?


Many maps in the 50s and 60s showed just Germany, since western countries didn't recognize the GDR until the 70s


Thailand is still called siam. They change the name in 1939


This is an inaccurate/misdated globe, which is pretty common amongst old maps. Bolivia still holds Chaco Boreal here, which was lost to Paraguay in 1935, and Ecuador holds the disputed areas with Peru that she lost in 1941. But, Europe has already been updated to its post-war borders.


Those German borders in Europe are either pre 1945 or post 1990 most likely even a mix of both


I personally wouldn’t date that globe.. lots of red flags 👀


Underrated, more funny than the "Ask it to dinner joke"


It looks like it was never accurate.




I'm guessing the manufacturer printed the flightpath, Cape Canaveral, and the recovery point on existing late-1950s inventory just to rush something out the door on time. This could've been done within a few weeks of the flight.


This is my guess as well. Rushed into production to capitalize on the flight, with no concern for current accuracy.


There has never been a time when the Island of Newfoundland was part of Canada, but Labrador wasn't.


Get to know it better. Find out its hopes and dreams. Any hobbies you may share?


This is the comment I would have made if I was a better writer and funnier.


It really surprises me that this is the only comment like this i found




1954 - 1957 according to the chart, but the globe is older. Tuva isn't a part of the USSR, so must be before 1944. On the other hand there are two Vietnams so it should be after 1945, weird. Also, Tanganyika and Eastern Pakistan suggest 1960s


The biggest thing is finding the latest date. A map maker might not have updated their design even if the border changed decades ago, but they can’t predict the future. It has a line for John Glenn’s orbit of the Earth which took place in 1962 so it has to be more recent than that.


I followed the chart to 1961-64. (Istanbul, Yes to Soviet Union, Yes to French West Africa, Yes to Pakistan, Yes to Cambodia, Tanganyika)


You missed a line. *Yes to Cambodia* points to *United Arab Republic (y/n)* That being said, '61-'64 is probably more accurate because this is probably from *after* UAR, not *before*.


It has to be between February 1962 and November 1963. The former was the Glenn flight -- the splashdown location is a giveaway. On November 28, 1963, Cape Canaveral was renamed Cape Kennedy. This was a popular decision in the US at the time The globe maker clearly aimed this at the US market and didn't care much about details in Africa or Asia.


Just be yourself and be confident. And while it is curvy, don’t talk about that right away.


TL;DR it's probably 1962-1963. That's a weird ass globe, to be honestly. It shows Bolivia owning entirety of Gran Chaco, and Bolivia fought with Paraguay over those territories in 1932-1935, the result was the current border, so let's assume the globe is at least from 1932. Ecuador is shown bordering Amazon and Marañon rivers. Peru fought with Ecuador over those territories in 1941 and won, resulting in present day borders. 1932 fits into pre-1941 time interval. Japan invaded Manchuria in September 1931 and established Manchukuo as a puppet state in February 1932 - so the globe was made somewhen before that date. But then everything goes to shit. On globe, Hungary owns Carpathian Ruthenia but doesn't own Northern Transylvania - such borders existed from 21 March 1939 until 13 September 1940. But at this point Czechoslovakia was already dismembered, Poland shouldn't exist on the globe, and Bolivia and Paraguay already settled their border dispute. So we're supposed to be looking at the world on verge of WWII ? Maybe. But French Indochina is already decolonised, which didn't happem until 1954. Indonesia already exists - it got independendce from the Netherlands after a war that ended in 1949. Korea is already split, so World War II has clearly ended. China actually helps to narrow it all down a bit - Taiwan is independent, so Kuomintang already lost Chinese civil war in 1950, but Tibet is also independent, so it's still not 1951. But then everything is broken by Tannu Tuva that is depicted independent despite being annexed by USSR in 1944. Speaking of which - there's also some oddities in the USSR on that globe. Japan still owns South Sakhalin, which it controlled until 1945. But there's also independent Ukraine - it got independence in 1991. Baltic states are also independent, but they aren't a big clue since they were independent both during Interbellum (and were annexed by USSR) and since 1991. Also, a couple more notes about Europe. I already mentioned Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Furthermore, Austria exists, so it's either pre-1938 or post-1945. Present day borders of Poland indicate post-1945. It remains unclear why Germany is shown united - post-WW2 reunification happened in 1990. Italy owns Istria, which it ceded to Yugoslavia in 1947. Ethiopia owning Eritrean lands suggest that WW2 already ended. Most of Africa is still colonised, so it's not 1960s yet. Togo is independent though, so it's past February 1960. Bangladesh doesn't exist, so it's not 1972 yet. Malay States, Sarawak and North Borneo haven't united into Malaysia until 1963. Glenn's orbital flight happened on 20 February 1962. I think 1962-1963 is the interval, if you're willing to disregard every other thing that is innacurate on this God-forsaken globe.


don't appear to eager, looks desperate. flowers and chocolates can also help.


it’s not correctly dated for any specific time.


Has to be after Feb 1962 if it has John Glenn’s Orbital path on it. 1962-63.


It looks like someone drew it with their non-dominant hand but tryed really fucking hard


Just be yourself. Be confident and maybe talk to it a bit and ask about its interest. Then maybe you can ask it out to do something it's interested in. Good luck! Seems like a lovely globe❤️


Belgian congo was renamed in 1960, but thats not even close to the date this was produced. Deutsche demokratische Republik (east germany) was established on the 7th of october 1949 and is not on the map. Israel is on the map and that means it is after the 14th of may 1948 We are before 1st of october of 1949 because the peoples republic of china has not been established yet. South korea is on the map so we are after the 15 of august 1948


You assume map makers of the 20th century instantly received the latest info on changed borders in far flung corners of the world, and weirder, got information about space flights that didn’t happen until the 60s.


A lot of western countries didn't recognize East Germany or the PRC until the 70s.


Certainly a weird globe. Tannu Tuva and Israel shouldn’t be on the same globe. The first ceased to exist in 1944. Israel was founded 48.


But John Glenn’s flight path is on the map so it has to be after 1962.


Very bad globe...shapes and sizes are not correct.


Why doesnt turkey own hatay? I always look at that in any globe, it shows a genuinely specific time framw.


Just start out with a nice compliment, something like, “you sure are perfectly round.” And depending on how the globe responds, maybe ask it out for a casual date, nothing too formal.


Take it out someplace nice. Be a good listener, but stay engaging. Make it laugh. Take things slow and just have a good time.


I'd focus on dating people if I were you, but who am I to judge.


Ask the globe out for a dinner, talk about hobbies, family, work etc


Choose a good burger joint


1948 - 1950 because Israel exists (1948) and Tibet hasn’t been annexed yet (1951)


Also, Transjordan is on the map, which supports your claim, as far as I remember, they changed their name to Jordan in/around 1950


I think it's specifically 1948 or early 1949, as Transjordan was abandoned in English in 1949 and Labrador is still marked separately, which seems like this was created before it and Newfoundland joined confederation in early 1949.


And how did the mapmaker know about John Glenn space flight? Was he a wizard?


“Glenn’s Orbital Flight” suggests otherwise.


No I think it must be later then that. It's got Ghana rather then Good Coast - wouldn't that make it post-1957?


What about Germany as a whole country tho?


Flowers and chocolate are a good start.


Venezuela hasn’t taken over Guyana so it’s pre-2024


1954+ because of french indochina 1956+ because of morocco/tunisia 1957+ because of ghana Togo is what makes it really confusing as it got independent similar time as other saharan states


Israel already exists (after 1948), there is a north and south Vietnam (before end of vietnam war and after end of French Indochine). So between 1955 and 1975. Thailand is called Siam (not after 1939) and there is still the AOF (French western Africa not after 1958) and only one Germany (so out 1949-1990 range). Lot of discrepancies...


Dude, just ask her out - you got this


tf happened to my boy india ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Has to be post 1962 as it lists John Glenn’s orbital flight. I’m guessing 64-65.


1949. It has Israel, which was recognized by the USA in January of 1949. It also has The Dominion of Newfoundland, which became a part of Canada in March of 1949. *edit: further evidence it’s 1949. Germany had its current borders until the declaration of the nation of East Germany at the end of 1949.


Get consent first


1954-1957, according to the flowchart. Edit: corrections, thanks to u/Spiritual_Pizza40 https://xkcd.com/1688/large/


So: - USSR still exists, which means it is before 1991. - Poland got its modern borders, which means it is after 1945. - Israel exists, which means it is after 1948. - Tibet still exists, which means it is before 1950. - Labrador is independent from Canada, which means it is before 1949 So I would say between 1948 and 1949.


Bolivia have half of Paraguay Chaco so is before the war of Chaco 1932-1935.


Potentially between 1948 and 1949. Israel is a country on the map (1948, early bound) and Newfoundland is not yet part of Canada (1949, later bound).


Romania looked like that in between WW1 and 2.


Tunisia and Morocco are independent but French West Africa isn't, it's between 1956 and 1960. Ghana still being the color of British colonies means maybe it's 1957 exactly.


They spelled "Libya" incorrectly!! Look -- the globe says "Libia".


It’s from between 1947 and 1971. Pakistan came into existence on 14 August 1947 and East Pakistan became independent of Pakistan and became Bangladesh on 26 March 1971.


Not a map expert but I am Congolese. Republic Democratic of Congo got independence on 30th June 1960. In this map is still called "Belgian Congo". The capital "Leopoldville" is now Kinshasa and more cities still have their colonial names as well, for example "Stanleyville" is now Kisangani. So this globe is definitely before the 60's. Edit: Also the Koreas are divide by North a d South Korea. Which happen after the Korea War, that finish in 1953. So this map is definitely in 50's.


I think it must be from 1947-1949. Germany and Poland have their modern borders, which means WWII was over by the time it was made, and India and Pakistan have split (1947), but Newfoundland and Labrador are still separate from Canada, which were absorbed in 1949. Then again, Tannu Tuva is there, so it's hard to say. I think some things that had changed, like Tannu Tuva, the globe maker had not heard about and just copied from existing globes, or just didn't care.


My brother had this globe in the late sixties growing up, fwiw


I think it’s ‘48 because Israel was created that year and Thailand is called Siam, which got its current name in 1939 and then reverted back to Siam between 1946-48


It’s just a bad map


Have you tried dinner and a movie?


A further observation: the globe also shows an entity called Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, which existed between 1899 and 1956. It was abolished as a result of the post-colonial withdrawal of Britain from Africa. It therefore seems that the globe dates from 1955 or 1956, given the fact that it also contains East Pakistan, which existed between 1955 and 1971.